• Published 28th Aug 2015
  • 2,140 Views, 44 Comments

Scootaloo's Biggest Mistake - Matt11

Being in school every single day can get boring, so Scootaloo decides to skip one day, what could go wrong?

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Chapter 4

Rainbow Dash had woken up a few hours ago and decided to do some training. She practiced her three sixty skydive, she hit a few trees but she managed to kick through them and leave a blazing trail through the air. As she finished her new movie she expected to hear ponies cheering for her and telling her how awesome she was, but she didn’t hear anything and this saddened her.

The realization hit her; Scootaloo was the only pony that stuck next to her and cheered for her without Scootaloo she was nothing. Dash didn’t know what to do, she could apologize but it but was too late now, Dizzy wouldn’t trust her. Feeling defeated Dash headed back home. “I am so stupid how could I even give Scootaloo that idea? I am irresponsible,” she thought.

As she got home she plummeted onto her soft cloud bed but she was unable to figure out what to do. She could go talk with Dizzy but she probably still hated her for dropping out of school. She was one of her best friends and she left her, but she also cared about Scootaloo. All the thinking gave her a major headache that she couldn’t figure out how to deal with. Tears filled Dash’s eyes she truly missed her little sister.

“I don’t know what to do. I can’t go talk to her mother, she probably hates me after all the mistakes I’ve made” she said and got up to take some aspirin to get rid of her headache. She waited for them to take effect and once they did she decided she would let time pass and heal this particular wound. Maybe within a week she and Scootaloo could spend time together again.

A week had passed since Scootaloo skipped school. She was able to spend a lot of time with her mother they had played tag and gardened. The only thing that Scootaloo really minded was that her mom had kept her promise of always walking her to school. It was really embarrassing she always said “Bye sweetie mommy will miss you,” and then kissed her.` Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon always got a kick out of it when she did that.

But Scootaloo could tell that her mother had forgiven her and that meant that maybe now she would let her go flight training with Rainbow Dash. It didn’t seem like she was that seriously going to take Rainbow away, she must have been faking it.

Scootaloo got up from her her bed and started walking downstairs, “This probably just meant to teach me a lesson. I mean she would never ever take away somepony who cares about me,” she thought as she walked into the living room.

When she got into the room her mother was reading the newspaper. “Hey mom is it ok if I can go flight training with Rainbow Dash?” she asked knowing full well her mother would obviously say yes; however the answer she got shocked her.

Dizzy Twister raised an eyebrow, “Scootaloo when I said I don’t want you hanging around that pony anymore I meant it, so no you can’t.”

Scootaloo got angry. “But mom that's not fair, why do you have to be so lame. I’m always mocked because I can’t fly.”

I could teach you, but I will not allow a irresponsable pony to teach you, you could get hurt!” she said sternly.

I don’t want anypony else to teach me besides Rainbow Dash, she's better than you!” Scootaloo was filled with utter rage at this point. She truly couldn’t understand why her mother hated Dash so much, but she wasn’t going to let anypony not even her mother keep her away from her sister.

Dizzy Twister stood up and looked directly into Scootaloo’s eyes. “This is getting Ridiculous Scootaloo… go to your room right now, I’ll count to three if you don’t go I will ground you for another day” she said serious.

“”No, I won’t…...you…. you only care about yourself,” the rage had reached its limit and Scootaloo started to say something she would truly regret, “I HATE YOU!” she shouted. “I wish dad was still here at least he knew how to take care of me”. Those words left Dizzy in a stone state, she couldn’t move what truly got her was the I hate you, it was like a bullet to the heart.

After yelling at her mother she ran upstairs and locked her door, “I can’t stand her anymore,” Scootaloo thought. “If she thanks takeing Dash away from me is cool then I’ll just runaway”

Scootaloo grabbed a piece of paper and began to write.

Dear Mom.

I just can’t handle you anymore, so I’m running away, all you ever do is ruin my life and I’m sick of it, goodbye forever.

She put the note on top of her bed opened her window, though Scootaloo hesitated as she realized she couldn't exactly fly yet, but Dash did teach her how to glide down from high places. She jumped out and glided down to the ground safely.

Once she was on the ground she got her scooter and started walking away but glanced at her home one last time. “Goodbye mom…. maybe Dash will make a better mother,” she said and walked the distance to Dash’s cloud home.

On her way to Dash’s home she thought long and hard about what she was doing. She knew this would probably make her mother worry but then again she deserved to suffer for taking Dash away from her. “Maybe I can get Dash to adopt me,” Scootaloo thought.

Once Scootaloo got to her destination, she pushed her scooter against a tree and walked over to the mansion. Lucky for her Dash put some cloud ladders on her home so Scootaloo could get up there easier, once Scootaloo got up there, it was no surprise that her house was a mess, pushing all the junk out of the way she found Rainbow Dash on top of her bed doing nothing, she looked like a total wreck.

Scootaloo galloped over to Rainbow Dash and smiled happily, “Rainbow Dash I’m so happy to see you again,” she didn’t even hear Scootaloo. Scootaloo could tell she must of been daydreaming or something similar. She galloped out the room and returned back with a cup of water; she poured it on Dash who jolted up in surprise.

Rainbow Dash put herself into alert mode and looked around for who might of done it. She turned to the left and saw Scootaloo she rubbed her eyes with her hooves but the filly was still there.“This has to be a dream…. I’m still asleep,” she said sweating a bit. Rainbow dashed into her bathroom and stuck her head under the faucet. when she pulled her head out she still saw Scootaloo, “This isn’t a dream?”

“Your mom said that I can’t be allowed to see you no matter what, why are you here?” Dash asked more concerned than anything, it wasn’t that she didn’t want to see the small filly but she had to accept what Dizzy said it was the most responsible approach in this situation.

“Rainbow Dash I ran away, my mom’s gone a little crazy I mean she still won’t let me come see you, so I ran away, but I was thinking maybe you could contact the foal service and tell them that my mom's been treating me badly so I can live with you” Scootaloo said excited.

Rainbow Dash just sighed, she was not about to lie just so Scootaloo could live with her. “Listen kid, I love ya and all but, I can’t lie just because you’re angry at your mom. You're going back,” she said with a bit of anger but also trying to making sure she didn’t show too much in front of Scootaloo, she always tries her best to hold it in, in front of her.

“Bu….But Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo said tearing up a bit. All her plotting ruined because Dash was to scared to let her live with her.

Rainbow Dash grabbed Scootaloo ignoring her screaming and flew out of there. Within three minutes arrived at Scootaloo’s house, when they landed Scootaloo didn’t speak or look at Rainbow Dash, “Great…. now she's mad at me,” she thought as she approached the door and knocked.

A very worried Dizzy opened the door when she saw Scootaloo she smiled, “Oh my gosh I’m so glad my baby is ok, I almost called for the guards, she looked at Dash and smiled grabbing Scootaloo’s hoof “Thanks…. for bring my baby back. I don’t know what I’d do without her, she said.

Dash smiled, “It's ok I’m just doing what feels right.” Neither pony said anything else. “Well I better go, I got lots of things to do, bye Swirl,” she said leaving in a flash.

Scootaloo’s ears flickered back and forth, “Swirl?”

Dizzy Twister simply smiled and chuckled. “It's a long story, maybe I’ll tell you when you're older,” she said bringing her daughter inside and putting her back to bed. She decided not to punish her this time, but Dash seemed to have proved she can be a little responsible, but was she trustworthy?