• Published 28th Aug 2015
  • 2,132 Views, 44 Comments

Scootaloo's Biggest Mistake - Matt11

Being in school every single day can get boring, so Scootaloo decides to skip one day, what could go wrong?

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Chapter 1

It was an average day in the peaceful town of ponyville, the birds were chirping, the bees were pollinating the flows and the fillies were in school.

“Ok class, I think that will do for today, but just a reminder tomorrow we will have a test on the two princesses, so make sure you study for it,” Cheerilee said as she picked up her papers and prepared to leave with her work.

Scootaloo picked up her own papers as did the rest of the students, but Scootaloo ended up tossing her papers out the window. She had no plans to even study. “Heh I got better things to do, like hang out with Rainbow Dash and go crusading,” she said not aware that Cheerilee was standing behind her.

“Ahem” Cheerilee said, startling Scootaloo making her jump and look behind herself. “What was that I heard you say Scootaloo?” she asked, keeping a watchful eye on her pupil.

Scootaloo stood there frozen, thinking of ways to get out of the trouble she had just walked into. “Don’t worry miss Cheerilee I’ll study hard, you have nothing to fear,” she said, though a note of annoyance crept into her voice.

Cheerilee smiled, though Scootaloo could be lying, she just shrugged it off. She started walking away but before she left she took the time to give Scootaloo one last warning. “ Scootaloo if you don’t study, I’ll have to tell your mother, and trust me she won’t be happy,” she said walking out the door.

School completed, the three crusaders started their crusade for their cutie marks. This time Scootaloo had the perfect idea to go skydiving but it didn’t end well; they fell right into a forest full of tree sap and were subsequently covered in it.

“Well that was a bust,” Scootaloo said. Sweetie and Apple Bloom noded in agreement, “What should we try next?” Scootaloo asked.

“We could try and clean the mayor's office for her. When I was there I noticed it was a mess. Maybe we can get some type of mark for that,” Sweetie Belle suggested.

Scootaloo wanted an awesome cutie mark, not some lame cleaning one, but Apple Bloom agreed with Sweetie. The vote being two against one Scootaloo really had no choice. Before they left they cleaned themselves off because having all that sap on would make a big mess in the office.

When they got to the office surprisingly nopony was around, so they did what they thought was necessary and cleaned up. Sweetie Belle picked up some papers and put it in a paper shredder, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were both ripping papers apart and putting what they thought was not needed away in various drawers.

When the Mayor got to the office she was greeted to something she had hoped to not ever see; a clean office. She was very angry until she saw who did it. She held her anger in to spare the little fillies feelings. “What have you done?” she asked with a shocked expression on her face

“We just wanted to try and get our cutie marks in cleaning so we thought we try to get it here,” Apple Bloom said as the three looked at their flanks only to still see they were blank. Disappointed, they told the mayor they were sorry and left. Watching the fillies leave, Mayor Mare shrugged and returned to her now cleaned office. As mad as she was she actually found things easier to find, “I’ll thank them later perhaps.”

Scootaloo looked at her friends, they were a few steps away from the Mayor's office, “So what’s next?” she asked.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle put on their metaphorical thinking hats and tried to come up with a plan. A few seconds later they came up with one but before they could say their idea they heard a voice calling for them.

“Apple Bloom Ah know ya got a test tomorrow its time to get home and study,” Applejack said. She then turned to Scootaloo, “Ya should get home and do the same before your mom gets worried.”

Scootaloo was really disappointed that her friends had to go home, she really didn’t want to go back just yet. Sure it was getting pretty late but her mom could wait for a few more hours. Instead of going home like Applejack had told her to, she headed to Rainbow Dash’s place, thinking maybe she could get some flight training.

Upon arriving at Rainbow Dash’s cloud mansion.it came to no surprise that her surrogate sister was asleep, she could see small pieces of drool dripping from the cloud. Shaking her head Scootaloo decided to call her name, that usually worked to wake up Rainbow Dash; although sometimes she had to borrow a microphone from Pinkie.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, get up,” she said tapping her hooves patiently. It was unfortunate that didn’t work so she tried one last time if it didn’t work this time she would need to go home. There was no time to go to Pinkie’s and come back here.

Rainbow Dash’s ears wiggled a little, a voice from the distance could be from her cloud house. Her eyes opened, vision a little blurry she yawned softly and walked to her window and upon seeing who it was, she smiled and wiped her eyes to see better. Flapping her wings she flew out her window and landed next to her sister.

“Whatcha need squirt?” she asked, giving Scootaloo a noogie.

“Scootaloo smiled, “Do you have time to teach to fly today?” Dash had volunteered to help teach her but so far she could only fly two feet off the ground, which really wasn’t that great for her age.

Rainbow Dash was about to say yes, but then remembered a conversation she heard while she flew by the school earlier, “Don’t you have some studying to do? Ya know for the test?” she asked.

“How did you-” Scootaloo started.

Rainbow Dash smirked, “Applejack told me before I went for my nap.”

Scootaloo was shocked that Dash of all ponies even cared about a stupid test. Making a disgusted face Scootaloo said, “Yeah but I was thinking of not doing it.”

“Ya know kid, when I was your age I skipped school a lot and hardly ever did any homework. You didn’t hear this from me but you could skip tomorrow, its not going to hurt anyone,” Dash said flapping her wings.

“I thought you told me you dropped out?” Scootaloo asked.

Dash looked at her and grinned, “Yes I did, but that was after I did the sonic rainboom. After I found out I was the fastest flier alive I knew there was no reason to continue,” she said.

Scootaloo looked up at Rainbow Dash. “Thanks, I think I’ll do exactly what you suggested,” she said and decided to run off. There was really no time to get flight training, if she did her mother would not be happy at the time she chose to come home.

How bout you meet me in the park tomorrow squirt,” Dash said. Scootaloo just nodded

Despite leaving Rainbow’s house without any flight practice, by the time Scootaloo got back home it was dark and she was way past her curfew. Knowing that her mother wouldn’t be happy, Scootaloo breathed in and out and opened the front door to the house.

“Where have you been?” Dizzy Twister asked. Being a single mother was hard, and she put every bit of her energy into making sure Scootaloo was well cared for. Her husband's death it made things a lot harder on her, but her daughter's well-being mattered more to her than anything else.

“Oh I just...ya know, after school me and the crusaders went and tried to get our cutie marks. We tried skydiving but that didn’t work ou-” her description was cut short as her mother began checking her body for bruises or cuts. “Ow mom, you really don’t need to do that,” she protested.

“Scootaloo! I told you not to ever try that! You could've gotten hurt or worse,” she said, freaking out a little. She saw there was nothing bad on her daughter besides a small cut on her right hoof; she kissed it, “Does that make my baby feel better?”.

Scootaloo couldn’t help but hide a blush, this is why she didn’t want to tell her about the day’s misadventure. Her mother could be truly embarrassing sometimes. She sighed, “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. I’m a tough pony, you don’t have to worry so much.”

Dizzy Twister took a whiff of the air and held her nose with a hoof, “P.U Scootaloo, you stink. Actually, you smell like tree sap; you should take a bath before supper,” she said making her way to the bathroom to get it ready.

While getting the bath ready she added some bubbles and put a rubber ducky in as well, Dizzy thought it be nice to add the ducky in as she knew Scootaloo still loved playing with her bath toys. “Your bath’s ready Scootaloo. Now when you're all nice and clean come to the kitchen and tell me how your day was,” she said patting her daughter on the head and walking away.

Scootaloo turned red as a tomato, “Well at least none of my friends are here to see how she treats me,” Scootaloo thought as she got into the warm bath. She stretched her hooves back getting comfortable for ten minutes and after ten minutes she started cleaning her body.

Once finished she got out and dried herself off, and went to get some food in her stomach. Over dinner she told her mother about her day but left one bit out, her test. She was going to try and skip school tomorrow, thinking Rainbow Dash’s idea wasn’t such a bad one.

Night grew late and it was time for all little fillies to go to bed. Putting Scootaloo into bed, Dizzy covered her with a cyan colored blanket. “Good night Scootaloo, don’t let the bedbugs bite.” Before she left she turned on her daughter's nightlight. Scootaloo had been having a lot of bad dreams lately and the nightlight made her feel safer.

Scootaloo snuggled deep into her blanket and after a few minutes fell asleep.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed, 2nd chapter will be posted on Friday.