• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 5,705 Views, 74 Comments

Gems of Power - WezzaHD

One's a boxer who puts too much effort into her hobby, another is a smartarse with a tendency of getting into heated arguements while the third is a depressed cynic. Regardless, each are forced to become heroes in the bodies of villains

  • ...

YOU need MY help??

Peridot stared at them for a moment, before bursting out in laughter.

"Ohohohoh!" She chortled. "You really got me there! Celestia needs my help? How dumb to you clods think I am?" She asked before inwardly groaning at finally using the word 'clod'.

"I don't know the details, all I know is that she's asking for your help."

"She's an alicorn who hates me. What could she possibly need my help with?"

"I'm afraid that I wasn't given the details." Shining lied. Soon, the guards all gathered in one place and got their train back. It was going considerably faster than the other trains.

"So..." Ember spoke up. "What are you? You didn't exactly give me a clear answer before."

"I'm a hu- Gem." She replied.

"What we're those ball- things from before? They seemed to be around you a lot." Storm asked before Ember could ask more questions about gems.

"Those." Peridot sighed. "Are Robonoids. I use them to repair things. They aren't very good with defending though. I really need to fix that." Her fingers formed a screen to show them all an image of one of the Robonoids. They all nodded, satisfied with the answer.

"Now if you don't mind, it's rude to stare." They all turned their heads after she said that part. She then proceeded to send two messages.

Celestia and Luna flew through the window in their armour, shattering it into shards. They landed and looked around, but there was nopony except them in the throne room.

"Sombra isn't here." Luna frowned.

"And soon, you won't be either." They looked around to try and pinpoint the source of the voice, when a screen appeared in front of them, showing Peridot laughing while the windows became blocked off.

"Peridot!" Celestia glared at her. "Where is Sombra?!"

"Oh, he's somewhere." Peridot grinned. "You'll be somewhere too. Somewhere here, somewhere there, somewhere everywhere." As she spoke, lasers in the corners of the walls activated and shot at the two sisters, who both made a magic shield to protect themselves from them. They thought they were safe before the huge spikes popped up from the ground forcing them to fly up to the middle of the room. They stayed alert and blocked the energy blasts with both their magic and their swords. They shot their magic at the blasters, destroying a couple.

"You insult us if you think this is all it takes to stop us, Peridot!" Luna roared "Now where is So-" She was cut off as a giant green mechanical hand appeared and smacked her across the room.

"Luna!" Celestia gasped, before immediately flying to help her sister, not noticing the other hand that slammed her into the ground. Meanwhile, her sister struggled against the left hand, before eventually letting out a magical surge that blew it away. When it came back as a fist, she dashed up and impaled the hand with her sword as she came down before sending magic through the sword causing an explosion. Luna was satisfied with her work before the hand shot back up and grabbed her.

"You really should put more effort into your stabbing technique, Lulu." Peridot grinned before throwing her at the other hand who smacked her down next to Celestia. They both quickly got up and hovered above the ground with looks of defiance on their faces. When they tried to hit the screen metal spheres dropped from the ceiling. The princess of the sun shot at them all with her magic and they exploded above them. Celestia was satisfied until she got hit by a large green laser. When she looked to see where it came from she saw one of the hands pointing at her like a gun. When it fired again, the white alicorn shot her own magic at it while Luna knocked it down. She would've returned to her sister had it not been for the mechanical backhand she received. She hit the wall but made sure to stay in the air, as the spikes were still waiting for them on the ground. They had barely avoided them the last time they were on the floor.

"I will not fall to you Peridot." Luna growled as she thrust her sword at the left hand, and slashed diagonally at it twice through the palm before it retaliated by flicking her in the head which temporarily threw her off balance giving Peridot time to slam her into the wall again with her fist. Celestia saw this and tried to rush to help her sister when she was grabbed by the right hand.

"This is all you've got?" Peridot laughed. "What's wrong? Were you not expecting any of this? Well it doesn't matter anyway, you'll be out of our hair and King Sombra will enjoy the excellent news." She prepared to deliver them to King Sombra, when she heard a banging outside the windows. She wanted to see what it was, but there were more important matters to be dealt with. However, soon the sealed- off window broke revealing a tall figure standing above them.

"Who-" Before she could finish, the figure jumped down and slammed her fist into the left hand, destroying it and breaking Luna free. Soon, blast hit the right hand and Celestia was free. Two more people jumped in through the window. The tallest broke through the door, while the shortest destroyed the screen.

"Come on." The tallest said to Celestia

"Thank you." Celestia said. "But who are you?"

"We are the Crystal Gems."

They finally arrived at Canterlot. The special train that Celestia had sent slowed down at the station. Peridot peered out of the window. Celestia had made a city on a mountain. This made Peridot curious. If Celestia lived here, then what happened to the castle in the Everfree? Was it still there?

"So Celestia lives here now?"

"Yes." Shining replied.

"What happened to the castle in the Everfree?"

"It's abandoned; nopony lives there." The train stopped. "It's time to get off now. There's a quiet route we're taking to avoid stares. We better get a move on, it is the longer route after all."

"No." Peridot said firmly. "Let's just make this quicker and take the short route."

"But too many ponies will stare, and it'll just be more hassle."

"Didn't Celestia tell you clods anything about me?" She grumbled. "No wonder she needs my help. Hold on a moment." Her body was enveloped in a bright light, causing most of the guards to cover their eyes. When the light cleared, the same Peridot was no longer there. Instead, there was a lime- coloured pony about Twilight's size. Her mane was triangular with a horn pointing out of it. She was wearing the same outfit. Her tail had three small points on the end.

"Will this do?" She asked bluntly.

"... Yeah." Shining was still confused as to what had just happened, but went along with it. Princess Celestia had said that time was of the utmost importance. They took the main path. Aside from a few stares at her outfit, no pony batted an eye as many were too immersed in their own actions. When they made it, they walked through the Canterlot Gardens.

Peridot looked around and saw many different statues. Of course, there was also the 'statue' of Discord. Peridot wondered if there were any statues of her here. However, she was distracted from her thoughts as she heard a door open causing her to jump slightly. She had been too engulfed in her own thoughts that she hadn't noticed where she was walking. Once she entered, she saw how large the castle was on the inside. The halls were filled with guards, maids, butlers and the occasional noble. After walking up a couple of flights of stairs, they made it to the throne room, where she saw Celestia and Luna waiting for her. She groaned as she stepped through the door.

"Hello Peridot." Celestia greeted the gem.

"Hello Celestia." She replied as she changed back into her regular form. The guards visibly tensed up at the transformation. She stared at the two sisters with her calm demeanour, while they stared back with theirs.

"How was your trip here?"

"While it was exceptional, I would prefer to cut the pleasantries and ask why I'm here. Why did you continue searching for us after all this time?"

"Yes. Why have you suddenly made such an effort to search for us?" A voice came from the door, which opened to reveal two figures surrounded by guards. One had a sky- blue skin colour wearing a skirt and top of a darker blue as well as a gem on her back shaped like a rain drop, while the other was much bigger, with light- tangerine skin but also dark orange markings and long orange- tinted hair that went all the way past her back.

"So you're all here?" Celestia commented.

"We would've escaped had Peridot not called for help." Lapis replied.

"Regardless, you are all here and we have something to ask of you." This time, Luna spoke.

"Which is?" Jasper asked impatiently.

"The Crystal Empire has returned." Their eyes all widened at what Celestia had just said. They were all afraid at what would be said next.

"We need you to go back there."

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter:twilightsmile:.