• Published 12th Aug 2016
  • 1,015 Views, 12 Comments

Cars in Equestria - Dudofall

Through a complicated accident, Twilight Sparkle begins a journey of innovation, tests, and lots of explosions in order to create something resembling a car.

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Chapter Four: kind of distraction

Spike set down the broom and dustbin, taking a break to look out the window. Twilight's back was to the castle and there was no sign of Oloy or the prototype cart. Spike rushed out. "Where's the new student?" he asked.

"I sent him out on the cart. It works, Spike! I'm a genius!" Twilight exclaimed, wrapping up her assistant in a big hug.

The dragon's eyes widened, "Is he okay?"

"Oh, Spike! He has to be okay! There are straps for safety!"

"Where's the cart?" At this question, Twilight shrugged and pointed.

"It went that way."

"Shouldn't you be watching it to make sure he's okay?" Spike said as he edged towards the direction she had pointed to.

"You're right, I should be monitoring how well the cart is functioning!" Twilight smiled. The two rushed off towards the open green hills outside Ponyville. For some reason, there was a hay bale with two excited blue eyes, a trench coat, a pair of glasses with a fake nose, and a baseball cap standing at the edge of town. Just as Spike was about to reach the lush fields of grass, the hay bale jumped out in front of him.

Then it spoke. "Hiya Spike! Why are you running? It's not Saturday yet!"


"Spike!" The bale exclaimed.

The dragon ran in place, "There's no time to explain! I have to go now!" He sidestepped Pinkie Pie's hay bale and rushed away. The bale bounced after him, eager to see what he was so incensed about. There was a thin line of smoke in the air outside Ponyville. It floated over the hills, leading Spike and Pinkie to a cart with two wheels still attached and one dazed passenger. Twilight stood on a hill overlooking the scene, inspecting the wreckage.

"I can reuse most of this," she mumbled to herself.

Pinkie hopped next to her. "Hey Twilight, did you have fun with the fireworks?"

"I conducted a scientific experiment with them." As the two talked, they watched Spike pulling Oloy out of the straps. The student stood somewhat shakily.

"Is science fun?"

"Does water have covalent bonds?"

"Ummm...I think so," Pinkie responded, thinking back to her chemistry class. Chemistry was like cooking, but you couldn't eat stuff when you were done with it.

Spike reached the top of the hill, supporting Oloy on one shoulder, and glared at Twilight. "What were you thinking?! He could have been hurt!"

"I want to do it again," Oloy said shakily, a manic spark appearing in his eye.

Twilight grinned, "I'm glad you share my enthusiasm for scientific research! But you can't do it again right away, I'll need some time to put it back together." Her dragon assistant looked around frantically for somepony who wasn't crazy and somehow ended up staring at Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie, help me out here!" he begged.

"Sure thing! How can I help you today?" she smiled.

Spike groaned, "Tell Twilight this cart thing is a bad idea!"

"But then everything will be boring again," Pinkie explained, "and being boring is no fun." At this, Spike raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. The pink pony patted him politely. "Don't worry about danger too much."

"Why not?"

"I can't tell you, it's a secret that starts with the letter E!" she whispered.

Author's Note:

Does anyone want to guess what the secret is? I'll tell you if you get it right.