• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 2,986 Views, 29 Comments

To Preen a Filly Princess - Art Inspired

Shortly after Discord accidentally uses his magic to change Sweetie Belle into an alicorn over night, the young filly decides it's time for a little payback aimed at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

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Part One

Sweetie Belle awoke one morning with a rather sore feeling in her back, like she’d been laying on something far more lumpy than her bed all night long. She rose while rolling over to her stomach, her vision blurred by the light coming in through the curtain, and slowly, she got out of bed. Her back still sore, poor Sweetie Belle limped tirelessly to her bathroom just a few steps away. She was truly having the hardest time getting herself woken up that day.

On came the overhead lights, and swish came the water from the faucet hitting the sink below, not that she’d seen much of anything yet. The filly's eyes had been for the most part closed thus far, but with the cool splashing of water on her face, she finally made the first sound of the day. It was her groaning, “Oh… My back feels… so strange.” She said this more like it was a painful sensation rather than an awkward one. She looked up shortly thereafter to take a gander at the mirror. She focused in on where the great amounts of pressure was being applied, and gasped. “A-are those what I think those are?!” she questioned quite loudly.

Before her was a slightly grown filly still without her cutie mark, but with a horn, and a pair of wings as well. Uncommonly, this would make Sweetie Belle an alicorn princess, but what brought about such a drastic change in her life? At such a young age, and so randomly, too. Sweetie could only expand these new instruments of flight, and observe every smooth, silky white feather on them. As her hoof briskly smoothed the left one's ruffles, a tingling sensation ran down her spine. “Whoa… They're kinda sensitive!”

“Sweetie Belle? Are you alright in there?” Rarity asked, her voice being muffled by the walls between the two.

“I don’t know!” Sweetie said while leaving the bathroom.

“Well, can I come in?”

“Uh, yes, please do.”

While Rarity slowly entered, Sweetie noticed how Rarity looked around the room first before her eyes finally fell on her sister. “What’s going on in here?”

Sweetie Belle could only stand there, unsure as to whether she should show Rarity this or not, but it was too late by then, so she turned around. Had it been anything else, such as a cutie mark, or even a bruised hoof, the eldest wouldn’t have taken it as such a bad thing, but to see Sweetie Belle with a pair of wings broader and definitely more reliable than Scootaloo’s own was almost too much for Rarity to stand. Sweetie Belle merely blinked, and said, “Before you ask, I woke up… like this. I have no idea what’s going on.”

By now, Rarity’s eyes were quite wide, and she was profusely nibbling her bottom lip in a futile attempt at making any sense of this. “H-how is it… even possible?”

Then, out of the corner of Sweetie Belle’s right eye, she saw a note held down by a small, shiny tiara resting perfectly on her desk behind Rarity. The fabric underneath the gold was lined with red corners, and below was the distinctive signature of not just the two princesses, but Discord as well. His signature, however, was simply a printed picture of himself with a cocky grin, and he kept giving the thumbs up with his tiger paw.

Rarity turned to look, motioned the piece of paper closer, and read it aloud. “Dear Belle Sisters, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia apologize for this mishap. Last night while Discord visited the castle to better his chaotic magic, he accidently gave Sweetie Belle wings. We are unsure whether or not this can be reversed, but until we find a solution, she is technically a... princess.” She flipped the card over, and then said, "That’s all that was there…”

Sweetie Belle blinked. “I’m… not sure I should go to school today.”

“What ever do you mean, Sweetie?” Rarity asked.

“I mean, it sounds as if they’ll fix it in a day or two. Right?” Sweetie blinked before resuming to make sure Rarity would keep listening. “Plus, Apple Bloom is out today, too. She's up north helping some of her family members take down a chicken coop, and Scootaloo is at the hospital getting some sort of checkup. Even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they’re out sick! Although, I doubt that’s the truth. Heard they also got some new jacuzzi, so they probably deceived their parents or… something. I mean, they talk about how they get whatever they want all the time!”

Rarity nodded, her eyes warily looking over while her hoof was brought up to her chin. “Yes, well, knowing those two’s parents personally, I can honestly vouch for your statement.”

“Then I get the day off?”

Rarity smiled, and nodded again. “Just take care of the house while I'm gone. Now, seeing as how this involves Discord and my little sister, as I'm sure you can guess, I’m off to Twilight’s to try and get this very matter sorted. I probably won’t be back until later on. Can I trust you to be safe here all by yourself for the day?”

“Of course!” Sweetie belle squeaked.

“Alright then. Guess I'd better not waste much time. Wish me luck!” Just like that, Sweetie Belle watched her sister leave the room, and in moments more, she’d hear the front door close as well. She was alone, all by herself. With a pair of wings. And a crown.

Her hoof reached for the crown quickly, and she decided to wear it for a few seconds before looking in the mirror. For some reason, her coat seemed to sparkle, too, along with her mane. Overall, she looked older. That's when a thought ran through her head. “I wonder…”

Logically, if she's got the look along with the wings and the crown, then chances are, she's got the magic as well. Just as a test run, slowly, her horn began to shimmer a different, more deeper hint of green. In a flash of light, she had teleported herself to the kitchen. It was so easy, and exactly what she meant to do that she just had to stand there for a moment, and then she huffed, “I really am a… a princess! In other words, the magic must come with the wings. But, how far can I go?”

Again, her horn glowed, and just as fast as she'd transported herself to the kitchen, Sweetie Belle had teleported herself all the way to the local school, but not at the door. Actually, instead, Sweetie Belle had teleported herself to the top of the bell tower. She just stood there, feeling the cool air hit her back and mane. “I feel… in control. It’s awesome! Where to next?”

At that time, she saw out the corner of her eye, Diamond Tiara’s house. It was then that she’d have figured out what she wanted to do with her newly obtained alicorn authority. She wasn’t sure just how much magical prowess she had, but Sweetie knew well enough not to overdo it. As her horn glittered, just as soon as it started, in yet another splendorous flash, she was right behind the house.

She stood there, observing Diamond Tiara’s home from the back yard. It was big, of course, but thanks to the information Sweetie Belle had obtained during many recesses, she knew of a back way into where her dad had installed the jacuzzi. It was a small window found directly next to the backdoor. Sweetie Belle was just small enough to crawl through it, but on her way in, her left wing got ruffled by the more dirty side of the opening.

At first, nothing from within disturbed her. She just kept feeling her sensitive wing. Eventually, the sounds of bubbling water, and the two’s distinctly sinister chortles entered Sweetie Belle’s ears, so she listened closely, panting thanks to all the hot steam surrounding her. “I simply can not believe Ms. Cheerilee believed those falsified medical slips!”

Sweetie Belle came closer to the jacuzzi, and whispered to herself, “That was Diamond Tiara.”

“I know, right! Your dad and my mom didn’t even need to come in!”

Again, Sweetie Belle inched ever more closer. “Aaand Silver Spoon…”

From what she could see peripherally was a basic back room made of wood. It was mostly empty save for some boxes stacked rather neatly over in the far corner, and naturally, steam was everywhere which made it that much harder for Sweetie Belle to navigate carefully. Finally, she reached the edge where one was supposed to get in, and peeked over the board to observe.

On the left was Diamond Tiara, relaxing and germ-free. She wasn't the least bit sick, and neither was Silver Spoon who sat to the left of her friend. Diamond Tiara stated bluntly to her friend, “And what’s even better is daddy isn’t going to be home for a while, so we’ve got this whole jacuzzi to ourselves! He'll never know it was ever even used.”

“Yeah,” Silver Spoon began. “Although, it wouldn't be all that bad if we just allowed one more pony, just for some f- Huh?”

Silver Spoon had quickly looked over towards where Sweetie Belle spied on them. The filly alicorn made an attempt at ducking behind the coverage and hoped she hadn't been spotted. "Who's there? Come on out!" Diamond Tiara commanded. Predictably, Sweetie Belle had been caught, but that was just fine. She’d heard enough from the two anyways, and in just a little while, she would be the one giving the orders, not them.