• Published 14th Jun 2015
  • 941 Views, 16 Comments

The Last One Standing... - Promethean 27-B

Promethean Unit 1889-3782-3378-0027-B, the sirial number of a weapon that they turned her into to hunt down the Flood, but after the long war what is she supposed to do? what dose a soldier do in peace?

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System Restart… Complete!

27 awoke with a jolt and sat up, pain lancing up her spine… well, what was left of it. 27 looked around her once proud ship, reduced to a pile of scrap. The hull was buried in dirt, glass punctured, allowing the earth to seep in and dust to cover the various instrument panels. She looked up to the top hatch, located just above her head, to find no signs of entry. A frown crossed her metallic features as her red designs dimmed.

How was I awoken?’ 27 asked herself, and scanned the area.

Unknown radiation detected!

Her systems chimed in its report on this ‘unknown radiation’, and found herself checking her results.

This doesn’t make any sense… this radiation is almost too powerful… chaotic if that word can be used to describe it’ 27 thought. She needed to
find the source of this radiation and study it. 27 scanned it further, finding the source is somewhere above her.

Well’ 27 thought, as she reached for the top hatch, ‘time to crawl out of this tomb


After a painfully slow dig to the serface, the surface greeted her with unrelenting rays of sun light, and 27’s HUD darkened to filter out the light. 27 stood at her whole height and shook herself like a dog to remove most of the dirt that refused to fall off.

27 stood eight feet tall, and she stretched her large, ten foot long wings. God it felt good to spread them once again. She retracted them again and pulled them close to her metal hide, her red designs coursed over her body like priceless art against the scared metal that now made up her skin. 27 looked down and dug her claws into the dirt, feeling it part under her powerful digits. She sighed and closed her eyes. The war is over. The war is won. The nightmare is over and the Flood is gone forever.

But her duty remained. She may have been born a Dragon, she may still look like one now, but she is a Promethean now and a Commander.

And this radiation that somehow reactivated her is powerful, thus deadly and a threat if it got out of hand. Her mission now clear, 27 ran a system check and the following text scrolled across her vision.

Weapons (Binary Rifle) (Suppressor) (Hardlight Blades): Online/Standby

Heads Up Display (HUD): Online

Motion Tracker: Online with 75m (meter) range

Offensive/Defensive Sensors: Online

Shields (Hardlight Wing Membrane) (Primary Shields): Online/Charged

Abilities (Teleportation) (Active Camouflage) (Auto-Sentry) (Promethean Vision): Online/Charged

Armor: 98.24% functionality

Other Sensors: 100% functionality

Good, systems still operational’ 27 thought, and looked around her current environment. She stood in a small clearing, surrounded by tall, dark and brooding trees and bushes. She looked around further trying to spot something that would lead her way through this forest. She then stumbled upon something peculiar, a path in the forest. 27 raised a brow, confused, and scanned it.

Not natural, just as I thought, so it must lead somewhere’ she thought, and walked up to it and looked left, then right. She scanned the area again, and found the path actually took her directly to the source of the radiation! But, what if the path took her through a populated area? 27 didn’t want to risk it, so she engaged her active camouflage and followed the path.


27 followed the worn path out of the path out into the open grass plains. The Plains seemed to stretch for miles around as the hills seemed to stretch up around her. The radiation now getting stronger, 27 assumed that she was getting closer to her new objective. She looked up one of the hills that the path led up to and saw a sign. Curious, 27 engaged her 2x magnification to read the sign.

Welcome To Ponyville!

Current Population: 106!

27 raised a synthetic eyebrow.

Ponyville, isn’t that an odd name?’ 27 thought. Something just then pinged off her muzzle, causing her active camouflaged to flicker as the sun became blotted out. Confused, 27 looked up to see pink clouds. Now completely confused, she scanned the clouds overhead. Only to find that the clouds are made of spun sugar.

That is not natural, is the radiation causing this?’ 27 asked herself. Then, the ‘sugar clouds’, opened up to a down-pore of brown rain. 27 didn’t need to analyze the rain to know what it is.

Chocolate milk?’ she pondered. As the chocolate milk began to soak her armor, the radiation in the rain started to mess with the light bending teck, causing her active camouflage to sputter out and fail. 27 cursed, her active camouflage can withstand water, but radiated chocolate milk is a different story aparently. 27’s hopes of avoiding contact with sentient species dwindled.

Okay, time for a different approach… let’s try the old fashioned way…’ 27 thought, and engaged her over shields and unlocked her teleportation matrix. 27 teleported to the top of the hill, and overlooked the village. The village was smaller than what she first expected, but it was absolute chaos down in the streets.

The largest building in the center of the village, town hall most likely, was levitating in one place and flipping end over end in a counterclockwise motion. The streets were flooded with chocolate milk and over sized popcorn. The inheritance had boarded up their doors and windows, and the ones that weren’t in their homes were running and screaming from abominations that once were rabbits.

27 was shocked, to say the least. No amount of training or preparation could prepare her for this sight. 27 then finally saw one of the inheritance round the corner of a building, then two, followed by three more. 27 engaged her 10x magnification to observe them.

When 27 zoomed in on the beings, she found herself questioning her systems, because the six beings were multicolored ponies. The one in the lead, a lavender pony with a horn and straightened main ushered the others forward.

Wait… horn?

27 scanned her findings, and sure enough, the horn was natural, but it was also giving off odd readings. The others followed the Lavender pony through the jumbled chaos with little to no worry; maybe this lavender pony is the squad leader? So 27 dubbed this pony Lavender (Lead) for the moment into her systems, and scanned it using a colored base system: GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, ORANGE, RED, WHITE, GREY, and BLACK. GREEN being the lowest threat and BLACK being the highest.

NAME: Lavender (Lead)

SPECIES: UNKNOWN (DNA scans suggest augmented pony? [Addition: Horn])


The next ‘pony’ didn’t have a horn this time; only it has a pair of wings instead. This light blue pony has a rainbow colored main and a wild, untamed look in her eye. Something 27, as a soldier, didn’t like all too much. 27 dubbed this pony Rainbow.

NAME: Rainbow

SPECIES: UNKNOWN (DNA scans suggest augmented pony? [Addition: Wings])


The next one in the line also had wings, and seemed smaller than the others, mostly because the creature seemed nervous and cowering. In supported a yellow pelt and a pink main and tail, both the latter was the longest thus far. 27 dubbed her Shy.


SPECIES: UNKNOWN (DNA scans suggest augmented pony? [Addition: Wings])

THREAT LEVEL: BLUE/GREEN (Civilian [Possible support unit])

After Shy was a pink pony with either a horn or a set of wings, seemingly hopping along with a large grin plastered to its face. The pink pony’s main was unruly and untamed as its blue eyes scanned the area around her with unnatural glee. 27 tilted her head, confused at the pony’s action. Did she not see its home was in shambles? 27 dubbed this pony Hyper Pink.

NAME: Hyper Pink

SPECIES: UNKNOWN (DNA scans suggest augmented pony? [Addition: N/A])


After the pink pony was an orange one, this one also possessing no wings or a horn. This orange pony walked tall and proud with a somewhat untamed yellow main and tail. Upon its head was a brown hat of some kind. 27 dubbed this one Cowboy.

NAME: Cowboy

SPECIES: UNKNOWN (DNA scans suggest augmented pony? [Addition: N/A])


The last one, taking up position in the rear of the group was a pony, this one with a horn. Its white pelt and neatly trimmed purple main and tail suggested that it was of possible nobility. This one walked in such a way that spoke ‘I am important’, but 27 ignored it. 27 dubbed this one Nobility.

NAME: Nobility

SPECIES: UNKNOWN (DNA scans suggest augmented pony? [Addition: Horn])


At that moment, 27 noticed something else about the ponies; they all had marks on their flanks. Lavender (Lead) had a symbol representing a bursting star, Rainbow: a thunder cloud shooting a single rainbow colored lightning bolt, Shy: three pink butterflies flying in a triangular formation, Hyper Pinkie had what 27 believed to be three balloons, Cowboy had three apples, and Nobility had three identical diamonds. 27 tilted her head to the right a little, confused. Were these symbols some form of ranking system? If so, 27 saw no evidence supporting her hypothesis.

27 tracked the pony’s trajectory, and found they were advancing on a hill where a throne was mounted. Upon the throne was a creature that 27 has never seen before, and possibly never would have imagined herself.

Its appearance had a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. It had the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, it had a bat's right wing, an eagle’s left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like tail with a white tail tuft. The shape of its body resembles that of a snake.

This entanglement of body parts that made up the creature on the throne looked as if it had been thrown together. It reminded her too much of the Flood, thus she took a nearly instant hatred for the creature, for one point two seconds. She shook her head; she will not let the war, let them, and of all things cloud her judgment. She scanned the creature and-




THREAT LEVEL: GREY (Radiation bathed life form [UNKNOWN RADIATION])

The radiation is emanation from that creature, that thing is causing all this turmoil!’ 27 thought, and grimaced, ‘This cannot continue…

27’s dorsal plates opened up, and a multitude of parts levitated up out of her and magnetically attached itself together in mid air to form 27’s signature weapon, the Binary Rifle. The weapon levitated up to her shoulder so she could see through the scope. Although she could just wireless link with the weapon’s scope and see through it, 27 liked to do this ‘manually’. The rifle’s twin accelerators powered on with a low hum and she lined up the first shot, in between the creature’s eyes. But then the creature snapped its fingers, and a glass appeared in its hand. This action caused 27 to momentarily hold fire.

'This thing can summon objects out of thin air? How is that possible?’ 27 thought. The creature then reached over to a low hanging cloud, and allowed the glass to fill with chocolate milk. It brought the now full glass to its lips and said something, 27 read its lips.

“Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing!” it exclaimed, and brought the glass up to its lips about to drink. But at that moment, the six ponies came up to the creature and Lavender (Lead) replied to it, something about friendship.

“Oh, this again?” the creature stated, it then tilted its head back and drank the glass. No, really, it drank the glass, leaving the chocolate milk behind. It then throws the milk behind it and the milk exploded in such a way it might as well have been a grenade. 27 ran a check on her systems to make sure she wasn’t malfunctioning. There was no error, that action she had just witnessed really happened.

The orange pony stepped up and shouted something at the creature, something about friendship and breaking it apart. The creature smiled and flicked its wrist at the pony, and it began to levitate up in front of the creature and in 27’s line of sight.

“Oh Applejack, don’t lie to me” it said, the orange one now identified as Applejack, “I’M the one who made you a liar!” the creature closed its paw to form a fist, and all the ponies except Lavender (Lead) was pulled up.

“Do you ever learn?” the creature taunted. Lavender (lead) then jumped up and teleported up to the group formed some sort of bubble shield around them, allowing them to float down to safety. Now out of the way, 27 lined up her shot again as the lavender pony started shouting at the creature, but the creature replied:

“Ugh gag, fine!” It exclaimed, throwing its arms up in mock defeat, “Go ahead and try your little elements, friend me, just hurry it up! I am missing some excellent chaos here!” The lavender pony smiled and began to say something, orders to form a formation of some sort, before they were interrupted by the pink pony drinking milk rain. The pony’s comrades gave her a humors disapproving look before it fell back into position. Were these ponies going to take on this creature, a level grey creature?


27 scanned the area to find that this energy was not coming from the creature, but from the six ponies and their jewelry. Unintended blasts of energy fired from the necklaces and narrowly missing the creature.

What is happening?’ 27 thought.

“What’s this?” the creature asked, before its eyes widened in horror, “Oh no!” The ponies were then drawn together, and together, they fired a beam of energy that broke the color spectrum. The rainbow beam arched up about 16 meters in the air, before coming back down on the creature.

“NO!!!” the creature yelled before becoming enveloped in light. The creature under the beam then began to change on a molecular level, skin, tooth, and claw becoming stone. The light then became so intense that 27’s HUD darkened in order to see. The light grew brighter and brighter until 27 actually had to close her eyes to avoid damage to her optics. There was a large BANG and the light disappeared.

When 27 opened her optics again, everything was back to normal. The buildings were in their proper places, animals were reverted to their natural state, the clouds and chocolate milk disappeared, and the creature was locked in stone with a horrified expression locked on its face. 27 folded up and put away her Binary Rifle, but locked her optics on the six ponies who were cheering in their latest success.

Lavender (Lead), Rainbow, Shy, Hyper Pinkie, Cowboy, and Nobility have been elevated to level RED threats.

With the radiation and the chocolate milk rain gone, 27’s active camouflage returned to 100% functionality. 27 activated it, and disappeared like smoke.

Things just got interesting…’ 27 thought, ‘I should keep my eyes on them…