• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,625 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 34- Angel

Monkey Business- Angel

There wasn’t time in order to think or process anything when it dawned on everyone that Fluttershy was going into labor. So immediately, everyone had to get up off the floor and pitch in to help her remain calm and to make sure she got to the Ponyville Hospital in time. Raven was quick to get water, blankets and towels for her while also trying to have her calm down and breathe carefully, while Ruby and Weiss immediately rushed into town to try and find Twilight in hopes that they could teleport them to the hospital. Sun himself had little time in order to be able to grab a lot of things, so the only thing that he could get before tending to Fluttershy was Aya’s token.

Luckily, all the commotion did happen to get onepony’s attention as Sun and Raven attempted to try and help the mare. “What in the hay is going on here-?”

Looking up, his eyes laid sight on that of Applejack. She was with her brother and looked to have been coming back from the marketplace since Big Mac was pulling a cart with a few empty apple baskets. “Applejack, you gotta help us! Fluttershy’s water broke-” His sentence was cut off by another pain filled scream from the pegasus as he tried to keep Fluttershy calm.

“Oh hay! That’s not good!!” Applejack jumped off the back of the cart, rushing over to Fluttershy to check on her, before looking back at her brother. “Mac, get over here!! We gotta take ‘Shy to the hospital now!!”

The stallion didn’t need to be told twice as he moved the cart over to where they were while Applejack prepared one of the blankets and laid it down onto the cart. With Sun picking up Fluttershy from her forelegs, Raven picked up the opposite end as the two of them set the pegasus down gently onto the cart. Shortly before Applejack spoke again. “Well, get on! We’re burning daylight at this rate!”

“I gotta tell Ruby and Weiss that we found you. They went looking for Twilight in town,” She responded back. “We’ll catch up to you!!”

Before Sun could even respond back, Big Macintosh took off as he and Applejack were now tasked with trying to keep Fluttershy calm. Over the course of the trip to the hospital, Applejack was thoroughly instructing him on what he needed to do to make sure and help her on the way over and holding onto her left hoof. “Fluttershy, just remain calm. I’m here. Applejack and Big Mac are taking us to the hospital.”

She nodded her head, letting off another painful groan as Applejack placed a folded towel over Fluttershy’s forehead. “Your doing good, Shy. Just be calm and we’ll be there any moment.” She said, which had Sun look back at the earth pony and ask her a question.

“How… do you know so much about this? I-i mean, wouldn’t you be nervous?” He asked her.

“Ah would, but ah had to help my ma when she had Apple Bloom so ah know what we need to do,” The earth pony assured her, before looking back at her brother. “Are we there yet, Mac!?”

“Ah see it, but we’re still ah bit of a ways,” Her brother replied back. “Ah’m gonna try and go a bit faster. Hold onto something!” And with that, the stallion began to full on gallop down the path towards the hospital. Forcing Sun to hold onto the side of the cart with his free hand while still making sure he was still holding onto Fluttershy. Applejack herself, quickly had to use her lasso to hold up the back end of the cart, which almost came loose after one of the wheels hit a rock that was buried into the ground.

The faunus still did everything he could to help Fluttershy remain calm as they approached the front of the hospital. As Mac stopped, Sun let go of the side of the cart as Applejack hopped out. “What was the name of the doctor ya saw last?”

“Stable. Doctor Stable.” Sun replied, before placing a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder when he heard her emit another painful groan.

“Ah’m going to go get him. Mac, stay here with them!” Applejack said as she barged through the doors and began to look for the doctor. In Sun’s mind, he needed to make sure to stay by Fluttershy’s side. But with Raven still back at Ponyville, he still needed someone else to help them.

Then, he remembered the badge. Grabbing it with his free hand, he began to hold onto it and let it glow. “Mom, come quick. This is an emergency! Fluttershy’s in labor and I need your help!”

“What in tarnations are ya-?” He was cut off in an instant as the wall nearest to them began to grow a flesh-like fungus that bled across the wallpaper and expanded until it made a ‘doorway’ around six feet tall. Not a moment later did Aya Brea, Sun’s mother, struggle to emerge from the abomination of a portal. She fell to the group after tearing the fungoides ‘flesh’, heaving heavily.

“Where’s the future momma bear!?” She almost screamed. Big Mac was the only one to take in the fact that her clothes were semi-torn, and she was riddled with cuts and bruises. But her arrival had Sun look back at the stallion.

“Mac, turn the cart around.”

Instead of asking why, the stallion did what he asked. Turning the cart around so that Sun and Fluttershy faced in Aya’s direction as he let out a small sigh, waving his free arm to try and get her attention. “Mom, over here!”

Aya stood up quickly, fumbling over towards the couple. “You should’ve told me it was due any day, I would’ve had the equipment on hand! Get me towels, gloves, and something to cover my mouth with, stat!” She was also mumbling obscenities that made the occupants of the room blush in embarrassment as they brought her inside.

“Ah got the doctor!” They heard Applejack from the other side of the room as she was seen alongside Doctor Stable.

“Bring her over here! And quickly!” The doctor instructed them. Sun took a moment to clap his hands and conjure a clone with his semblance to grab the towels and everything that was in the cart while he and Aya followed the doctor to bring Fluttershy to the delivery room. After his clone brought the towels, Sun dispersed it, stepping out of the room to grab the rest of the supplies that Aya told him to get before coming back and having them on hand.

“Here’s the gloves and the face mask,” He told her, handing them to Aya as she began to put them on. “What else do you need me to do?”

“Be ready, I’ve never done this, and my horse anatomy lessons with Mist have much to be desired!” Aya said, determined. “Have the first aid kit ready, and pray that I remember enough of your birth to do it a third time- well… help someone else!”

At first, the faunus was puzzled by her words, but instead, he shook his head and began to refocus. Grabbing the first aid kit and setting it nearby for if something happened, while also getting anything that the doctors told him too. This included water and also alcohol for disinfectant… and Aya. But the most important job that he had was to be there for Fluttershy and to help keep her calm through the ordeal that she had to face.

“Is everypony ready?” Doctor Stable then asked, while looking back at Aya as well. Aya could only nod, finally getting her head leveled.

As the procedure began and hours began to drift by, Sun was slowly beginning to be nervous. He was unsure what was going on in the delivery room after he was asked to step out, but now he couldn’t get his mind off of it. The thought of whether or not Fluttershy was okay was slowly beginning to drive him crazy. And it was something that both Applejack and her brother noticed while they were in the lobby with him.

While they were waiting, the door soon opened as Raven stepped in with Twilight right next to her. “Where’s Fluttershy?” She asked.

“In the delivery room,” Applejack replied back. “It’s almost been an hour and we haven’t heard anything from the doctor or that Aya lady yet.”

“Hold on, your mom’s here?” Twilight asked, now looking back at Sun with a raised eyebrow.

“We needed an extra hand with getting Fluttershy into the delivery room,” He replied back to her. “She’s also helping the doctors with the process so everything goes smoothly-” His sentence though was cut off by what sounded like a loud cry that came from the operating room and echoed around the rest of the building. Which was enough to explain to them what was going on. “I’m sorry about getting you all caught up in this, since this was all kind of a sudden-”

“No need to apologize,” Applejack cut him off. “Though, why aren’t you in there with her?”

“I was, but then they asked me to step out of the room and wait here until it's over.” At the moment he said that, the doors to the room opened and out stepped a mare that was originally in the room when the whole procedure began.

“Excuse me, but are you Mr. Wukong?” She asked him as he got up from the chair that he was sitting in the waiting room.

“Yes, that’s me. Is Fluttershy alright?” He then asked, sounding rather concerned for her.

“Everything’s fine. The operation went well and she just needs a moment to rest first before you can see her.” The mare insisted, before adjusting her glasses with a hoof. “Although, there is another thing that I would like to ask you… Did you bring in some alcohol earlier?”

“Y-yeah. Doctor Stable said he needed it for disinfectant,” He replied back to her, sounding a bit puzzled. “Why?”

“Well, after the operation finished, that bottle went… missing,” She told him in response, briefly looking at Raven, Applejack and Twilight before adding a follow up question. “Would you have happened to have seen anypony with it by chance-?”

“Never make me do that again!” Aya groaned as she applied the alcohol to her cuts casually upon stepping out of the room. “I swear, I delivered you and your sister in a hospital while I was drugged, and I don’t even remember much of my life anyways! Why call me!?” She sounded slightly tipsy, now that Sun wasn’t so distracted by panic.

“Oh… so that’s where it went. I’ll just… leave you be.” The mare responded, before exiting the room and leaving Sun and the others with Aya.

Sun himself, was not sure how to respond to Aya in that moment. Mostly because he wasn’t sure if it was his mother talking or the alcohol. But still, he felt that he needed to say something to her. To tell her that he called her because he did not know of anyone else he could turn to for help. However, that alone was hard enough for him to put into words on the spot.

So, while trying to remain calm, he then looked back to his mother and began to speak. “Because I was afraid… I called you because I had not been in this situation before and did not know what to do. I-i was scared that I might do something wrong and end up hurting one of the ponies I care about the most. That’s why I called,” Admitting this felt right to him, and with it, that’s when he walked over to his mother and wrapped his arms around her. Holding her close and hugging her. “And I’m beyond grateful that you came.”

“Don’t make me go through this again anytime soon… if the baby’s due, bring her to the hospital…” Aya sighed tiredly.

All Sun did was nod his head as he looked back at her, loosening the hug for a moment. “I won’t. I promise.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Wukong-?” Both of them soon heard the voice of Dr. Stable as the stallion entered the hallway as he looked back at them. “Oh, I’m sorry. Was I interrupting something?”

The faunus looked back at his mother for a moment, just before looking back at the doctor and shaking his head. “No, we’re fine. Is everything okay with Fluttershy?”

“Why yes, we just finished up a few things. Everything was successful” He said, looking towards Aya now and trotting away from the door. Though, as he noticed the bottle of rubbing alcohol in her hands, he used his levitation spell to take it back and put it back on a cart of medical supplies that a nurse was moving down the “Fluttershy would like to see you now. Well, both of you now.”

As Dr. Stable trotted past them and towards where Twilight and everyone else was, that was when Sun looked back at Aya and walked towards the door. Opening it for her as a polite gesture and letting her go inside first as he followed suit. Both of them found Fluttershy on the bed, resting in what looked like a hospital gown as she looked relaxed. But the real thing that stood out was that in her hooves, she held a young baby girl that was wrapped in a warm blanket.

“How is our little girl?” Sun softly asked as Fluttershy noticed them walking into the room.

“W-well, she’s doing fine I think,” The pegasus responded, before looking back to Aya and smiling. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have had my little angel here without you.”

Aya waved Fluttershy’s thanks off with a wave of her hand, “It’s nothing. My daughter-in-law needed me and I used the breathing technique more than you.”

“No no, I mean it…” Fluttershy herself insisted. “In fact, I… well…” For a moment, she hesitated, before whispering to Sun as he looked back at her. For a moment, he looked surprised. But then, he let out a sigh as he turned to Aya.

“Fluttershy and I have already decided what the name of the child would be, but…” He took a moment to compose his thoughts, before looking back at her. “Fluttershy wanted to ask if it was okay if we used the name that you once had back home as her middle name. Silvia.”

“I… I’d be honored, but why?” Aya was taken aback.

“Well… I know how important you are to Sun and after you helped me here, I just w-wanted to show how much you mean to both of us. And how much you m-mean to me too.” Fluttershy replied back to her, while Sun nodded his head in agreement. It was shortly afterwards that Fluttershy motioned her hooves so that Sun could come over and have the chance to hold their daughter. Allowing Aya in order to be able to see her up close while her son held her.

“Welcome home, little one.”

Outside of the hospital, Twilight waited alongside that of Raven for Sun and Aya to come outside. Originally, they were waiting around in the lobby with Applejack and her brother, but after a while, they said that they needed to go back to the orchard or else Granny Smith would be asking too many questions about why they were gone for so long. So that left both the princess and the swordswoman waiting outside of the hospital doors for what felt like almost an hour, wanting to know more about how Fluttershy was doing.

Eventually, the doors opened. And with it, both Sun and Aya stepped out as Twilight looked back at both of them. Letting out a sigh of relief in the process. “There you are. How’s Fluttershy? Is she doing alright?”

“Yeah, she’s doing fine for the moment,” The faunus nodded his head. “The doctors want to keep her overnight, just to make sure that she’s okay after the anesthesia wears off. She should be out of the hospital by tomorrow if everything goes well.”

“That’s good to hear,” Raven now spoke up as she looked back at both of them. “How are you two? I know that everything happened so quickly, so… how are you holding up?”

“Oh, I’m fine.” Aya chuckled mildly.

“Same here.” Sun also responded in the same manner.

“Okay then, I guess.” For a moment, Twilight looked back at Raven before returning her attention to the two of them. She looked like she was going to ask them something, but the faunus beat her to it beforehand.

“Hey mom… Did you want to stay for a while at the cottage and catch up a bit?” He offered to her, looking a bit nervous as he scratched the back of his head.

“I guess… I’d rather not have to deal with MIST right now…”

“Needing a break from the action? I know the feeling…” Raven replied back. At first, she gripped the hilt of her blade before slicing the area in front of her as a red and black portal emerged on the ground. “There we go. That should be able to take us back to the cottage.” Moments afterwards, she stepped through the portal, followed by Twilight shortly afterwards.

Sun was going to step through next, before turning around and looking back at Aya. “After you.” Aya thanked her, stepping through the portal shyly. Followed by Sun once she had fully stepped forward.

Upon exiting the portal, both of them found themselves to be in the living room of Fluttershy’s cottage. Raven had already set her katana down on the coffee table while Twilight herself was in the kitchen. Preparing a tea kettle as the portal behind both Sun and Aya now closed. “Would you like anything to drink? I’m preparing some tea right now.”

“No thanks Twilight, I think I’m fine,” Sun declined as he looked towards his mother. “Would you like anything, Mom?”

“Anything strong. It cools my nerves.” Aya replied as she sat down on the nearest seat- which in this case, was the couch that was not far from where the coffee table was.

“So… would black coffee work for you then? Or was there something else you had in mind?” Raven then asked her cautiously. She was brewing some coffee alongside that of Twilight’s tea as an alternative option, but she was unsure if that was what she wanted… or if what she wanted was the same thing that lead to her ‘outburst’ at the hospital.

“Something… strong.” Aya commented tiredly.

That had the swordswoman sigh as she looked back at her. “So Alcohol then? I don’t recall having much of that stored here, but if you can give me some time, I can make some Hard Apple Cider for you.”

“Wait, you know how to make that?” Twilight asked, sounding a bit surprised by that statement.

“Why of course. Back when Granny Smith was younger, she taught me how to make it so that way we could be able to have more on hand during Cider season.” Raven replied back as she grabbed a handful of apples off the kitchen table

“That’s good.” Aya messaged her forehead, “I haven’t tried any, used to the magic drinks I get back in my world.”

“Magic drinks?” Sun then asked as he looked back at Aya. “Do you mean potions or is that a nickname for a series of cocktails you guys have back in your world?”

“Oh, think of them like super drinks that’d knock you out. It’s hard for me to get hammered.” Aya chuckled nervously. “Heh… you probably don’t want to hear that from your mother though, sorry.”

Around that time though, before Sun could respond to what Aya said, that was when he noticed something else come through the front door. It was Fluttershy’s rabbit, Angel, and the wolf pup that Sun found that the pegasus had been raising named Grif. And as soon as the rabbit came in, he just tapped its back foot as if Angel was impatiently waiting on something important. “Oh… right, I almost forgot,” He said, before looking back at Aya and the others. “Sorry guys, I need to step out for a moment so I can feed Angel and the rest of the animals Fluttershy is caring for.”

“Alright, we’ll let you know when coffee’s ready.” Twilight replied back as the Faunus began to walk towards the back door. Following both Angel and Griff around back as he found the rest of the animals that were out back. Making sure to provide the right kind of food to each one and distribute it equally as well based on a chart that Fluttershy made for him a while ago. Salmon fillet for Henry, Cheese for a small mouse named ‘Mr Mousey’, Fresh Nectar for Mr. Hummingway, new chicken feed for Elizabeak, bird feed for Constance, small fish for the two otters that were in her, bowl of fruit for Toby the Fruit bat, a bowl of food for Grif and lastly, a carrot salad for Angel.

“There we go, that should be everything,” he said, before looking back at Grif and noticing something. It looked like some kind of rolled up piece of parchment was in his bed, almost like the letters that Twilight would send to Princess Celestia. But this one was different. “Hunh… I don’t think that belongs here…”

Extending his hand forward, he picked up the parchment and held it in his hands. But before he could open it and see what it was, he heard the whistling of a tea kettle coming from around the other side of the cottage. Folding the parchment and placing it in his pocket, the faunus went back around inside as he looked back at everyone. Twilight was just picking up the pot with her levitation spell while Raven was handing over a wooden mug to Aya that had a bit of foam that was beginning to fizzle at the top.

“Alright. I made sure Angel and all the others were fed,” He said, before looking back at Twilight. “Is coffee almost done?”

“Yeah, just give it a few more moments,” Raven replied back, taking a moment to get out some cream and sugars before setting them on a tray just in case they wanted to sweeten their drinks a little. Before turning her attention to Aya. “So, what do you think?”

“It tastes great, but is pretty tame… Oh! How are things treating you all, besides Angel?” Aya asked, immediately perking up about her granddaughter.

“Well, I’ve been trying to fix the relationships that I have between my daughters and a couple of people I know. Other than that, things have been alright,” Raven herself replied first, before turning over to Sun. “What about you, Sun?”

“Well, the only thing I remember that had been going on recently for me was that I was in Manehattan with Nora and Coco. There was a bit of a stir a few days ago where one of the displaced that’s part of another team here, team ABRN, was framed for a crime she never did,” The faunus responded, recalling the events of the last few days aside from that of staying with Fluttershy. “Fortunately, we found some evidence that could help her case and brought it to Ozpin as soon as we came back.”

“I remember that. I was talking with Starlight and Sage when I overheard Nora talking about it with him,” Twilight recalled as she looked back at the faunus. “Other then that, I haven’t seen much of your teammates around recently. Mainly, Neptune.”

“Why’s that?” Sun asked.

The alicorn looked back, giving off a small sigh before explaining what she meant. “When I asked if Neptune could help me out, he was first agreeable. However, when he realized that I needed help with testing the waters at the pool that was just recently finished in the athletics department for Beacon, that was when he immediately bolted for the door.”

All Sun did was facepalm himself in response, before groaning. “God dammit, Nathan…”

“What? Was he not like this before he came here?” Raven then asked, a bit puzzled.

“Back home, Nathan was the star player on our schools water polo team,” The faunus told them. “Now though, it seems like he’s taking on one of the personality traits of Neptune. That being his fear of water.”

“That’s pretty ironic…” Aya commented.

“How?” Twilight asked, looking puzzled.

Sun took a moment to let out a small breath, before looking back at Twilight. “By now, I think we already told you that some of the characters that we were displaced as have a certain theme or character that they’re based on. Whether it be fairy tales, fables or mythic beings back home. Neptune specifically was based on a roman god of the same name who was the god of the sea.”

That left the alicorn just looking down at them for a moment, before scratching her chin. “Yeah, I can see how ironic that could be now,” She replied back, before returning her gaze to both of them as Twilight asked a new question. “Out of curiosity, what are you two both based on? Is it anything in particular?”

“Well, as far as I know, Raven herself is supposed to be based on Norse Mythos. One of two ravens who would bring information to that of Odin, the All-father. Though, I can’t remember which one in particular,” The swordswoman replied back to the alicorn, shortly before turning to Aya. “As for Sun, I think he was based on a story from… china?”

“Yeah, Journey to the West,” He replied back. “Sun Wukong is the name of a character in that same story that was referred to as the monkey king. Heck, even my own weapons are based on the staff that Sun Wukong had in the story and were named similarly.”

“That’s… something,” Twilight blinked for a moment, rubbing her eyes for a moment with her wings before looking back. “I don’t know what anything you just said means, but it's still something I… guess?”

“You know how some stories use other material to inspire it?” Aya asked, before taking a swig of her cider while waiting for Twilight’s response. It took her a few moments, but eventually, things were beginning to click.

“Oh… Ohh… Oh, I see what you mean,” She replied back. “It’s like you are reading a story and there’s a character in it that is a reference to somepony in history?”

“Or another more popular story, yeah. From my experience, everything’s inspired by something else.” Aya downed the rest of her drink. “How’s we start talking about this again?”

“I believe Twilight mentioned Neptune when she was talking about how she overheard Nora talking about what we found in Manehattan to Ozpin,” Sun replied back, now pouring some coffee for himself and sitting down not that far from that of Aya. “You know, with trying to prove another displaced innocent of something they didn’t do?”

“I had something like that happen. Best way to help is catch the one who really did it.” Aya suggested, looking into her own cup with disappointment. “Anyways, anything else?”

“Not really,” Twilight replied back, taking a sip of her tea before looking back at Sun. “Oh, right! I almost forgot. Sun, Ozpin wanted to talk with you and I tomorrow morning if that’s okay with you. He said that he wanted to talk about something regarding Beacon.”

“Thanks Twilight,” He said in response, before looking back to Aya now. “So mom, how have things been with you lately? Working on any new cases?”

“You don’t even know what I do!” Aya giggled as she gently punched his shoulder.

“S-sorry. I might’ve assumed that you were some kind of detective since your token was a badge.” He admitted, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

“I’m less of an agent nowadays. My organization’s really taken off, though your cousin’s been causing me headache after headache.” Aya leaned back before continuing, “I’m pretty much stuck behind a desk and telling people what to do. Not as fun, but very important. I’m the ‘boss’.”

“Ouch… I guess you’re more of someone who likes to do fieldwork instead of paperwork?” Sun then asked her.

“Paperwork is boring to everyone, Sun. Your grandfather would always complain about it when he came home from work, and my mother and sister got every detail.” Aya laughed, though mostly to herself.

“Paperwork can be a pain, but it’s still gotta be done, no matter what it is,” Twilight agreed to that. “You should’ve seen the look on Rainbow’s face when she needed help going over the contract she needed to sign before officially joining the Wonderbolts. She was complaining about ‘why did she need to sign so many papers just to do stunts’ and such.”

“That would sound like something she would happen to say alright,” Sun chuckled as he took another sip of coffee before turning to Aya. “Luckily, at least you can be able to take a break from all that, even if it's just for a little while right?”

“Right now it’s piling up… Lance moved into New Yoke City to investigate some illuminati type of group. A group we were looking into before he just walked in and messed up our investigation.” Aya let out a frustrated huff. “Things are stressful with him, Mane Hero Six, the vigilantes who’ve been killing my informants along with petty criminals, and the numerous cutbacks after recent incidents I can’t divulge.”

Sun was silent on that. Not sure how exactly to respond at first because he did not know how his mom would act. He wanted to ask if Lance actually knew about their investigation before coming in, but given how stressed out Aya way, it sounded like a topic that she didn’t want to talk about. “Damn… it sounds like you need more than just a small break after you’re done. That’s the amount of work that requires a mandatory vacation afterwards.”

“Geez, and just when I thought that what I’ve been doing already and working as a blacksmith at a forge was a headache,” Raven let out a sigh, before looking to the remaining apples on the table. “If it were me, I would want in on that vacation, big time.”

“My city’s still got some… infestation problems at the moment. Once they’re gone and Lance stops poking his nose where it doesn’t belong, I’ll take a vacation.” Aya set her cup on the coffee table. “You okay with refills?”

Raven looked back at the table for a moment, seeing that there were still some apples left over before nodding her head. “Yeah, I got enough to make you another. You deserve it.” She got up to grab the empty mug and walk back over to the kitchen to make the refill that Aya requested.

“I’m fine on the couch, it’s no big deal!” Aya complained drunkenly, having downed almost one hundred cider bottles.

“Mom, its okay,” Sun insisted as the princess of friendship just trotted up alongside him. “Just let Twilight and I get a bed ready for you. I’m sure we have some space in the guest room. You don’t have to-”

“I’mma be fine!” Aya assured Sun and Raven, before giggling to herself.

That just had the swordswoman sigh as she went back to the kitchen, much to that of Sun’s dismay. “Really? You’re getting her another one? Don’t you think she’s gone over her limit?”

“Trust me,” She said, before pulling something out from under one of her arm guards that looked like some kind of sweetener packet. “She’ll be done after this. Go ahead and get that bed ready.”

Without questioning what Raven was talking about, both the alicorn and the faunus just decided to let her handle Aya for the moment as they moved over to the guest room. Taking off the sheets that used to be on the bed and preparing them with a clean new set. Though, it was as Sun was making sure that the sheets were in place that Twilight noticed something that was sticking out of his back pocket. Something that looked to be a scroll or letter.

“Hey, what’s that?” She then asked.

“Hmm? What’s what?” The faunus asked, thinking that she was referring to something in the room or on the nightstand.

“The paper in your pocket. What is that?” She clarified a bit more, before he turned around and pulled it out. Holding it in his hands.

“Honestly, I’m not entirely sure,” Sun replied back. “I found it in Grif’s bed while I was feeding all the animals out back, so part of me thought that it was something that he mistook for a chew toy.”

“Have you tried opening it?” The alicorn’s question was then met by the Faunus’ attempt to remove the ribbon that held the scroll in place.

After untying the knot that was on the scroll, the piece of paper began to roll out. But what he found was something that… caught him off guard. “It’s a letter… from Kreed.”

“Wait, seriously?” Twilight blinked in response. She remembered when Sun and Fluttershy took both the bodyguard of one of the changeling queens and a former queen herself into their care to treat them after close encounters with that of Adam and the White Fang. But she had not seen, nor heard from them recently. “What does it say?”

Sun took a moment to exhale as he looked at the top of the letter, before he began to read what was written on the page.

To those who helped us in our time of need,

I would like to offer our sincere gratitude for you taking all of us into our care. Unfortunately though, it feels as if we have overstayed our welcome. After hearing about your ordeal from the same figure that left that of Chrysalis in a near death like state, both of us thought that we unintentionally brought this upon you considering our close encounters with that of the one who calls himself Adam. In addition, after hearing how you and your marefriend were planning to start your own family; we came to the realization that our presence in your home, and furthermore, in Ponyville could lead to that of Adam returning to finish what he started.

Fortunately, while you were helping some of your friends investigate something in Manehattan, we had the opportunity to go to that of the Crystal Empire to visit Princess Cadence and discuss our situation with her. It was during our visit that we realized that we weren’t the only ones who were on the run. There was another changeling that was living in plain sight in the Crystal Empire. His name was Thorax, a part of the scouting and reconnaissance swarm that was away from our hive when the siege happened. After having the chance to talk with him, his brother Pharynx and the rest of the drones in that swarm and fill them in on current events, we’ve now determine a plan for us to be able to be able to start over.

There’s no point in going back to the original hive the way that we are right now. Even if Adam and the White Fang are purged from this place, there would be way too many bad memories there. So that’s why we are going to go somewhere else instead. There’s an uninhabited forest far to the west of Ponyville right now that we are planning to travel too on hoof. We have enough supplies to last all of us a few weeks and Cadence has provided us a sack of crystals that would provide us with the different emotions that we would need to feed. After we have the chance to resettle, we will send a messenger to Twilight’s castle. As for Honeydew and Reson, both of them will be staying in the Crystal Empire for a while until we have completed the journey.

Thanks to you, our kind now has a second chance. Perhaps this time, both changelings and ponykind can be able to live together in peace.



Sun just stared at the letter. Caught off guard by what was inside. Twilight herself was also caught off guard by this too. In fact, no one really knew that they would just decide to leave like that. The alicorn herself was still trying to contemplate it personally, muttering to herself before looking back at him.

“Sun, w-what should we do? D-do you think we should help them?” She asked.

“Twilight, If I were to be honest,” The faunus told her in response. “This sounds like something that they have been preparing for a while. The last thing we should do is just show up thinking that they need our help, only to find out that they have everything under control. Besides, if they got a few drones that were once soldiers, then I think they can handle themselves.”

“What about the Grimm though?” She asked.

“Either Raven or I would’ve told him about it and in turn, he would tell the others,” Sun then mentioned. “Besides, Kreed was the former bodyguard for his queen. He’s not defenseless.”

“I know but…” Twilight stammered a little as she looked back at the faunus. “Something tells me that maybe we should’ve done more to help them. I don’t know, this is just all of a-”


“-sudden.” At the sound of that, both Sun and Twilight dropped everything that they had and raced to the living room. Only to find Raven carrying Aya in her arms, bridal style no less, as she looked back at both the faunus and the alicorn.

“See? Told you that she would be done after this.”

That had Sun blink for a moment, surprised. “What did you put in her drink? Sweetener?”

“More like a knockout agent,” Raven chuckled. “It was a little secret weapon that Granny Smith had me use on stallions that had a bit too much for their own good... So, is the bed made?”

“Y-yeah, we just finished it.” Twilight said, using her magic to hold the door open for her as Raven set Aya down on the bed and tucked her under the covers. Shortly before closing the door behind her and just letting her sleep.

“With that, I should take my leave too,” The swordswoman replied, before handing Sun a few bits. Causing the faunus to look at her with a puzzled expression on his face before she began to explain why. “Compensation for the apples. You can use these to get some more tomorrow.”

“T-thanks.” He replied, just before both he and Twilight watched as Raven transformed into a bird right in front of their eyes and took off through an open window.

Which in turn, caused Twilight eyes to start twitching a bit as she looked back at Sun, before staring out that same window. “W-what in Equestria was that all about?!”

The faunus only had one answer for her as he picked up the mug that his mother was using for Cider and brought it over to the sink. “To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what just happened either.”

End Tail 34

Author's Note:

And now, for a more family focused chapter. Specifically, the newest family member to come into Sun's life. His daughter, Angel Wing.

I plan to add more details to her as the story goes on, but for the time being, I think this chapter is more focused on bringing in new life while also tying a couple of loose ends that I happened to find when reviewing this. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Big thanks to BP for helping with Sun's mother, Aya, as well as taking the time in order to get this done. I really appreciate it.

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