• Published 4th Jun 2015
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Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 30- Cold Iron

Monkey Business- Cold Iron

Crystal Empire

It had been a few weeks since there had been any major incidents within the borders of the Crystal Empire and right now, many ponies were lucky to be safe within it’s walls. With the events of the Crystalling happening sometime ago, many have feared the likelihood of another one of those events happening again if the Crystal Heart were to be damaged. So, Princess Cadence, along with Princess Luna, Celestia and also Twilight had already taken necessary precautions in making sure that her newborn daughter, Princess Flurry Heart, did not accidently destroy the Crystal Heart again in the near future.

However, it was in the conversation after all was said and done that intrigued both Cadence and Shining the most… as well as concerned them too. Talks of creatures known as Grimm and also something called ‘Beacon’ back at Ponyville that served as a school to train a new generation of protectors against the Grimm and other unknown threats. It was a very solid idea… and something that Shining thought should be applied here. But the two of them, along with their advisor Sunburst, still had a few questions on their mind.

First, there was when Twilight had mentioned a particular… individual during her visit with her friends. One that she called a ‘faunus’ and that his name was Sun…… something. Second, Shining had personal doubts that whoever he was, there was more to him than meets the eye… and that he shouldn’t be trusted too quickly. Even though Cadence just thought it was just him being paranoid, there was still some matters to take seriously.

Like this morning… When they woke to the sound of a deaf defying series of roars and multitude of loud BANG’s!

“What in the name of the empire was that?” Shining asked, startled by what he just heard as he immediately got to his hooves. “Are we under attack?”

The roars then suddenly ceased with a final bang. Which, had Cadence get up from her room and look out onto the balcony. Seeing a pillar of black smoke as she looked outside from atop of the Empire. “Shiny, something’s going on outside the walls of the empire. Several of the guard are scurrying along the walls to the gate.”

“Well, I better get down there and see what’s going on. Can you make sure that the commotion didn’t disturb Flurry Heart?” The unicorn asked, concerned about his daughter.

“I’ll go check on her.” Cadence said, nodding her head as both of them left the room in opposite directions. The alicorn going to their daughter’s room while the Unicorn going to where all the commotion was along the wall. It was only after a while did he soon see what all the other guards were seeing as he looked down as the snowy expanse below. In the middle of what looked like a warzone, stood a bipedal figure with a strange weapon in hand that they were able to put out from inside their jacket. Around him were what looked like animals, but with their appearance being of black and red with bone like features and looking like soulless monsters.

The bipedal was wearing white, and held a silver handgun in one hand. He then began to fire on all of the surrounding creatures casually, effortlessly almost. Shining watched as the figure dispatched each creature that attacked him, even using one of his hands when a wolf like creature tried to attack from behind. When the coast was clear though, Shining himself teleported down to the field… and had all the guards on the wall be on standby. “Who… are you?”

“Apologies for the noise. My name is Ironwood. James Ironwood.” The man said, sheathing his weapon.

“Okay then… Mr. Ironwood, my name is Shining Armor. Captain of the Crystal Guard here for the Crystal Empire… I have some questions regarding what exactly just happened.” The Unicorn told him, waving a hoof to call off the guards that were on standby along the walls of the castle.

“Those were Grimm. They’re creatures who destroy anything that isn’t a Grimm.” Ironwood said plainly. “I’m unsure on the details though. I was lost and saw this empire here in the distance.”

“Perhaps there’s some things we can help clear up for you…” He said, looking back up as he used another signal to open the gates of the Empire as they walked inside.

“I appreciate it… Sir? Do you use that title here?” Ironwood asked. “And… ‘We’?”

“Most ponies address me as Captain, but I normally go by Sir during formal occasions,” he said, looking back at him. “And when I mean we, I mean myself and my wife, Princess Cadence.” Just as he said that, the pink alicorn he was referring too soon stepped out as she looked at the two of them.

“Shining, what happened?” She asked, before looking to Ironwood. “Who-?”

“Cadence, this is Mr. James Ironwood… Mr. Ironwood, this is my wife, Princess Cadence. Leader of the Crystal Empire.” Shining introduced the two of them before looking at her. “Cadence, Ironwood here just had an encounter with the grimm creatures that Twily told us about… The noise he heard was him defending himself.”

Cadence herself was rather shocked to hear that, before looking at both of them and then saying something else. “Perhaps we should continue this conversation behind closed doors.” Both of them nodded, before following her inside as two of the guards closed the doors behind them. “Now… Mr. Ironwood… I’m sure you have some questions that you want to ask…”

“I do…”

“Fluttershy, does Angel normally have a carrot before or after lunch?” Sun asked while he was trying to boil some water in the kitchen. It had already been some time since he recovered from his ordeal and right now, he was focusing on making sure to help take care of Fluttershy while she was going through the stages of her pregnancy… and was now getting glared at by a white bunny with folded arms that was tapping his foot.

“After. Angel, you better not try to use this as a chance to get extra carrots, mister!” Fluttershy said from across the room, causing the rabbit to sigh in defeat before hopping off the counter top in disappointment. Making the faunus chuckle as the kettle that was on the stove top whistled loudly. Leading to him pouring a cup of tea to bring over to the pegasus as he set it on the nightstand of her room.

As he had taken care of that and was coming back into the living room to where the paper was on the coffee table, the faunus happened to notice someone he didn’t see earlier. “Hey, Velvet. How are you this morning?”

“Terrible… I’ve been having bad dreams.” Groaned the rabbit faunus, scratching her ears.

“I’m sorry to hear that…” Sun replied, thinking a little bit before asking her something. “Do you… wanna talk about it?”

“It’s nothing… I just miss my family…” Velvet sighed. “It’s all foggy… Coco and the others say they also are having trouble remember people from our old lives…”

“I…… don’t know what to say…” Sun said, feeling down about that when he heard that. The Faunus wasn’t sure how to help her, especially with the fact that unlike them, he was able to reunite with some of his family members and not forget them.

“Faces, names… I can remember doing things, and the feeling, but I can’t remember the order… I know Fox and Yatsuhashi are having similar dreams. Coco says she can easily remember you and the team… It’s just all so surreal...”

“I… don’t know how I can help…” Sun said in defeat… before asking her something. “Has anyone else had similar dreams? Like outside your team?”

“I don’t know… I don’t ever talk to anyone and neither does Fox, Coco’s too busy and Yatsuhashi’s tight lipped about the matter.” Velvet replied. The Faunus sighed, partially down since he didn’t know how he could help. But when he opened to the front page of the newspaper… what he saw had him drop the paper on the table.

“You gotta be kidding me…” Sun said, groaning a bit as he scratched the back of his head. “And just when I thought the story on Torchwick several weeks back was one thing…”

“Another Displaced?” Velvet asked.

“Yeah, this time it’s someone different,” He said, showing the picture on the front page of the paper, which was of a man that resembled General Ironwood standing next to Princess Cadence. “According to this, this person, who goes by Ironwood, is planning to assist Captain Shining Armor with not only the Crystal Empire military, but the establishment of a school to help ponies who aspire to be the next generation of protectors called Atlas Academy.”

“That’s… Actually a good idea.” Velvet shrugged. “So… What do we do about it?” Before Sun could reply though, they soon happened to have a visitor come inside as she looked back at them.

“Oh thank Celestia, I’m glad I found you.” Twilight replied, gasping for breath as she looked at them. Which, in turn, caused Sun and Velvet to look at her as the Alicorn was taking a couple of moments to catch her breath so she could be able to speak.

“Are you okay Twilight?” Velvet asked, concerned for the Princess.

“W-we… We…” Twilight said, taking a moment to breath as he looked back at them. “Princess Cadence is inviting us to the Crystal Empire to come meet them… I’m sure you heard the news about what’s going on in the world?”

“Just found it on the front page in the paper this morning.” Sun explained to her. “Why, what’s up?”

“We’re being invited to the Crystal Empire to speak with Ironwood… and for the possibility that Beacon can be partners with them once Atlas Academy is established.” The Alicorn finished. “Ozpin’s already chose who he wants to come with him to the empire… and he chose both of you.”

“M-me!? I get Sun, but why would Ozpin want me to go? I barely understand my weapon let alone get people…” Velvet said, her ears curling down.

“He’s concerned that Coco would possibly make a scene along with Ruby and her team, Penny and a couple of others. Don’t worry. It’s not going to be just you two. I’ll be coming with Spike, Starlight and Sage as well and I believe Ozpin was going to ask the other members of your team if they would be available.” Twilight told them. “Though, I was recently told that Neptune and Scarlett would be helping out around the Academy in your guys place, so that leaves either Fox or Yatsuhashi for if they want to come.”

“What about Reese’s team?” Sun said… before realizing what he said. “Nevermind, forget that I asked.”

“JNPR?” Velvet added. “At least Pyrrha and Ren?”

“Pyrrha’s staying behind and Ren’s having to watch Nora since she’s working a double shift at Sugarcube Corner and I’m not sure what exactly Jaune would be doing.” The Alicorn then added. “Don’t worry. We won’t be leaving immediately, so it’ll give you some time to pack. I know Discord’s helping with Fluttershy, so she’ll be okay while you’re away, Sun.”

“Okay…… Is there anything we might be overlooking, Velvet?” Sun asked her.

“Who’s going to watch over them? The ones we wouldn’t dare bring?” Velvet asked. “Also now that I think about it, Coco’s a lot more responsible than Ozpin gives her credit for.”

“Yeah… but after Aya happened to tell Ozpin about the incident in Manehattan when she was drunk… Ozpin didn’t want to risk anything.” That had Sun deeply sigh to himself as he looked back at her. Of course, Aya would happen to share that story with him. Even after Coco tried making amends with her most recently. “I would think it’s likely that Fox may be able to come though. He seemed… interested when I originally told him about it.”

“Fox doesn’t get out as much as he’d like to…” Velvet stated.

“So it may be good for him…” Sun said to himself before looking back at Twilight. “Anything specific we should pack?”

“Not really. It may be Spring, but it’s just like any other city in the north part of equestria.” Twilight replied. “I’ll let you know when it’s time to get ready. The train will be leaving sometime this afternoon and I’m going to have to double check with the ponies at the station.” With that, the Alicorn left the room… leaving only Velvet and Sun in the same room.

“Well… Would you like me to help you with helping you understand your weapon?” Sun asked her in response while taking out his and setting it on his shoulders. “We do have some time before we’ll be going to the Crystal Empire.”

“No… I’d rather not.” Velvet replied. “Let me go get changed and I’ll meet you at the station.”

“It’s still early.” The faunus replied as he looked back at her. “Twilight said something about the train leaving this afternoon and it’s only 10 o’clock. Plus, since all I really need is a second pair of clothes and some dust crystals, I’m set. I just thought I’d offer a helping hand.”

“Sun, that’s great and all, but I’m not comfortable… Doing anything with anyone outside of my team.” Velvet replied, looking down.

“Okay… I just thought I would offer and try to help you.” Sun replied, looking back at her before going to Fluttershy in order to inform them on the news that Twilight had just told them.


“These seats are small.” Fox stated simply.

“Well, Normally, the seats are accustomed for that of one or two ponies…” Twilight told him as she decided to take a seat right next to him while everyone else was getting adjusted. Velvet was seated not far from where Sun was and Ozpin sat across from them down the aisle. Sage himself was getting a drink at the dining car while they were conversing among themselves. Spike and Starlight were also in the same section that Ozpin and Sage were seated too. Though, it was shortly after they were all seated as the train was moving that Twilight had a question for them. “So…… do you guys happen to know anything about this… Ironwood person we are going to meet?”

When Sun heard that, he looked back to Fox and Velvet before looking towards the Alicorn. “Well… that may be a bit hard to explain… You’re familiar with how we all originated as Displaced from RWBY right?”

“And how each of you were dressed as characters from a series only to be sent as them?” Twilight repeated the definition of Displaced in ‘simple terms’ as Sun nodded his head in response. “Is Ironwood like you then? Like a student at a school?”

“No no… He’s rather different. In fact, he reminds me a bit of Ozpin,” Sun said, before actually looking towards him and then saying a couple of words. “No offense.”

“None taken… Though, I do agree with some of what Mr. Wukong is trying to say…” Ozpin spoke up, before allowing Sun to continue.

“Ironwood in RWBY is known for being courteous to others and tactical when the situation calls for it,” Hearing that at first had Twilight’s ears perk up and she seemed very hopeful and eager to meet him… until the second half of the faunus’ statement was said. “However, he can be incredibly blunt, arrogant and… you guys know any other way to describe him?” Sun asked, looking at Fox and Velvet and seeing if they want to pitch in on the conversation.

“He’s an arrogant and stubborn man who thinks that he’s doing the right thing and doesn’t think things through. But this man may be different.” Fox added. Which brought up a valid point. There was no point in knowing if this Ironwood was actually like the Ironwood from RWBY itself.

“Fox is right on that,” they heard Sage as he came back into the car and sat down across from Ozpin. “We’re not quite sure if this Tin Man here is not like the real thing.”

“Tin Man?” Twilight then spoke up. “Don’t you mean Tin Mare? Like from the Wizard of Oz?” That had Sun look back at Fox and pretty much everyone else that wasn’t either a pony or a dragon as they were quite surprised by this comment. They didn’t even know that Equestria had an equivalent to the Wizard of Oz in this world.

“Exactly…” Ozpin himself now spoke up. “I’m not sure if Mr. Wukong had mentioned this to you, but the characters in RWBY all had a specific allusion to different characters in stories, fables and old tales. Ironwood himself was based on the Tin Man, or Tin Mare in your case, from the same story.”

“That… explains a lot of things I was just thinking about.” Twilight thought to herself, before looking at Fox for a moment. “I would want to ask some more questions, but perhaps we could save that for another time. Do you have any questions for us?” That… lead to Sun realizing something. Besides Twilight, Starlight, Spike… and maybe Ozpin, no one else knew what the Crystal Empire actually was… or anything about it.

Which, lead to the princess, her student and also her assistant giving them a crash course on the Empire itself, it’s origins, the culture… and pretty much almost everything about it. But when they were talking about the crystals themselves in the empire and some of them could be controlled with magic and such, all that made Sun think about at the time was about Dust. Perhaps Dust and these crystals were somehow… similar to one another.

He was thinking about it all the way to the point that he only snapped back to reality once the train was beginning to slow down and the announcement came from the speaker system about their arrival. “Attention Everypony, we have arrived at Crystal Station. I repeat, we have arrived at Crystal Station. Thank you and we hope you have enjoyed your trip on the Friendship Express.

“Well, looks like we’re here!” Twilight gleefully cheered, teleporting out of her seat and knocking over Fox onto the floor of the train accidently. “Oh… Whoops. Sorry, Fox. I didn’t mean to knock you over like that.”

“It’s… Fine…” Fox groaned, rubbing his head. He stood up slowly, before slowly making his way outside. With Sun and everypony else soon following them outside as they were greeted by a pink alicorn that was just as tall as Luna… along with a white unicorn with a blue mane and tail. Who’s focus was on him, Sun and Velvet.

“Uh… Cadence, do we need to get a guidepony out here. It looks like one of our guests can’t see-” That comment lead to Cadence elbowing him in the shoulder… and for the person he was talking about to actually comment in response. Much to his surprise.

“I may not see, but my hearing’s top notch.” Fox said, his face blank. “Meaning I heard you.”

“O… kay, Shiny, Cadence… I would like you to meet some of my friends that came with us to see you. This is Fox Alister, Sun Wukong, Velvet Scarlatina, Sage Ayana and lastly, the Headmaster and Director at Beacon Academy, Professor Ozpin.” Each one of them greeted the royal couple in their own specific manner before Ozpin went as far to thank them for the opportunity to visit the Empire and it’s people.

“We’re glad to be able to have the chance to meet each and every one of you. Come follow us inside…” Cadence offered, having their guests follow the two of them inside the walls of the empire and allowing for them to take in the sight of the marvelous city and everything that was inside the Empires walls. “We’re still trying to get a few things straightened out, but Mr. Ironwood has been helping us out a lot recently. Especially with the Grimm that had surfaced.”

Now that was one thing that caught them by surprise. Especially Twilight with how concerned she would be for her brother and for his family. “Grimm were spotted in the Empire?”

“Oh yes… When we first had sightings of them though was when we also found Ironwood. He’s been helping train Shining Armor and the rest of the guard on how to fight the grimm as well as help the establishment of Atlas,” Cadence replied in response to the question. “Speaking of which… there he is.”

Ironwood stepped forward, hands behind his back. “Thank gosh I’m not the only one here. No offence to you ponies, but it’s always good to have others who know some of the same things that you do.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Ironwood,” Ozpin replied, offering a hand for the fellow human to shake. “Or is there another name you would like for me to address you by?”

“My previous name wouldn’t fit me anymore.” Ironwood replied, taking Ozpin’s hand. “I hope this will be a fruitful venture.”

“Fair enough. I just figured that you would still be comfortable with your old name before deciding to change.” Ozpin replied as the two of them shook hands. It was when they shook though that Ironwood happened to notice both Sun and Velvet not far from them… and how Sun’s tail and Velvet’s ears were plain in sight.

“I hope this isn’t too rude, but does it feel to have body parts that you didn’t have before?” Ironwood asked. Which, had Sun raise an eyebrow as he looked at Velvet for a moment before formulating an answer.

“Oh, it took a lot of adjusting for me to get used to this… and it’s probably going to take more to get adjusted to this.” He said, pointing to the burning end of his tail before looking at Velvet. “Velvet, what do you think?”

“It… Hurt at first. Sometimes they have a mind of their own.” Velvet replied. At that, Ironwood nodded.

“An odd question I had a long time ago. Anyways, I have a proposition I want you all to hear.” Ironwood stated. “Let’s speak in private.”

“Lead the way then.” Ozpin replied, looking back at Ironwood and letting him guide them inside.

“I want to make an organization dedicated to protecting this land.” Ironwood began. “Drive back the Grimm and protect everyone- er, everypony. A union of ponies and our kind. Atlas Academy’s just one step to a broader plan.”

“That’s what we’re going for Beacon…” Twilight replied, looking back at him. “Yet, there’s a lot more to Beacon than you may think…”

“No Twilight…” Fox interjected. “Beacon isn’t here to protect Equestria. It’s to train Displaced. Beacon’s focused on other problems outside of the Grimm.”

“And Atlas will be the foundation of Equestria’s new defence force. Equestria’s new guardians.” Ironwood said simply. “From what Sunburst has told me, Grimm activity since Beacon was completed is at an all time high.”

“It’s something we’re aiming to combat yes… and I do believe having a partner to take on the problem head on is indeed valuable.” Ozpin replied. “Though, what exactly is the plan for your force?”

“I’m glad you asked.” Ironwood began. “Atlas Security. Ensuring Equestria’s safety. Ponies and Humans working together.”

“He wants to build a military power using ponies…” Velvet commented, glaring at Ironwood.

“No, no, you misunderstand. I’m developing technology that can act as the cannon fodder while the pony volunteers act as Hunters and Huntresses.” Ironwood corrected her.

“Ironwood is suggesting for us to start off with developing new tools for the guard to use in handling the Grimm since most of the equipment we have is…” Shining paused before looking at the sword on Sage’s back and the gauntlets on Fox’s wrist. “Not as advanced as some of the weapons that you may possess. We mostly still have suits of armor and spears, but eventually, as Atlas continues to grow, he’s hoping to develop a way to remove the need for equine soldiers so they won’t get harmed by the potential threats they might face.”

“That… is rather impressive if I do say so myself.” Sage complimented them. Sun himself was liking the idea as well, even though a thought in the back of his mind wanted to see or hear more about it. To which, he had to internally silence as Ironwood was speaking again.

“And unlike in the show, I plan the control center to be as far away from the prison cells as possible.” Ironwood added. “Though that’s only a dream. It’ll be a miracle if we can even be able to produce the weapons into mass production.”

“I see…” Ozpin said in an amused tone. “What about Atlas Academy? Do you already have ideas for that?”

“Yes. It’ll be a school for ponies to train in becoming a Huntsmen or Huntress.” Ironwood stated. “Where they can either join the military or serve as an independent Hunter.”

“I’m pleased to hear that,” Ozpin replied. “One of the original concerns I had was of some of the practices that Atlas Academy in the series had placed on their students.”

Twilight herself, at that statement, was partially confused. “What do you mean by that?”

“Atlas… Wasn’t the most helpful ally Vale had… They were pretty incompetent and stubborn, and way too militaristic.” Velvet said weakly.

“And I plan to make Atlas a symbol of peace. Anywhere that needs us, will get our support as long as they’re willing.” Ironwood said. “Now, I have to ask… Why bring so many Huntsman and Huntresses? We’re only talking.”

“Well, I wanted to have a few of those who are in Beacon to come see the empire for itself and have the chance to see if there is anything we could do to assist you with the development of Atlas.” Ozpin offered. “Plus, with what you said on the Grimm, I was concerned that the guards might be having some trouble with keeping the walls safe.”

“We’ve been doing what we can to hold off any attacks that the grimm try to do,” Shining explained. “We have archers that have been utilizing special arrows that have arrowheads made out of something that Ironwood calls ‘dust’ and the city is protected by a barrier for emergencies.”

One part of that sentence though… caught Sun by surprise. “Wait, you guys know about Dust?”

Shining himself nodded his head. “Because of the crystal heart, some of the crystals that normally just either grow from the ground like plants and such appear alongside them. However, unlike normal crystals, these Dust that you speak of react to the presence of ponies and humans, like Mr. Ironwood…” That lead to a question forming in the unicorn’s mind as he looked back at the Faunus now. “Though… that does make me wonder… how do you know about it?”

“We know a couple of people back at Beacon who use Dust, whether it’s for spells or forging weapons like Raven.” Twilight then spoke up. “I’ve been trying to find the similarities and differences between Dust and Magic, but with everything going on back in Ponyville, I’ve been rather busy. Had to clear some things from my schedule today to see you guys.”

“Anyways…” Ironwood continued. “I wouldn’t mind having a few Huntsmen and Huntresses move here to join Atlas. Of course, you should probably tell the others from where you came from and talk about it then.”

“That… we will make sure to do,” Ozpin replied back. “On that note, was there anything else that you wished to talk about while we are here?”

“Not really. I haven’t had much time in the Empire, and I’m still reeling slightly from… Well, all of this. You all understand, right?” Ironwood smiled for the first time since they’d met.

“Well, glad to know I was of help.” Fox said sarcastically before he began to walk away.

“Fox!” Velvet shouted, before chasing after him.

“It… takes a bit of adjusting before you can get yourself settled in,” Sun sighed, before looking to Sage for a second. “However, the process in which that happens… may be different for some people… I’m just going to step outside for a moment.”

“I’ll come with you too.” Sage then added, before both of them left the room. Leaving Twilight and Ozpin with Ironwood, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.

Yet, when the pink alicorn looked back at Ozpin, she seemed… curious about something. “Pardon me for interrupting, Mr. Ozpin, but would you happen to know of my aunts? Celestia and Luna?”

Ozpin turned to face her, surprised by the sudden question out of the blue as he looked back at Cadence. “Why yes actually, I helped raise them when they were young-”

“Wait a minute…” Shining then interjected. “Are you trying to say that you're just as old as they are? That would mean you’re over a thousand years old-” The stallion had to shut up though the moment that Cadence then glared at him, causing him to apologize for his outburst.

“A… What?” Ironwood was lost.

“I… had arrived here much longer than that of yourself, Mr. Ironwood,” He spoke up, looking back at him. “Some of the others back in beacon have also been around for the same amount of time I have been here. Yet, as time passed, we continued on. We did not age… we did not grow old… and in my time of being here, I have seen many things… and I want to do whatever I can to help those in need now more than ever. Especially against the Grimm.”

“What about the Grimm?” Shining then added.

“They’re the reason why I had to raise Celestia and Luna as orphans… The Grimm killed their parents when they were little and I had to raise them on my own… It’s a long story, but I don’t think this is the time or the place to be discussing such things…” Ozpin finished his sentence before looking to Twilight. “If there isn’t anything else that needs to be addressed, then I believe we should take our leave soon.”

“Very well…” Ironwood replied. “If you need anything, I’ll be happy to help… Though… There is something I’m a bit worried about.”

Ozpin himself, raised an eyebrow as he looked back at Ironwood. “Yes? What is it?”

“When I first woke up here, I swear I saw another human running in the opposite direction of the Empire…” Ironwood stated.

“You did?” Ozpin asked. “Do you remember anything about them? Any features at all?”

“All I remember was that they had white hair. They were walking away, so I didn’t see their face. I think it was a man though.” That… had Ozpin thinking to himself before looking back at him.

“I’ll go through my files at Beacon to see if there are any potential connections. I’ll be sure to contact you if I do find anything,” Ozpin told him, before he walked out of the room with Twilight and Spike. That was… before saying one last thing. “Thank you for having us here… General.” With that, the door closed behind them, leaving Shining and Cadence with Ironwood as Ozpin and the others departed to catch the train home.


As he walked through the dark and dimly lit halls of the Hive, many things were going through Adam’s mind. Sure, there were a few setbacks involving his partnership with Torchwick and also the betrayal of one of his own. But, he did not let that affect him one bit. Additionally, he began taking extra precautions to make sure of that.

Which, as he was walking to the cell of the betrayer, Ilia Amitola, the faunus himself wanted to be sure that she would not betray him or the White Fang again as he looked at one of the drones that was nearby. “You there,” He said, which made the changeling drone stand at attention as Adam stood in front of them. “I want an update on the reformation process… now.”

“Sir, we’ve been working on the reformation process over the course of the last few days. It should be enough in order for her to listen to your orders directly since we took the time to make sure that she doesn’t succumb to her emotions.” The Drone replied, making Adam somewhat curious and intrigued by the positive news. Yet, he also wanted to be sure that the drone’s claims were as accurate as possible.

“Let me be the judge of that… Open the cell door.” He ordered, causing the changeling drone to salute him as it unlocked the door to the cell as Adam stepped inside. The first thing he saw was darkness, but when his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw Ilia in the far corner of the cell, curled up and shaking as she held her head, chanting to herself under her breath.

“Ilia…” Adam spoke up, slowly approaching her as her head lifted up from the noise. Her eyes widened, and she curled up further, continuing her chanting. But this time, Adam heard her.

“Please don’t hurt me… Don’t hurt me…” Ilia begged.

“Ilia… I’m not here to hurt you…… I’m here to provide you a way out…” He spoke, going down on one knee so he could be on the same level as her. “If you pledge yourself to the cause… and to help our cause… you won’t feel pain anymore…” He waited for a few moments in order for that to sink in a little… before he said the most crucial part. “Now… Ilia… Are you ready to comply?”

Ilia’s eyes became devoid of emotion. “I… Will comply…”

“Good… Now, come with me…” He said as he turned towards the cell and began to leave. “We have a lot of work to do.” Both of the faunus soon left the cell as they began to make their way back to the main hall of their base. But it was then that Adam happened to see a face that he had not seen in a long time.

“Well… Looks like things haven’t changed since I last came here…” A female voice was heard as the sound of heels against the floor echoed through the room. A figure appearing out of the shadows in the back as a black haired woman in a blood red dress soon approached the pair. “Oh? I didn’t know you had some new… additions to the cause.” The woman said upon noticing Ilia, who was behind Adam.

“Cinder…… No one has heard from you in a few months and now you just show up out of the blue?” Adam asked, looking back at her. “Don’t get me wrong… It’s good to see you again, I’m just curious as to why you are here.”

“Well…” She said, having two pieces of paper form cinder in between her fingers as she handed them to him. “A little birdy told me that there had been some recent… activity in the north that you would want to hear of… along with your newfound business partner.” When Adam had a look at the two pieces of paper, he found that the first one had a picture of a human standing alongside a few ponies, going over some blueprints… while the second one showed those same blueprints with the human when they were beginning to build something from the prototypes.

“Where did you get these?” He asked, looking back at Cinder as she smirked.

“In a little known kingdom called the Crystal Empire… word is, there is a person of interest named James Ironwood who is planning to develop new forms of technology, armor and weapons to upgrade the Crystal guard that is up in the empire.” She said, looking back at him. “Now… I would think that with time and a little bit of patience… something like this, which can compete on the scale of weapons of some of the others in that small village in the middle of the sticks, can be rather… useful for not just your revolution, but also your ‘business partner’.”

That was when Emerald herself had also decided to enter the room and join the conversation. “That is true… Torchwick has stressed repeatedly that his men need better protection and weapons… Something like this could be the key to having our soldiers be on the same playing field as that of a huntsman… with the right modifications of course.”

The leader of the White Fang himself… was all intrigued by this… and after some more thinking, he made a decision. “See it through then… Cinder, I want you to keep watch over the production of these weapons and keep in contact with Emerald. Meanwhile, Emerald, you are to inform Torchwick of what is going on and keep him in the loop. Make sure that he can get his hands on these weapons without any… accidents.”

“Yes, sir.” both of them replied in response. But before Emerald could be able to leave, Adam mentioned something else just as Cinder left the room.

“One more thing… Emerald, I want you to have Ilia with you on future assignments and report to me on her actions during missions,” He said, looking to the chameleon faunus for a moment before she looked back at Emerald. “She’s been undergoing some… treatment, so to speak… but I believe she will comply with anything you tell her… right, Ilia?”

Ilia nodded. “I will comply…”

“Good… then both of you are dismissed.” He then said, having Ilia and Emerald leave the room. As they left the room, Adam himself smiled as he looked down the hall. Despite some setbacks… they were also able to gain new information on how to move forward in their operation.

And when the time comes, no one will be prepared for the White Fang when they strike. All they need was time, weapons, equipment… and manpower.


Torchwick was in the middle of playing a card game with himself, bored to tears. Ever since Sun had taken out his guards, specifically Sunflower, Roman had to force himself from not going after the one who did it. Mercury stood by the door, also bored, though with an obviously easier time quelling it.

“Still nothing?” Mercury groaned. Torchwick took that back.

“Yes, still nothing! Now go do whatever you do when I’m not here!” Torchwick fumed.

Mercury rose his hands in defence, “Cool it, I’m not the one who humiliated you-” He started, but was cut off by Roman’s cane meeting his head. Black then made his way out. “Fine, fine!”

Torchwick sighed as he sat back down. His partners weren’t helping him much with anything. He could barely keep his men in check after his encounter with Sun Wukong. Which, impacted how the rest of his business operated.

“Something on your mind, Roman?” He heard the question, looking up to see Emerald along with one other girl standing right next to her. “I was wanting to have the chance to talk to you about some new information I happened to pick up on, but after your… outburst just now, I wasn’t sure if it was the right time to come see you.”

“No! It’s fine, I’ve just had a bit if stress after banana boy.” Roman said, standing back up. “I’ve been dying to do something. You see, I’m a thief by nature, and I have a code I live by. One of those things is that I don’t tolerate others hurting my people. And I’m stuck between what I want to do and the logical thing to do which is not being an idiot and charge into a lost battle… So! Information. What’cha got?” Emerald herself took the chance to explain the situation… and to also give him the pictures that coincided along with it that served as proof.

“So… New weapons in this stone age civilization. About time. You want me to hit this place and get some “samples”?” Roman asked, smirking.

“When it’s time… A contact of ours has said that they are right now in the testing phase, but want to go full on production once the testing is complete.” Emerald explained to him. “And given how quickly some of these are being produced, that may be sooner than later… You have been saying that your men needed better protection and this may be what you are looking for… Now… in regards to your men… I have an idea as to what we can do.”

“Expanding our army sounds wonderful. Do continue.” Torchwick said, smirking.

Emerald smiled in response as she looked back at him. “Tell me… are there any groups that are seen as… rivals to your business?” She asked, looking back at him. “Any rival gangs?”

“In Applewood, there’s a gang of bulls. They’re strong, and I would’ve taken care of them if they weren’t on the other side of Equestria.”

“Hmm… What about locally in Manehattan?” Emerald asked. “I got an idea for expansion… but I want to know the rivals of your business…” She then thought of a perfect example for him to speak about. “Think of it like Chess… You take the king out of the picture and none of the pawns, rooks or any other pieces can do anything about it… Which, leaves you the chance to bring them under your wing.”

“Hmm… Most of my rivals here have either joined up, moved on, or died… Except one. It’s a gang that’s a lot more secretive than mine, which has made tracking them tough… But I’m sure Mercury knows, we were working on disrupting them before our partnership. He’ll be able to help deal with them.” Torchwick replied, smirking. “I’ll talk to him soon enough.”

“Good… Because my plans going to need Mercury for this…” She smirked, looking back at Torchwick. “You’re familiar with how my semblance works, yes?”

Torchwick narrowed his eyes. “Yes… Why?”

“Well… let’s just say that even though to us, it’ll be Mercury and Ilia doing all the work,” Emerald replied back, looking at him for a moment. “Someone else will be taking the fall for this… Like the old saying… The enemy of my enemy is my partner.”

“I like that…” Torchwick grinned, before suddenly wrapping an arm around Emerald. “I really like that! You, my dear, are my favorite customer thus far!” Emerald smirked, even though the feeling of Torchwicks arm around her shoulder felt a bit uncomfortable after a few minutes. When she did have him remove it though, she looked back to him and Ilia for a moment before saying something else.

“Let’s find Mercury and bring him up to speed… we got a lot of work to do to pull this off. But the results are going to be just what we need.”

“And with those results, we’ll mop up the filth…” Torchwick added.

End Tail 30

Author's Note:

And with that, the general has arrived... or what a Dusty Old Qrow would call him... tin man. But with his arrival, comes new problems.

Thanks again to BronyParasite for helping me get this one done. I have been wanting to find a way to intertwine Atlas Academy with the crystal empire for a while now and with his help, I feel like I got it done quite well. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to more chapters in the future.

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