• Published 8th May 2015
  • 8,979 Views, 194 Comments

The Flames of the Phoenix - FrostTheWolf

I am more than what you think I am. You think that I'm weak, broken and easy to deceive? Well, you're about to find out the reason why I am not to be trifled with [Displaced story]

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25- Feed the Wolf

The Flames of the Phoenix- Feed the Wolf

When Shining Armor and his wife Cadance had returned home to the Crystal Empire with their daughter in tow, the captain of the guard immediately set his focus on trying to make sure that there weren’t any security vulnerabilities that were exploited by the ‘replacements’ that snuck in. While everything seemed normal at first, many of the empire’s citizens were shocked by the sudden change of events. To hear that Queen Chrysalis had held them captive was one thing… but to hear that the changeling that they had welcomed into their home was now a king? That took some time for the members of the Crystal Guard to get used to since, only a few weeks ago, Thorax was just a simple drone that wanted to find another way to survive.

“Captain, I have the report that you requested.”

As Shining linked at his desk, his gaze fixed on Lieutenant Garnet, a crystal pegasus that had set a rather hefty looking manila folder onto his desk. “That was quick, Lieutenant. I thought that something of this nature would take longer to prepare.”

“That was my assumption too, if I have to be honest,” Garnet told him, “However, when I mentioned that you needed it post haste because of the recent breach in security we had, they were quick to shut up and get to work.”

The unicorn raised an eyebrow at that, “What did you tell them, exactly?”

“What you told me and the rest of the higher ups in the guard. Yet, I left out a few details that could be seen as ‘classified material’,” the pegasus answered, “The point being that once I mentioned this to them, they did a thorough inspection of everything in the Empire to make sure that nothing was unaccounted for.”

That seemed all well and good, but Shining could tell that the stallion in front of him had more to say, “I see. Well, is there anything about this report to you that I should look at first? Anything that could potentially be dangerous if left unattended to or not addressed immediately? Given everything that has happened recently, I want to make sure that nothing is overlooked and if there are any problems, we address them as quickly as possible.”

For a moment, the pegasus was silent as he took a moment to compose his thoughts. Yet, the captain had a feeling that whatever he was going to say, it wasn’t going to be good. “There is one matter that I think should be addressed above all else, Captain. In the report, it mentions that some items had gone missing from the barracks. At first, we were under the impression that it was the ‘imposters’ who disguised themselves as you and the other members of the Royal Family. However, after looking into the matter myself, there is one thing that’s unaccounted for that is the most concerning.”

Now that was enough to pique his interest, “Which one is that?”

“Permission to speak freely, sir?”

“Permission granted.”

“It’s from a section of the barracks that most of the Crystal Guard calls the ‘don’t buck with this’ armory, since it serves as not just a storage facility, but also a containment wing for dangerous magical artifacts that have been encountered over the years. Not just in the Empire, but also across Equestria as a whole,” The pegasus explained, “The particular artifact in question that’s missing is something that was recovered after the liberation of the Crystal Empire.”

Immediately, the pupils in Shining’s eyes began to shrink as he realized what Garnet was talking about. “Oh no. Is it-?”

“I’m afraid so, sir,” the pegasus nodded.

“Oh horsefeathers,” the captain groaned, “If word about this got out, then there would be a panic across not just the Empire, but also Equestria. And just when we got ourselves out of a different crisis already. Please tell me you at least made some progress to recover it.”

“We are still piecing that together. Though, one thing to note was that there was a message left behind in the container it was usually kept in.” Garnet said, while one of his feathers pointed out at a slip of paper that was sticking out of the report. For a moment, as Shining pulled out the piece of paper, things seemed a bit confusing. Who would leave a message after trying to steal a dangerous artifact such as this one? What exactly was this thief trying to prove?

Then, he read the words that were on the page.

To the Rulers of the Empire and all those who welcomed me with open arms, I want to say… I’m sorry. I had carelessly hoped that your home would provide shelter for me from what was hunting me. However, all I realized was that I was just avoiding the inevitable. Running away from what I was afraid of and hoping that by hiding from sight that things could just blow over.

Now, I realized that such ideas were foolish to even consider. So, I’m done with running. I want to confront what it is that hunts me and show them that even if I’m gone, they will not win. For The Wanderer watches over me, as it did with the rest of their people before their time. If I have to give up everything I am now to ensure that every living being in the world has a chance to live their lives the way that they see fit, then that is a trade I am willing to make.

Watch over Pearl and Valiance for me. And if you see Ember… tell her Thank You.
-The Last Excedian

“Sir?” Garnet asked, “Are you alri-?”

Before the pegasus could even finish, Shining Armor had grabbed his scarf and was already out the door. Shining knew who did this, and if he were to make it in time, then the unicorn hoped that he could stop them from doing something reckless.


As the cold winds blew around him, the wolf that stood in the center of a snowy plain awaited for the appointed hour. The time where he thought that by doing one thing right, it could help the mancer that stood defiantly against the cryophoenix and bring her end. However, it was not yet time.

Only when it was time to fulfill the bargain he struck with The Wanderer, one of the patron deities of his people, will he be buried in this cold light. Where his soul would bravely take the leap into the void and join the rest of his people that had been butchered and slain by Anivia’s claws. Once that was done, his body would feed the wolf, and let Kaldr finally shed his skin.

The Wanderer would bleed no more and rise again.

End Chapter 25

Author's Note:

The final confrontation draws nigh... but who will survive is anyone's guess.