• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 1,797 Views, 11 Comments

A Family Resemblance - Nyx Ali

Twilight got a message from Sunset Shimmer from Celestia's book. Unfortunately it indicates a new villain at CHS, but what does it have to do with discord?

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

This is my first fanfic so criticism is expected! Enjoy your read!

Twilight and of course, her dragon, Spike, had just stepped through the portal. After minuets of twisting and spinning, they were back in Equestria where they belong.

As Twilight, her friends, and Cadence were strolling through the hallways of the Crystal Empire Castle, her friends were blaring questions and Instead of getting agitated from their antics, she moped, head low and bags in her eyes.

"Where did you stay?"

"What did they wear?"

"Did 'dya have fun?!"

"Wha'd you eat?"

"Would you say she's just as awesome as me?"

When they stopped their questioning, waiting for her to answer, she finally said,"I wanna tell you everything, I do. But I'm just so exhausted from all the dancing," she looked back at her friends.

Their eyes widened in question and surprise. "Dancing?" They all asked.

Twilight, still walking as well as looking at her friends, bumped into an orange pegasus guard with blue hair. He looked down at the princess lying on the floor. He held out his hoof and helped her up as he spoke, "We've really gotta stop bumping into each other like this." As quickly as it happened, he walked away as if nothing happened. The seven mares stared at the stallion, leaning in in suspicion.

Twilight walked back over to her friends. "Who was that," she asked when he disappeared around the corner.

"He's a new member of a castle guard. Flash Sentry I think.." Cadence answered as she tapped her chin and looked up in thought. "Why? Do you know him?" She asked suspiciously, eying the blushing princess.

The turned around, elegantly walking forward. "Not exactly."

As soon as Applejack "oohed", a crimson blush crept over Twilight's face. "Somepony's gotta crush on the new guy!"

"No," she protested. "No, I don't!"

"Oh, she does! She absolutely does!" Rarity said teasingly.

Twilights casual walk turned into a quick trot. "Don't be ridiculous. I don't even know him! He just-"

She was interrupted by Pinkie. "totally-reminds-you-of-the-guy-you-met-in-the-other-world-who-played-guitar-was-in-a-band-and-helped-prove-you-didn't-destroy-all-the-decorations-for-a-big-dance, so-you-could-still-run-for-princess-of-the-big-dance-and-then-asked-you-to-dance-at-that-dance!" She gasped for air, "Right?!"

Twilight stared at her curiously. "How did you know that?"

"Just a hunch." She said, a squee following her as she smiled and bounced off.

Twilight rolled her eyes sarcastically. Then turned back to her group of friends, including Cadence and Spike. "I just have one question though."

"What is it Twilight?" They all asked.

"How did you guys know about that world. I know Sunset probably told you, but I'm sure she couldn't have known about the thirty moons thing. Do you know anything Cadence?" She turned to the pink princess.

"Actually, I learned that from the other princesses. You could ask them how they know." She suggested, walking once more with the group.

"I suppose..." Twilight replied, tapping her chin with her hoof, obviously in deep thought.

It was now months later. Twilight had defeated new villains, and in the process, got a castle she could share with her friends. She hadn't really had much of a chance to ask her mentor her questions about her knowledge of the human world, but after another visit to the world, she slowly learned more and more about it, forgetting about her inquisitive thoughts.

She began to spend most of her extra time reading about this world. Unfortunately, she could barely find books that talked about human fiction that only made her frustrated.

One day, she was walking through her throne room, intending on reaching the kitchen for some water after reading three books. She heard a rumble coming from behind. She turned her head and discovered the source that held the portal open vibrate.

She hesitated before levitating the book from the device she built. As soon as the book moved the slightest, it powered off immediately, a couple sparks flying off, shocking the alicorn.

She opened to the glowing page inside. It said:

Dear Princess Twilight,

Something weird had been happening here. Like it's just random. We're all clueless as to who and what could be causing it. Today, the pepper shaker held sprinkles, Rarity kissed a dog, Applejack's hat turned into cereal, Pinkie's hair turned into cotton candy, Rainbow Dash has been craving skittles, and Fluttershy showed up with a girl named Screwball who claimed to be her daughter.

It's not just us though. Principal Celestia came to school in a banana suit.

It's really...confusing.

Do you know what's happening?

Your friend,

Sunset Shimmer.

"Hmm...this sounds familiar." She said to herself. "The only random people I know of would be Pinkie Pie and.." She scowled as she scoffed, "Discord..."

He laughed, rolling around on the floor of Fluttershy's cottage, clutching his stomach as he pointed a finger at his victim. "You-hoo should ha-have s-heen your FACE!" He managed to say through his laughter.

The spoiled bunny remained unamused. He crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot on the floor, waiting for the draconequus to 'cut it out', for lack of better term.

A loud harsh knock on the door stopped the draconequus' laughter immediately, but there was a smile still planted on his face. From the way the door was knocked, he knew an angry Twilight was waiting on the other side. He had gotten enough complaints from the alicorn that he memorized the way she knocked when she was angry.

He casually walked over to the door, bracing himself for heavy winds and rain.

"Whatever your doing to them, stop Discord!" She yelled, glaring at the amused dracconequus.

"Oh hello Princess Twilight Sparkle, what brings you here to my humble abode on this fine evening my dear friend of mine?" He but emphasis on the word 'dear' to show that he meant it sarcastically.

"Discord! I mean it! Stop your annoying chaos from spreading into Canterlot High in the other world."

That simple un-detailed explanation was enough to wipe the happy expression as well as his mood for chaos away completely in less than a second. Beads of sweat began to fall from his face as he paced around inside of the cottage.

Twilight's changed from angry to concerned almost as quickly as Discord when she saw him sweating. "What are you doing?"

"Oh no this is bad, this is real bad!" He said, throwing his hands in the air, a bit over dramatically.

"What's bad? Do you know what's going on?" Twilight inquired.

"Well of course I do," he replied in a harsh tone. "One would figure you would know that right about now!"
Fluttershy came down the stairs, looking at the unexpected guest. "Oh, hi Twilight. What are you doing here?"

Twilight looked over to her friend as she flew to Discord's side. "Discord seems to know something about an issue in the other world I went to," she turned back to Discord,"but he's too dramatic to tell me what's happening."

Fluttershy looked at Discord as well, ignoring the fact that he had his paw on his forehead as he lay on the floor, holding his claw out in the air. "Umm, Discord. Do you mind telling us what has happened?"

He quit his dramatic 'scene' and stood up, brushing his fur off as he said, "Well, I guess I'll just show you...I'm sure the readers would like to know anyway."

In an instant, he snapped his fingers and a mirror appeared. He began to speak to the mirror as a vision came up.

Fluttershy looked at a shrugging Twilight Sparkle. She shrugged it off as well and paid more attention to Discord's story.

Me and Nyx, my sister, once went to Canterlot High. Unlike how the teens are now, living in harmony, they were Unfaithful, greedy, rude, moody, etcetera. The seniors would laugh every time she and I would come to their presence. I would just shrug it off like it was nothing, but my sister would over-protective of herself and me, her little brother.

But one day, the teenagers went too far with their antics. They had forced me into a dark hallway to bully me and tell me I don't belong. Normally it wouldn't bother me much, as they just called me things like 'weird' and 'a dunce', but I had never experienced such rudeness.

"Your such an ugly runt." One of the back figures implied.

"Oh well that's just you calling my mother and father ugly. So I really don't mind." I shrugged, "what is with this dynamic lighting?" I said as I looked up at the flickering lights.

"Stop messing around Dopecord." The second guy said.

"Yea, go back to where you came from you twerp." The third responded.

"You mean my mom's stomach?" I asked.

"Thats it!" The three began to beat me up. My begging and pleading for mercy did nothing to stop the, quite literally, heartless monsters.

"Now, now. That's enough boys." A girl said. The boys turned around to see their leader standing behind the group. I didn't need to, for I knew already who it was.

"Crissy, get your little minions away! And ouch, they bite!"

"Silence! You have the right."

"Yeah. I'd like to make a right on that corner and march right into the principal's office and tell the that right now, you are being downright unreasonable." I added.

"He's right..." A voice said.

We all turned and saw Nyx standing just outside of the hall.

"Yeah!" I cheered, throwing my hands in the air, despite the fact that i had removed my hands from gripping the pain in my stomach.

Crysalis turned to look at me, who still lay on the floor. "What? Need your sister to help you save the day Dissy?"

"Yeesh...party pooper..." I muttered other things that the other five couldn't quite make out.

"What do you think your doing to my brother?" My sister demanded.

"We're putting that monster out of his misery!" One said as they pointed a finger at me as I lay on the floor with scars and bruises covering my body.

Then and there I had zoned out, the word 'monster' flew through my mind as I thought.

'What if I am a monster? I mean, I can't deny it, I do kinda look like one. And dress awkwardly. I can tell they weren't joking when they said I was ugly. But nobody had criticized me for my looks. My logic maybe, but my looks were on the contrary.'

A loud crash zoned me out of my sudden thoughts and back into reality. I looked over to see the three boys on the floor and Crysalis battling Nyx that was now in a black, glowing aura.

Sister began to rise from the ground and shot a beam at Crysalis. Her eyes were glowing like a flashlight, only lighter than one could ever get. Soon, Crysalis began to slide on the floor, despite the sheild she held up. She then gave out and flew out of the building with her three minions, too, leaving a harsh hole in the wall of the school.

Nyx fell without warning as the aura that held her up, seemingly, disappeared. I rushed to help her up from the fall, but she didn't wake. Principal Star Swirl, along with the other students of C.H.S. came down the hall to see what the commotion was.

Some of them were happy to see my sister dead in my arms, but the rest stood there, completely dumbfounded. But I ignored them.

Then and there, I started dragging my sister down the hall from her waist, intending on getting her to the hospital, despite my cuts and bruises. But the students just watched me, and did absolutely nothing to help.

I made it halfway to the hospital until an officer found me and pulled over to ask me what my situation was as he rolled his window down.

"She got in a fight to protect me from the kids beating me up at school." I said.

"Well what are ya, stupid?" I looked at him confusingly. "Get in." He insisted as he batted the seat to his right.

It was a pretty awkward drive. We hadn't said much. Though, he had asked me how the fight started but I told him that I wasn't quite sure, knowing it was a lie. I was fully aware of how it happened and why.

He then dropped me off at the hospital. I turned and gave him a nod of thanks and looked back to the hospital. I carried her in to get her checked up and they had told me that she was in a coma and had broken her right arm. They also told me that she was very unlikely to wake up.

That's when it all happened.

That's when I ran out the door and ran home. Well, at least i was intending on doing. When I passed C.H.S, the statue outside began to glow. Then a voice called to me.

"Hey! Get back here! Your gonna clean up your mess you little runt."

I reached my hand out to touch the stone, but my hand went through. That's when I saw Principal Star Swirl chasing after me and a ran through and ended up here in Equestria.

He snapped his fingers once more, the mirror disappearing into thin air.

Twilight stood there, stunned yet saddened by such a depressing experience. Fluttershy on the other hoof just couldn't contain her tears. Discord frowned and walked over to Flutershy and hugged the weeping pegasus.

She began to calm herself quite quickly, thanks to Discord.

"It all makes so much sense..." Twilight muttered.

"Now you see why I like making the contrary." He said, still holding the pegasus in his arms.

"Yes, yes, that too.."

"Darnit.." Discord muttered angrily.

Twilight looked up to Discord. "So you mean to tell me, that your from the human world and you came here and took your anger out on Equestria all because your sister was put in a coma from Crysalis?"

"Well, maybe he-" Fluttershy whispered but was interrupted by Discord.

"Well, there's a little more to it than that."

"What do you mean?"

"Hmm...let's put it this way," he said, flying around the confused alicorn. "You know how your curious to know how your fellow princesses know so much about the place if they've never been there?"

Twilight gasped in realization.

"So you went through there every once in a while to check on your sister and learned more about the portal and told the princesses?!?"
She asked, completely forgetting about the crisis in the other world.

"Well when you say it like that it doesn't sound important anymore." He crossed his mismatched arms over his chest.

"So...maybe if-" Fluttershy was interrupted once more, but by Twilight.

"The pieces connect so well! Your sister must've woke up and was still mad at Crysalis!"

"Catching on?" He replied sarcastically, hands still crossed.

"That's why you need to go there and knock some sense into her!"

"WHAT?!" Discord shouted with a mixture of anger and shock.

The alicorn sighed. "Your her brother, you have to face her before-"

"Woah-woah-woah-woah-woah first of all, I don't have to do anything!" Twilight glared at him. "And second of all, it's been 1000 years, she's probably ash!" Discord indicated.

"Hmm...that is true.."

"You see? She can't really do much!"

"But...your immortal...so she must be too." She added.

"But she couldn't have stayed in a coma for 1000 years! The doctors would have killed her by then. Though I did give up after the first year..."

"I don't know. If Fluttershy comes, would you be inspired?" Twilight asked.

"WHAT?!" The pegasus squealed.

"Hmm.." He said in thought, "that is quite an influence..." He took one short moment to think. "Deal." He said flatly.

"WHAT?!" Fluttershy was now quivering on the floor, whimpering at the thought of having to be unintentionally, in her case anyway, put in a new world only to inspire her friend to possibly save it.

She coughed to clear her throat from her outburst and spoke in a whisper, "oh, but um..I mean..-"

"Please Fluttershy? For Canterlot High?" Twilight pleaded.

She lie there, on the floor, thinking of what could happen if she went into this other world. What if Crysalis did exist in the other world? Not that she'd doubt her friends' story, but was it true that there were copies of the ponies that existed in Equestria in this new world?

She took a deep breath and got up from the floor, a confident and determined expression showed upon her face, which was a surprise to those who knew the shy pegasus.

"I will do it. If it helps Discord reunite with his sister, then I must." She then whimpered, returning to the timid Pegasus she normally was. "Umm...if that's alright with you..."


Twilight and Fluttershy turned to Discord, who had teary eyes, refusing to let them escape. "You would do that for me? More importantly for Nyx?" He looked down at the ground, his mismatched hands folded neatly as if he were a new student in a classroom.

"Why, of course! Why ever not, Discord?" She asked worriedly a she put a hoof on his shoulder.

He harshly, yet gently, moved his shoulder out of her grasp. "Don't play stupid with me... You couldn't have forgotten about that awful day, could you?"

The memories began to flow back to her. That day when he had locked her in a cage, only for a hideous monster suck the energy out of her. That had been the worst day of her life, despite the fact that he had sincerely apologized nonstop that day.

"You know I've forgiven you for that. What really matters is-"

"But how, Fluttershy," he interrupted, focusing on her first statement, "how could you have forgiven me? If I weren't so selfish then I could've stopped that danger from the start." He was beginning to sound exactly the way he did that day when he apologized.

"That's what's so interesting about friendship." Twilight interjected. "The magic of friendship can be wielded and or obtained by just about anyone, as long as they have friendship to give first."

She flew over to Discord, holding his head up so he could look into her and Fluttershy's eyes. "Remember when I told you that Sunset Shimmer gained her ears and tail?" He replied with a simple nod. "Well, at first she wanted nothing but power, but now, she realizes that she didn't need it, as long as she had her friends."

"I suppose you are correct, Twilight." By then, Twilight had removed her hoof from his chin. "Well...I suppose we have a sister of mine to defea- I mean help."

With that, the trio flew out of the cottage, and over to Twilight's castle to stop the new villain.