• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 2,119 Views, 63 Comments

Once Upon a Nightmare - Maran

When the Nightmare possesses Vice Principal Luna, it's up to the new Team Harmony to set things right. This is NOT a retread of the pilot episode.

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3 - Horse Magic

Author's Note:

This fanfic was originally saved under the title “Once Upon a Time at CHS.” Thankfully I thought of a less clunky title before I uploaded it.

I'm not completely satisfied with this chapter, but I don't want to go any longer without updating, so here you go.

Chapter 3 - Horse Magic

“...And then Diamond Tiara said she was just joking! I don't believe for a second that she meant it as a joke, and even if she did, it's not funny!” Luna waved her arm in agitation. “I tried to explain that she hurt Scootaloo Swift's feelings, but she just said that Scootaloo needs to grow a thicker skin!” She put her hand to her forehead.

Celestia sat lightly on Luna's desk with her feet supporting most of her weight. “Well, what's to be done about it?” she asked in her calmest tone. “Technically-”

“-she didn't violate school policy, I know,” finished Luna. “But I cannot stand by and let this bullying continue!” She clenched her pale blue fists. “You saw what happened when we ignored obvious warning signs in the past.”

Her sister shook her head, making her long hair sway. “I think we could forgive ourselves for the first...incident. How could we have possibly known that Sunset Shimmer would turn into a magical she-demon?”

“That's true, but the second time?” Luna looked up sharply at Celestia. “The second time we should have known something like that could happen again. Miss Dazzle and her two friends were extremely suspicious, in hindsight.”

“They hypnotized us.” Celestia sighed. “That's our excuse, but I must admit that it's not something I ever want to fall victim to again. We must be especially vigilant from now on.” Her face warmed as she gave Luna a maternal smile. “Which is why I'm impressed with the way you're stepping up and keeping a close eye on our more...troubled students. I don't know what I'd do without you.”

“Thank you.” Luna's face softened. “I just hope it's enough.”

“I'm confident that it will be.” Her violet eyes grew serious. “But there is one student that you may be overlooking.”

Luna blinked. “Who?”

“Someone who misses you, even if she might not always realize it.”

“Are you talking about Cadance?” asked Luna with a frown.

Raising her eyebrows, Celestia asked, “What do you think?”

Luna pursed her lips. She hated when her sister acted vague and cryptic – never mind that Luna herself acted the same way when it benefited her.

“Tia, she's not one of our students anymore.”

“She's our niece, and we're the only family she has left.”

Luna wanted to say, 'If we're so important to her, why did she leave us to go to the university I never got to finish, so she could follow her dream?'

What she actually said was, “If she really wants to talk to me, she can call or text any time. My number is the same as it was when she was staying with us.” She folded her arms.

With a knowing look, Celestia said, “That's it? You don't have anything you'd like to say to her?”

“Nothing that she needs to concern herself with,” Luna said stiffly.

“But still something you need to get off your chest?” pressed Celestia, with a slight tilt of her head.

“You know, I have a lot of work to do.” Luna gave her phone a deliberate swipe. “I need to email Mr. Filthy before I even think about emailing Cadance.”

“I believe he prefers Rich.”

“So I've been told.”

With a soft sigh, Celestia stood up straight. “Well then, don't work too hard tonight, Lu.” Her modest heels clicked as she walked toward the door. As she reached for the handle, she looked over her shoulder with one last hopeful smile. “And you might want to at least check Cadance's status on FB, when you get a chance.”

“You know I'm not on the social media,” said Luna with a dismissive wave.

Celestia gave her a piercing look. “You want to understand the students and help them with their problems, and yet you're afraid of the technology they're using.”

“I'm not afraid! I just don't want it!”

“How do you know you don't want it if you've never tried it?” Celestia folded her arms as the corner of her mouth pulled up. If Luna didn't know any better, she'd have sworn her sister was smirking.

Luna huffed. “Fine, I'll think about it, if it'll make you happy.”

“Yes, it would.” With a triumphant smile, Celestia opened the door and stepped out. As soon as the door closed behind her, Luna leaned over her desk and put her head in her hands. Perhaps she should have been more forthright with Celestia. But there would be time for that later, after she wrote to Mr. Rich, and possibly several of the other students' parents and legal guardians.

'Luna. So good to see you again.'

Jolting up in her chair, Luna looked around the room. She wasn't sure if the voice had come from behind her, or inside her head.

'You are so much weaker in this form. I too am much weaker than I once was. But together, we can become stronger than ever!'

Luna pushed her chair back and stood, her heart pounding from adrenaline. “Tia!” she called, wondering if her sister was still within earshot. “Someone's here! If this is a prank, it's not funny!”

'Oh, you don't need her. She's useless.'

She swiped her phone again, ready to call 911. But what would she tell them if she did?

“Who are you?”

'I am envy, bitterness, and greed. I am...The Nightmare!'

An orb of yellow light surrounded by an orange-red halo appeared in front of Luna. Black smoke billowed around the edges, and the ball shifted and pulsed and made Luna's eyes hurt a little. She stepped backward until her back touched the wall.

“Leave me alone! Get out of my office or...or...”

'Or what?' said the glowing orb. 'I think you'll want me to stay when you hear what I have to offer you.'

Luna squinted at it. “What could you offer me?”

'Power,' answered the Nightmare.

“Not interested,” answered Luna, pulling up her dial pad.

'What if I told you that there are other dangerous beings that came here from the other world?'

She froze. “There are more besides the Dazzlings? And...and yourself, I suppose?”

'Indeed. This world is a dumping ground for the dangerous monsters of Equestria. The worst are banished to either Tartarus, or this world. Monsters such as the tyrant Sombra...' The orb changed shape until it looked like a unicorn with evil red eyes. 'Or Tirek, who sucks out the magic and strength from other creatures.' The unicorn turned into a horned centaur.

Luna clenched her fists.

'Doesn't that just burn you up? How dare they send their demons to your world!'

“Enough!” yelled Luna, clutching her forehead. “I don't know what you're trying to do, but...”

'But it's working, isn't it? The Equestrians have been completely disrespectful to this world and put your students at risk. What are you going to do about it?'

Luna bit her lip. This magical specter was confirming her most immediate fear. Celestia's voice echoed in Luna's head: what's to be done about it?

“I don't know. What can I do?”

'Join me, and together we can round up these monsters and send them back to Equestria!”

Luna hesitated. “Why me? I mean, why do you need me, specifically?”

'In the other world, I joined your other self to become Nightmare Moon.' The centaur shifted until it resembled a winged unicorn with a smoky mane and tail. 'We were a force to be reckoned with.'

“I was a horse?”

'You are an alicorn, one of the most powerful magical beings in any world.'

Luna rubbed her temple. Her head hurt, trying to wrap her mind around everything this entity said. “Why should I trust something that calls itself the Nightmare?”

'Ah, that's a good question.'

“People say that to stall for time,” Luna pointed out.

'You're sharp for someone so young.'

“Save your flattery. I want answers.”

'Here's your answer: I'm only a Nightmare to anyone who tries to stop me. But I reward anyone who helps me.'

Luna's brow furrowed. “I still don't know. Give me a day to think it over.”

'What is there to think about? I'm offering you the chance to save this world! A chance to protect your students from evil magical creatures!'

Her lips tightened. “If we join, would it be permanent?”

To Luna's surprise, the Nightmare horse cackled mirthlessly. 'I don't want you to trade your immortal soul or anything like that. Just say the word any time and our partnership will end. But I don't think you'll want to.'

Luna thought for a moment. She did feel a duty to do something herself to stop these magical attacks. It simply wouldn't do to stand by while her young students could only rely on each other. She had to be strong for them next time. No matter what it took.

She took a deep breath and held out her hand toward the Nightmare. “I hope I don't regret this.”

The light and smoke flowed into her hand, and a tingling sensation spread from her fingers to the rest of her body. She felt pressure against her shoulder blades, and the back of her blouse ripped as wings burst through. Luna's eyes widened as she twisted her head to look at them. Then she realized that she shouldn't be surprised, since several of her students had temporarily grown new appendages.

Then the pins-and-needles faded, replaced with a feeling of having too much energy, like she was eight years old again. She looked around the room for a reflective surface and settled on the window. Because it was dark outside, she could see a clear reflection. Large feathered wings extended from her upper back, matching her skin tone. Luna tested them by flapping and hovering an inch off the floor. She gasped and grinned – revealing sharp fangs where her incisors should have been. Her grin faded as her feet settled onto the floor. Were the fangs necessary? She didn't like them.

'You want the other monsters to fear us, don't you?' The Nightmare's voice was directly inside her head this time.

“Yes, but I don't want to scare the students. I want them to trust and respect me.” She found herself waving her arms as she spoke.

'You don't have to talk out loud to me anymore. I can hear every thought in your head. Anyway, your students already trust and respect you. And they'll trust and respect us even more when we save them from the next magical crisis.”

Luna hoped the Nightmare was right.

There were other changes besides the wings and fangs. Her hair had turned translucent, shimmering with an otherworldly light. Strangest of all, it waved as if a breeze were blowing it, although she couldn't feel any air current. Her ears had shifted toward the top of her head, and were pointed like a horse's ears. And to top it all off, her pupils were slit like a cat's, and her irises glowed electric blue.

She glanced down at the tattered blouse hanging off her shoulders.

'Ah, you need to change your outfit. Say no more.'

Luna's hands glowed ice-blue, and her torn business casual attire morphed into a backless midnight evening gown that hugged her figure. The dress had her crescent moon emblem between her breasts. Covering her wrists were slate blue vambraces with a navy fleur-de-lis design. On her head was a helmet with a spiral horn coming out of the front.

Luna frowned. She wasn't going into battle or anything like that.

'Aren't we?'

Not if I can help it. She pulled off the helmet, freeing her vibrant hair once more. Running her fingers through it, she felt that the strands were much softer and lighter. Then she reached back and smoothed down the feathers on her wings. At the same time, her wings felt the pressure of her fingers touching them. This couldn't be a dream. A dream would not have such detailed sensations.

“So this is happening.” Saying out loud made it seem more real. “I need to tell Tia about this.”

'Celestia? Why should you tell her? She'll just hold us back like she always does. Don't even try to deny it. We both know it's true.'

But I have to tell her. She flapped her wings. I can't exactly keep this a secret, at least not for long. If she tries to hold me back, I won't let her this time.

'I like your determination. Very well, let us confront our adversary!'

Luna frowned deeply, wondering why the Nightmare had a problem with her sister.

'You have to ask why? Everyone loves her and her sun, while they ignore you!'

She blinked in confusion.

'This doesn't make sense! I can taste your bitterness, but it is not directed at your sister! Whom are you bitter toward?'

That's not important right now. I have to focus on finding those monsters.

'Do you have any other relatives I don't know about?'

Oh, for the love of Pete. She brought her palm to her forehead.

'Aha! Who is this Pete? Did he do something to make you jealous?'

What? No, it's an expression. She took a deep breath to try to clear her head – which proved impossible with someone else occupying it. If you must know, I suppose I'm a little bit jealous of my niece. It seems like she's getting everything I wanted when I was younger, but I had to sacrifice that to take care of her, and it just doesn't seem like she really appreciates what I did.

'This is a real breakthrough! And yet I sense that you're holding back. Please, tell me how you really feel.'

Luna squared her shoulders. No, it's all right now. She's where she needs to be, and I...we are exactly where we need to be. She strode toward the door. Come now, if my sister decided to do some shopping, we can beat her home.

'I'm sure we can, if we take a shortcut.'

She glanced at her wings. Then she beamed and opened her door. She jumped up and flapped her wings, propelling herself through the hallway in a wobbly path.

'You know, we could have flown out the window.'

Luna gave a noncommittal hum.

'Or we could teleport.'

She faltered and careened into the wall, bracing herself with her arms before tumbling knees-first to the floor. Groaning, she pushed herself up to a seated position. Although adrenaline suppressed the pain, she was still rattled.

Don't distract me when I'm trying to fly. Her gaze fell on the locker next to her, which had a dent in it like a shallow bowl. Had she made that dent, or had it already been there?

'I'm fairly certain we made that dent. Your pegasus speed combined with your earth pony strength can be very destructive.'

After staring helplessly at the locker for a good twenty seconds, Luna made the decision to give up trying to understand this horse magic, at least for the time being. She let out a shaky sigh. Her school was just starting to look nice again, and here she'd dented a perfectly good locker.

'We can fix it with unicorn magic. Put your hand on the locker door.'

Luna did as she was asked, and a cold blue light shone from her hands, spreading to the metal door. With a loud wham, the metal flattened. It looked as good as new. Luna grinned. If she could do that, maybe she was ready to teleport.

'We changed your old clothes into this dress, too, don't forget that. I'm sure we can teleport. Just follow my instructions. First you must form a mental image of the place you want to go. Let's start with an easy one. Picture the courtyard in front of the school.'

Closing her eyes, she thought about the courtyard with its new pavement and its thoroughbred statue. It would be lit with yellow lamps since the sun had set.

'Now focus all of your willpower on being outside in front of the school.'

Luna concentrated. She wanted to do this right. She wanted to be there. She would be there.

She was there.

The icy light flashed through her eyelids, and suddenly she felt chilly November air on her skin. She opened her eyes and saw the familiar statue.

I did it! She held her fists close to her chest and flapped her wings, loving this feeling of power.

'We did it. Now picture your house and will us there. You live with your sister, correct?'

We converted our parents' home into a duplex, so, in a sense, yes.

'Then let us face our adversary once more!'

Luna frowned. For the last time, Tia is not our adversary. If you can't understand that, then maybe this partnership isn't going to work.

'Oh, please. You'd give up the ultimate powers of this or any world? If I go, the magic goes with me. But if it will put you at ease, I'll humor you. We'll just see how well Celestia accepts what you've become.'