• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 1,103 Views, 1 Comments

The Real McCoys - JusSonic

Let's return to the world of Equestria Girls as the human versions deal with school and some new foes.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Project End

Chapter 6: Project End

Twilight and her friends followed the mutated Boris and his friends for whole night. Apparently so far, the villains didn't even see them following for some reason. They came to the familiar place that is on the other side of the dock, across the water.

"Are you kidding me?! Seriously?! They have been hiding from us from Ellis Island?!" Rainbow yelps in shock and disbelief.

Boris and his friends flew over the sea and headed straight to Ellis Island. They then found Chrysalis and Sombra coming out and meeting with them, along with some familiar faces. While the gang may be on the other side, they were able to see what's going on quite fine.

"Looks like Boris wasn't kidding about Chrysalis and Sombra being the one who help him. But they weren't the only ones." Ben said, spotting more than Chrysalis and Sombra on the other side. Some old "friends" are on the other side as well.

"Decepticons and Dark Terrorists. They really were working for them. What they're doing here?" Nyx ask puzzled and concerned.

"Maybe they are up to something bad?" Sweetie ask getting a bit nervous.

"What did you expect? Those guys are always up to something bad!" Scootaloo exclaims to Sweetie, reminding her of the various times the Decepticons and Dark Terrorist enemies are always up to something bad.

"But why hide out here of all places?" Sunset ask in concern, suspecting that the enemies got one good reason to be hiding here at Ellis Island.

"I don't know... But we've got to alert Shadow Dragon and others about it." Twilight said seriously to her friends. They can't deal with this problem on their own. Shadow Dragon and his group must be alerted for some backup.

Ben nodded as he spoke, "Yeah. Let's go."

"Going somewhere?" A voice spoke. A yellowish humanoid in samurai armor, black hair in a ponytail and is armed with his golden twin swords that he points at his enemies appears, along with zombified samurais and Decepticons.

Twilight snarled, recognizing this new enemy, "Longblade..."

Longblade smirks in amusement as he said, "Quite interesting... Take them in, boys."

The gang finds themselves seek by the samurais and Decepticions. Either Boris's group led them to a trap or it was a foolish idea to come here after all. Either way, it doesn't matter, they're captured.


Crimson Skull look pleased as Boris and his goons put down the items that the Dark Terrorists has required. It took a while but everything that they wanted is now here. Those bullies have come a long way since being removed from Canterlot High and brainwashed to serve their purposes.

"Ah... Well done, Boris. You have done well of what we require. It appears he was right about you. You are very useful to us..." Crimson Skull said with a pleased look. If Boris could respond, he didn't, all the creep did...was stare.

"I hope these gems are what you required for 'Project End'." Chrysalis said with a smirk of satisfaction to her colleague. By the time everyone else figure out her and Sombra's true allegiance, it will be too late.

"Better hope so. I want to start this event at once. I want to see the new world..." Sombra said anxiously. He has to put up with his stupid school and the Dragon Strike Force almost literally breathing down his neck.

"Patient... You will have your moment." Crimson Skull said to Sombra patiently. He can tell the villain has waited a long time and it will be worth the trouble. "We just need another item to retrieve."

Sombra groaned while slapping himself on the forehead, "How many items do you require?! We've got your military nukes, nanomites, chemical supplies, computer chips, satellites and some Cybertronian Chips and Metals for this project. What more do you require?! I want to start it now!"

"Ignore him. He just annoyed of not seeing Humans serving us." Chrysalis suggests to the Crimson Skull, rolling her eyes at Sombra's impatience.

"It will happen. Be patient. The time will come." The Crimson Skull assures, not put off by Sombra's impatience.

Just then Kishin Akuma, a blackish Azure's Twin-like who wore Demonic samurai armor with a black cape, approached while chuckling evilly, "Indeed. Be patient. Without that item, we will not proceed Project End."

"Fine..." Sombra said with a sigh. It better be worth it.

Warstrike, a Demonic grayish figure dressed in samurai armor, approached and bowed before his masters. He spoke, "Master... Longblade brought some interesting gifts for you."


Longblade and his minions are tying Twilight and her friends up to the pipes in making sure that they'd not escape. The teenagers and kids felt rather foolish. Why didn't they come prepared upon seeing Boris and his troop earlier?! As they struggled in getting out from the cuffs to the pipes, they turned and found familiar enemies arriving.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't the meddling kids?! How amusing..." The Crimson Skull said with a cruel chuckle. It's good to see them again after the events with the Dazzlings and Fafnir.

"Let us go!" Fluttershy exclaims in fear and sadness.

"I demand to see a lawyer...or a hair stylist!" Rarity exclaims furiously.

"You won't get away with this!" Rainbow exclaims furiously.

"Skull, release us right now or it will end badly for you!" Ben exclaims sternly to the Dark Terrorist.

Crimson Skull shakes his head as he said, "I'm afraid we cannot let any of you go without informing the government of our plans."

"Indeed. With you here, we can proceed with our project..." Kishin said in amusement. Perhaps the group's capture is a sign of victory for the Dark Terrorists and their allies.

"What project?" Applejack ask, arching an eyebrow at this.

"What are you up to now?" Twilight demands furiously to the enemies. She suspected that the Dark Terrorists haven't given up after their defeat alongside their allies when her pony self came back to stop the Dazzlings and even Fafnir, along with some help from Ben, Nyx & Tough Apple's pony selves, Spike & Phobos's Dragon selves, Megan and Omega.

Crimson Skull smirked as he explains, "I'm honored of you to ask that. Because sooner or later, we can proceed with our project to end the humanity once and for all."

Kishin nods, explaining, "Yes... That is our master's plan from the start. Humans will be exterminated while those who accept our beliefs and order shall evolved. The new world will be ours."

"Wow, I thought I was random." Pinkie said in disbelief upon hearing that explanation. "You guys are loony tunie!"

"Not to mention insane." Scootaloo exclaims furiously, glaring at the bad guys as if they grew some new heads.

"You're all mad!" Nyx exclaims in agreement.

"Mad? I prefer ingenious. Due to the effort of my brother and Guildenstern's, we can finally turned the world into a better specimen. And soon... There will be no chaos. No destruction. No wars. Only total obedience and loyalty to us and our master." The Crimson Skull said with a cruel smile on his face. Yes, he can see it now.

"Finish them off. The last thing I want is some distraction." Kishin said seriously to Longblade. If these heroes remind to be around, sooner or later, they will get in the way and ruin everything.

Longblade smirked taking his sword out while saying, "As you wish, master..."

The kids gasps as Longblade prepares to do the wicked task at hand. Looks like this is it, they are dead for sure! Of course, it would've been the case had an explosion from somewhere haven't interrupted him.

A beep is heard on the Crimson Skull's comlink beeps, repeating in him answering it. A Dark Terrorist's voice yells out, "We're under attack! We're under attack!"

"What do you mean by that?!" The Crimson Skull gasps in shock and anger. How could they be attacked now?!

"The Autobots and Dragon Strike Force are here! They're here! They have found us!"

"How?!" Kishin ask in shock and alarm. He was sure that the Autobots and Dragon Strike Force would never find them! Unless they are tracking the kids the whole time! Glancing at the prisoners, he snaps, "I don't know of how or what you did but rest assure that I'll dispose of them for good before dealing with you. Boris! Take care of them! The rest of you follow me. We will get rid of these fools..."

Kishin Akuma and his generals left for the battlefield, their enemies must not be permitted to win this time. Boris and his gang left to keep an eye on their enemies. Unknown to everyone however, a familiar toy car drove to the corner and saw what has happened.

"Hang on, Goddess of the Sun. We're coming." A figure from Sunset's past mumbles in determination.


The Dark Terrorists and Decepticons' allies rushed to the front doors, preparing themselves as the doors were slammed onto them hard. Soon, they burst open as the old enemies come in.

"Knock knock!" Crosshairs exclaims with a smirk.

"Heck yeah! You bad humans are so going down!" Hound exclaimed in determination.

Shadow Dragon got to work on giving out orders to his men. He needed to keep tabs on them, despite the fact that there was no chance of an 'alien invasion' happening would paid off!

"All units! Take them down! Our friends are here. Find them and get them out. Whatever they're doing, they're gonna regret messing with my family." Shadow Dragon ordered his men. No one messes with anyone of his family and gets away with it!

Drift charged in as he swung his swords at some of the Decepticons Troopers. Hound fired his Gatling gun at them while swinging his belly at them. Crosshairs dodged and avoided the blasts while firing his enemies off. Bumblebee fired his blaster as well while punching and kicking them off.

Shadow Dragon punched and kicked them with his martial art skills while dodging the enemies' attacks. Saber Dragoon charged in as he swung his swords against his enemies, Shorty Thinking and Tailtech fired their Blasters at them, Burnblast and Lightningblade swung their Thunder Strikes at the enemies while swinging their swords at them. Terrorcreep charged in and threw his axes at them off while flying around and beating them down. Icy fired her Ice Beam at them, Blazefist punched and kicked at them while firing his Fore Blasts at them. Aqua fired her Water Torpedo while kicking and punching the bad guys off. In his hardened armor, Laxtinct punched and knocked them off like mad. Flare Tiger fought and battled against her enemies quick and hard.

In short, the enemies didn't have a chance.

Shadow Dragon got his ready, calling out to Wheelie who should be in the place somewhere, "Wheelie, hurry. Get them back safety."


Wheelie got the message. He must get to work on getting Boris and his goons away from the captives, and he knows how. Distraction!

"Yo! Come and get me! I'm over here! Come and get me!" Wheelie taunted, slapping his back as if slapping his rear end while taunting the enemy.

"Hey! He just insulted us!" Boxco exclaimed angrily.

"No, I insulted the monkeys...oh, I guess that would be you three then." Wheeler taunted the brainwashed bad guys in amusement.

"Why, you dirty--!" Dum-Dum snarled.

Boris growled furiously, “Arrest...him...”

Boris and his gang chased after Wheelie to the corner. Before they could do anything, they screamed in pain as the trio got knocked out.

Twilight and her friends looked worry as they wondered what happen next. Suddenly, they saw two familiar faces that they hadn't see in for a long time appearing: the strong, armored form of Sideswipe with dual blades on his gauntlets while Wheelie looked the same with a turbo jet on his back.

"What's up, guys?" Sideswipe asked his friends with a smile.

"Sideswipe! Wheelie!” Everyone, especially Sunset, exclaimed in surprise and happiness. Their two old robot friends from not too long ago are alive! They’re here!

"Long time no see, guys." Wheelie said with a chuckle to the group as an armored Black Ops girl appeared and was able to help get them free. "Wow, thanks for signaling your whereabouts. We wouldn't have made it if it weren't for you."

"Awesome timing!" Rainbow exclaimed with a grin.

"Wait, we were signaling our whereabouts?" Fluttershy asked as the girl released him. "Thank you."

"Yeah, Ben's brother in law was still keeping tabs on you lot despite the incident with the Dazzlings proving that there was no alien invasion." Sideswipe added. "That, and it was on the insistence of Iris Crystal."

Sunset hugged Wheelie tightly while screaming happily, "You're okay! I miss you so much!"

"Yeah, me too." Wheelie said, happy to see Sunset, too. With a frown, the robot then jumped and kicked Rainbow's leg hard. "That's for bullying my girl, you witch!"

Wheelie, of course was preferring to when Rainbow and her friends thought that Sunset was posting embarrassing pictures of them last Christmas, only for it to turn out to be the Cutie Mark Crusaders trying to ruin Sunset.

Rainbow, holding her leg, groaned, "Yeesh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, you know."

"Yeah, right." Wheelie remarks, rolling her eyes a bit.

"No time for argument or reunion, we've gotta meet up with the rest." Sideswipe said, reminding everyone that there is still a job to do here.

The armored Black Ops Girl spoke, "You go on ahead. The Great- I mean, I will come to you later. I need to help these boys."

"Hmmm; that voice sounds familiar. Now where have I heard it before?" Rarity asked, a bit puzzled.

"Yew sure about 'dat?" Applejack asked the girl in concern.

"I'll be fine. Go now!" The girl insisted, motioning her friends to go ahead and head off.

Sideswipe transformed into the latest form of silver Chevrolet Corvette with twin Blasters on sides. Seeing that form amazed the former captives. He must’ve gone through a bit overhaul!

"Whoa!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"You must've gotten better!" Pinkie exclaimed in delight.

"Boy howdy!" Applejack exclaimed with a smirk on her face.

"This must be what Azure and his pals were doing." Twilight said, impressed as well. Azure and his allies did well in the updating progress.

“Let's roll!” Sideswipe orders as he and Wheelie heads out, with the captives following, leaving the mysterious girl behind. Who is she?

The girl begins to get to work on calling in some old pals of her for help. As she does, the girl looked at the unconscious Boris as if wanting to…pet him a bit.

"Boris, hang on. Tricia is here to save you...” The girl said in the familiar voice of Trixie. She came all this way to help her beloved and will free him from enemy control once and for all.


The forces of Dark Curse and Galvatron were in a scramble. The enemies were attacking the base, and they were so close to finishing their project. They must abandon the base right now!

"We are so close... Project End was so close to finish..." Kishin Akuma groaned in anger and disbelief.

"This is unfortunate... If only those creatures were here, we would have them in our custody." The Crimson Skull said bitterly.

"What is next?" Sombra asked his allies, wanting further orders on what to do next.

"Take care of those fools. I want them disposed of. You two will get rid of them." Kishin said, volunteering Sombra and Chrysalis for this task.

"But general-" Chrysalis began to protest.

"Now!" Kishin exclaimed furiously, not wanting to hear another word.

Sombra and Chrysalis sighed in anger as they left at once to deal with it. The Crimson Skull turns to his allies, speaking, "We should not wait for those fools. They have served their purpose. We must transport Project End out at once."

"Yes... The end of humanity will come...." Kishin said in confidence.

For now, the enemy must wait for the right time for that day to come…


The scene shift changes towards where we find the escaped Rainbooms, along with Ben, the CMC, Nyx, & Sunset Shimmer. They were being led by Wheelie and Sideswipe who freed them from their captivity as they were rushing to make it within a large outer opening on Ellis Island.

"Listen, I shall join the Autobots in their fight." Sideswipe said, hearing an explosion. "Wheelie? Get them to safely."

"Yes, sir!" Wheelie exclaims, saluting Sideswipe as he heads off to battle.

"Hope he turns out okay." Fluttershy said in concern.

"Heck, he survived worst."

“Well, well, look what the metallic cat dragged in.” Spoke a female voice in making such a remark of who has come out with Wheelie.

Now entering the scenery was something of a shock, for coming from right out in the opening like high & mighty types, were none other…than those that the Rainbooms gang haven’t seen in sometime except a few minutes or so ago; Sombra & Chrysalis.

“Chrysalis….& Sombra!” Twilight yelps in seeing who was here, as it was those that they have not seen in so long.

“So ye finally show yer true colors.” Applejack sternly stated off in seeing what kinda true colors were seen by the enemy’s action.

“And boy, is it an ugly thing.” Rainbow Dash remarked off in stating how these two look as bad as last time they saw the foes.

“Mock us if you can, but you should know something….” Sombra remotely stated as not being intimidated by such remarks.

“And what would that be?” Rarity raised an eyebrow in pondering what this group knows that they don’t know.

“We have had much time to improve ourselves…since you last seen us.” Chrysalis smiled off to say this in having acquired something to make them….more powerful than last time they saw each other.

“Oh my, you have?” Fluttershy yelps off in seeing this from having heard this.

“And just what sort of improvements?” Ben asked off in being suspicious of what was going on here.

“For starters…turning your savior…into your killer.” Chrysalis remarked off with a sly smile in beginning to hold out her hand towards…Wheelie.

“Guhhahaha…wha-wha-what’s happen-in-in-in-in-innnnn….?” Wheelie was reacting funny in like he was moving weirdly.

“Wheelie, what’s wrong?” Sunset Shimmer asked in seeing something was wrong with their friend.

Then without warning, the Mini-con was seen launching itself to attack the others with its metal claws. The action made them yelp to duck & avoid the first unexpected attack, before more were coming that the gang had to duck & dodge while asking what the heck was happening here.

“Holy Cupcakes, he’s trying to kill us!” Pinkie Pie yelps off in seeing this that shock them a bit.

“Nyx, keep the CMC safe and away from this!” Twilight issued off in wanting the young ones to stay safe.

“But….” Nyx was about to protest here until….many had to separate from when Wheelie almost attack her & her friends.

There was no time to argue as Nyx lead Apple Bloom, Scootaloo & Sweetie Belle to take cover behind some large boxes while the others had to get an out of control Wheelie from almost clawing Ben’s eyes out.

“What did you do to Wheelie?” Sweetie Belle asked off in seeing what was doing on with their small metal friend.

“It’s one of my abilities I’ve gain, thanks to the Dark Terrorists’ assistance, any machine….is under MY control; my drone to command.” Chrysalis explained this off in feeling darkly in knowing that any machine she can control.

“Oh man, that sounds bad.” Scootaloo yelps in feeling this was surprising to see how bad this was looking.

“Real bad, mah sister & friends can’t hurt a pal who helped us.” Apple Bloom stated in not knowing how their friends & family could harm Wheelie while this was not his fault.

We see that much of the gang had to avoid Wheelie using some spare metal bars that they found to hurt the poor guy while just swinging to make the moving bot keep back. But then Rainbow & AJ tackle Wheelie to pin him down, long enough for Sunset Shimmer to rush over to find something that was the Mini-Con’s power supply, which she yanked out to help stop Wheelie by powering down for a bit.

“I’m sorry Wheelie, but I gotta shut you down temporally.” Sunset apologized in feeling this was gonna hurt her, before pulling the energy supply from Wheelie’s body that kept him moving.

“No…pro-bleeeuuummmm.” As Wheelie began to say, his voice went low before he was shown of his optics going off.

“That ended faster than expected.” Sombra commented off to say this in seeing that the fight had ended in a very less appealing motion that didn’t seem to entertain them much.

“Oh, it’s on!” Sunset Shimmer glared off in seeing this, these foes have crossed the line in doing this to her Transformer friend.

“Is that the best you can do?” Rainbow Dash challenged off in wanting to ask this in thinking this was nothing.

Then without warning, Chrysalis held up her left hand as if…awaiting something. Then without warning, something was moving from across the entire open area to reveal a lot of black metallic looking human size machines with jet-like functions. They soon stood in surrounding the escapees that were completely shock in seeing the situation go from bad to much worse off than before.

“Ye HAD ‘ta Ask, didn’t ya Rainbow?” Applejack rolled her eyes in remarking the sarcastic challenge in making an enemy respond.

“This…is the best I can do here.” Chrysalis remarked off in responding to the quirky challenge. “In fact, this is all precisely what I wanted. All of you here against an army of Mini Transformer Drones!” She pointed off that it was merely seven teenage girls & one teen boy against a vast army of killer robots. “How can you possibly hope to even stop me now?” She remarked off to state that this situation, was impossible to overcome.

“Well, it’s like what Pony Twilight always said.” Rarity quoted off to say this in recalling wha their friend from another world said.

“Through friendship, that’s where the magic is!” Fluttershy nods off in trying to be serious of their situation here.

“Right, so bring it on sister, even though you’re not really my sister or anyone else, or even a cousin, or aunt, or…” Pinkie Pie was rambling off a lot of random stuff that was not getting anyone anywhere until something cuts in…

“PINKIE!” The others shouted off in wanting their friend to cease the long chatting stuff already.

“Oh right, in short of this….BRING IT ON!” Pinkie Pie then quickly wraps up what she was trying to say as they are ready to fight.

Soon without warning, many of the drones began to move off in preparing to attack the gang. They were about to brace themselves when….someone threw daggers that impacted the front drones.

“Mind if we partake?” Then another voice spoke off to reveal it was Pinkamena as she arrived with herself holding some dagger set & a sword while her brother Golden Heart was seen carrying what look like a flamethrower pack.

“Pinkamena, Golden Heart?” Ben raised an eyebrow in seeing who was coming to help them out of nowhere.

“You were expecting someone else?” Pinkamena smiled off to say this in a cheeky manner.

“We came to help when we heard you went off to trail Boris.” Golden Heart stated that they came to help when they learn what happened to their buds.

“Well thanks for coming, we can use a lot of help.” Twilight nods off to say this in seeing that with some extra hands here, that was a good thing.

“Don’t worry youngsters….” Then appearing from a big military jeep to pull over near the gang was…Hoboken Joe as he also came with some equipment & stuff for helping to face off this enemy. “Help will pop up when ye least expect it….now hold onto yer socks, it’s time ta RUMBLE!” Hoboken Joe issued off to say this in seeing that with this bunch here, time for them to rock out.

Now without warning, the scene goes into a major stop motion where the gang are about to face off against Sombra & Chrysalis along with their Drone Army. This was now the beginning of where it was time to take down this villain bunch here & now…


The scene begins to open in a strange computer terminal storage area, where it was likely a place to store large amounts of gigabytes to terabytes. By the door was it starting to open up for someone was entering. For entering was none other than Trixie and the Illusions. They appeared to have snuck right in & saw the master control center ahead of them that look like that would give them access.

“Okay you three, you know what we need to do here.” Trixie issued off to her friends in stating what they must do next.

“Yes….” Trixie’s friends replied off in getting to work on what they are required to do.

Trixie was seen coming by a terminal computer while her friends barricade the door. The screen showed a mention of copy data which Trixie click yes to, and a line was beginning to fill up.

“Gee-wiz, if I knew what I be getting into, I have rethought this….but for Boris’s sake, I will have him!” Trixie was starting to rethink this whole matter of what she’s getting into, but she’s sticking to it to save Boris.

Then there was some banging from the door behind them as Trixie’s friends were using furniture & stuff to hold the door close…but something with enhanced strength was likely to break down the door first. There were loud grumbling noises of someone being outside, and from a glass view mirror, Trixie’s band mates got a view of them.

“Trixie, we got company.” The red haired girl issued off in seeing who they got coming at them.

“It’s Boris & his mutant buddies!” The blonde haired girl also stated in seeing to recognize who was here.

Trixie was shocked to have heard that, Boris, who recovered, was outside, but the guy she has a huge crush on is acting like a mindless minion to whoever is commanding him to do things. She gets upset in just thinking about this, before making a firm decision at the hour.

“Oh, this data is taking too long to upload? What was it Hobo Joe said if we ran into mutant forms of or former classmates.” Trixie complained to see the system was too slow in uploading to copy the data, but then asked off in what was it the guy they ran into said if they came across mutant trouble, namely from Boris & his boys.

“That if all three are together, them being Boris, Dum Dum, & Boxco, we need to throw in a special capsule at them.” The girl with the red haired explained off what they were told to do if they were to ever come to meet the mutant turn Ex-students of Canterlot Hugh.

“It’ll trigger an implosive dust to enter their lungs, and from what genius minds from Shadow Strike Force have done, a vaccine will fix their broken minds.” The blonde haired girl finished off in what they got was made by the smart folks to help fix Boris’s gang with their condition.

“Then on my signal, let them in.” Trixie issued this off, as her friends stared puzzled at her, but they nod in knowing better than to question the trickster show girl. “One…Two….THREE!” She was slowly giving the countdown to when it was gonna be time to begin things.

Then without warning, Trixie’s pals got out before the door burst down with the reckless mutant actions of Boris, Dum Dum & Boxco. Seeing their mutated forms that seem to make them look scary while tough looking creatures, they seem to lack more response in the mind. When they were coming to attack Trixie, she threw the capsule she had that exploded at the mutants, releasing a powder explosion that made them cough. After a brief moment of having to suffocate through that, Boris & his gang drop on their knees while their pupils appeared as if regaining their sense of will for the first time after they became mutant zombies.

“Boris, can you hear me, say something….anything that comes to mind.” Trixie came over to check the mutant guy she has a crush on to see if he’s okay.

“Urrrragggh…..where….wha-what happened to me?” Boris groans off asked off to rub his head in feeling like he has the worse headache ever.

“Close enough.” Trixie shrug off to say in seeing that response was at least alright for her to deal with.

“Ugh, boss….um, where are we?” Dum Dum slowly asked off in where were they exactly.

“Yeah, and…what happen to us?” Boxco asked off in seeing that they don’t even look human, they don’t even look Demonic.

“I remember….we were beaten, & being sent to military school for using a Deception Body Armor, when someone from the Dark Terrorists showed up, offered us….power, then…” Boris held his head in stating what he vaguely remembers when he was trying to get Twilight & punish Ben with a stolen Deception Battlesuit Armor, but was fowled, sent to a holding cell to be transferred to military school before someone broke them out, then there was a moment they were mutated to….

“WE BEEN MUTATED INTO FREAKS!” Dum Dum & Boxco screamed out in seeing that they are not even human no more.

“Yes, but….then some weird effect was making it hard to…stay conscious, like I was sinking into the depths of no return, What did that quack Guildenstern do to us? And now at last, I find…myself here.” Boris spoke off to slowly get up, as if recalling when some whacko named Guildenstern experiment on them to mutant their bodies to be stronger, only to lose their will & personality in the process.

“In truth Boris, I learn what happened, those Dark Terrorists gave you power, but they slowly rob your free will to become mindless mutate zombies.” Trixie explained what she knew that took place in what was making Boris forget who he once was to be nothing but a mindless servant.

“Zombies!” The two Stooges yelps upon thinking that was what they were turning into.

“But I, the Great & Powerful Trixie, have managed to come to your rescue!” Trixie declared forth in announcing this as an act she has done against the impossible. “And now I shall never let you go!” As she said this, she was hugging the mutated Boris without feeling any discomfort.

“Ugh….I can’t tell if I should be grateful or not from who saved us, but…” Boris moans to hold his head in seeing this girl is crazy for him, enough to be annoying while also caring. “Thanks for wanting to save me….I mean, us.” He stated this off to say in seeing that at least Trixie cares to help him & his gang out.

“No problem, now come on…we have to get out of here.” Trixie “My task of copying data & my personal task of saving you is done, now it’s time we blow this place before the fighting drags us into it.”

“But, what is happening now?” Dum Dum asked off the next question here.

“Yeah, who’s fighting?” Boxco asked off in having heard some fighting going on outside.

“Sombra & Chrysalis are facing likely the Rainbooms!” Trixie explain this with a serious face on her expression.

“Who?” The two stooges asked off since they have been gone for so long, they don’t know who that group is.

“Rainbow Dash & her friends that helped the other worldly Twilight? Ugh….” Trixie remarks off to roll her eyes in explaining to these guys that the Rainbooms are of the five girls that Twilight hangs with.

“Ohhh….” Dum Dum & Boxco slowly nods off in getting the picture now.

Now Trixie, her group & Boris group soon quickly make leave of the place while much more of the battle was still going on outside while the place shook a bit. As things go darker, what was happening with the other heroes at this time was mostly uncertain stuff to be sure.


We return to seeing how the Rainbooms gang are handling themselves against the approach of the Drone Army commanded by Chrysalis. So far, Hobo Joe had to give the girls some protective bullet proof shields & some battering rod to allow them some defense & offense usage. Right now, much of them were being scattered about while some were handling okay to keep the drones at bay as they were not as fully protective like the stolen Deception suit Boris once used.

“Is it just me, or does it seem like every time we pal around with any version of Twilight and Ben is going to have us fighting some cut-rate wannabe super-villain?” Rainbow Dash commented off to say this in seeing whenever the Canterlot High girls hang with Twilight or Ben, unexpected fights with villains seem to happen.

“It’s almost like we’re entertaining an audience watching us & want something exciting to happen.” Pinkie Pie stated off in breaking the fourth wall to mention this.

“Oh my, that does sound bad.” Fluttershy stated off to say this in how bad that did sound to her.

“Well it ain’t their fault these wackos are appearing.” Applejack issued off that such things are not fault with their pals.

“Look, Ben, Golden Heart & Pinkamena are still keeping Sombra at bay!” Rarity pointed off in seeing what their other friends are doing at the moment.

True to Rarity’s words, Sombra was seen fighting with his own sword in tackling against Ben who had gotten a sword from Hobo Joe to better defend himself. Pinkamena & Golden Heart were trying to help with some support means in backing Ben up.

“No matter what you do, I will make sure none escape from my wrath!” Sombra declared fourth in about to make sure none of the ones here will get through him.

“Sorry, but you don’t scare us so easily!” Ben remarked off to say this in not about to fall over just yet.

“Then it’s time to try out this…” Sombra pointed off to a strange helmet he wore & strange black gauntlets with energize gemstones inside the wrist. “My helmet gives me the power to make fears come to life. These gem gauntlets allow me to change the structure and form gems to attack my enemies.” He explained off in what he can use of the abilities he now has to make him ever more powerful & more terrifying than before.

Then Sombra’s helmet began to glow as it sent out a hidden wave-link that effected Ben’s mind; before something was forming from thin air: Werewolves. The sudden surprise of such creatures howled before they were attacking the bunch, making those that were fighting have to keep the claws & teeth away from their bodies.

“Great, just great, something out of that horror movie I saw last week. I still had bad dreams of being cornered by werewolves that turn me into one.” Ben groans to say in seeing that Sombra brought his nightmare that he feels fearful to life.

“Well let’s see these wolves take the heat!” Goldie exclaimed to say this while turning up the heat by firing his flamethrower; which seem to be taking care of the wolves.

“Heeeyaaahhh!” Then Pinkamena dives in to thrust her sword which Sombra used his own sword to counter that as he was not so defenseless. “Your Time's Up Sombra! Give up your wicked life of evil!” She snapped off in wanting this guy to cease this life of evil this instant.

“NEVER!” Sombra yelled out in refusing to give up.

Soon the battle continues of those trying to subdue Sombra as best as they could. And right now, Hobo Joe brought up a Gatling machine Gun off his military jeep to start blasting away the rounds to take down the odds of Chrysalis’ Drone Army. Sunset Shimmer was trying to fight off near Chrysalis, but more of her machine minions kept standing against her.

“Urge, at this rate, we won’t be able to reach Chrysalis!” Sunset Shimmer growls in fury, the head enemy is in front of them, but they can’t get to her with her commanding & controlling all of these robots. “We need more help here.” She stated that they need more help then what they got, but who else could help them out of this tight pinch.

“But from where?” Nyx asked off in where they can get some help at this time.

“From me!” Spoke another voice that sounded familiar before appearing from an open doorway which was…. “The Great & Powerful Trixie, and her Illusions! And…fellow allies!” Yep, it was Trixie, her band girl members and even…Boris & his gang?

“What?” The CMC yelped off in seeing who are here to save the day, but it was not what they expect.

“No way!” Apple Bloom shook her head in seeing this with doubt.

“Trixie’s helping?” Scootaloo stated in them knowing who Trixie is from school.

“And Boris too?” Sweetie Belle stated that out of all others to come, the mutant jerks are here?

“Don’t worry, we got our minds un-duck!” Dum Dum pointed off in stating this fact while getting whacked.

“No, it’s undone! We’re free to think freely!” Boxco exclaimed to correct his bud on them being fixed up.

“Which is hard considering that you two were never that smart from the beginning.” Boris sighs to sadly state how the situation of these two having their minds working is hard to even know if it works at all. “But let me be clear to you all, we have a SCORE to settle with the witch that was calling the shots & left us to rot!” He snapped off to say this in staring at Chrysalis for what she did to them when they were working for that shady woman.

“That was your own fault, idiot! If you listened, you would not have been expelled!” Chrysalis remarked off to tell the idiot Boris that if he listen to her, then Boris wouldn’t have ended up where he is now.

“Enough, boys…tear her ones apart!” Boris snapped off in having enough of this chatter as he orders that they go in for the attack.

“Right!” Dum Dum & Boxco nodded off in having heard the order & shall begin so immediately.

Now Boris & his mutant buddies went off for the first tackle in finally pinning down some Drones to start smashing & ripping them to pieces. Using whatever sorta mutant powers that they were given to deal with some damages. The Rainbooms were a bit surprised to be glad that other allies were dealing with these mutant bunch while they took care of the more…well, magical threat foes like Fafnir.

“I never thought I be glad Boris decided to show up.” Twilight stated off in seeing how this was turning into their favor.

“Guess there’s a first for everything.” Ben shrug off to quote on Twilight’s part of how this was gonna go.

Little by little, what seem like a hopeless battle began to shift quickly that the gang were really making a comeback. Sombra was using whatever gem creation powers to slow his foes down & tried to make their worst fears come true, but Pinkamena & Golden Heart were overcoming them to aid Ben in taking him into a corner. And as for Chrysalis, she was not liking in seeing her machine army she was commanding by her power alone get wasted so easily.

“No, no, NO! I refuse to suffer another loss! In that case….” Chrysalis snapped off in seeing that they were losing, and she won’t stand it; even if it means resorting to drastic measures. She took out a strange needle-like device that seem to have a capsule of liquid stuff in it with different labels of images & words; someone managed to see that to yelp in worry.

“Wait, Chrysalis, when did you swipe those potions from my research collection?” Sombra yelps off in seeing what the woman had in her clutches.

“Since before we came here, Sombra….” Chrysalis issued off to explain that she swiped the potions before arriving at this spot.

“What’s she talking about?” Golden Heart asked off towards Sombra as they try to beat the truth out of him despite some resistance.

“Those potions contain proportionate abilities of literally a dozen different species of insect & arachnid types. Each one varies from ones I’ve study to create a serum that would give a human a boost of such abilities.” Sombra explained off that what Chrysalis had was something that contain essences of different Insects type creatures that have genetic coding of their unique abilities.

“So in short, you ripped off the idea from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 film, didn’t you?” Pinkamena broke the fourth wall to explain the evil that the guy did while smacking her sword to almost shatter Sombra’s gem defense.

“But Chrysalis, that syringe device, it’s meant for multiple dosages, you can’t be thinking of…?” Sombra asked off in noticing what the woman was going to do, one injection is one thing, but that many dosage could be unthinkable.

“Oh, but I am…watch as I shall unleash a power to where you shall bow down before a queen!” Chrysalis exclaimed forth in announcing this timing to unleash a force of power to be awaken…from herself.

Then without warning, Chrysalis soon had the tech needle device to her shoulder, which was slowly oozing in something from each little capsule it held: there were an ant, a wasp, a stinkbug, three different types of beetle from rhinoceros, tiger and bombadier, then a cockroach and a Golden Orb Spider. So when the last thing was emptied out, that was it, and when some were expecting the worse…nothing came; it was all…quiet.

“Wait, nothing’s happening.” Ben stated in seeing nothing was making Chrysalis seem any different.

“Wait fer it Ben, cause trust me…this is bound ta get ugly!” Hobo Joe sternly stated in feeling like such a thing will start to take effect shortly soon, and when it does…it won’t be pretty.

“I’m thinking that some freaky background music related to the Amazing Spider-Man 2 will be heard in where Harry Osborn took the spider serum which started to affect his body.” Pinkamena broke the fourth wall in breaking this news to everyone in what she was hearing.

“I can’t tell if you’re random at times sis or…if I should worry from your warnings.” Golden Heart stated in what was gonna happen could be equally bad news.

Then without warning, Chrysalis felt a strange itch sensation that was bugging her. Then she drops to the floor as she lets off an agonizing cries of inner pain, as if something was happening to her. Chrysalis was suddenly trying to reach for something, but she was ending up ripping most of her clothes off, as the action seem to scare the others or watch what was going on in stump surprise.

“GRUUUAAAAROOOOAAARRUGHHH!” Chrysalis’ roaring screams were heard, as she drop to the floor, yelping, twitching, deep-breathing reactions as if she had gone & poisoned herself.

The others watch in seeing the woman try to grip the floor, then it looked like her…skin was crawling in weird motions.

“Okay….THAT, is disturbing.” Rainbow Dash pointed off in feeling like she was gonna throw up soon.

Chrysalis’s skin was peeling off tone replace by a strange amount of scales related to certain insects, her back suddenly spread off strange insect-wings that were mostly cute or sharply edge, her hair began to fizzle out in becoming more messier, hands with fingers became sharper with pincer-like nails, and her eyes seem to shift to be more…insect like.

“GRUUUOGH! UUUUHHHAAAUGH!” Chrysalis seem to be groaning in pain, as if experience all of the strange mutations of all the insects morphing her body as she bears with it.

“Holy….She….what has she done to herself?” Twilight gasped off in staring at the horror that was seen before them.

Finally, when the process was finally long over with, everyone saw that Chrysalis was not moving. But then, she suddenly was pushing herself upwards to take a stand in which she reveals half of her clothes were a bit shredded, but the rest of her looks like a mutant insect of a female humanoid, or in this case; an Insectoid! The woman begins to stare at everything, her enemies, her ally, to even…herself to bear witness everything.

“Heheheheh-huhuhuahahaaahhh….splendid.” Chrysalis laughs off in a sinister manner in sounding strangely…satisfied. “I can feel the combined dosage…magnifying my feats a dozen times over.” She issued in just looking at herself, having felt like the new overflowing measures of what she injected took hold.

Then without warning, she turn to see a large tank truck to then grab it, and then….lift it up as if it was lightweight to her.

“Super-Strength!” Chrysalis exclaimed from having displayed a feat of having super-strength under her hands.

Next she threw the truck which crash & exploded, blinding everyone who managed to stay out of the way, but yelped from getting knocked across by something moving fast which was…Chrysalis.

“Supersonic Speed!” Chrysalis stated in having shown that she can go at a supersonic speed momentum like never before.

“Hit her hard!” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed from running up to whack her hammering weapon on the enemy, which shatter to pieces on contact. “What!” She stared in shock when that which she used broke when it should have hurt Chrysalis.

“An Incredibly Tough Shell!” Chrysalis smiled off wickedly in seeing that her shell body was so tough, it was hard to break through it like an armor defense.

Soon the woman grabbed Sunset’s bulletproof shield to suddenly fly her up so high before letting her go. Hobo Joe started his jeep to rush over to pilot & get Sunset to land on a cushion matt he deployed just in case.

“High-Speed Flight!” Chrysalis exclaimed in having performed a feat of flying so high & so fast. “The ability to adhere to any inverted sold surface & walk across it with great ease. And a new twist.” When she said this, it was an alert warning of what’s coming next.

The gang yelped from when the woman spits something, and it moved so fast, it made marks on the walls; which was sizzling from heat to melt it. Yikes, that’s hot stuff alright!

“An ability to shoot out multiple high-speed rounds of super-heated fluid. That and create spider webbing 24 times more elastic than nylon & 60 times stronger than steel cable!” Chrysalis explained forth this next feat of what else she was capable of doing.

From her hands shot off webs that soon caught Hobo Joe’s vehicle, and just as Sunset got out, Chrysalis laughed off evilly to spin her prey around & around while being high in the sky.

“WOOH-NELLY!” Hobo Joe yelps from when he had to abandon his jeep that Chrysalis tossed off for it to smash to pieces against the wall. “Dang it! I had three payments from dat thing!” He cursed of the loss over his ride there.

“Looks like we’re in a sticky situation here!” Applejack stated to say this in seeing what just happened, their foe just became a bigger problem than before.

“Yeah, no kidding. It’s like she’s part human & part…well…insectoid.” Rainbow Dash remarked off in seeing that Chrysalis is now some sorta freaky insect mutant foe.

“And a disturbing one on the look of her appearance, ugh!” Rarity felt disgusted by seeing what Chrysalis has done to become something that makes her look…icky & gross; but that’s her feeling of bugs that look ugly like this one.

“Oh dear, how do we stop her?” Fluttershy yelps in fearing that their options are not looking so good now

“You can’t my dears, and now….prepare to meet your destruction!” Chrysalis exclaimed forth in about to bring an end to her foes.

“Not so fast, you have to find us first!” Trixie issued forth in stepping in to stop this evil insect woman to catch them if she could find them.

Then Trixie threw a smoke bomb on the ground that blinded the enemy to not see where they were. But then leaping from the smokescreen was Boris, Dum Dum & Boxco that tackled the evil insectoid down to the ground to keep the strong woman down for a while.

“Guuuaaaagh!” Chrysalis was on the ground to growl in seeing Boris’ group trying to stop her. “You imbecile! You think aiding that foolish trickster will make the others see you differently?” She snapped off in seeing that Boris was summer then he looks in thinking helping Trixie will make a difference of his past crimes.

“Hey! Trixie is the only one other than Boxco and Dum-Dum who treats me with any real respect and I refuse to let you hurt her!” Boris snaps off towards Chrysalis in stating

“Then good luck trying to stop me, you three maybe stronger, but I…am STRONGEST!” Chrysalis made an evil sly smile in stating this fact of which was seemingly true.

Then without warning, Chrysalis was shown pushing off her oppressors to jet herself away so fast before coming around to punch them. And then Boris’s gang had to dodge some super-heated liquid spits when Chrysalis took to the air.

“Ugh, Boss, I think she’s right.” Boxco issued off in seeing how tough this woman was.

“Yeah, she seems to have us out duck.” Dum Dum nods off in stating a fact here.

“That’s outdone, and I refuse to lose now!” Boris corrected off to say while also refusing to call it quits.

Boris & his boys were shown trying to defend themselves in where Chrysalis was starting to give the slow ones a beating that would slowly sink in. The rest of the Rainbooms gang had to figure out how to defeat this now stronger version of Chrysalis.

“Twilight darling, if you have a plan on hand, now be a good time to tell us?” Rarity asked off to her friend in hoping she has a solution to this problem.

“I am, so far we’ve seen what Chrysalis can do, Ben & the others are occupied with Sombra…and our only means of defense aren’t enough here.” Twilight stated that she’s trying to figure out how to win this, but seeing what Chrysalis can do, then their current weapon defense aren’t enough.

”Unless we brought our instruments, then we can’t bring up the magic.” Sunset Shimmer stated that if the Rainbooms had their instruments to make music, they transform & get a power boost to win.

“Dang it, Ah really wish we had something ‘ta squash 'is bug.” Applejack cursed off in seeing that they need a way to stop Chrysalis.

“Or maybe bug spray fro' how she’s bugging us.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to remark that she love to spray this pest away.

“Bug spray…bug spray…Wait! That’s it!” Pinkie Pie thought this out for a bit until she yelled out from having inspiration. “If she’s a mutant insectoid, then wouldn’t she be affected by what hurts bugs?” She stated in how they use what hurts bugs & other insects the most with something like a daily bug spray tool.

“Oh my, do you think that could work?” Fluttershy asked off worried asked off in pondering if such a thing will be enough to help them out.

“We’re out of options, and Boris & his group are only holding out for so long!” Trixie stated that if nothing is done, then they will lose since the only strong mutants to fight an insect mutant won’t last long.

Meanwhile, as Boris, Dum Dum & Boxco were struggling to handle the monstrous new insect that was the new Chrysalis, the ones handling with Sombra were still not finished. But from witnessing Chrysalis’s newfound abilities, she had reach a new height where she was far stronger & faster & seemingly more dangerous than the mutants she was fighting that even they or the rest of the Rainbooms could hardly challenge her.

“I told her that one dose of an insect abilities could be enough, now she’s wasted all my resources.” Sombra rolled his eyes in remarking what Chrysalis has gone & done now. “She best not lose after becoming that powerful. After how Boris ruined everything the first time.” He issued off in not wanting to deal with having such a powerful mutant insect opponent lose so easily.

“No offense, Sombry, but you read too many comic books." Pinkamena remarked off to comment how this guy thinks such a thing will be easy to say they’ll win without the fight being over.

"Why would I take offense? It allows me to take the best ideas while learning from the villains' mistakes." Sombra retorts off to quote the comment from learning of Boris defeat to make something to make himself & Chrysalis stronger.

“Then you should learn again from seeing how even Boris has decided to stop you!” Goldie protest off to say this in seeing how things were turning here.

“No matter, you shall all fall!” Sombra snapped off to say this in not about to lose here.

“Now, attack from all three sides!” Ben issued off in seeing the enemy coming, but they got a secret maneuver.

Then without warning, the trio split off to avoid Sombra’s attacks of his sword & gemstones as they soon perform a three-way attack maneuver. Golden Heart unleashed the flamethrower to burn off the gemstones while Ben & Pinkamena leap from the flames to swing their swords to deliver a critical blow on impact which broke against the enemy’s defense & destroyed his helmet that makes the nightmares.

“Gwuuaagh!” Sombra let off a cry from when he soon fell & hit the floor, falling into an unconscious state afterwards.

Meanwhile with Chrysalis, Boris’s gang were kneeling o the ground in where their body surfaces were steaming from the super-heat liquid spits the woman hit them with. But it didn’t end as the woman had used her webbing power to impact like hammers of the traitorous mutant fools before they were in a deep crater she made, 6 feet deep. Once she was done with them, she saw what happened to Sombra as he was defeated.

“Tch! So Sombra has fallen. No matter.” Chrysalis scuffed off to say in annoyance that Sombra was beaten, but she doesn’t care.

“How can she say that?” Sweetie Belle asked off in seeing what Chrysalis just did there.

“Yeah, he was helping’ her too.” Apple Bloom nods off that bad guys should at least care for another.

“Guess bad guys don’t have much honor.” Scootaloo shook her head off in seeing how bad guys treat another as nothing of their business.

“Come on Twilight….you can do this.” Nyx stated off to cheer her sister to win this thing.

“Now then, it’s time that I permanently end your miserable existence.” Chrysalis issued off to say this in soaring above the heroes, in preparing to leach another attack raid. “Once you’re subdued, Dark Curse is sure to have a fun time trying to obtain whatever magic you little girls have obtain, leaving me & my drones to help conquer this world & finish off the Dragon Strike Force.” She explained in what she will do after she has ended things with this bunch.

“Yer ain’t won nothin’ yet!” Hobo Joe snapped off to retort the witch’s claim of having won before the battle is settled.

“Then let me show you!” Chrysalis grinned off to say in preparing to prove to everyone…her worth in words.

Now the evil insect woman took to the skies at superfast flight as she used her webbing to lift up multiple rubble & destroyed vehicles, as she hurl them up in about to attack while preparing a spit. But without warning, Pinkie Pie cuts in the path of the charging enemy, held a canister of something before squirting it out which when it touch Chrysalis…it affected her.

“GWAAAAAAUGH!” Chrysalis screamed out in pain to hurl her objects on her webs away from the heroes as she drop to the ground temporally blinded.

“I can’t believe it, it’s actually working!” Rarity replied off in being surprised that what Pinkie Pie pulled off, saved them.

“Ugh-ugh….Wha…what is this? POISON?” Chrysalis groans off to say in not knowing what sorta spray she was hit with.

“Nope! BUG SPRAY!” Pinkie Pie corrected Chrysalis in what she held out against their foe. “And it’s my very own Super-Strength Bug Spray to keep the bugs away from tasty treats…or hurting us!” She explained off in what she held was something of Chrysalis’s own weakness.

“Oh, of all the idiotic…” Chrysalis moans off to say in not believing it, bug spray, she has developed a weakness to such a trial trait.

“Uh-uh, I don’t think so!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to say in spraying the insect lady with more bug spray.

“Cough-cough….cough-cough….” Chrysalis coughs off in being unable to breath from being hit by that bug spray.

“Pour it on, Pinkie Pie!” Applejack cheered her friend to keep up this little work here.

“Do it for Wheelie!” Sunset Shimmer issued forth in wanting this to get payment back from what Chrysalis did to their friend.

“Cough-cough….how humiliating….being beaten by….bug…cough-cough…spray.” As Chrysalis was coughing to curse this swear, she slowly began to lose conscious as Pinkie Pie had subdued their enemy with embarrassing ease.

"Pardon the pun, but Chrysalis’ scheme has quite a few bugs in it." Rainbow Dash remarked off to comment this in seeing how easily handle this was.

“I’m glad that’s over with.” Fluttershy sighs to say this in being glad this has ended.

“You guys okay?” Ben asked off in approaching the rest with a tied up Sombra.

“We are now…” Nyx smiled off to approach the rest with the CMC behind her.

“But…what do we do about them?” Sweetie Belle pointed to the weakened & down mutant Boris gang.

“Do we turn Boris in?” Apple Bloom asked off if they turn the old jerky bully of their school in.

“Are you kidding, he just saved your bacons! And I just been reunited with my hubby!” Trixie came over to Boris & his Stooges aid from having helped out.

“So…now what do we do?” Scootaloo shrug off her shoulders in not knowing what they should do next here.

“Well, first we clamp these here two under wraps, get out of here & find Azure Phoenix & let him sort this out.” Hobo Joe issued off to take Sombra & Chrysalis towards Azure Phoenix for him to decide how they should punish the villains. “And if an ye lucky miss., they can help fix Wheelie up.” He pointed this off to cheer Sunset up a bit.

“Oh, thank goodness.” Sunset sighs in being glad to hear this piece of news.

“And maybe they might lighten Boris’s punishment just a bit, can’t make any promises…but this act is a start.” Hobo Joe pinch his fingers in stating that maybe Boris & his boys will be given a lighter punishment for deciding to help out.

“You hear that Boris?” Trixie smiled off to Boris in what was told to them.

“Yeah, I did.” Boris moans off to nod slightly, as he was still hurt but heard it all.

Without delaying, everyone slowly picks themselves up to prepare themselves in leaving the area. At least the worse was behind them in having stop the rogue Sombra & the mutant insect Chrysalis. The gang can only hope they will make it out of here alive without running into anymore enemies while taking with them the weaken mutant Boris gang & the captive enemies with them from a spare jeep that was lying around.


By the time the former captives are out, the battle is already over. The Decepticons and most of the Dark Terrorists has escaped while the bad humans who remained got captured. Shadow Dragon's group came over to the group, relieved that they're safe and sound.

"Are you all alright?" Shadow Dragon ask the group in concern.

"We're fine, Shadow Dragon." Ben said to his brother in law with a nod.

"Yeah, we got a bit shaken but we're all right." Twilight said in agreement with her love.

"You're hurt! Hold still. I'll get rid of it." Terrorecreep gasps. He saw a scratch on Fluttershy

"It's just a scratch. Nothing to worry about, daddy." Fluttershy insists to the vampire, pushing him away. Why must Terrorcreep make a fuss over something like a little scratch?

Sunset sighs as she gave Wheelie to Sideswipe and the Autobots, who just have a reunion with their friends whom they thought was gone for good. The girl explains, "Chrysalis took Wheelie under her control. I had to pull out his power supply to stop him."

"It's all right. Just some repairs, a new power supply and an anti-control device and Wheelie should be as good as new." Sideswipe said with a sigh. At least Wheelie's okay.

"Where is Trixie?!" Shadow Dragon demands for Trixie's appearance.

"Trixie?!" Most of the Dragon Strike Force ask in shock and alarm. Shadow Dragon told them that an ally will be helping them out in this mission, but he told no one that it was Trixie until now.

"Looking for me?!" Trixie ask, appearing as if on stage while doing a pose. "The Great and Loyal Trixie has succeeded her mission. And I saved Boris and his friends."

"Okay, what gives in Trixie being here anyway?" Rainbow ask with a frown. She and her friends still can't get over the fact that Trixie had come to help and with Boris and his goons, no doubt.

"Right, I mean, it's great that she's here, considering how she help us out during the concert thing to get new uniforms for the soccer team and all that." Sunset said, still not sure of what's going on here.

"We demand to know what Trixie's even doing here!" Scootaloo exclaims in frustration.

Shadow Dragon sighed, "Trixie joined us because of Strikespell."

Ben groaned as he slaps his own forehead, "Again him?! What was he thinking?! Doesn't he know that Trixie is annoying?!

Shadow Dragon shrugged while adding, "He doesn't care."

"And not only that, why did she saved Boris and his gang?!" Rainbow demands, wondering why Trixie would go through all this trouble of saving the ones that tried to kill Ben on the day he was expelled from Canterlot High and even helped the villains out during the incident with the Dazzlings.

"Right, Ah don't understand mahself." Applejack remarks with a deep frown. Unbelievable.

"Yeah, mind telling us why you save those creeps?!" Laxtinct demands to Trixie while keeping his eye suspiciously on Boris for any tricks.

"Yeah, he worked with the enemy and tried to kill us all!" Blazefist exclaims in agreement.

Boris, irritated by this, snaps, "Hey! I was mind controlled by those freaks. I thought they meant to give me some powers, not to be their slave. Be grateful that we've got the drive for you guys."

"What drive?!" Shadow Dragon ask in confusion. What is this nonsense now?

Trixie smiled as she hold up a drive, explaining proudly, "Mr. Secretary chose me to finish the job, unlike any of your friends. I've hid the data inside the drive."

Shadow Dragon groaned, "That doesn't mean you can break formation. We are a team. We stick together."

"FYI, you all need to. While for me, I'm just his special agent and best student. After all, if it weren't for these losers, we wouldn't have found our enemy's hideout and get the data."

"Hey, that's mean!" Fluttershy exclaims, a bit upset by what Trixie just called them.

"We thank you for saving our butts, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude." Rarity said dryly while crossing her arms.

"Be glad she ain't on the bad side." Sweetie said with a frown.

"For one thing, I rather beat her at a concert than in battle." Rainbow remarks while doing some thinking. "Still, nice job, Trix."

"Right, we owe a debt to you for your help." Twilight said, thanking Trixie for her assist during the battle.

Trixie looks proudly and praised. At least now, things would be better between her and the Rainbomws. The girl turns to Strikespell, saying, "Well, talk to Strikespell. I'm sure he would like to hear your failures again."

Shadow Dragon frowns as he said, "Oh, I will. And trust me, it won't be a pleasant chat..."


Now the scene changes to where we find both Sombra & Chrysalis were both in special chains to keep whatever powers & such the two have in check. They were being pushed to enter a military vehicle in which Azure Phoenix watch from the sidelines to approach slowly with a stern face. When both defeated foes entered their heavy duty vehicle to transport the criminals to a safe prison house, one trooper came up to the commander to give a report of this scene.

“Sir, both fugitives are now well underhand.” A soldier saluted to his commander in stating the full restraint motion of the enemy foes.

“Good, then get them out of my sight. After what they caused from before behind the scenes of leading Boris’s group & now with this action, they’re lucky they don’t get the death sentence.” Azure Phoenix issued off in wanting Sombra & Chrysalis to be taken away, from their past crimes to now, they’ll get a sentence that will keep them behind bars for some time.

“Roger that sir!” The soldier saluted back in having heard the orders there.

“How could this have happened, victory was within our reach!” Sombra complained off to say this in how close they were to having won this.

“This isn’t the end, we will have our comeback, mark my words!” Chrysalis remarked off angrily to Azure Phoenix in stating this battle was far from over.

“Doubt it, as far as the Dark Terrorists think of you, if you failed them & are detain from power, then your usefulness ends here.” Shadow Dragon shook his head in being the wiser soldier in what must be reality that these two won’t be getting any help from those that will leave them to rot.

“Grrrr…..” Chrysalis growls in looking frustrated so much, she could explode. “You haven’t won yet! Either this side or another world, you will all suffer!” She lectures off that this bunch has not won anything, only delay the inevitable that will come from where evil from this world or the next, shall win.

“We know about another world that exist, we know that there is a force even greater than the Deception menace. One that even brought the planet to be swallowed a blackhole & vanished without a trace!” Sombra exclaimed off in already knowing what was likely a world of pony versions of themselves, and in that place called Equestria exist evil, and a powerful force of evil that could have destroyed an entire planet they live in in one fell swoop.

“If you think your military weapons or mutant powers are enough, even with the Autobots, then whoever the enemy is from another world….will make you squirm.” Chrysalis made off a sly wicked smile in stating this fact that no matter what this bunch does, no matter how strong they are, they are still powerless compared to an enemy of unimaginable strength that lies beyond their worldly dimension of the realm they live in.

Soon the vehicle took the two enemies away & were eventually out of sight. But even still, Azure Phoenix felt uncomfy from having absorb their words.

“Don’t let them patronize you sir, they’re speaking nonsense from a loss.” Shadow Dragon tried to help ease Azure Phoenix from having been absorbing that trash talk from the defeated dogs who’s bark are as bad as their bite.

“Even so, they’re right. The Twilight Sparkle from another world has enemies….enemies more powerful than we can imagine.” Azure Phoenix responded off noticing this as a true fact; that there indeed exist a powerful enemy force group that they can only imagine how terrifying that even one foe must be. “And whoever is the strongest of the bunch could destroy our world but choose’d to spare us….is only mocking us that we’re within the palm of their hands & nothing we do can stop it.” Azure Phoenix he tighten his hands into fist in feeling so mad, that there exist far greater threats than Dark Curse’s Dark Terrorist or even Galvatron & the Decepticons, enemies that if one was so powerful to destroy them but choose to spare them….was showing how powerless they are now.

Many of the military soldiers were stumped, seeing their commanding commander in such a state seem unnatural to them to behold. But Azure Phoenix took a deep breath to regain his composition before staring at his troops.

“Return to base, and make sure Sombra & Chrysalis are in a tight security, I don’t want any more escape prisoners….” Azure issued this off in wanting his soldiers to make sure, his prisoners won’t escape. “Just like the Dazzlings.” He narrows his eyes to two characters from the group of the Dragon Strike Force in stating this with an upset tone.

“Oh man, he’s still holding that against us!” Laxtinct slapped his forehead in seeing that was something that wasn’t gonna be gotten over anytime soon.

“What do you expect, he was bound to be mad when he learn HOW they escaped.” Steelkick pointed off that Azure Phoenix got mad when he learn the tunnel & escape vehicle for the Dazzlings were given by these two.

Soon Azure Phoenix begins to move out from here, as the rest of his army troop bunch began to move out & Dragon Strike Force also were moving out. Everything begins to darken out a bit now, as for now, things will be mostly quiet for the time being…

Author's Note:

The battle is over. For now. In the next and final chapter, what will awaits our heroes and villains? Read, review and suggest.