• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 1,103 Views, 1 Comments

The Real McCoys - JusSonic

Let's return to the world of Equestria Girls as the human versions deal with school and some new foes.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Wheelie Cometh!

Chapter 3: Wheelie Cometh!

The secretary was on an image on a monitor as Twilight explained to Azure Phoenix as to what she had found. So far, the girl didn't seem to find anything that could help explain what had happened at the Fall Formal. Everyone at Cantelot High are tight-lipped.

Azure hummed, "I see... The only way to get more info about this incident is to earn their trust."

"I understand. But it may take some time to get the info, sir." Twilight said in concern, the girl need more time to get the info from her new friends.

"Do what you have to, Twilight. We must know what has happen to Canterlot High. It's for the safety of the world..."

"Yes sir."

Azure notes the worried look on his student's face. Something's up. The man spoke in concern, "Something troubling you?"

Twilight sighs as she answers, "Sir... If I did find some evidence, what will you do? Will you go to war?" The girl is worried that Azure may go to war, believing that her doppelganger and her pals could be going to invade their world.

"No... But I'll decide on how it goes. Why?"

"I saw Sunset's face. And it wasn't good. She looks regret and pain of what she had done before. She feels sorry for it. I think she wants to do the right thing..."

Azure hummed thoughtfully, then he spoke, "I'll decide how it goes. But be careful. I can't lose you, not after what had happen to Sunset. Our Sunset Shimmer."

"Yes, sir. I understand..." Twillight said with a slow nod. No one knew what happened to the Sunset Shimmer of this world. Some think that her doppelganger may have killed her but no one truly knows yet.

"Good, find out more about the school's incident. And be careful as well. Don't rouse their suspicions too much."

Twilight sighed, "Understood...."

Twilight ends the communications, sighing while putting a hand to her face. She wishes that the girl would tell her new friends as to why she wanted to find out, but Azure insisted on keeping it a secret. What's the point in having friends...if you must keep secrets?

Unknown to Twilight, however, Nyx is hiding behind the door, having listened in the conversation. The girl looks stunned as she ask quietly, "Twiley... how could you..."


"I don't know if I can do this. Stalking on enemy is one thing but friends... I just can't..." Ben said seriously on his monitor phone to his brother in law Shadow Dragon. The boy hates lying to Twilight and the others as to what he's doing truly.

"I know. But we have a mission to perform. If they don't tell us, then they're hiding something from us." Shadow Dragon said seriously to Ben. If the Main Five and their friends are hiding something, then it must come out no matter what.

"Still... I feel guilty to do it. When I looked at that 'Sunset', I feel sorry for her. It's like she never meant to do it."

"Even so... We still need to know what was going on. It's wrong but it's for everyone's protection. I promise you that we won't hurt anyone else. We just want some answers."

"Fine... Don't make me regret it." Ben said, whimpering a bit in sadness. He hates doing undercover work on friends, especially in his mother's school! How would Celestia feel if she finds out what her son is doing?

"Come on. Don't tell me you're whimpering again." Shadow Dragon snaps to Ben in frustration. He hates it when his brother-in-law does that, reminds him of the time when Ben was a shy one.

"As if! I'll do it."

"Just be careful..."


It was the next day at school. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are looking over some papers as they are now putting Nyx into the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The girl wanted to tell them of what Twilight is doing...although she wonders if they will be upset over the fact that her sister is spying on everyone for Azure Phoenix.

"Well, it's done." Apple Bloom said, squeezing as she put the papers away. "Welcome 'ta 'de Cutie Mark Crusaders, Nyx."

"Yeah, for real." Twist, a glasses wearing girl, remarks with a giggle. "We know you're going to like it."

"Thanks, I guess. So...what are we going to do?" Nyx ask her new friends with a small grin.

"Well, we could try to do some awesome activities." Scootaloo said with a grin. "Of course, not near the entrance. Sunset and her former goons are still working on it."

"I know! Let's enter a talent contest!" Sweetie exclaims excitedly. "The showcase should be coming up next year."

"Hey, yeah!" Pipsqueak said excitedly, liking the idea. The boy looks down, frowning, "But I betcha you don't allow boys if you all enter."

"And I am not much of a singer." Dinky Doo, Derpy's little sister, said meekly. "I think I will sit this one out."

"Fair enough." Apple Bloom said with a shrug.

Just then, two familiar dogs walks up, barking a bit and startling everyone. Nyx groans, "Spike, Phobos! I told you to stay home!"

"Are those dogs yours?" Pipsqueak ask curiously as he glances at the dogs. Of course, the main CMC looks surprised. They look like Spike and Phobos, the Dragons who were changed into dogs upon entering the Human realm not too long ago.

"Well, almost." Nyx said meekly as she picks up Phobos, petting him. "This is Phobos, my pet dog. The other one is Spike, he belongs to my sister."

"Cute." Twist said, grinning while petting Spike who barks playfully. "But I don't think we are allowed dogs on the school grounds."

"Well, Ah'm sure we can sneak them in. 'Dat's how Fluttershy sneaks her animals around." Apple Bloom said. It's true, Fluttershy didn't want her animal friends to be lonely during the school hours so she sneaks into school every chance she gets.

"That sounds reasonable...until we get them home." Nyx said with a shrug as she opens her backpack, getting Phobos in.

"Let me help you with Spike." Pipsqueak offers as he picks up Spike and put the dog in his own backpack. "Least I can do for a new Cutie Mark Crusader."

"Thanks, Pipsqueak. You are a good friend to be considerate."

"No problem, that's me...a few times."

The other girls smirk while chuckling a bit towards Nyx and Pipsqueak. They look like just a cute couple when one can imagine it.

"You two look like a cute couple, you know that?" Dinky ask her friends, making them blush.

"Hey, come on!" The two exclaims embarrassedly while blushing.

"Awww, the sweet scene of romance in the air!" Sweetie exclaims sweetly as she spins around on one toe, doing her best not to fall.

"Hey, stop it! We're just friends!" Nyx exclaims, blushing along with Pipsqueak. Of course, she does find him cute...but rather not get into that right now.

"If yew say so." Apple Bloom remarks, rolling her eyes while smiling.

Nyx and Pipsqueak are really in denial.


Sunset was holding her books as she is heading to class. The girl looks at some of the students glaring and avoiding her. She sighs sadly while shaking her head. Sunset will never live what she done down. It could take a miracle for everyone to trust her again.

Sunset suddenly yelps as she bumps into someone: a certain former boyfriend of hers. The girl blushes while speaking, "Oh, hey Flash. I was on my way to the class."

"Yeah... Me too. So, um... Want me to walk with you to class. Just in case if those jerks tried to mess with you..." Flash said, rubbing the back of his head. He knows how mean the other kids are to Sunset and wanted to help out.

"No, it's okay. I'll be fine. Besides, I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

"Why would I get hurt? I'll be fine. My dad was a cop. I can handle it."

"Please. Just do it for me. Okay? I don't want to cause trouble..." Sunset said meekly while rubbing her feet. The truth is, she is worried that Flash would be hated for hanging around someone who once tried to take over Equestria and turned the students into zombies once. The girl doesn't want her former love to be shunned because of her.

"Sunset..." Flash said in sadness. He knows how down Sunset is going through right now.

"I'd better go now..."

Sunset left. Flash groans as Ben shows up, looking concerned as he ask, "Women problem?"

"Big time." Flash said with a groan. "Sunset is feeling more neglected than ever. Not surprised since no one has ever forgotten the..."

Flash stop quickly as he saw Ben, remembering that the jock isn't supposed to mention what happened to the Fall Formal. He doesn't want Sunset to be in more trouble and in a bigger situation than he is already.

"Well, uh...let's say that the prank made her more hated. I want to help her...but she wouldn't out of concern or me." Flash said to Ben, changing the subject without giving away too much.

Ben nods in understanding. He pats his pal on the back, saying, "Relax. Someday, Sunset will be respected and trust again. It just take time to do so. Things like this don't change in one day."

"I hope you're right, Ben."

But before the boy could head off, Ben had his collar grabbed before knocked on the lockers hard.

“Boris?! What the heck are you doing?” Ben demands in shock and alarm. Is Boris asking to get into trouble?

“Taking what was mine!” Boris snarls as he prepares to hit Ben.

“I don't know what you're talking about!” Ben insists in annoyance. Boris is a bigger jerk than usual.

“The girl you have with you. I'm taking her back.” Boris said eagerly and determined.

“The hay I would!” Ben exclaims angrily. No one tries to get Twilight!

Ben head butted on Boris's head hard before kicked him off. Boris groaned in anger as he punched right at the former. Ben dodged down before punched on Boris's stomach hard and then punched on his chest three times.

Boris groaned in anger as he jumped and slammed Ben to the ground. Both of them fought at each other hard and quick for a few times.

In hope to help their boss out, Boxco and Dum-Dum grabbed Ben and throw him to the other lockers. They then kicked on him before Boris got and up and joined the party. It looks like this three on one will end the whole thing!

At least, Boris thought so until a familiar figure rushes in, exclaiming, “Hey! Back off!”

Flash charged in and pushed the three bullies aside. Boris grabbed his neck tight before slamming Flash to the ground hard. This former player ally of his will suffer for his interference! Boxco and Dum-Dum kicked on him hard and quick.

Ben got up and knocked the bullies aside in hopes to help his friend out. He helped Flash up as they both had the fight with Boris and his gang for a long moment.

At that moment, the Main Six, Sunset and Cutie Mark Crusaders came in and found out what they were watching, most to their shock. The students join and cheered for fight, especially since most of them are cheering for Ben and Flash to take Boris and his goons down.

Burnblast came and whacked on Boris and his gang's heads hard, before the fight could get more intense. Leave it to him to get in the way!

"OWW!!" Boris shouted in pain from Burnblast whacking his head.

"What are you doing?!" Boxco yelps to Burnblast in alarm and pain.

“The heck you know what I'm doing. Teaching you punks some manners!” Burnblast exclaims sternly. No one harms Shadow Dragon’s brother-in-law while he’s around.

“Why I ought to -!” Boris exclaims in fury. Teacher or no, Burnblast must pay!

Boris charged in but got slapped by Burnblast's wooden stick. Both Boxco and Dum-Dum charged in but he then whacked on them both hard and painful. They were about to get up but got beaten and whacked by Burnblast. The students, especially the good guys, cringe. That’s gotta hurt, even for the bullies.

Nexus chose that time to come in, demanding, “What in goodness's name?! Mr. Burnblast! What are you doing?!”

“Teaching these punks some manners.” Burnblast explains as Luna came onto the scene, also wanting to know what’s going on. Is Burnblast beating up on some students?! “Boy, these guys are stubborn and stupid... And above all, they pick a fight with your nephew, Luny.”

“Cease your punishment at once! We do not punish them with violence!” Luna exclaims sternly as she forces Boris and his goons to their feet. “But I admit what Boris did is unforgivable. I'll have him be given a long detention. Next time, put them into detention class or send them to the principal. You're giving Canterlot High a bad name.”

Luna took Boris and his gang to detention class. The students, regardless, cheers wildly. That was cool even when Burnblast was almost beaten the bad guys to death!

Burnblast huffed, “Missy, it is bad.” The man turns to Ben and Flash who are recovering from the intense fight. “You boys alright?”

"Yeah, thanks to you." Ben remarked.

"Good to know. Just stay out of trouble." Burnblast said satisfied as he leaves. Boris glares angrily at him, Ben and Flash. Oh, they will pay later.

"Honestly, Ben, what was that about?" Twilight ask Ben, relieved that he's okay but is upset for him getting into that fight. "Are you trying to get into trouble?"

"Boris started it first, Twiley." Ben said while rubbing his head. "I was defending myself and Flash was helping me out."

"At least don't do it again. I won't forgive myself if anything were to happen to you." Twilight said sadly, worried that Ben might not survive the next confrontation.

"No problem, Twiley." Ben said, hugging Twilight in assuration.


A few weeks has passed and things got interesting, especially with the Main Five. They somehow were able to become pony hybrids whenever they play. This amazes them all since they thought that when Equestrian Twilight took her crown back, the magic is gone too. It's a mystery.

The school and gang also got involved in a game from the Earth from the other world called "Total Drama" which is another story, but involves a lot of craziness and a deadly...something that must not be discussed here.

The Human Twilight and Ben meanwhile are still trying to get some information but so far, no one's talking. And Azure's losing patience fast.

In a dark room, Simmons frowns as he spoke to a shadowy figure. Azure and his pals risk most to keep him hidden from those who would kill him just for being associated with the Autobots. So far, the former agent known as Simmons's location was safe.

"Listen up, Wheelie, I got a task for you." Mr. Simmons said to the shadowy figure sternly.
"Yeah, what is it?" The shadowy figure known as Wheelie ask curiously.

"Get into Sunset's locker, find anything that could is a link to what happened at the Fall Formal the other day." Simmons said seriously.

"What am I? Your slave? I can't go breaking into kids' stuff." The hidden Wheelie protests in annoyance.

"No argument. You were lucky to avoid being found, Wheelie. Atinger would've broke you instead of hiding you." Simmons reminds Wheelie of this fact.

"Ugh, fine, fine, I will do it!" The shadowy Wheelie groans in defeat. He heads off, mumbling, "Oh, all of the things I have to put up with..."


Sunset and her friends sat outside of the school after some classes were done, especially with the Dragon Strike Force. It was hard, but some of them, like Rainbow, Fluttershy, and/or Rarity are doing better.

Of course, there is one problem involving Sunset: the students are still giving her a hard time. Unbelievable.

"Sunset, Darling." Rarity spoke to Sunset seriously. "We are worried about you not having more friends than us."

"Yeah, I mean, wow, the students are giving a Super Duper Meanie Time." Pinkie said in concern, hanging upside down on the stairs for some reason.

"It's okay, really. I'm used to it." Sunset said with a sad sigh. The truth be told, she isn't use to it at all. The girl was hoping everyone will get over the incident and forgive her. No dice.

"Well, give us a chance 'ta help an' talk, sugar cube." Applejack said to Sunset with a frown. "Shucks, 'de more yew keep putting it of', 'de more time yew be alone."

"She's right. So far, you have been putting off giving Twilight and the others a chance." Fluttershy said, nodding in agreement in sadness. "Don't you want to be friends with them?"

"I...I want to be alone." Sunset sadly said as she heads off, needing time to be alone.

The Main Five walks Sunset leaves in concern. She is definitely hurting enough that the girl doesn't want to make more friends due to her wicked past.

Sunset is by herself. She needed some help and fast. The girl then head to Consultation Room where Flare Tiger is grading papers at the moment. The teacher looks up and saw the girl coming into the classroom.

“Sunset Shimmer. Nice to see yah dropping by.” Flare Tiger said to Sunset with a smile as she came into the room. “So, what's the problem now?”

Sunset sighed, “It may sound silly but... I miss him. And I really want to make friends.”

She was referring to Flash, her Equestrian boyfriend who she hasn’t seen in a long time. Sunset also wanted to make friends…but how when most of everyone here at Canterlot High won’t even trust her?

“Honey, the way you talk to me - you sounded like you really want to do it.” Flare Tiger said in concern, coming over to the girl in suspicion.

“I do. But the last thing I want is hurting them. I don't want to hurt them, not the way it was before.” Sunset explains, crossing her arms in sadness. She fears that her past will catch up to her in a big way, hurting any chances of Sunset ever making new friends. “I don't want to cause some more trouble, especially with Flash. I hate myself so much.”

“Hating yourself means hating the whole world.” Flare Tiger said mysteriously, much to Sunset’s confusion. What does she meant by that?

“I don't get it.” Sunset said in concern. How does heating the whole world have to do with this?

Flare Tiger then goes over to the blackboard. She erase some stuff off it while Flare Tiger herself continues explaining, “Twilight Sparkle stood up for you. The least you can do is befriend with her, Ben, Nyx and Starlight Not to mention, you can go a date with him.”

Sunset blushed at the comment. She remarks, “Girl and friends, not a problem. But for Flash - I can't do that! It's embarrassing and stupid.”

“I don't mean literally in taking a date. Just hang out with him.” Flare Tiger explains clearly to Sunset, although a bit of her smile in secret. “After all, he and the Main Six stood up for you. Don't you think you should return them a favor?”

Sunset hummed in thought, “I guess I could try it.”

“Good to hear.” Flare Tiger said, relieved to hear that Sunset is going to give it a try. She motions the student out the door. “Now get out there and make friends with the Main Six and Flash. After all, it's what Pony Twilight would've wanted you to do.”

“Yeah, sure. But seriously - Pony Twilight.” Sunset giggled uneasily. How did Flare Tiger, this world, even knew about that? “You're joking, right?”

Flare Tiger winked as she answers, “Eeyup, I am. Now go. They're waiting.”

Deep down, Sunset was still confused of how Flare Tiger would know about Pony Twilight. Nevertheless, she smiled.

"Wow, an' Ah done thought Pinkie is random." Flare Tiger remarks with a light chuckle, shaking her head. "At least 'dat's 'de high points o' being friends wit' mah pony self."


Twilight, Ben, Nyx and Starlight are with the Main Five, discussing on what to do during the weekend. Just then, they spotted Sunset coming back, looking a bit awkward.

"Sunset, are you all right?" Fluttershy ask Sunset in concern.

"Yeah...I'm fine now." Sunset said, breathing in. "Twilight, listen...I wasn't giving you a chance to be friends with me during the time you were here. I guess after what happened, I was...look; can we start over?"

"Really? Well, I guess I will like that." Twilight said with a slow nod while smiling at this.

"We were done discssuing o' what 'ta do fer 'de weekend." Applejack said with a smile.

"Right, away from the lessons and the poundings." Rainbow groans, rubbing the back of her hand. "Still hurts."

"Hey girls." Nyx said as she saw the CMC coming over. The girl blushes a bit. "Hey Pipsqueak."

"Hi, Nyxie." Pipsqueak said with a grin. "Anyone got any plans for the weekend? I was thinking of hitting the Scare House."

"The Scare House?" Nyx asked. "What's that?"

"Kinda like Halloween all day around!" Pipsqueak said with a smirk. "Scary props and guys in costumes jumping up to scare ya."

"Oh my...sounds terrifying." Fluttershy said in a fright as she hid behind Rarity.

"Well, normally we get free prizes for staying in there without running out like little babies." Pipsqueak explains with a slight chuckle.

Some barking is heard, much to the notice of the others. The Main Five looks startled as Spike and Phobos pops out of Nyx and Pipsqueak's backpacks.

"Spike? Phobos?" Twilight ask in surprise. She gave a suspicion to her sister. "Nyx? What are they doing here?"

"Sorry, Twiley. They follow me to school again." Nyx admits to her big sister sheepishly. "We're trying to keep them hidden before bringing them home."

"Oh bother." Twilight said, slapping herself in annoyance. This may be a big tricky.

A toy truck was passing them by as it goes into the school. It then transformed into a robot, unknown to them all. The robot is a little blue one with two weirdo like eyes and wheels at certain parts on the lower part of his body. Wheelie took a peek at the class before snickering.

“It's a good thing that Azure Phoenix kept me and Simmons out of sight from those crazy Cemetery Wind. I sure hope the Autobots are okay.” Wheelier remarks in amusement He glance at Sunset then whistled a bit. “Don't know why he wants this Sunset so badly. She's so hot, reminds me of someone. But better worth it when I find out as to what's going on here.”

Wheelie approached Sunset's locker as he tried to reach it but the locker won’t open for him. The robot groaned in upset then gasped as he had an idea. He turned and found some boxes before putting stacks of them near the locker. His mission is almost done.

As he took the last one, he had a mousetrap trapped his feet; this causes Wheelier to scream, “Ouch! Not again! Why does it had to be a stinking mousetrap?!”

Wheelie put the last box up onto the top. He climbed and reached the top then started unlocking Sunset's locker using her combination that the robot managed to discover. It shouldn’t be long now.

However, the Main Five’s group had entered the school at that moment. Wheelie’s work is loud enough to get their attention.

“Did yew hear something?” Applejack ask her friends in concern.

"It sounded like someone trying to pick into a locker nearby." Rainbow said, looking puzzled by the noise.

"Yeah, coming right near the area where Sunset's locker's at." Pinkie said thoughtfully.

Sunset gasped in shock as she realize what’s coming on now, “It's coming from my locker! I can't let someone take my stuffs!” That stuff could help someone else the school find out about Equestria!

"Then we better get there quickly!" Rarity remarked urgently.

"The nerve of some creep taking other people's stuff!" Pinkie exclaims angrily.

"Right, let me at him!" Rainbow exclaims as the kids rush off in a hurry to stop the would-be thief.

Wheelie smirks as he got his task almost done. The robot is almost opening the locker now.

“Almost there... Just a little bit more-!” Wheelie remarks anxiously. The stuff that Mr. Simmons wants will be his.

Pinkie suddenly pops up behind him, yelling, “Hey! What're you doing?!”

Wheelie squealed in fear as he fell to the ground hard, with the mousetrap springing out. He quickly crawled back quickly and away from them.

Rainbow used the tongs and grabbed Wheelie's neck, keeping him from making a break for it. The robot struggled and snarled in anger of getting out from a tong. This is like what happened the last time.

“Is that the best you can do?! Is that the best?!” Wheelie snaps as Rainbow held a tong on him against the locker.

“What is that thing?!” Rarity yelps, a bit frighten by the appearance of Wheelie.

“I don't know and I don't like it!” Sweetie exclaims in worry and concern. Could it be one of those robots that the school knows about?

"It must be one of those Autobots or Decepticon bots." Scootaloo said in concern.

"What is it doing here?" Nyx ask in a bit of a fright at this.

Ben and Flash came to the sights when they heard the screams. Flash took a look at Wheelie then yelps in shock, “What is that thing?!”

“Whatever it was, it's not a friendly one.” Applejack said, narrowing his eyes at this sight.

“An’ a freak too.” Apple Bloom comments, not like Wheelie at all.

Rainbow held her welding torch as she begins to demand, “Start talking, freak. What the heck are you doing at Sunset's locker?!”

“Start talking!” Scootaloo demands. Rainbow fired her welding torch on Wheelie's right eye. It got burnt, sparkled and crisped.

Wheelie screamed in pain, “That's my eye, you crazy witch! Just what I need - another witch to barbecue my eye!”

“That wasn't nice!” Fluttershy exclaims in concern. Of course, whatever or not she is scolding Rainbow for hurting Wheelie’s eye or Wheelie for his backtalk is yet to be determined.

“Not to mention, it's very mean too!” Pinkie remarks, narrowing her eyes a bit.

Spike and Phobos barked angrily and wildly at Wheelie. Nyx nods as she said, “Even dogs hate you.”

“Tell us now who are you and what are you doing here's?!” Twilight demands, giving a suspicious look to Wheelie. She of course already suspects that Wheelie is here on a mission to find out about what her new friends are hiding.

“I'm not telling you anything! I will never! You Humans think yourself so perfect and better than everyone else. But at the end, you morons are just jokers and morons.” Wheelier exclaims to the girls in defiance. He isn’t going to be giving away any information so easily! Rainbow groaned angrily as she held the tong on Wheelie hard to the locker. “Easy, Rainbow Crash - I'm just salvage scrap drone!”

“And I'm your worst nightmare, Decepti-creep!” The girl snaps as Rainbow put Wheelie into the box.

“Not the box! Not the box! Not the box!” Wheelie protests in horror. Oh, this is so much too familiar to him!

Rainbow locked it up. The girl turns to her friends, frowning as she spoke, “Until we know what that idiot's up to, we locked him up.”

"Right, yeah sure, good idea." Most of the girls said in agreement.

"Err, no." Fluttershy said quietly and concerned. She doesn't think it's a good idea to do something that mean to Wheelie.

"Hey, we gotta keep forces outside of us from knowing too much." Rainbow said sternly. If this robot is send by someone, best to keep him detained.

“We need some to look after it until it’s ready to talk nicely.” Twilight suggests to her friends. Of course, the girl will need to inform Azure about this.

The gang pauses while they turn to Sunset who looks uncomfortable. Looks like she is being volunteered for this task.

“Alright. I'll take care of him. I hope he doesn't cause some fuss.” Sunset said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

“We need someone to look after it until it’s ready to talk nicely.” Twilight suggests to her friends. Of course, the girl will need to inform Azure about this.

The gang pauses while they turn to Sunset who looks uncomfortable. Looks like she is being volunteered for this task.

“Alright. I'll take care of him. I hope he doesn't cause some fuss.” Sunset said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

"Right, here you go." Rainbow said, handing the box with Wheelie inside.

“Be careful with this one. He can be perverted.” Twilight said to Sunset in precaution. The girl looks confused, how did her friend seem to know about him?

“He'd better watch it. He'll be sorry for it.” Flash said with a frown. If Wheelie gives Sunset trouble, that robot is going into the scrap heap!

“What was he doing here?” Ben ask quietly. He knows of Wheelie, especially since the robot is in Mr. Simmons’s custody…but is the robot sneaking into Sunset’s locker to get some info?

Wheelie is heard mumbling from inside the box, “I hate boxes...”


Back at her home, which of course the girl was able to get thanks to Celestia and Luna, Sunset put the box on her bed while she looked at it. Wheelie struggled in trying to get out from the box. The former student of Princess Celestia ponders. Should she release Wheelie? Or keep the little pest in there?

“Let me outta here! I need air. I need it. I need it! I'll do anything. Just let me outta here!” Wheelie cries out frantically. Sunset sighed as she opened the box and let Wheelie out. “Yes! Air! Finally! I thought I was gonna to die.”

“Hey there.” Sunset spoke. Wheelie yelps and jumps back as if an attacker was about to ambush him.

“Back off! I know karate! I'm not afraid to use them!” Wheelie exclaims trying to make moves as if he’s using karate. Rather pathetic, to be honest.

“It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Hi. I'm Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset said to Wheelie, giving an innocent wave to Wheelie, much to his confusion. At least it was enough to calm him down.

“Kinda weird to have greetings from you. Usually, aliens don't welcome each other that well, they like wanna to kill each other's throat.” Wheelie said in suspicion to Sunset.

“Is that what you think? I'm not an alien. It's hard to be believe but I'm a magical pony.” Sunset explains clearly to Wheelie. Perhaps the time has come to come out with the truth.

Wheelie was silent before laughed crazily, “That's a good one! A real good one!”

Sunset groans in disbelief as she sat on her bed, “That's what I get for telling a stupid robot about me being a unicorn.”

Wheelie manages to stop laughing, giving a surprised look at Sunset. Is she for real? Is this girl really a pony?

“Seriously? Wow... That's so real for me. So why did you come here?! Are you a friend?” Wheelie ask Sunset curiously.

Sunset sighed, shaking her head as she answers, “Sure wish if that's only simple...”

“What's up?” Wheelie ask Sunset more curious.

“Promise me not to tell anyone about this.” Sunset said to Wheelie in concern. She wants her past to be well kept at all cost.

Sunset proceeds in telling Wheelier everything, from how she became a student of Princess Celestia, being corrupted that causes her to break bonds with everyone she knew about now, how the girl went to this world and cause a whole mess of trouble like breaking friendships, relationships, etc. Sunset even explains what had happened on the times that Pony Twilight came to this world.

When Sunset was done, Wheelier was speechless at first, then he spoke, "That's a pretty mess up. Sorry. Trust me. I've been there before. I was nothing but scrap heap Minicon until the Goddess of Warriors helped me. You're kinda remind me of her, and so does your boyfriend.”

“Really? Thanks. What was she like?” Sunset ask Wheelie curiously.

“She's a tough girl but like you - you care for the blue.” Wheelie explains with a light chuckle.

“Flash? Nope. I don't think so. We broke up.” Sunset explains to Wheelie in sadness. The girl secretly wishes that she does get back with him though. Sunset misses Flash so much.

Wheelie pats Sunset on the arm, smiling somewhat as he spoke, “It happen to lots of people, Goddess of the Sun. I've seen it but at the end, they patch things up. And trust me, you've got a bad day enough. One day and someday, you're gonna get him back, baby.”

“You think so?” Sunset ask hopefully. It’s hard to believe that the girl is getting advice from someone who tried to break into her locker earlier.

“Trust me. So what's next?” Wheelie ask Sunset, wondering to do now.

“I don't know... How about a movie? Or karaoke? I'm good at singing and play a guitar. And of course, we could play Chess or play video games.” Sunset said getting a bit anxious. It could be that the girl is going to get her best friend outside of the Main Six…even though that someone is a robot!

“Baby. Now that's kinda my thing.” Wheelie said excitedly to Sunset upon hearing that. The robot would love to do those kind of things."

And so, the two unlikely of pals begin doing a thing sings. The two watch various movies, including "Song of the South" which Celestia was somehow able to get for her despite the movie being banned due to some controversial issues. Wheelie watch in amazement as some of the segments, especially the cartoon ones.

Then Sunset got out her guitar and sings as Wheelie pays attention in interest. Who knew she was good at singing? And a few minutes later, Sunset and Wheelie plays a game of Chess and some video games...which the girl let him win each time.

During the whole thing, Wheelie got close and friendly to Sunset, something he once did with two girls of his pals. Sunset smiles as she hugs Wheelie.

For the first time in a long time, Sunset got herself a new best friend.


"Boris, you idiot!" Chrysalis groans a bit as she and Sombra have a conversation with him and his boys in the detention room the next day. "You and your dopes have to go and attack the principal's kid."

"Hey, I didn't think I would be thrown in here okay?" Boris protests to Chrysalis, slapping his forehead in his seat.

"That's the problem. You don't think at all! Just be lucky Sombra and I are in charge of your detention."

"Especially since Shadow Dragon and his pals are trying to keep an eye on us." Sombra remarks, leaning back on the front of the desk. "Listen up, and listen good. We got a big plan for later...we need some special help and some time."

"But come on! Why wait?" Boxco ask the student teacher with a groan.

"Yeah! I mean, we managed to smuggle Boris's Decepticon armor in here." Dum-Dum said in agreement, nodding to Boris's bag. "The boss could just finish it right now."

"Yes, no one tries to steal something from me!" Boris exclaims, getting up and heading to a window. He gave a furious look at Ben, sitting at a tree with Twilight. The girl is reading some sort of book to him. "What does he got that I don't?!"

"A brain for one." Chrysalis remarks with a grunt, making Boris glares angrily at her.

"And what gave you the right to..."

"Shut up! Listen up, you three don't do anything until the time comes for our plan to begin!" Sombra snaps angrily at the three while taking out a familiar helmet. "I won't hesitate to use your fears against you if you even try anything. Do you want that?"

"No, no." Boxco and Dum-Dum exclaims nervously to Sombra nervously.

"Boris?" Chrysalis ask Boris who went silent a bit. If he knows what's good for him, the fool will obey and not try anything "funny".

"Yeah, no problem." Boris said with a nod. "I will play your little game...for now."

"Good. Now, I must get something from the office real quick. You three step here so that Sombra keeps an eye on all of you! No funny business!"

Chrysalis thus leave the room to get something from the office. Hopefully it won't take a few minutes or so to get before she can come back to observe Boris's attention. Speaking of which, the boy looks at his bag anxiously then remembers Ben sitting with Twilight outside.

Boris twitches a bit, getting a bit ticked off. He is tired all of this waiting....


"Okay, so far, nothing is suspicious about the teachers." Terrorcreep said as he and the Dragon Strike Force goes through the lists of resumes. "There isn't anything suspicious about these folks so far."

"Ugh. This is frustrating!" Aqua groans as she threw her pile onto the desk, making Shadow Dragon glare. "We haven't gotten anything from Twilight and Ben's new friends. They're stubborn as mules."

"Come on, don't be like that! You could offend the mules!" Laxtinct laughs a bit as if making the best joke all over. Of course, the man stops as Blazefist glares at him. "Sorry."

"Wait a minute." Burnblast said as he found the resumes for Sombra and Chrysalis. "It seems like two students had become student teachers. Sombra...Chrysalis. Don't those two look familiar?"

"Yes, those names are familiar." Shadow Dragon said, leaning back thoughtfully. "They are in charge of Boris and his goon's detention today."

"Of course, we all know who those two are." Aqua said thoughtfully. She and everyone else heard of those names.

If that's the case, the Dragon Strike Force got two more individuals to keep an eye on at all cost...


In the gym class which is being held outside, the Main Six and Sunset's friends, except for Ben and Twilight who aren't attending the class at this time but right where Boris sat them at earlier, were in shock and surprise to find out that Sunset and Wheelie became friends.

"Are you kidding me?! You seriously trust him?!" Rainbow ask in shock and annoyance.

"Right, that thing tried to get into your locker." Rarity said to Sunset, reminding her as to what Wheelie tried to do before. "And now you're busy friends with him?"

"What if he's pretending to like ya?" Fluttershy ask Sunset worried. "I don't want a friend's betrayal by something to be on my conscious."

The rest of the group nods in agreement with Rainbow's POV. Who's to say that Wheelie can be trusted and be Sunset's new friend? It's impossible!

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Wheelie's a friend." Sunset said to her friends with a smile while keeping Wheelie out of sight.

"Wheelie?" Most of the group ask in shock and confusion by the name in question.

"That little freak had a name?" Rainbow scoff, disbelieved that something like Wheelie would even have a name at all!

"Yes, it has. And trust me on that, witch!" Wheelie snaps at Rainbow in a mean tone of voice.

"Wheelie..." Sunset said in a stern tone of voice. She doesn't like what Wheelie just said just now.


"Don't worry, he can be trusted."

"Well...okay, since yew trust him, we will give him 'de benefit o' 'de doubt." Applejack said with a thought before nodding.

"Right, sure! Robots are fun, unlike those meanie nasty Decepticons!" Pinkie exclaims, bouncing up and down playfully.

"Well, if you think it's okay...." Fluttershy said to Sunset with a sigh, agreeing to give Wheelie a chance for now.

"Very well, we will trust him for your sake, Sunset." Rarity said with a shrug. After all, if Sunset insisted...

"Oh, fine, whatever." Rainbow groans while crossing her arms. "It's going to annoyed me throughout life but fine!"

"I'm keeping an eye on you, Wheels." Flash said to Wheelie sternly. If that robot even think of betraying Sunset, he got another thing coming!

Wheelie stuck his tongue out while taunting right back at Flash, "And you'd better watch yourself, pretty boy."


Twilight just got done reading her book as she and Ben prepares to head off to watch the gym class in action. The two look at each other then look away in guilt. The couple right now are spying on those who believe them to be their friends. Twilight and Ben are...but they feel guilty that Shadow Dragon and Azure wants them to pry information about the last Fall Formal.

What's more upsetting is that the two hadn't told the other about what one or the other is up. Perhaps...they should talk now. After all, Twilight and Ben both knew what Azure Phoenix wanted, right? Why keep it a secret?

"Twilight..." Ben said with a sigh to his girlfriend.

"Ben..." Twilight said with a sigh, preparing to come out.

"I got something I wanna tell you!" Both said at the same time. The couple blinks a bit, looking surprised by their request.

"Actually, Ben, you go first."

Ben nods, breathing in and out. Time to tell Twilight the truth as to what he is up to. The boy can't keep it inside much long. Otherwise, something will break.

But something ELSE did break as a wall of the school suddenly blow opens, knocking the two back. As they got up, Ben and Twilight gasps as they saw a Decepticon like being appearing from through the hole that was made. Before they could react, the figure fires a shot at Twilight, trapping her in a force field.

"A Decepticon?!" Ben gasps, but got smacked by the robot's fist, knocking him into a tree.

As Ben got back up, the figure flew over as he spoke in a familiar voice, "No, a human in a suit like it!"


Ben screams as Boris fires a lightning blast at him, zapping the poor boy hard. The villain laughs cruelly as he kicks Ben a few times then throw him over his shoulder.

"No one makes a fool out of me!" Boris exclaims madly as he presses a button on his armor's waist, resulting in missiles to come out in certain place. "It's time to go to war!"

Inside the detention room that Boris spoke out of, Sombra mumbles angrily as he is tied up and gagged with Boxco and Dum-Dum watching him. Boris got his armor on earlier and ambushed the teacher, tying him up to keep Sombra from interfering.

"Sorry about this, Sombra. It's for our own good." Boxco said to Sombra with a meekish smile while patting him on the head as if to assure him "no hard feelings".

"Don't you mean "your own good"?" Dum-Dum ask Boxco puzzled.

"No, I mean "our".

Author's Note:

Boris is on the attack and things are going to heck big time! The flashback ends in the next chapter so read, review and suggest.

Wheelie's getting caught is a reference to "Revenge of the Fallen" where Wheelie got caught before he got his eyes torched and then interrogated.