• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 1,103 Views, 1 Comments

The Real McCoys - JusSonic

Let's return to the world of Equestria Girls as the human versions deal with school and some new foes.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Rainbow Rocks Aftermath

Chapter 5: Rainbow Rocks Aftermath

Back in the present, as the story was wrapped up in the school yard, Nyx giggles, "Wow, that was...wow."

"Yeah, Azure Phoenix was ticked when he found out what mom did...and even tried to order me to stay as I was told. I told him off." Ben remarks with a scoff.

"You told off Azure Phoenix?" Sunset ask Ben in surprise.

"That was one confrontation I should've had with him a long time ago. I was tired of him forcing me to do his wishes. I am my own man now and he isn't my dad, that's all. He threatened to arrest me for treason after I walked away...but never got around to it."

"Well, luckily for us, the events afterwards made it not so." Twilight said with a smile. She may no longer attending Canterlot High ever since the girl went back to Crystal Prep, but the girl still visits whenever she can and is always welcomed there.

"Boy, those were some strange times those 4 chapters back...or should it be 3 & a half? I lost track a bit." Pinkie Pie replied off to randomly state this fourth wall breaking habit that earn attention on her.

"And as always Pinkie Pie, you are so random." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in seeing their friend was being random.

"Still, what happened back then was nothing compared to what we came across during the Battle of the Bands." Rarity stated off in recalling that even from what they went through with Boris's Decepticon rampage act was nothing compared to when the Dazzlings came to town which was more....about magic than science & technology.

"Yep, who de thought next problem we get were magic Sirens fro' Equestria in de Pony Universe?" Applejack nods off in honestly speaking that what they face next was something far out of it.

"Oh my, yes....and while Pony Twilight did help in coming to our aid, there were still a lot of other problems." Fluttershy meekly yelps in just remembering that event was kinda surprising, especially when the Siren thing was just ONE of many other problems that came after.

"Do you mean not knowing some of the teachers were actual government agents, even if they were close friends or like family members to you all? And who thought I and the others from a pony universe version of this world were hostile aliens?" Sunset pointed off in knowing that the Dragon Strike Force along with Azure Phoenix thought she, Ex-She Demon villain, and more wanted to bring terror to the human world. "Hugh...and if that wasn't enough, they even would have risk the safety of the rest of the students at the finals if the Dazzlings weren't stop in time." She sighs off to say this next part in how close things got that the government would have brought about some 'minor' causalities of the students under a hypnotic control to save millions more, that was too much stress.

"I was still very shock that you all saved us, but I was even more surprised when other villains came & turn our whole school into World War 3! Dark Terrorists, Decepticons, even that villain Fafnir came from the same pony universe to terrorize & wipe us out." Flash Sentry stated in how things really got serious when the largest gathering of evil villains from this world to the next universe were wrecking the whole school.

"Which is a lucky moment the guy didn't and that surprise stunt Pony Ben did to even how Unity & Sunset Shimmer worked together took down that Dragon when not even a whole army or Transformers could!" Pinkamena pops in to say this in catching many by surprise, the other Pinkie Pie & allied friend of theirs also saw everything that happened.

"At least the worse of it is over, now the Rainbooms are seen as good celebs to the whole school. I'm just glad that Azure Phoenix won't be hassling anyone here of being dangerous aliens wanting to wipe out the human kind." Golden Heart stated off in also appearing near the gang in knowing how things have gotten better now & everything is alright.

"Well, if trouble should come around again, I think we know how to handle it!" Rainbow Dash boasted a bit, making her friends chuckle by her boasting again.

"Well that is also up to debate, cause now there is gonna be a THIRD Equestria Girls film & something of a TV Series, so there is no telling WHAT happens in the future!" Pinkie Pie broke the major fourth wall again.

"And yet again, I say....you are so random, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash sighs off to say this in seeing her pink friend make some weird claim out of nowhere.

"What happen to Sombra and Chrysalis? I haven't seen them since the incident." Twilight said, remembering that Sombra and Chrysalis disappeared right after the incident with Boris, Lockdown and Cemetery Wind.

"They came back a while after the Dazzlings event. Claiming they were on vacation." Rarity said thoughtfully. "Sounds suspicious to me."

"Eyup, especially when our fellow students got scared around Sombra fer some reason." Apple Bloom comments with a suspicious frown.

"Don't get me started on Chrysalis." Starlight said, sighing while shaking his head.

"By the way, what did you and Shorty learn about Galvatron's malfunction?" Rarity ask Twilight curiously, reminding her friend of the malfunction involving Galvatron.

Applejack nodded as she spoke, "Fro' what Ah heard fro' Mr. Joyce, he said that Galavatron had his own mind; 'Dat's shocking..."

Twilight gulps, preparing for the worst. The Crystal Prep student explains, "It is true. Shorty and I asked for more sample and system from his system. We run some cheap up and we found that his transformation and some of his nanotechnology are actually Megatron's Cybertronian DNA."

"What?!" Sweetie gasps in shock upon hearing that name.

"Megatron? As in the leader of those Decepticon creeps?" Vinyl Scratch ask, having kept quiet the whole time until now.

"We're talking about the major bad guy besides Sentinel Prime, right?" Fluttershy ask, getting scared.

"The one who tried to destroy humanity three times before?" Flash ask Twilight in shock and worry.

Twilight sighed, "That's right, everyone. Megatron was alive from the start. He's been manipulating KSI too to get the Seed."

"Well...luckily for us, he failed just like he and his pals failed the last time." Ben said as the others sighed in relief.

"Good thing Flare Tiger send for Optimus Prime here when she did." Golden Heart said, recalling Optimus's arrival was made thanks to help from Flare Tiger. "Hate to see what happened otherwise."

"Hopefully those Decepticon creeps would go away for a long time!" Pinkie exclaims, sitting back in her chair with a frown.

"Twilight... Are Wheelie and Sideswipe...Are they alright? I haven't heard of them since that day..." Sunset said to Twilight in concern. She fears the worst for her two robot friends for a long time.

Twilight smiles, putting a hand on Sunset's shoulder as she explains, "They're both alright. And they all can't wait to see you again. They just need to go through some training and walking. They had a hard time to get over it."

Sunset sighed, relieved to hear that the two Autobots are safe, "I'm glad to hear that. I can't wait to see them again."

"Right, yeah." Most of the group who are good friends to the robots said in agreement.

"So what shall we do next?" Nyx ask the others curiously. "After school I mean..."

"Yeah, we just went through one cool story!" Scootaloo exclaims, feeling like flying though she can't. "How about we hang out later?"

"Isn't 'dat 'de idea?" Apple Bloom ask Scootaloo in amusement.

Twilight smiled as she suggests, "Why don't we visit our friends and have our time together? It's been while we haven't seen them."

"Oh yes. It's good to see them again after a while." Rarity said in agreement with the idea.

"Yes. We want to see how they're doing since they took some time off." Rainbow said with a smirk on her face. Shadow Dragon and his group decided to take some time off after the events and their mission is over.

"May as well catch up with them." Nyx said with a nod, giving a suspicious look towards her sister. Although the suspicions and paranoid nature of Azure Phoenix is over, Nyx is still upset by the fact that her sister tried to lie and pry information from her friends.

"Say, you guys wanna practice a bit during free period or after school?" Sunset Shimmer asked off in wondering if her friends here would like to jam a bit while playing their music.

"Why that would be lovely darling." Rarity smiled off in thinking that was a swell idea.

"Yep, probably so, cause when we jam..." Applejack nods off in starting off to say something, but...

"We get all magical-like & get pony ears, tails & wings to really feel the magic of music." Pinkie Pie cuts in to state how when they play their instruments, they get to light up with a lot of magical transformation and stuff...

"Oh yes, I like it very much." Fluttershy smiled off a bit in feeling that was very nice.

"Maybe me & my band could come around, we can probably jam together...if, that's okay with you girls." Flash Sentry offered off this idea, bit was nervous if he would be accepted or not.

"In simple words to express here Flash, sure. We like that." Sunset Shimmer smiled off to say this to her guy as their old love from before has been relit after the Battle of the Bands fiasco.

"Great, see you later." Flash Sentry smiled off to say this in feeling like he'll see the gang around.

With that, everyone heads on off to their own respective class periods that were starting just from the ringing of the school bell. Today was likely gonna be another day for all of the students of Canterlot High. Hopefully, things will be like any average high school, that is....if nothing goes wrong...but hey, in school...there are always some form of...troublemakers....

"Golden Heart, can I ask...where were you & Pinkamena during the time Boris caused trouble to the point of stealing a military Transformer Armor Suit?" Sunset Shimmer asked off something in feeling something was bugging the girl in where Golden Heart & Pinkamena were when Boris tried to cause a big scene before he was sent to military school.

"My sister, Pinkamena, was competing in a Karaoke Competition down town. And so we were a bit distracted, but she wanted practice in case she wanted to join the Music Festival." Goldie explained in where they were that they weren't around when trouble came out of nowhere.

"But in the end, I won it all!" Pinkamena smiled off to say in holding her trophy as proof she won.

"I...see." Sunset Shimmer slightly raised her eyebrows in seeing how the pink girl was happy in still winning such a competition in the end.

"But don't worry Sunset Shimmer, if there's trouble, we'll be near to help you out of a jam!" Pinkamena expressed out that if anything does occur, then they'll be around to lean a hand.

"But pretty much, you’re doing a lot better, now you’re no longer the most hated girl in school since the Battle of the Bands!" Goldie smiled off in stating how the girl is having a much easier time fitting in, everyone's practically forgotten Sunset the She-Demon from the Fall Formal to see Sunset the Rising Sun Heroine from the Battle of the Bands.

"I suppose it has its ups & downs." Sunset Shimmer shrug off lightly to smile over such a thing that helped her out.

"Well, we better be going, good luck & see yah!" Pinkamena smiled off to say this before skipping off with her trophy in hand still.

"Sis, wait....that's where the wet floor sign is!" Goldie called out in warning his sister to not run or have something block her view as he rushed off to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Sunset Shimmer let off a little giggle, feeling glad to see more friends she's made feel like making her feel at ease while the girl continues across the hallway.


The scene begins to change togethrs where we find the Rainbooms station by what looked like a different farm area completely different from Sweet Apple Acres. There were a few things around here along with animals running around.

“Okay everyone, I need some help growing my crops, picking some supplies at the stores, & working on the farm while raising animals. Think you can handle this?” Saber Dragoon issued off the workload he’s got around that he needs help with from the gang.

“Heh, yer talking’ ta de right girl, Ah done plenty o' 'dis on mah farm!” Applejack proudly was stating this here fact that being raised on a farm has given her quite the skills to pay the bills.

“I suppose I can offer aid in choosing the ‘right’ supplies that will work wonders & looks lovely.” Rarity stated to say this in thinking she might know how to help get the right tools & supplies, etc.

“I can help pick up the crops, it’ll be one, two, three,” Rainbow Dash smiled off in stating this factor of what she can be doing to help out.

“Oh, I can help work around the farm house….maybe even decorate it for a party celebration when we’re done.” Pinkie Pie smiled fourth in stating this idea of what she’ll help by doing while making party plans.

“Well I’m great with animals, so I’ll gladly help in taking care of them.” Fluttershy smiled off to say this in knowing where she like to help out the most.

“I expect that much.” Saber Dragoon replied off in stating that he wants to at least make sure things are worked out okay for him.

“So are you gonna help us out to, Saber Dragoon?” Sunset Shimmer asked off in wondering if this guy was gonna help them out.

“Wish I could, but I’ve been asked to help out someone out of town & won’t be back till tonight, you kids can relax here & help yourselves to whatever picked crops you got done.” Saber Dragoon shrug off to say this that he’s gotta be somewhere else & needs help.

“Thanks, we’ll try to not be too greedy.” Sunset Shimmer responded to the kind person in being a bit generous to them.

“It’s the least I can do, after what….eh, you experienced when we held you captive & interrogated you.” Saber Dragoon shrug off to say this much from knowing a small price to pay up from having locked these good kids up in a prison cell…once.

“It’s all under the bridge now, but thanks all the same.” Sunset Shimmer replied off to mention this about letting go of that memory during the Dazzlings first act.

“Alright, good luck now.” Saber Dragoon replied off in wishing this group the best of luck now while preparing to head on off.

Now as Saber Dragoon left, everyone was getting quick to work around the farm to help the guy’s workload of little chores he left around for them. The Rainbooms would have their work cut out for them, but a little teamwork never hurt tholepin get the job done, etc.


We suddenly find ourselves watching Canterlot High’s Soccer field outside the school. As there was a soccer match of Rainbow Dash & Aquastroke facing off against Blazefist, Ben Mare & Flash Sentry. They were kicking the ball, time was ticking from each one of them scoring a point. The rest of the Rainbow & friends sat on the benches to watch & cheer for those that they want to see them win.

“Go Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo cheered forth in watching her idol go.

“Go Aqua!” Apple Bloom also cheered for the other girl on the team.

“You can do it!” Sweetie Belle cheered from both girls to do their best here.

“Look, Blazefist & his team are stealing the ball!” Pinkie Pie pointed out as the boys took the girls' soccer ball.

“Oh my, but it looks like the others are going after them.” Fluttershy yelps a bit in seeing that the others are going around to try to corner the boys.

“Come on Ben, keep it together!” Twilight cheered for her love to keep up the fast pace.

“Keep it together there Flash!” Sunset Shimmer stated in wanting the guy she likes do well too.

“Boy, can’t tell wha will happen, de scores tie.” Applejack stated off in knowing this will be a close call here.

“This next shot will decide the game.” Goldie issued off in knowing that this will be a close call now.

Soon we see that Rainbow swipe the ball from Ben’s legs, then dribbled it pass Flash & Blazefist before she made a long shot kick. That move shot right through the defenseless goal, as it went in, making the score count just as time was up.

“Goal! Team Rainbow Wins!” Pinkamena cheered off to say this in making the score 30 RainAqua & 29 BurnBenFlash.

“Hooray!” Nyx cheered for this while Spike & Phobos barked for joy.

“Nice work Rainbow Dash.” Aqua smiled off in which the girls did a high-five at this moment.

“Just doing what you helped me to be…awesome!” Rainbow Dash smiled off in admitting that she’s awesome with the right help.

“Well, even two on three, at least it was a fair game.” Ben shrug off to say this in seeing how things went for them in the game.

“Yeah, but remind me again why you & Aqua wanted us to go through this again.” Flash replied back while being curious to question this game that they got dragged into.

“Well its basic training exercise…a little build-up to help your legs when you need a good moment to run off. Whether you’re in a hurry, or running from something chasing you.” Blazefist issued off in stating how this was to help anyone that was physically fit to be in good running condition if they are met with trouble.

“When are we not?” Both Flash & Ben questioned off to say when they are not on the run from danger.

This caused a little laughter moment from the guys to start laughing it out before the rest of the others decided to join in after the game was over. There, they were talking about how they liked what they saw, how it was a close match, & a bunch of other stuff…


The scene quickly begins to show us where by an animal shelter place, loads of animals are seen that need some tender love & care. Right at the moment, the Rainbooms are shown helping to get some of their student friends to participate in helping out. Even more amazing, Terrorcreep in seen helping from the shadows since, well…the guy’s a vampire & prefers to not be in the sunlight.

“Thank you ever so much for your support.” Rarity smiled off to say this to more of the students showing up to help be supporters or volunteers for a good cause.

“Yep, an’ if ye wanna help out more, we need volunteers fro' fellow students ta get more funds in helping’ de animals.” Applejack nods off to simply say this in seeing how well they are bringing in the good gold here.

“Thanks for helping me on such a timely need Fluttershy, it’s always hard doing this by day & harder when at night, folks are sleeping.” Terrorcreep stated off in thanking the shy girl by the register as he was working in a darker spot with a bit more shade.

“Anytime Terrorcreep, after all…I’ve always loved helping animals.” Fluttershy smiled off to say this about what she does best.

“Yes, that is true. It’s hard getting supporters when they see me, they run the other way.” Terrorcreep nods off to say in knowing the girl has a thing for helping animals & if he did this alone, others freak out.

“And you really have been a really kind father figure to me, despite your vampire appearance that scared me a little when I was little.” Fluttershy stated to say in how much this guy has helped her out when she was small.

“I guess after being around so long, you got over being scared of him, hugh Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie pops in to state how Fluttershy isn’t scared of Terrorcreep from his nice act towards the kind girl.

“You could say that…” Fluttershy nods off to say this about such a thing that went off.

“Good news Fluttershy, we just got ten more funds from our fellow students to help the animals here find good homes.” Twilight smiled off to issue the good news of their workload here of those wanting to help them out.

“Hopefully things can keep going as smooth as they can.” Sunset Shimmer stated off in seeing what they need to do in order to keep things on a steady flow.

“Well, I’m just glad you all could help me on such short notice.” Fluttershy smiled to say this in being glad her friends could help out in Terrorcreep’s hour of need, he’s like family to her.

“That’s what friends are there for.” Ben smiled off to say this in holding a big dog food bag.

“Right, now can you tell us where to put these large bags of dog food?” Flash asked off to say this as he wondered where to put the large bags the boys got.

Fluttershy nods in seeing that her friends needed some guidance, so the kind girl was gonna show them how to do it. Terrorcreep watched with a little smile in seeing how much more open the shy little girl he knew has grown…she’s got great friends now.


The next scene to be seen was the gang making some orphanages smile by doing some funny routines to help lighten the spirit. The Rainbooms were either teaching the children some nice arts & crafts or playing games which Pinkie Pie was really partying so much to make the kids smile extra much.

“Heheh, man…you guys are a major save on my bacon!” Laxtinct let off a little laugh in seeing how things were going so far here.

“Oh course, ye think we let some tikes be as bored as nails?” Applejack pointed off that they never let something make kids feel blue when they outta be having fun & smiling.

“Especially when hanging out with the Rainbooms boost their mood when we play for them.” Rainbow Dash smiled off in proudly stating how they helped did a major concert performance that helped out.

“I think it’s a lovely time to help the little darlings.” Rarity smiled in feeling that helping these orphanage children was a fine way to help them in times of need.

“Hehe-Hooooo-doggy….ye got dat right! I’m glad I offered ta help!” Hoboken Joe was seen laughing it up in carrying some boxes over that were gonna be used to unpack some stuff for the kids later.

“Um, I hope you don’t mind me asking…why did you want to come here,” Fluttershy turn to ask Laxtinct this puzzling question here.

“Well, most of them children here lost their parents when the issue of the Transformers came up, especially during the invasion…they haven’t had much smiles after that.” Laxtinct look down in sadly stating how many of these orphanage kids lost their parents during a Deception invasion event, etc.

“We’re sorry to hear that.” Twilight stated in feeling sad to have heard this, much stuff had occurred back then.

“But, it looks like Pinkie Pie is helping them feel alive again.” Sunset Shimmer smiled to look on the positive side of things.

“Oh course I can!” Pinkie Pie pops in to happily agree on the comment there.

“Waugh!” The girls yelped in being caught by surprise by their random friend.

“I gain the inspiration to make everyone happy & smile, it’s my life’s passion to express.” Pinkie Pie pointed out to explain how she got to be who she is.

“Well, that sounds like something Pinkie Pie would say.” Ben nods off to quote in having heard this from the pink girl’s mouth.

“Maybe a few donated stuff to the orphanage will help them get by better too.” Flash stated in thinking how what they are doing can be very helpful.

“Ye kids won’t have ta worry…” Hoboken Joe spoke off to join the gang in their conversation here. “I happen ta know a guy, who knows another guy, whose cousin works in de government, whose sister twice remove, can get word in ta help these sprouts grow.” He pointed off that he can use some connections to help this place so the kids here will be more happier.

“Man, even after retirement, you still have connections from when you were in the secret service.” Laxtinct replied off surprise in seeing an Ex-Agent who work under Azure Phoenix, still had some old connections even after the guy left the military.

“Sometimes, ye never know wha ye may need when a certain time fer it comes up.” Hoboken Joe smiled off proudly in saying that having connections, can always be a good thing when one last expects it.

That soon caused many of the gang here to laugh it up in feeling a strong boost in themselves today as Pinkie Pie hops back in to help perform party & comical stunts to make the children smile.


Now we enter a strange place in a building where there were many students dress in strange garbs, as if reliving the china dynasty hour, etc.

“Once more, from the top!” Lightningblade instructed those to follow through with the right course.

The students were seen practicing battle cries as they swung down their kendo in a practicing motion. And they continued to repeat that step with extra thrust work on their part.

“Good, good, you’re showing good form in your kendo thrust work.” Lightningblade stated off in seeing how well the group was able to pull off what they needed to do.

“We’re glad you all managed to help us get some students to join this club, kendo is another skill to help give one defense.” Burnblast smiled off to the Rainbooms in seeing that from their aid, they will help give those that join a better aid in life.

“Glad we could help, after fighting against She-Demons & Sirens, plus Dark Terrorist & Decepticons, along with an evil freak of evil, we need some that won’t be defenseless.” Rainbow Dash replied off in stating how it be nice to have some that will be more defendable against any other evil threats by the smallest of means.

“Now Rainbow, ye know as well as de rest o' us, our class mates aren’t fit ta fight wha they can’t stop dat is out o' their league.” Applejack lectured off in knowing the serious case that if something is too tough, their class mates shouldn’t risk facing it.

“I agree, it does seem…well, hard to handle when you aren’t much a fighter.” Fluttershy meekly commented on knowing that such things can be dangerous to those that are more lovers than fighters.

“But, having a little surprise can come in handy too.” Pinkie Pie smiled off to say this to bounce around.

“Well, if any of you are interested.” Burnblast stated that those that are interested can also learn kendo art skills too.

“Um, I think we’re good. But, we’ll let you know if we come across it another time.” Sunset stated to say this in knowing that kendo is probably not their thing.

“Right now, we’re just here to help point out ways to avoid an enemy attack even if you aren’t armed.” Twilight explained off the reason of why they are here & how that will help out in its own way.

“Well, if they are armed, then so can I!” Ben stated to say in holding nearly kendo sword stick.

“You and me both Ben, lets help train these guys.” Flash Sentry smiled off to say in grabbing a kendo sword stick to also help train the new club members.

Now Lightningblade & Burnblast got ready to have the join students learning kendo, to face the Rainbow gang. As the scene fades with many flash moments of how the gang fair off with using wits & their special talents to make even the normal students…see they have a long way to go.


“Ah gotta admit, ah was surprise by when ye wanna have fun with me & my family.” Flare Tiger spoke off in stating this factor about having learn of what the gang was doing here.

“Well, we never did get to see much of your family here.” Twilight rub the back of her head in stating this fact here.

“Well these are Shadow Cat, Flower Dog, & my adopted daughter, Iris Heart Shield.” Flare Tiger pointed to those that are here, the mentioned name ones are a part of her family. And they look like human versions of the pony figures of the ones back in Equestria too.

“Well it’s a pleasure ta meet ya!” Applejack proudly stated to where the gang shook hands with new faces.

“Yep, I’m sure you heard of the Rainbooms!” Rainbow Dash proudly exclaimed in how they are a famous band.

“Glad to meet yah.” Iris Heart Shield smiled off in being glad to meet new friends.

“We’re glad to meet you too.” Nyx replied off in being happy to meet another friendly face.

“Who’s up for a game of UNO,” Pinkie Pie shouted off in having a card pack in her hands that they can play.

“Oh, I like to try!” Flower Dog smiled of in loving that game.

“Count me in!” Shadow Cat replied off in also liking to join in on the fun.

Soon moments pass as everyone was sat at the table, playing a nice friendly game of UNO. Course there were much chit-chatting, so it’s hard to know what’s going on.

“Tell us Flare Tiger darling, how did you know about the portal & about ponies?” Rarity asked off a good question that was on a lot of their mind.

“Well, cause of how ah can travel from place to place, and ah brought my family here with me…” Flare Tiger pointed off in easily issuing this explanation without delay at all.

“You crossed over here, but the portal only appears every 2.5 years on a full moon?” Sunset Shimmer asked off in being puzzled in how such a thing was possible.

“Ah got a power of Dimensions, so ah can travel between them.” Flare Tiger pointed of in what her element is that she can do just that.

“Well that certainly explains a lot.” Flash stated to say in raising an eyebrow in having heard this.

“Did you ever tell Azure Phoenix about this?” Ben raised an eyebrow in pondering how Azure Phoenix took such news that one of his own units, came from another worldly dimension.

“Nope! Thought it best ta not say ah was from a place he wanted ta destroy. But at least now, ah don’t have ta hid it since he knows ye be good.” Flare Tiger stated that she never told her limitary commander of such a thing, but now with such a crisis over, maybe things have calm a bit down now.

“Boy are we ever glad of that.” Sunset Shimmer sighed to say this with a smile across her face.

Now the group continues to play their nice fun game of UNO Cards. As many things could be done in who would win & who be done first….it was about the most exciting thing going on.


Now we find what looks like a cross breed of a cute little bunny with the horn of a unicorn and it was…stuffed. As it turns out, the Rainbooms are with Tailtech & icy in a place with some building toy materials with this product they have out.

“Neat Toys!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to pick up the uni-bunny toys that seem to be the neatest toy look.

“I’m glad you like them, we’re trying to quickly get them into development.” Tailtech replied off to mention this in what they are hoping to achieve with a new toy.

“The only thing is, we need to know how an actual kid would feel playing with them.” Icy stated to say this in holding these Uni-Bunnies for the rest to study.

“Is dat there why ye asked we bring mah sister & her friends?” Applejack asked off in seeing the CMC were holding the new toys, getting & feel & all that…

“Plus Pinkie Pie, considering her mind level, is near that to a kid at heart.” Rainbow Dash smiled off in seeing how Pinkie Pie was taking to playing with such a cute toy.

“Well, maybe it you put in some lovely fabric works, I think these toys would sell marvelously.” Rarity stated in thinking something like a cloth on these Uni-Bunnies could be good.

“Well, I like the little animal theme, that would make me wanna buy it…um, if I was still a little kid.” Fluttershy shyly & meekly spoke her thoughts about such a subject here.

“What if you gave them an instrument to play a song; that could help out,” Sunset Shimmer smiled off in making a good suggestion here to help out.

“I think Sunset Shimmer has a point, kids love music, it sounds good to them.” Twilight spoke off in liking the idea as it holds some merit to helping kids love music their toys play out.

“Oh course, adding some catchy tune might trigger their interest in the toy product.” Tailtech slapped his forehead in seeing what they need now.

“They could make a huge sellout. What are we waiting for, let’s get to work!” Icy smiled off in seeing this could help spread the Uni-Bunny productive line.

“Cutie Mark Crusader Toy Builders, away!” The CMC cheered forth in seeing that they get to help in a big project.

Now everyone was getting into the process of helping to build & design their own style of Uni-Bunnies. And trust us, each one was different, but made it intriguing for a name sellout of the product, etc.


The scene opens up towards a place where Shorty was working on a computer at the time, just as the Rainbow gang were seen coming in to visit the guy.

“Shorty, is our new music video ready?” Rarity asked off the guy in wondering of something that was to be made.

“Oh yes, it’s ready. It’s been dubbed: Life Is a Runaway!” Shorty responded off to say this in having the stuff ready, as he already ouches some numbers to begin something.

Now from the computer screen, the gang watch as something was beginning to play out. The background shows Rarity making some threads of a new wardrobe.

Rarity: Life is a runway (runway)
Listen, here's what it's all about
I tell you, life is a runway (runway)
Time to bring what's on the inside out

Rarity made a new musical & diamond dress that she was designing. She worn it up as she danced happily. She smiled while looking at the front.

Rarity: Into the light
Into the light

Rarity was seen walking out of her place, showing off her new flora look to which Bulk Biceps noticed. Bulk Biceps blushed and flattered by her dress and appearance.

Rarity: Life is a runway
When you see it my way
Take all the good inside
Make it beautiful

Rarity dance near a street lamp, then saw her reflect on a store window to envision herself on a model walkway.

Rarity: Fashion is a way to start
Showing what's in your heart
Call it superficial
I call it irrefutable

Chorus: Oh-oh, oh wha-oh
Oh-oh, oh wha-oh
Oh-oh, oh wha-oh

Rarity was seen walking down the pavement, she was magically giving makeovers and dressed-ups to Derpy, then to Cheerilee, Lyra, & Sweetie Drops. They all dressed well in their dresses.

Rarity: Life is a runway
You can be the girl
That you want to be
With a little love
And some accessories (Life is a Runway)
Don't be scared to show you have
Personal style
Just go do your thing
You'll make everyone smile (Life is a Runway)

Then, another fantasy sequence shows they are strutting down a runaway by Roseluck & Amethyst Star. As six girls done in showing their dresses to the crowds, Rarity came to the front.

Rarity: You can be the girl
That you want to be
With a little love
And some accessories (Life is a Runway)
Don't be scared to show you have
Personal style
Just go do your thing
You'll make everyone smile (Life is a Runway)

Now the scene shifts to where Rarity returns to reality in her ship, working on her next work-line of style dresses for fashion. The song finally ends in where Rarity was watching her customers come in to shop for all of her latest outfits with smiles that was where the music video ended.

Rarity: Life is a runway (runway)
I'll show you what it's all about
I tell you, life is a runway (runway)
Time to bring what's on the inside out
Into the light
Into the light
Into the light
Into the light
Into the light

“Gotta say Rarity, that was pretty awesome, if I do say so myself.” Rainbow Dash commented off in liking what she saw.

“Yep, looks like ye really got into it.” Applejack nodded off in also agreeing in having seen what they saw now.

“I thought it was fun!” Pinkie Pie stated off with a smile in having liked it too.

“Well, I thought it was nice of you to help others look…really nice.” Fluttershy meekly stated to smile in how Rarity helped the other girls look nice too.

“I think you did a great job Rarity.” Twilight smiled off in thinking what their friend got made was super.

“You all really mean it?” Rarity asked off in hoping that was all truffle responses from good friends.

“Sure, so when is your music video going viral?” Sunset Shimmer nodded off to say this while asking a question.

“Well Rarity wanted you to comment it before this video can attract an audience for shopping & dressing in her latest work.” Shorty pointed out in what Rarity wanted firstly before they went ahead on the work.

“But why go through all that?” Ben raised an eyebrow in why Rarity would go to so much trouble.

“Yah, I mean…everyone at school knows you have a talent for making fashionable wardrobes.” Flash Sentry nods off in stating the girl is already known for her great work in clothing designs.

“To put it simply, it’s not about just seeing the outfit to think you look good…you have to feel the urge to wear it to feel your best.” Rarity proudly explained her answer of reason for her friends to understand.

“Oh I get it, you want them to have confidence in themselves.” Nyx replied off in seeing what Rarity was saying now.

“Yes, that is why I had shorty help with the video & special effects.” Rarity nods off with a smile on her face in having gotten her message across.

“So, shall I post it on video now?” Shorty asked in awaiting if Rarity wants him to do this.

“Yes, you may proceed.” Rarity nods off in saying that Shorty may process now.

Soon Shorty quickly does a bit of typing work on the computer in uploading the music video dubbed “Life Is A Runaway” on Rarity’s home page of where folks can look at her work line of designs & style cloths, etc. Wasn’t long before the number of online audience viewers were coming in, and man was it pouring on…


Later, the Main Six was hanging out with the others in the group.

"Got to say: we have lots of fun with what we did!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

"I know." Ben said with a smile. "I can't wait to do more of it soon."

"It's sad that I'm the only one in the group at Crystal Prep still." Twilight said with a sigh, shaking her head. "It's sad not having Ben and my siblings around."

"Oh, well, I'm sure you will still see them." Fluttershy said to Twilight with a little smile.

"I thought I'd find you guys here." Iris said as she came over with her kids in tow. "Hey there. And hello to my favorite little brother."

"Hey, Iris." Ben said, smiling as he hugged his half-sister.

"Howdy, sugar cube!" Applejack exclaimed, greeting Iris.

"It's great to see you again." Sunset said with a smile. She hadn't forgotten how Iris helped stop Shadow Dragon in making the biggest mistake ever.

"Good to see you all." Twilight said, waving to the group with a smile.

"Great to see you, Uncle Ben." Sam said playfully while hugging his uncle.

Ashley nodded as she ask, "What've you been up to?"

"Doing fine, y'all." Applejack said with a slight smile.

"We have been doing work with the other members of Shadow Dragon's pals, did our music video, we did wonderfully." Rarity said, blushing her hair.

"Where's Lance?" Ben asked, noticing that one of his nephews wasn't around. "And what about Shadow Dragon? Is he okay? Has he been happy with his life?"

Iris smiled as she answered, “For Lance, he had some band practice with his friends. And, Shadow Dragon, yes, he is. But I really wish Strikespell stop disturbing my honeymoon with him. He's so annoying."

Ben huffed in annoyance, "No surprise..."

"Strikespell?" Pinkie asked, blinking in puzzlement. "Who's that?"

"I take it he isn't your friend." Sunset said in concern.

Ben sighed as he explained who Striekspell was, "Strikespell is my stepbrother, and Iris's half-brother. He's extremely a total jerk. At least, Azure treats me and my family better. I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I'd prefer him than that jerk."

Iris sighed, shaking her head as she spoke, "Just ignore him. He's not worth it."

"What were you doing here?" Ben asked his half-sister in wonder.

Iris smiled as she motioned to a cage that she was holding with Dragoking the snake inside. The woman explained, "I'm here for Dragoking. He was taking some checkup and getting a blood test."

"Oh yes. I never forgot this little one." Fluttershy said, smiling at Dragonking while petting him.

"Yes, he is cute...in a way." Sunset said in a bewildered look.

"Hey, Dragoking..." Twilight said with a slow smile. Dragoking licked her face, making the girl giggle. "Thanks for your lick. I never thought that I used to be afraid of them, but now I'm liking them."

"It's all thanks to Shadow Dragon. It happens to be same thing at Power Master's Universe." Pinkie said playfully, making her friends giggle. Their friend is so random.

Dragoking licked on everyone's face while they commented on him. Iris then spoke up, "Oh, by the way, do any of you want to join my project?"

"Project?" Rainbow asked, arching an eyebrow at this.

"What is this you speak of?" Pinkie asked with straws in her mouth for some odd reason.

“I'm making a special campaign for the world to see and be aware of it. I'm making a friendship campaign." Iris explained clearly to her brother in law and her friends. "And the way to do it is by making a music video. Who would be perfect to be part of it than you girls? So?"

The girls thought about what Iris explained to them. Making a music video as part of a friendship campaign sounds intriguing.

"Sure, why not?" Applejack asked Iris rhetorically with a smile.

"We can dig it." Rainbow remarked in agreement.

"Sounds like fun." Fluttershy said with a giggle.

"All right, we're all in." Twilight said to Iris with a nod, assuring her that the group are in.

Iris smiled as she responded, "Thank you. By tomorrow, we'll do some rehearsing and then make the music video. But above all, be ready for the event.”

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie said with a grin.

"Fine! We all better get jewels for the event." Rarity said with the others nodding happily. This will be one music video one will ever see.


At the local jewelry store, the Rainbooms, along with Twilight, Ben, Nyx, Flash and the CMC came in. The main players of Iris's future video looks for some jewels to wear for the video. It shouldn't take too long hopefully, right?

BOOM! Without warning, Boris and his gang charged and invaded the jewelry store. Twilight and her friends were in shock and worry. Looks like their mutated former classmates are out for revenge. They armed themselves in a ready to fight. Boris and his gang came out before them...but to their surprise, they ignored and flew off at once.

"Weird, it's like they don't know us." Fluttershy said in surprise, yet relief that Boris and his goons didn't seem to know them.

"But why did they come here and not steal anything?" Ben ask in concern. In the past, Boris would want to pound his head in...but they just came here as if to say "hi" and leave.

"And they acted like zombies without warning! WEIRD!" Pinkie exclaims. She's right, the way Boris, Boxco and Dum-Dum acted, it looks like they appear to be...zombies of sorts.

"I don't know. But if I have to guess correctly, the mutation Boris and his gang had suffered through is corrupting their mind and hearts." Twilight said seriously, recalling the effects of the mutations that Shadow Dragon informed her and Ben. "Dark Curse is taking their wills away."

"So wait, they are doing 'dis not out their own free minds?" Applejack ask bewildered.

"It's like Gilda committing acts of murder, only for it to turn out she was manipulated the whole time!" Rainbow exclaims in disbelief.

"Reference to how Gilda is a good bird now but her position is questionable in JusSonic's stories!" Pinkie exclaims to the camera happily.

"Random, Pinks, random."

"Let's follow him. Boris and his gang were controlled since that event. They might lead us to whoever was in charge of it." Twilight suggests to her friends. If they follow Boris and their gang, they may lead to whoever is responsible.

"Are you nuts?" Nyx ask her big sister frantically. "After what they did to us before hand?"

"Twilight, even I find this idea of yours to be...questionable at best." Ben said in agreement. Boris deserved to be in military school for almost killing him and the others not too long ago. Now? She wants to help him?

Even the others are skeptic over this. Twilight spoke up, "I know what Boris and his gang did was wrong but it's better than letting him go off without knowing what was going on."

"Ugh, fine." Rainbow groans while shaking her head.

"We'll follow them. Ain't gonna be happy though." Applejack sighs. She won't be happy about doing this, but if Twilight insists, may as well do it for her.

"Oh bother. And here, I thought we will stay out of trouble for today." Rarity groans as she slaps her forehead.

"Oh dear, oh my." Fluttershy said, trembling as the others head off to follow Boris's goons.

"Let's go where we dare not go!" Pinkie exclaims, squeezing a bit.


"Evrything is going according to our master's plan..." Sombra said, wearing his helmet which is now new and improved.

Chrysalis nodded her head as she spoke, "indeed... I can't wait for this to happen after so long to running away from authorities." It was a long time since the two's disappearance after Boris's stupid mistake, but the two's wait will be worth it.

"Yes... And now... The Project End will soon begin. I can't wait to start..."

"Yes... I can't wait too..."

Sombra and Chrysalis has did some improvement to their abilities and themselves over the years. Now to see if everything they did will be worth it once "Project End" is done and over with.

Author's Note:

Sombra and Chrysalis are back. But what is 'Project End'? In the next chapter, when the group meets the two villains, they reveal their new abilities and powers which makes them nastier foes? Also, whose side will Boris and his goons be fighting for? And what of Trixie? Read, review and suggest!

This chapter references a little problem involving Gilda ever since the new episode of “MLP: FIM” was released.