• Published 31st Mar 2015
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Equestria's Warriors: The Snakes Resurrection - Wildcard25

The Five Serpentine Generals are back and are out for revenge against the Elements of Harmony and the two boys who defeated them. Will they be able to defeat them a second time around, or will the snakes have their own surprises in store?

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Show Kindness and it will be Returned

When nighttime fell, the ponies, warriors, and snakes stopped to make camp. After they finished lighting the campfire, they were sitting around toasting marshmallows and making smores.

As they were relaxing, Dustin had been telling the snakes about one of his and his friends escapades, "And once we got the trinity under the bridge, we all poured buckets of ice water on them."

"Too bad it was a challenge for the internet, they could've gotten some hits." Elroy laughed.

Skales looked at Dustin deadpan, "You and your friends do some serious disturbing things in your free time."

"Actually, when you think about it, anyone's activities in their free time can be considered disturbing or outrageous." Twilight explained.

"Says the egghead." Rainbow nudged Skalidor who laughed with her, much to Twilight's annoyance.

Acidicus started spitting some of his venom into the fire making it bigger, "Impressive, Acidicus." Jade noted.

"Venomari venom isn't just for causing one to hallucinate." the general explained.

Fangtom had eaten two smores with both his heads, and spoke, "Mm, these certainly are gooey, but at the same time delectable."

"Question," Wild began, "Do both your heads have two different minds or one?"

"I may have two heads... But I assure you both are all me." the two heads answered individually.

Pinkie popped in looking at the head on the left, "So if I wanna talk to this head alone, the one here will know what I was talking to him about?" she asked before switching to the head on the right.

"Just about." Fangtom answered.

"Well, I like the idea of having two heads," Pinkie continued, "It means I can eat twice as much at the same time."

"Pinkie Pie, you're more than capable of doing that with one head alone." Rarity reminded her.

"Plus you may have two heads but still one stomach." Jethro noted.

"Which means a bigger stomach ache." Spike added, while groaning at the memory of his little ice cream binge.

The group laughed, and Alistair checked his watch, "It's late. We better turn in so we can get an early start." everyone agreed, and decided to hit the sack.

As the group slept, Fluttershy heard the sound of shivering. She looked over and saw Acidicus while curled up was feeling a bit chilly. She got up and trotted over before covering the Venomari general with a blanket.

"There we go." she said soothingly, as Acidicus started calming down. As Fluttershy went back to sleep, Acidicus had opened a single eye and saw the pony's act of kindness towards him. Eventually his eye closed, and he fell asleep.

The next morning, the group were up and once again on trekking through the forest. As they proceeded, Fluttershy and Acidicus were behind everyone giving them space.

"Fluttershy." the Venomari general began.

"Yes, Acidicus?"

"I, uh, just wanted to thank you for covering me up that last." he stammered.

The pegasus smiled, "It was no problem at all."

"But really, I've never been shown such kindness before, not even as much by my fellow generals."

Fluttershy spoke, "Well, sometimes all anypony or any one needs is a bit of kindness. I mean Discord use to only care about chaos and disharmony, but when I treated him like a friend and showed him kindness he learned to be a better him."

"Really? I wonder if I can be a better snake."

Fluttershy walked right at his side, "I think you're on the right track."

"I am?"

"Of course. Talking about this with me feels like I'm starting to get to know you more."

"Hmm. I never thought about it that way." Acidicus said.

"Hey, look alive everyone!" Burai called, as they were reaching the edge of a forest.

Upon exiting they saw a gorge, "Now where are we?" Alice inquired.

"I believe this is known as Thundering Gorge." Twilight said.

"Why's that?" Xever asked.

"Because of the constant seismic activity." Twilight answered, as they stepped onto the gorge and felt a shake in the earth.

"I see what you mean." Felix said.

"We should proceed cautiously," Mitsukai began, "I don't like the looks of those rocks up there." she motioned to a bunch of boulders planted on the edge of the cliffs surrounding the gorge.

So they proceeded with caution as they trekked through the gorge, while bracing themselves for the occasional quake. When Drake went up ahead, he saw something blocking the path, "Hey, guys, look at this."

They went over and saw the block, "What is that?" Rarity gasped.

"Whatever it is it's dark and hairy." Arcturus noted.

"Are those legs?" Alice asked, as they saw six long black hair legs.

They suddenly heard a growling sound, and whatever was blocking them turned around to reveal a giant spider with fangs, antennae, and a single big red eye.

"Holy snap!" Aria gasped.

"Wicked." Dean said in surprise.

The spider creature roared, "Ahgg!"

"Spread out!" Dustin called, as the group dispersed.

The spider started stomping around in the gorge swinging it's front two legs that acted as its arms swatting Rainbow and Wild aside.

Zyphon launched it's missiles at the spider distorting him, but the explosion sounds from it started causing some boulders to roll down the gorge and nearly flattening everyone it their path.

"Zyphon, easy with the missiles!" Dustin called.

"Sorry, master."

As the spider was stomping around, everyone was taking cover, "And I thought fighting golems was hard." Skalidor told the other generals.

"Come on, if we can take on golems, we can take on a spider!" Skales called, as they went to join the others in fighting the spider.

The warriors were launching spirit and shadow guns on the giant spider who roared, "Ahgg!" it started releasing spider web nets that covered everyone.

"Ugh, this is disgusting!" Rarity shrieked.

The humans had their hand tangled in the webbing they couldn't move them or summon their weapons, "We got to get out of here!" Xever called, as they struggled to break free only for the sticky web to subdue them even more.

Zyphon who was also covered in the webbing was analyzing the web, "This webbing should be weak against extreme heat." he opened up a compartment from his arm releasing a blowtorch that started melting the web surrounding him.

The five snakes saw their new allies were subdued and looked ready to be feasted upon by the spider. Acidicus saw it was looking right down at the captured Fluttershy licking it's lips.

"Fluttershy!" the group cried, as the pegasus panicked.

"Help!" she cried.

Acidicus' eyes firmed, and announced, "Leave her alone!" he struck at the spider just like a serpent, and scratched it's nose with its claw.

"AHGG!" the spider screamed in pain.

The group gasped, as Fluttershy spoke, "Acidicus?"

The general looked back at her, "You showed me kindness. And I will return it." he promised.

Fluttershy smiled happily as the spider growled at the snake. Acidicus slithered around the spiders legs as it tried to grab him.

The other snakes went to help the others out, as Twilight managed to escape by blasting free with her magic. When she freed Zyphon he helped her in freeing the others from the web nets.

When everyone was out, they joined Acidicus in subduing the spider, as the Venomari general saw his own reflection in the beasts eyeball, "Your eye needs a little spit shine!" Acidicus said before spitting his venom right into the spider's eyes.

"AHGG!" it cried, before blinking it's eye. Suddenly from it's vision it saw Acidicus and all the others turning into monsters thanks to the Venomari venom.

The spider cried, before backing away from everyone shrieking in fear. It ending up backing into the wall of the gorge while at the same time a quake shook the ground. The combination of the crash to the wall and quake caused a pile of boulders up top to come falling down from the cliff above that buried the spider.

The group cheered, "That spider's squashed." Omaddon called.

"Is everyone ok?" Johan inquired.

"We're all fine." Applejack confirmed.

"Thanks to the Acidicus, here." Fluttershy said, as she hovered next to the Venomari general.

"Well, when one receives kindness one will return it to another." he answered feeling sheepish.

"Thank you for your help Acidicus," Twilight began, "If it weren't for you, Fluttershy and all of us would've been spider bait."

"My pleasure, Twilight." he answered before feeling his chest, "I think I feel something. Skalidor, is this the feeling you had when you saved Rainbow and the others?"

Skalidor nodded, "It is."

"It feels nice." Acidicus smiled.

Everyone was glad to see the Venomari general had learned something, as Burai spoke, "Come on, we better get going." the group continued on while Fluttershy walked at Acidicus' side.

"Thank you so much, Acidicus."

"Well, you're welcome." he answered, before Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around him in an embrace.

Acidicus was taken aback by her show of gratitude, but nevertheless returned it. When they broke they went to catch up with the others.