• Published 31st Mar 2015
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Equestria's Warriors: The Snakes Resurrection - Wildcard25

The Five Serpentine Generals are back and are out for revenge against the Elements of Harmony and the two boys who defeated them. Will they be able to defeat them a second time around, or will the snakes have their own surprises in store?

  • ...

Pop the Question

Nighttime in Ponyville, while the spirit and dark warriors returned to their homes in New York, Dustin, Alistair, Drake, Zyphon, Domino, and Fievel took shelter once again in Dustin and Alistair's Ponyville HQ.

"Why couldn't we have just stayed at the castle?" Drake asked, "Twilight said she had plenty of rooms for us."

"Because this is our HQ." Dustin answered.

"Yeah. We had this place built for us years ago. We can't just ignore it now." Alistair added, as he grabbed a soda.

"Maybe it's special to you two, but I don't exactly have too many memories of it aside from when I bunked here during the whole Ebon possessing Felix spectacle."

"No sense in complaining about it." Zyphon said, as he went to a corner to power down.

"Zyphon's right. Come on, let's hit the sack." Dustin said, as the three went up to the bedrooms.

Meanwhile all the way in Manehattan, inside an architect building, some Hypnobrai and Anacondrai snakes burrowed up from below and into the office. They started stealing blueprints and schematics for buildings.

"These will do nicely." Mezmo the Hypnobrai told an Anacondrai warrior.

"Yes. Let's hurry and go." the purple snake replied, as the snakes went back down through the hole they came out of and plugged it up with soil and dirt.

Elsewhere in Manehattan, over by a construction site, some Constrictai were stealing some pipes, tools, and even heavy equipment.

One of the snakes asked their second in command Chunk, "Will this do?"

"It'll suffice for what Pythor has planned." he answered.

"Then let's go become somepony sees us." the snake said, as they took their leave.

The very next morning in Ponyville, Dustin, Drake, and Alistair were awake, as Zyphon was serving them breakfast.

"Thanks, Zyphon. All looks delicious." Dustin said.

"I try." the robot answered.

Domino flew in carrying a rolled up newspaper in his talons, "I got the morning paper."

"Wonder if there's anything good." Alistair wondered as he unrolled it, and saw the front page, "Guys, look at this."

Dustin and Drake looked over to see the front page article, as Drake read it, "Late last night Hoof 'n Cement's architect building was robbed of various blueprints and schematics of projects in development. Furthermore, various tools and equipment supplied by same company was stolen at the construction site where project Roller Dome was set to be built."

"Who would steal stuff like that?" Fievel asked.

"Someone trying to build something from the looks of it." Alistair answered.

"Someone or some group?" Dustin questioned, as they all looked curious.

"You think it's the work of the Serpentine?" Zyphon asked.

"I'm not sure, but who else would be loose in Equestria to steal this kind of stuff?" Dustin asked.

"Maybe we should consult this with Twilight?" Alistair suggested.

"Right." Dustin agreed.

"Um, can we do it after we eat?" Drake asked. Dustin and Alistair nodded, as the three enjoyed breakfast.

Later on, the three were out in Ponyville heading for Twilight's castle. As they walked through town they passed the jewlery shop and saw Wild and Rainbow in it.

"What're they doing?" Drake asked.

"I don't know." Alistair answered.

"Let's find out." Dustin said, as they went inside.

Inside the shop, Wild and Rainbow were looking at rings, as Wild held one up, "What about this one?"

"Nah." Rainbow answered.

Wild put it back, before picking up another one, "How about this?"


Wild scowled, "Rainbow Dash, when I asked your help in picking out an engagement ring I didn't ask for you to make such judgment."

"Hey you wanted my help," Rainbow reminded him, "Besides, if you want a good engagement ring to give Muse it needs to be as awesome as me."

"You have very high standards about being awesome." Wild said.

"I try." Rainbow boasted, as her cousin face faulted.

"What's going on here?" came Dustin's voice, as the two spun around.

"Dustin!" Wild gasped, "Oh, Alistair, Drake, Zyphon. How long have you guys been there?"

"For just a moment." Drake answered.

"What's going on?" Dustin repeated himself.

"I'm here to help my cuz pick out an engagement ring." Rainbow explained.

"Engagement ring?" Zyphon asked.

The boys looked to Wild, as Alistair asked, "Wild, are you planning on?"

Wild nodded, "Yes. I wanna ask Muse to marry me."

"Well, all right." Dustin smiled.

"Wonderful." Zyphon clapped.

"We're proud of you man." Alistair said.

"She hasn't said yes yet, guys." Drake reminded them.

"Yeah. First I need an actual ring to propose with." Wild said, "I asked Rainbow for help but she's been too critical of my choices."

"Somehow that doesn't surprise me." Drake replied.

"Maybe I can help." Zyphon offered.

"Thank you, Zyphon. Rainbow, you're fired." Wild said.

"Sheesh, ask a pony for help and she gets fired soon after." Rainbow rolled her eyes.

So Zyphon looked at the rings with Wild, until he held up a diamond ring, "Now this is one worthy of Muse."

Wild looked at it and smiled, "It's perfect. And in my price range too."

"Price range?" Dustin asked, "You own a successful game shop. With the many customers you get, I figured you'd be rolling in the bits."

"I'd wish I was." Wild chuckled, as he purchased the ring, "Ok. Ring check. Next part how and where to propose."

"You got any idea?" Alistair inquired.

"Actually yes. I'll take her out to dinner and pop the question there."

"Does anybody else besides Rainbow here know you intend to propose?"Drake asked.

"Just Rainbow. Not that I don't trust the others, but I don't want Muse to get any possible hints at this until I'm perfectly ready."

"Makes perfect sense." Zyphon nodded.

"We should get to Twilight's castle," Alistair suggested, "There's a matter we all need to discuss."

The pegasi cousins nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. So they left the shop and went onward to Twilight's castle.

Upon entering they went into the meeting room to see Twilight, Spike, and the rest of the girls were already gathered.

"Morning, girls." Dustin greeted them.

"Morning, guys. Glad you came." Twilight began.

"You all see the front page of the paper?" Alistair asked.

"Sure did." Applejack confirmed.

"You thinking what we're thinking about it?" Drake inquired.

"If you're thinking that it's the serpentine behind these heists, than yes we're thinking it too." Pinkie answered.

"What would serpentine need all those blueprints and equipment for?" Alistair asked.

Twilight spoke, "My guess is they're looking to build something, but what it is I can't be sure."

"This is definitely unlike Pythor's first scheme," Dustin said, "Resurrect the Anacondrai, break the others out of Tartarus, and now their stealing building blueprints?"

"He's probably been secretly planning this during the year he and the other generals have been hiding." Zyphon guessed.

"He had a whole year to do it." Drake admitted.

"Ya think they're gonna be stealing more of that kind of stuff?" Applejack asked Twilight.

"Possibly, but I'm not sure if it'll be in Manehattan again."

"She's right. They wouldn't try to steal from the same spot twice, especially if security gets beefed up." Wild added.

"You do know the Anacondrai can camouflage themselves?" Rarity reminded him.

"I know, but even so. I bet they'd try to hit somewhere else." the game pony said.

"I'm going to send a letter to Princess Celestia to send some of her guards to all the cities in Equestria to keep an eye on things." Twilight said.

"Safe than sorry." Dustin nodded.

Alistair put an arm around Wildcard, "Well, now that this meeting is adjourned, Wildcard's coming back with Dustin, Drake, and I to our place. We have important matters we need to discuss." he eyed Dustin and Drake.

"Yes, that's right." Dustin confirmed.

"Very important stuff." Drake added.

Wild catching on spoke up, "Yeah, so we'll catch you girls later." the four left with Zyphon in tow. The girls and Spike watched feeling confused.

Meanwhile in the San Palomino Desert, the serpentine were constructing buildings and even a castle throughout the desert. Supervising them were Pythor, the generals, and Arcturus. Pythor looked around and saw how things were coming.

"Yes. Everything's going smoothly," he said feeling pleased. He turned to his fellow generals, "Just think, once this kingdom of ours has been finished we will have our own land to rule!"

The generals nodded, but looked uninterested, as Skalidor looked and noticed several of their soldiers were looking tired from non-stop working. He spoke up, "Pythor, don't you think our tribes have been working long enough?"

"I concur, they haven't stopped working since last night." Acidicus agreed.

Pythor turned back at them with a glare, "We can't afford to take too many breaks! We'll need every snake available for this task."

"But we're already running low on supplies from what we had stolen last night." Fangtom noted.

Pythor answered, "Then we'll just have to get more."

"Pythor, I feel you are becoming too obsessed with this whole kingdom project." Skales spoke up.

"What was that?" Pythor looked to his fellow general.

"Ever since we got back you've only been obsessed about building up our forces, and now you're looking into making a kingdom. Look at our tribes, they're restless. This is exactly how Sombra treated his subjects, and now you're turning into just the kind of creature he was!"

Pythor responded with punching Skales in the face followed by a whip of his tail. The Hypnobrai general fell onto ground wincing at the pain in his face.

"Skales!" Acidicus called, as the other generals helped him up.

Skales got up and glared at Pythor who had a dark aura in his eyes, "Question my motives again, Skales, and I promise you no mercy. And that goes for all of you!" the other generals backed away. Pythor turned to his lieutenant, "Arcturus, tonight you and some of the Anacondrai will lead a new heist in Baltimare. Bring back more tools and equipment. Understood?"

Arcturus reluctantly answered, "Yes, sir."

"Good." Pythor said as he slithered off.

Skales rubbed his cheek, "The nerve of him striking me!"

"What did I tell you?" Acrturus asked, "Pythor is not the same as I remembered him."

"He has acted differently throughout the year we were trapped in the city." Skalidor admitted.

"What should we do?" Acidicus asked.

"I think tonight we should have a word with him." Fangtom suggested.

"Agreed," Skales nodded, "If Pythor thinks he can boss all our tribes around, well he's got another thing coming."

Back in Ponyville at the warriors HQ, Wild was in the living room with the three boys and Zyphon, "Ok, so I was thinking tonight I take her out to dinner and then pop the question on her."

"Dinner and then proposal, a classic." Dustin admitted.

"Yeah, well I'd rather go with a classic than ask while in the middle of a life or death battle like Burai did with Mitsukai."

"That's for sure." Drake agreed.

"Oh, I'm starting to get butterflies in my stomach. I hope she says yes."

The three face faulted, "You're seriously that worried?" Alistair asked.

"Wild, you've been seeing Muse for quite awhile now. With all you've been through together you'd think she'd say otherwise?" Dustin asked rhetorically.

"Well, no, but what if she says no because she's not ready?"

"If she says she's not ready, than she's not just ready," Drake answered, "It doesn't mean she doesn't want it to be with you."

Wild took a deep breath and let it out, "You're right. I should just go with my gut feeling. And if she says no, it means I acted too soon and wait until times are more in our favor."

Zyphon nodded, "So then, are you ready?"

"Yes. I'll ask her tonight and be prepared for anything. But first I need to ask her out to dinner."

"Then why're you still here?" Domino cawed.

Wild got up, "Catch you later, guys." he flew off to make his move.

"I think he's gonna do well." Dustin said.

"I do too." Alistair agreed.

"Likewise." Drake nodded.

That night at Ponyville's cafe, Wild and Muse were seated outside at a table, enjoying their meal, "I'm glad you could join me for dinner tonight, Muse."

"I needed it. I'm just lucky Pinkie was able to watch Nightfall so I could go out."

"Yeah. Because we really need to talk."

"We do?" Muse asked, wondering what he had to say.

"Yes. We have been through so much these last few years, the Serpentine, Ebon, Felix-Ebon, Tirek, and now we're dealing with this whole return of the Serpentine situation."

"Do you regret becoming part of the elements of harmony?" Muse teased.

Wild did a double take, "No, of course not! I'm grateful to have become part of this circle of friendship. If not I never would've met you," Muse blushed, "Or any of my human friends. But I can tell things are going to get more hectic what with the snakes back looking for revenge and even Starlight is still out there somewhere probably wanting revenge herself."

"I know." Muse agreed, while dreading the possibility.

"And I fear of what might happen between us even though we've gotten through each and every obstacle," Wild continued, "Some thing's I fear could change us both in ways we'd never imagine. And before or if that stuff happens, I want to take the next step." he got serious.

"Next step?" Muse asked, growing concerned in her coltfriend's voice.

"Yes. That's why I called you here tonight," he reached into his vest pocket, and pulled out a little box. Muse saw what he was going and looked lost for words, "Muse, will you marry me?" he asked, as he opened the box up to reveal the engagement ring.

Muse was shocked and overwhelmed with happiness, while many of the cafe guests and the waiters stopped to see what was happening. The pony of playwright's eyes started filling up with tears of happiness, before answering, "Yes."

Wild looked surprised, "Yes?"

"Yes. I do. I do!" Muse cried.

"Yes!" Wild cheered, as the guests applauded, as the new engaged couple hugged.

Suddenly flying out from behind a bush was Rainbow Dash who had been hiding for awhile, "YES!" she cheered, and flew in to join the hug between the two.

Wild and Muse were too overjoyed to care the loyal pony had been spying on them, and welcomed her in the group hug. Wild then removed the ring from the box and lifted his mare's hoof up, before slipping the ring upon it. The two kissed, as Rainbow smiled and all the guests applauded.

'Way to go, cuz." the rainbow maned pegasus thought.

That very night back in the San Polomino Desert, the serpentine tribes were still working on construction of their kingdom, while Pythor was watching. He spoke to himself, "Yes. Just you wait Princesses, we snakes will have our own kingdom to call our own. Then we serpentine will eventually rise up further and take all of Equestria." he snickered.

"Pythor." a voice hissed.

Pythor turned and saw his fellow generals armed with their staffs, giving him glares, "What is it your four want?"

"We need to talk." Skales said seriously.