• Published 31st Mar 2015
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Equestria's Warriors: The Snakes Resurrection - Wildcard25

The Five Serpentine Generals are back and are out for revenge against the Elements of Harmony and the two boys who defeated them. Will they be able to defeat them a second time around, or will the snakes have their own surprises in store?

  • ...

Strike of the Anacondrai

Back at Canterlot castle, Dustin and the rest of his friends were discussing some of the latest things to happen with them in their world.

"No way!" Rainbow gasped to Dustin, "You got a restraining order against the psycho hosebeast trinity?"

Dustin nodded with a smile, "Uh-huh. It was something long since overdo. It was a team effort with my pals to catch them in the act of harassing me beyond the point of annoyance just to get it posted on them. Now they can no longer come near me."

"Well, you must've been over the moon that day." Applejack smiled.

"Oh, I was," Dustin confirmed, "But not as much as I was when I got Clara banned from every having pets."

Spike's head shot up and looked over at him, "What'd you say?"

Dustin knowing Spike would love to hear it, "With the guys help I managed to catch Clara in the act with how she really handles animals. And through a joint committee between The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Clara's mother, the girl is forbidden from ever having pets or bringing home any animal off the street."

"What about all the animals she had in her room?" Twilight asked.

"Taken away to animal shelters where they were promised to be given better homes." Dustin answered.

"Thank goodness." Fluttershy sighed in relief.

"You should've seen what happened afterward. Clara bawled like a stuck pig after watching all the animals get taken away, and got a series of spankings form her mother who's now determined to be a better and more responsible parent."

Spike spoke in a serious tone, "Dustin, you are a hero to animals everywhere in the city."

"Yeah. According to Domino every stray animal in the city was partying like crazy that night." the group laughed.

"And people said I was cruel to animals." Johan said.

Suddenly the doors of the chamber opened, and in came a guard, "Your excellencies, I bring urgent news."

Celestia spoke, "Go ahead.

"I've just received word from the guards outside the entrance to Tartarus, the serpentine tribes have escaped again."

"What?!" the group gasped.

"But how'd they get out this time?" Wild asked.

"Did Pythor break them out on his own?" Alice wondered.

The guard shook his head, "No. From what the guards reported were multiple purple snakes."

"Multiple purple snakes?" Omaddon was curious.

Celestia and Luna looked horrified, as the Princess of the Night spoke to her sister, "Tia, you don't really think?"

"I'm afraid I do." Celestia answered in worry.

"What? What is it?" Alistair inquired.

Celestia explained, "Pythor wasn't the one who broke the other tribes out. It was the Anacondrai that did it."

"The Anacondrai?" Twilight gasped.

"What?!" Pinkie gasped.

"That's impossible. The Anacondrai are extinct." Muse said knowing the facts.

Luna spoke, "It's very possible Pythor used the power of the Orochi Sword to bring back to life his old tribe."

"The sword can do that?" Zyphon gasped.

"I'm afraid so." Celestia answered in reluctance.

Dustin stood there with so much going through his mind with what's been happening and what he was just told. The others noticed his trembling as if he was looking ready to erupt.

"Dustin?" Fluttershy asked.

"Are you ok?" Wild asked.

Dustin looked up with anger in his eyes. He screamed in anger, before bolting for it.

"Master!" Zyphon called.

"Where's he going?" Applejack asked.

"I know where. Come on!" Alistair ordered, as they followed the dark warrior's lead.

They were on their way until they found a room up ahead, "Guys, that's the guards training room." Johan stated.

"Which is where he will be." Alistair said, as they heard loud grunts and growls coming from inside.

They entered and saw many guard trainees cowering on the sidelines, while Dustin with his spirit saber in hand was destroying target after target.

One of the trainees turned to Johan and Omaddon, "Sirs, that guy's crazy!"

Alistair spoke, "Not crazy. Just letting off some steam."

"You call this letting off steam?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"It's nothing we haven't seen before." Alicia answered with a shrug.

"Pull up a chair. He'll wear himself out." Dean added, as the warriors took a seat, while the ponies and Spike were still unsure.

They waited patiently while watching Dustin destroy target after target. After fifteen minutes of watching him take his frustrations out on the targets, his spirit saber dissolved, and he fell to his knees.

"Dustin!" the group ran over to him, and helped him up.

"Are you ok?" Alice asked in concern.

He looked to her, "I'm ok, Alice. I needed this." he took a deep breath.

"You were really flipping out there." Rainbow noted.

"Forgive me for my outburst. I just had to do something with my anger before I ended up taking it out on you." Dustin said in guilt.

"Though why with the outburst?" Spike asked.

Dustin sighed, "Once again my mistake of letting Pythor to our world and to the Orochi Sword led to him resurrecting the Anacondrai."

Celestia laid a hoof on his shoulder, as he looked up at her, "We cannot change what has happened, but we can learn from it and make sure to prevent further accidents."

Dustin smiled, "Yeah. Thanks, Princess." Celestia smiled in response, and they hugged.

"But if there are Anacondrai among the Serpentine now, how can we fight all of them?" Muse asked.

"We need help," Dustin turned to Zyphon, "Zyphon!"

"Yes, master?"

"Go back to New York, and get me... Everyone!"

"Right away." Zyphon nodded, as he opened the portal and headed back.

Meanwhile at the Serpentine's meeting point in the forest, Pythor and his fellow generals were standing before the five tribes, "Today we have been united as one again. And this time we shall see to it that those who locked us in those insidious tombs be made to suffer." The Anacondrai general declared, as the tribes cheered.

Skales spoke, "So what is next in your plan, Pythor?"

"It's obvious Dustin and his friends have followed us back to Equestria and went to inform the princesses at Canterlot," Pythor began, "So we'll give them a little welcoming present. Arcturus!"

Arcturus slithered over, "Yes, sir?"

"You and I will take our tribe to the castle and give the ponies and their friends a little message." Pythor smirked.

"Yes, Pythor." Arcturus saluted, as he went to rally the rest of the Anacondrai, while Pythor snickered.

Back at Canterlot Castle, Zyphon had returned with the rest of the guys friends from Jethro, Jade, Elroy, Ralph, Zimmer, Thatch, Topher, Burai, Mitsukai, Xever, Valmont, Belmont, and Felix. Off to the side were the pets Tricera, Salem, Domino, Fievel, McTwisp, and Calem.

The princesses, the ponies, and the other warriors stood before them, as Dustin began, "Ok, guys. As you know we spent a year looking for the Serpentine generals for a year in our world."

"Yeah, and that was a wild goose chase." Zimmer muttered, only to get hushed by Jade.

"But I'm afraid, the generals have used my portal to make it back here and used the Orochi Sword to bring the Anacondrai tribe back to life."

"Whoa." Valmont gasped.

"Unreal." Belmont added.

"I'm afraid it's true." Alistair answered.

Drake spoke, "That's why you've all been called here. With all fives of these tribes whole again Equestria will not be safe."

"We've all had a taste of what the Serpentine are capable of," Aria began, "But these Anacondrai are said to be more powerful than all four tribes combined."

"Even so, we shouldn't let that fact keep us from trying." Dean added.

"With all of us working together, we can put an end to the Serpentine's terror once and for all." Alicia declared.

"So, are you with us?" Dustin asked the group.

Burai stepped forward, "I'm always with you."

"As am I." Xever added, as he joined Burai.

"Count me in." Mitsukai stepped forward

"Same with us." Valmont said on behalf of himself and his brother.

Eventually the rest of the warriors started joining them, leaving Felix the last one, "Felix?" Dustin asked.

Felix spoke in despair, "While Ebon was using my body he broke the snakes out of Tartarus. Though I wasn't in control I still feel responsible for that happening. But I'm gonna make things right and put them back where they belong. I'm game." he approached, and joined the others.

"And we're joining in too." Johan said, as he and Omaddon joined them.

"Team hug!" Pinkie cheered, as the ponies and warriors embraced each other.

"We'll face the Serpentine together." Twilight said.

Suddenly two guards entered the room, "Your majesties, we've just spotted Anacondrai in the courtyard."

Princess Celestia spoke, "Have all the guards stationed around every entrance and exit. Don't let any of them into the castle."

"Yes, your highness." the second guard said, as they went to inform the other guards.

"Let's go get a look at this infamous tribe." Dustin told his friends who agreed with him.

"While you do that, we'll be here from a safe distance." Salem said, as he and the rest of the animal familiars stay behind. So the group headed for the courtyard.

Once they arrived at the courtyard, they saw the Anacondrai tribe swinging their blades around at the castle guards who retaliated with their spears.

"The Anacondrai." Muse gasped in shock.

"Now those are some big snakes." Pinkie said with wide eyes.

"And they're more ghastly than the other serpentine tribes." Rarity put in.

The Anacondrai made way as the first to emerge was Arcturus, "Greetings, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. It's so good to see you two."

Celestia bowed her head as did Luna, and spoke, "And the same to you, Arcturus."

"What?!" the ponies and humans gasped.

"You're greeting a serpentine so casually?" Twilight asked in confusion.

Luna answered, "Among the Anacondrai, Lieutenant Arcturus was always one of the more noble and honorable of the serpentine."

"And what am I to you?" came Pythor's voice, as the General slinked up next to the lieutenant's side.

"Pythor." the ponies gasped.

"Hello again, everypony. It's so good to see you all again. We have so much catching up to do."

"You'll have plenty of time to catch when you're in Tartarus." Rainbow warned him.

Pythor chuckled, "Oh, I actually missed the sound of your voice when you get all serious, Rainbow Dash."

"Ya don't fool us no more, Pythor." Applejack stood tough.

"I don't?" Pythor asked feeling hurt.

"Not even close." Pinkie smiled.

Twilight stepped forward, "You may have your tribe back, but we have more allies than we did before the first time we fought."

"So I see. While they may increase your odds in numbers, can they in terms of brains?" Pythor mocked, "After all a whole year and none of them even managed to find me in their own city."

Felix frowned, "That snakes got some mouth."

"For real." Belmont agreed.

Pythor raised his sword and spoke, "Let's match the power of you ponies, spirit warriors, and dark warriors against the might of the Anacondrai Tribe."

"Anacondrai, go!" Arcturus ordered, and the Anacondrai slithered into battle.

The ponies and humans got ready, as Dustin spoke, "Ok, everybody. Let's get 'em!" And so the group charged into battle against the snakes.

Twilight and Rarity were blasting the Anacondrai with their magic, Rainbow was zipping around them at her usual speed with Wild following her lead, Applejack was bucking one Anacondrai after another along with Muse, while Pinkie bounced around them, causing some to almost hit each other. Fluttershy tried to stay clear of the fighting, but was unsuccessful.

Applejack bucked another Anacondrai, before speaking, "These varmints are even harder to fight than the other tribes."

"There's a reason they're known as the most powerful of the tribes." Muse reminded her.

The warriors were going at it with the snakes using their own spirit weapons. Ralph used his spirit energy as always to increase the muscles in his arms and fists, "I'm gonna wreck ya!" he plowed through the Anacondrai, but more kept trying to pile on him.

The snakes were using their blades against Thatch's shadow claymore, Topher's shadow naginata, and Aria's spirit sword.

"Impressive blades you got there." Aria told the Anacondrai, before the three pushed the snakes back. Topher spoke, "Well, we're getting some work out here."

"No kidding." Thatch agreed.

Burai, Xever, Felix, and Mitsukai were handling another batch of Anacondrai, "I think I liked it better when they were fighting at my side." Felix admitted.

"Don't tell me you regret being saved now?" Burai challenged him.

"Nah, I can handle them. Check this out." Felix said, as he released his four fox tails that conjured fireballs on the tips, and launched them at the snakes like catapults.

"Nice aim." Mitsukai said, as she twirled her spirit rapier.

"Look out!" Burai called, as he used his spirit dagger against an incoming Anacondrai.

"Thanks." Mitsukai smiled.

"No prob." he flirted.

"Hey love birds!" Xever called, as he was using his hand to hand combat moves against three snakes, "Less flirting and more fighting!" the two shrugged, and resumed fighting the snakes.

Johan was using his shadow whip against an Anacondrai, while Omaddon was punching a few, "Oh, yes, this is more like it!" Omaddon cheered.

"We haven't gotten this kind of action in awhile." Johan added, as he kicked an Anacondrai.

Alice, Alicia, Valmont, and Belmont were fighting like tag teams back to back while firing multiple spirit or shadow gun shots at the snakes, but saw them still coming.

"Those snakes have tough hides." Valmont noted.

They were getting ganged up by the Anacondrai, until Celestia and Luna flew in blasting them with their magic, "Their hides may be strong, but not strong enough against our magic." Celestia explained.

"Advantage." Belmont smiled, as they fought back.

Drake had used his smoke shot ability with smoke and embers against the Anacondrai, only for one to say, "Nice try, but fire has no affect on us."

"In that case, I'll try something else," Drake said, as he used video manipulation to fire a stream of pixelated projectiles at his enemies, "Now that's more like it."

Dustin and Alistair saw Pythor and Arcturus in their sight, "Pythor's mine." Dustin said.

"Then I got the lieutenant." Alistair said, as they summoned their own weapons and charged.

Pythor used the Orochi sword to counter Dustin's spirit saber, while Arcturus used his Anacondrai Blade against Alistair's shadow buster.

Arcturus spoke to Pythor, "So these boys are the two that caused you and the others so much trouble?"

"Precisely." Pythor confirmed.

"Well, don't worry, I'll see to it they don't meddle again." Arcturus fought back against Alistair, who held his ground.

Dustin and Pythor continued fighting with their weapons clashing, "How does it feel knowing once again your mistake in letting me to your world would result in my tribe returning?" Pythor mocked him.

Dustin frowned, but wasn't going to let his words get to him, "I can't change what happened. But I can learn from it!" he started fighting back harder than ever, which Pythor was getting woried about.

The general announced, "Anacondrai, make yourselves scarce!" hearing that, the Anacondrai suddenly vanished into thin air.

"What's going on?" Jethro gasped.

"Where'd they go?" Elroy asked in confusion.

"Anacondrai can camouflage themselves!" Muse called.

Zyphon turned on his infrared vision, "They're all still around you."

"That doesn't help too much!" Drake called, as he got tripped up.

"What now?" Applejack asked.

"Leave this to me," Eu raised her staff up, "Power of water. Rain!" suddenly a dark cloud appeared above them and rain started pouring down.

"What good will this do?" Rarity cried, seeing how wet she was getting.

"Look!" Alice gasped, as everyone saw the outlines of all the Anacondrai through the rain that landed on their bodies.

"Attack!" Dustin called, as they fought back against the camouflaged Anacondrai.

The snakes were soon getting tired as their camouflage was wearing off. Arcturus called out, "Anacondrai, fall back!"

Pythor spoke "You don't give the orders, Arcturus. I do, and we're not going anywhere."

"Pythor, we've exhausted ourselves. These humans as they're called don't fight like ponies do." the lieutenant warned him.

Pythor saw his tribe were slowing down and becoming restless unlike him. He was torn between ordering them to continue fighting or retreat. Finally he ordered, "Anacondrai, retreat!" and with that they burrowed into the ground making their escape.

When the snakes were gone, the ponies and the warriors fell to the ground exhausted. As they laid down, Dustin spoke, "Not bad, team. Not bad at all."

"And I thought shadow soldiers were tough." Alice panted.

"We were wrong on that." Alicia told her.

"Not bad for our first fight against the Anacondrai, huh?" Elroy asked the group who felt too tired to answer him.

Eventually they were able to get back on their feet. Dustin spoke up, "you all fought well, but this isn't the end of it."

"The Anacondrai will come back, and they'll be even harder to fight." Twilight added.

"Especially if the other tribes join them." Alistair put in.

"But as long as we stand together and fight as one, we'll overcome any challenge." Muse finished.

The group nodded with hope, as the Princesses watched seeing their fighting spirit wouldn't go out so easily.

Meanwhile the Anacondrai were back in the forest with the other serpentine resting up. Arcturus was overseeing his fellow snakes, until Pythor spoke, "Arcturus, come." he beckoned him to come over.

Arcturus slinked over, "Yes, sir?" he received a punch to the face followed by a tail whip by his general. Pythor gripped Arcturus and slammed him against a tree trunk.

"Never ever give orders to my tribe while I'm around!" he hissed.

"But, Pythor, if we hadn't called off our attack we wouldn't have lasted too much longer." Arcturus pleaded, while confused at his general's behavior.

"Silence! Next time we engage, you will fight harder and never take over my command. Is that clear?" he inquired firmly.

Arcturus answered in fear, "Yes, General."

"Good." Pythor went to join his fellow generals, while Arcturus watched him leave while thinking in worry.

'Pythor, there's something different about you.'