• Published 31st Mar 2015
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Equestria's Warriors: The Snakes Resurrection - Wildcard25

The Five Serpentine Generals are back and are out for revenge against the Elements of Harmony and the two boys who defeated them. Will they be able to defeat them a second time around, or will the snakes have their own surprises in store?

  • ...

Generosity to a Snake

After fending off against the giant spider, the group had stopped to rest at the edge of the gorge.

"Are you sure we should be safe here?" Felix asked Twilight.

"Don't worry the quakes aren't as big at this point compared to how they are back there." Twilight assured him.

"After fighting that spider we could all stand for a rest." Acidicus said.

"I'm down with that." Dean agreed.

"All right everyone. Take five." Dustin said, as they rested.

As they were enjoying a snack break, Skalidor looked around seeing one missing, "Where's Fangtom?"

Alistair answered, "Last I saw he went to collect some fresh water from the stream nearby."

"Well if he doesn't get back soon, I'm getting his share." Rainbow spoke up, as Wild nudged her.

"I'll go fetch him," Rarity offered, "I needed to stretch my legs anyway."

"I'll go with." Spike said, as he got up and the two left.

They walked before spotting Fangtom by the stream, but wasn't collecting any water. Spike looked confused, "What's he doing?" Spike asked Rarity.

"I'm not sure. Maybe we should find out?" she suggested and the two got closer.

Fangtom was looking at his reflection in the water, before the unicorn and dragon reached him, "Hey, Fangtom, what're you doing here?" Spike asked.

"Do you require assistance in getting the water, because we'd be more than happy to assist." Rarity offered.

"Oh, no. I'm good thanks," Fangtom answered. The two were about to go back, until he spoke up again, "Can I ask you two something personal?"

"Personal?" Rarity asked.

"How personal?" Spike inquired.

"Do I look like a freak?" the snake asked.

"What?" they asked in confusion.

"Be honest with me, am I a freak?"

"I wouldn't say a freak," Rarity began, "You're... unique."

Fangtom answered, "Unique, huh?" the second head continued, "Well, that's nicer than what Sombra called me."

"Called you?" Spike asked, "Well he had to have known what his magic was going to do when he created you."

"I'm afraid I didn't always have a second head."

"You didn't?" Rarity asked.

"No," his first head answered before the second continued, "You see I used to have one head like the others, but one day I accidentally bit myself."

The two cringed, "That had to hurt." Spike said.

"It did. And since I am already a snake the affects were different. I grew another head."

"And what was Sombra's reaction?" Rarity asked.

"He walked past me and looked at him with distaste and said, 'You look terrible, Fangtom'."

Rarity was surprised, "Well, how's that for rude?"

"Well, in a sense he was right," the two heads alternated, "I'm a snake with two heads but one brain."

"You think a two headed snake is a freak?" Spike asked, "Everyone here is different in their own ways."

"Spike's absolutely right," Rarity agreed, "We're all ponies, humans, dragon, and snake. Why should having two heads make you any different from us?"

Fangtom looked curious as to where the two were headed, "I mean a hydra has multiple heads, a chimera is a tiger, goat, and snake in one." Spike explained.

"And have you seen Discord lately?" Rarity whispered to him.

"I see your point," the snake admitted, "I'm just not used to receiving such words of endearment."

"Surely you must get words from your tribe." Rarity said.

"I do, but it's always the same thing," he looked at the two with both heads smiling, "Thank you both for being honest with me about my appearance."

"You're quite welcome." Rarity said, as she and spike headed back to camp, leaving Fangtom to finally do the task he was sent to do.

Once they arrived back, the group saw Fangtom wasn't with him, "Is Fangtom, ok?" Aria asked.

"He'll be all right." Spike answered.

Rarity looked back seeing Fangtom was still back there, feeling bad that he had such doubt about his appearance even with their pep talk. Suddenly as if a lightning bolt struck she had formulated a plan, "Idea!"

The group looked over at her, "What're you raving about?" Skales asked, in shock from her outburst.

"I've just had a stroke of genius." she answered.

"Now of all times?" Applejack asked.

"Of course. I know exactly what to do to help Fangtom. But, Spike, I'll need your help."

"You got me." Spike said standing ready on command.

"Rarity, what are you planning?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, you'll all see when I'm done." Rarity said, as she levitated some fabric, and sewing materials and went someplace for some space with Spike.

"What is she up to?" Arcturus inquired.

"We'll find out when she's done." Dustin replied.

Soon enough Fangtom had returned with two buckets of fresh water, "I have returned."

"There you are. We were worried you went wandering." Drake said.

"I wouldn't think of it," the Fangpyre answered, "Anything happen while I was out?"

"Nothing really." Alicia answered.

"I'm back!" Rarity sang as she trotted over with Spike in tow, "Oh, Fangtom, just in time. I have a little surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Fangtom asked curiously.

"Voila." Rarity announced, as she levitated before Fangtom a red tuxedo jacket, with a white dress shirt, and red necktie.

The ponies and the humans figured it had to be clothing related, but were shocked to have seen she made something fitting for Fangtom.

Fangtom was amazed, "Rarity, this is... I don't know what to say."

"Just think of it as a generous gift from a pony who sees one for who they are inside and not from how they look." Rarity smiled.

Fangtom saw two neck holes in the shirt, "And a hole for both my heads," he smiled with a tear in the eyes of both heads, "This is a reason I've never worn outfits. Nothing has ever been made for anything with two heads."

"Well, now there is," Rarity replied, and turned to the other four snakes, "And I haven't forgotten about the rest of you." She levitated the other snakes a tuxedo jacket complete with a dress shirt and necktie for each.

Skales was a blue jacket, a yellow dress shirt, and a blue tie. Skalidor had a black jacket, orange dress shirt, and black tie. Acidicus had a dark green jacket, a lighter green dress shirt, and a red tie. Finally Arcturus' was a dark purple jacket, black dress shirt, and purple tie.

"Nice crafted." Arcturus admitted.

"Perfectly detailed." Acidicus put in.

"You outdid yourself again, Rarity." Dustin smiled.

"I aim to please." Rarity answered.

"Hopefully we'll have a chance to wear these." Skalidor hoped.

"Of course you will." Pinkie answered.

"We will?" Fangtom inquired.

"Well, duh. You can wear them during the celebration party I plan to throw when we save your tribes and defeat Pythor." the party pony explained.

"You really think we will succeed?" Skalidor asked.

"I believe we will." Alice confirmed.

"I do too." Drake agreed.

"So do I." Twilight nodded.

"We all agree," Dustin said, "We'll save your tribes and restore order to you Serpentine."

The snakes smiled with confidence, only for Skales to think, 'If Pythor hasn't already broken our tribes by now.'

In the desert, many of the snake tribes were still hard at work constructing the kingdom, but the process was slow due to a combination of the snakes running tired and being taken in for rest and Pythor's criticism on what was right and wrong with how he wanted things to look.

Pythor watched from a tower looking down seeing the kingdom wasn't even half way completed. He growled, as the Orochi sword continued to feed off his mind.

"I will have this kingdom finished one way or another. And when it is, I will hunt down those traitors and have them made to suffer!" he cackled maniacally.