• Published 31st Mar 2015
  • 1,753 Views, 2 Comments

Equestria's Warriors: The Snakes Resurrection - Wildcard25

The Five Serpentine Generals are back and are out for revenge against the Elements of Harmony and the two boys who defeated them. Will they be able to defeat them a second time around, or will the snakes have their own surprises in store?

  • ...

Snake Hunt

Author's Note:

I know my last sequel to my Equestria's Warriors series turned out to be an upset, but I'm still determined to finish the series with this last piece.

Dustin narrated, "Just when we think we've accomplished what we've set out to do, something new comes up. Bigger and badder. From the Serpentine, to Felix, and to Ebon. Master Darius said that's part of the never ending struggle between good and evil. And you know what? He's right. This happened about a whole year ago after we've finally defeated Ebon and purified Felix of his evil. We returned home in victory, only to eventually discover evil always comes back."

The morning after the warriors victory party at the Mikael Hotel, Dustin, Alistair, Aria, Eu, Alice, Alicia, Dean, Burai, Mitsukai, Felix, Xever, Valmont, and Belmont were at the place seeing their master.

Darius spoke, "Thank goodness you all made it."

"What's going on, sir?" Dustin asked.

"Was there a steal here?" Aria asked.

"Yes. And they didn't just take anything." Darius answered.

"What'd they take?" Alistair.

"That sword you and Dustin brought home."

"The Orochi Sword?" Dustin and Alistair gasped.

"I'm afraid so." Darius answered solemnly.

"Who could've taken it?" Aria asked.

"I'll call Zyphon in and he can run a scan of the room for any possible imprints or signatures left behind by the perpetrator." Dustin suggested.

Darius replied, "That won't be necessary. We already caught the crooks on tape."

"Who is it?" Xever asked.

"Come and see for yourself." Darius said, as he led the group up to the security room. He pressed on a keyboard and showed the scene of the room right after the group left.

Dustin squinted as he saw something slither up the table containing the case, "Freeze it," Darius seeing one of his top students already spotted something froze the screen, "Now zoom in." Dustin added. Darius zoomed in, until they saw a clear up close of what Dustin spotted.

Dustin and Alistair gasped in pure shock, "No way!" Alistair gasped.

"Pythor?!" Dustin gasped in confusion.

"You know that snake?" Dean asked.

"Remember? We told you he was one of the first enemies we've encountered in Equestria." Alistair said.

"How did he get here?" Burai asked.

Dustin pondered before realizing, "Oh, no."

"Oh, no, what?" Alice asked.

"He hitched a ride on me back here."

"How do you figure that?" Aria asked.

"Remember, I said I had an itch on my leg since we got home?" Dustin asked, and they nodded, "That itch must've been him clinging to my leg."

Felix spoke, "Master, continue to play the rest of the tape."

Darius continued to play the recording, as they watched the miniscule Pythor cut a hole in the case and latched onto the sword hilt. They watched the rest of the scene play out with Pythor growing back to his normal size along with his scales becoming purple and black again. What shocked Dustin and Alistair the most is seeing Skales, Acidicus, Skalidor, and Fangtom had appeared in the room as well.

"Who are they?" Eu asked.

"The other four Serpentine generals. They've de-bonded." Dustin said in disbelief.

"And now they got the Orochi Sword back." Alistair added.

"That's bad, isn't it?" Valmont asked.

"Worse," Dustin replied, "We've got to find them."

"They shouldn't be hard to spot, right?" Dean asked.

"Normally, yes. But the Serpentine generals are crafty sneaks. And in this big city it could be even harder to find them." Alistair explained.

"We'll spare no expense. We have to find those five no matter what." Dustin replied.

"Shouldn't we alert the others in Equestria?" Belmont suggested.

"I'll do that tonight. But for now we should start looking for the Serpentine generals." Dustin suggested.

"Let's go!" Alistair called, as the group left the building to go on a snake hunt.

The whole day, the warriors combed all over New York from the streets, the park, the subway, the junkyard, all the way to the sewers, but no such luck. When nighttime came, Dustin returned to his home and plopped onto his bed looking exhausted.

"A whole day and no sign of any of them," he sighed, "Looks like I better get the word to Equestria," he yawned before falling asleep, and spoke in his thoughts, 'Princess Luna, if you can hear my voice, I plead you to come to me. There is a problem that you must be warned about.'

When Dustin opened his eyes he found himself in a dream void, "My dreams."

"You have called me here, Dustin Bowers." a familiar voice said, as the boy turned around and saw Princess Luna approach.

"Princess, I'm glad you're here."

"You sounded distressed, Dustin. What troubles you?"

"We got a real problem here in our world."

"What is this problem you speak of?" the Princess inquired.

"I don't know how else to tell you this, but Pythor and the generals are back." he explained.

Needless to say the Princess of the Night was in utter shock, "What? But how can this be?"

"I don't get it either, but sometime after we removed Ebon from Felix he hitched a ride on my leg as I came back here. He got to the Orochi sword and harnessed enough of it's power to restore his size, appearance, and released the other four generals from his body." The boy explained.

Luna looked worried, "This is indeed troubling. I shall inform my sister and the others of this." she was prepared to leave.

"Wait!" Dustin stopped her, "You can tell Princess Celestia, but I don't want Twilight and the others to know about this."

"I am surprised at this, Dustin. I thought you would want their help?" Luna questioned him.

"It's not that I don't want their help, but for now I don't want to worry them. Let me and my friends handle them here. They don't know portal magic back to Equestria so they have no means of their own to get back."

"Still, that is risky of you trying to find the generals on your own." Luna warned him.

"Alistair and I have grown since we last fought them years ago. We're stronger than before." Dustin reminded her.

"That you are." she acknowledged, while still feeling unsure.

"Please, do this for me and my friends." Dustin pleaded.

Luna sighed, "Very well, Dustin Bowers. Only my sister shall know of this. But keep me posted on your efforts of locating them."

"I shall," Dustin nodded, "Until next time." he then woke up back in his room. He looked out his window seeing the city, "Wherever you Serpentine are, we will find you." he promised.

Meanwhile down below in the sewer system in the darkness of the tunnels, hissing could be heard. From the shadows, five pairs of snake eyes could be seen as evil snickers could be heard.