• Published 14th Mar 2015
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xjuggerscrapsx - xjuggernaughtx

A collection of ideas and story errata with author's notes. Think of them as jugger-nots.

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A Periodic Tale of Elements: Generosity - Chapter Ten (Dark, Adventure)

Caught in the Ritual – King Sombra

Somewhere, somepony was screaming. Is… is that me? Sombra thought, struggling to clear his mind. The screaming sounded far away, like a recording of his own agony played back through a thick wall. I… I should stop, Sombra thought, trying without success to shake his head. He felt each thought slowly percolating through his consciousness, as if they were bubbling up through mud at a sulfur spring. I don’t want to be known as the king who died screaming.

Ooh, aiming for the stars, eh? a voice whispered silkily through his consciousness. Don’t worry, Fido. By the time I’m done, it’s not your name that’s going to be on any lips.

Discord, Sombra thought, chuckling to himself. You’re plan with the crystal almost worked! It’s probably killing you that you came so close, but in the end, we’ve beaten you! In a few seconds, the Crystal Empire will be safe again!

Killing me? the voice said, yawning. You’ve read this completely wrong, old foal. No wonder you royal types always have advisors. Sombra felt his brain recoiling as the beast’s laughter boomed inside of his skull. You… you thought the crystal was the important bit? Discord cackled. Sombra, you really are a gas. It’s too bad you’re married. I’m rather well acquainted with a certain persistently pesky alicorn. You two are on the same mental wavelength, and by that, I mean a totally flat line! Discord paused, and Sombra imagined the monstrosity rolling around in a field somewhere, gasping for air as it laughed. Okay, let me spell it out to you, though I guess I’d better use small words so that you don’t get too lost. You see, the crystal was simply and artifact that replicated… oops, ah, did the same thing as the key you morons lost. The important bit was the small piece of my soul that I attached to yours before I put it back in your body. How else did you think I was talking to you? Oh, right. Thinking! I forget how difficult you find that sometimes.

Sombra felt the rage building inside of him. He wanted to hit, and to hurt, but his body refused to respond.

Oh. That, Discord said. That’s me, as well. I wanted to make sure we could have a nice little chat, without all that messy screaming and crying getting in the way. I’ve shut down your nervous system for a bit, which is a coup for the king, I’d say, because I’m about to put the fear into you!

What you’re about to be is airborne! Sombra snarled.

Oh? And how’s that? Star Swirl’s little plan? Discord’s bored voice drawled. I’ve been living in your head for two years now. I know all about his grand scheme! But sometimes the best laid plans of mice and ponies, eh, nitwit? I’ll bet he didn’t count on a little chaos turning his precious ritual from a spell into an inCAN’Tation!

NO! Sombra thought, pushing with all of his might. I broke your spell once, and I can do it again! Then what will you do? Sombra could feel the monster’s presence inside his mind beginning to weaken.

It’s always cute when a puppy learns new tricks, Spot, Discord hissed malevolently, but you’re about to be sent to the doghouse! You play ruff with Discord, you’ll be the bone who gets buried!

You were clever, tricking me into bringing you into the Crystal Empire, but with this one act, I’ll defeat you and save everypony! Sombra screamed. Focusing on Discord’s voice, he pushed with all his might, reveling in the pain that began to creep back into his consciousness. Do you feel that? he thought, grinning. Do you feel my pain? It means that you’re losing! Ever since my mistake allowed you inside the barrier, I’ve lived each day in agony! I’ve died a thousand times a day when the reports were brought in from the front lines. I’ve suffered more in one lifetime than you can begin to understand! So believe me when I say that I’m thrilled that you have chosen to reveal yourself to me! You’re power is nothing-NOTHING-compared to the strength of my will! I’m going—”

Sombra? Chrystal’s voice said querulously in his mind. What do you mean ‘your mistake’?

Shocked, Sombra felt his will dissolve as he was flung away from Discord’s presence. His mind was filling with the pure, silver light that could only be his wife’s consciousness.

Oopsie! Discord snickered. I guess the queen’s love finally connected with your heart. What inconvenient timing! They say that every dog has its day, but I guess you’re going to be the exception to the rule.

Oh! she gasped. I can see it! I can see it all in your mind! Sombra cried out as he felt his wife’s presence recoil from him. There never was a curse! You knew what this thing was all along! They all died because of you!

Suddenly, they were falling. On the floor near him, Sombra could see that weakling Clover screaming and waving his hooves in the air, but it was like the stallion was wading through thick syrup. His movements seemed almost agonizingly slow.

I’m sorry! Sombra thought. I tried to tell you! A hundred times a day, I tried to tell you, but… well, what good would it have done? Discord would still be coming to wipe us all out and you’d hate me! Believe me when I say that I tried everything!

You tried everything except calling Star Swirl! his wife’s voice screamed. You tried everything that wouldn’t expose your little secret!

Doggonit, Rover! Discord snickered. And you thought you had it all worked out didn’t you? Oh, the things I have in store for us all to do! I hope you both like games as much as I do. I just know we’re going to be the very best of pals!

Sombra watched as the floor inched closer. Off in the periphery of the king’s vision, Star Swirl’s skin began to slowly unzip, blood burbling up from dozens of wounds. Near Sombra, Clover was screaming something, his veins standing out on his neck like iron cords.

Chrystal, I can’t say that I’ve been a good stallion, he thought, surprising himself with his calmness. The secret that he’d carried for years was finally revealed, and part of him felt free. I’ve been a horrible friend, a terrible king, and a worthless husband, but I never, ever stopped trying to do the best I could for you. For us!

How can you say that?! Chrystal screamed, and Sombra felt his mind flinching from her rage. Everything you did was for YOU! Did anyone else ever matter?!

Chrystal, please! Sombra said, wishing he could reach out to her. Look into my heart and tell me what you see there,

Oh, yuck! Gag! Spare me, please! Discord drawled. This conversation is enough to turn even the mightiest of stomachs. I—

We’ve heard enough from you, Sombra thought. His tranquility had brought him into a kind of hyper-aware focus. Gathering his will, he flung the beast’s consciousness far from him. As Discord screamed, the king smiled inwardly. What do you see? he thought gently to his wife.

I-it’s true! It’s all true! she sobbed after a few moments. How could you do these awful things in the name of our love?

How could I not do them? he returned. We are connected, mind to mind, heart to heart. Tell me that you wouldn’t have done the same. Tell me, if I was the unattainable prince and you were the desperate, lonely filly with no hope, that you wouldn’t have done whatever it took! Tell me that you wouldn’t have exhausted every option to keep us together!

The floor seemed closer now. Sombra was beginning to make out the details of the marble patterning. Starswirl’s blood was beginning to run down his body, staining his robe. Sombra wished that he could look up to see his wife, but his falling body had tipped downward. At the edge of his vision, he could see that Clover must be gesticulating wildly, but to Sombra, he almost appeared to be a statue from some particularly manic artist.

No, his wife thought. Sombra could feel the anguish and fatigue behind those words. Sombra, you had my heart! You’ve always had it. But this! All the lives! They were my people! They trusted me! How can I forgive you?! His wife’s turmoil rolled in waves through his mind. How can I love you after that?!

Sombra recoiled, his mind whipsawing between grief and rage. By this act, you’re dooming the rest of your people! Of our people! he snarled. I’ve been a horrible stallion. I don’t deny that! But please don’t punish our people any more than they have been! I’ll be dead and gone soon, but please, if you have any shred of love for me left, please use it to help our people!

Wait, Chrystal replied. Sombra could feel her uncertainty. You’re going to be gone? I’m the one who won’t make it out of this ritual! Star Swirl said that one my love is gone, I will be no more!

WHAT?! Sombra thundered He promised me that you would be safe!

That’s what he promised me! Chrystal returned. It was the only thing I asked for!

So, that was his plan all along? Sombra thought. Neither of us making it out to tell the public any inconvenient facts. He’d get to be the big hero, telling them all whatever would make for the best story.

Suddenly, Sombra could feel the presence of Discord returning, like a furiously burning fire being moved steadily closer. Discord is fighting his way back he thought to his wife. I won’t be able to hold him off this time. He’s really angry. Taking a moment to steady himself, he forced his body’s head up so that he could see his wife. Her beautiful, pale blue hair was streaming behind her as she plummeted to the floor, and Sombra could see her tears sparkling like diamonds in the air around her.

Chrystal, he said, opening his heart to her. I don’t deserve it, but I need you! I need to you to love me with all of your heart. What’s more important, your people need you to love me! For the sake of all of the Crystal Empire, please remember all the ways we’ve made each other happy over the years. Remember how we used to tell each other secrets in the tower and how we used to sneak sweets from the kitchen. Remember how we shared our first kiss in the gardens, and how we were so scared somepony would catch us. Remember how we cried during the wedding because we were so sure it would never be. Sombra felt her conflicting emotions warring within her. I know I’ve made a terrible mess out of everything I’ve done, but the one thing I’ve never wavered on was my love for you! You loved me once. Please, for the sake of our people, see if you can again! The beast is here! You heard him! Without you, they are all done for! I’m not saying that I’m worthy of your love, but neither was that sad, pathetic lower house colt! We were meant to be together, and… I… I don’t want to die alone! I don’t want to be without you!

And then she was gone, and the void she left in his mind and his heart left him utterly cold. She’s left, he thought, feeling his mind coming apart. Without her, nothing at all mattered. The ritual had failed, and it was just one more thing to add to the wreckage of his life.

Wait, a new, lilting voice whispered to him.

What? Who— Sombra gasped as Chrystal cried out in his mind. Her silver essence filled him, and suddenly they were rising again. Somewhere he could feel her crying, and he could feel her love and her rage violently swirling through his heart.

Take it, Sombra she whispered, her love streaming into him. For our people, take it all!

I don’t think so! Discord’s voice snapped. Sombra gasped as the beasts mind hit him like a fist. They say that love is chaos, so let’s see what happens when the puppet master pulls a few heartstrings, eh?

Sombra snarled as an ugly green and black aura began to pollute the shining pink tendrils that pierced his heart. Off in another corner of his mind, his wife screamed.

Heh-heh! Discord chuckled. Guess they were right after all. Love does hurt—argh!

Sombra focused his mind’s power as finely as possible and sliced into the beast with it. He snarled savagely as he felt Discord recoil. The monster’s presence felt torn now, ragged, and he could feel the terrible green and black tendrils receding.

Wrong move, Discord Sombra thought, arcing his mental blade through Discord’s consciousness again. Threatening my wife is the very last thing you’ll EVER do! He smiled inwardly has the flow of his wife’s love resumed. Stronger than ever, it poured into his heart.

I think not! Discord snarled, dropping his jovial façade. You’ve played a fine game here today, but you’re simply not in my league. Pain flashed through his mind as Discord lashed out. He felt the burning, clutching power of the monster encircle his heart, twisting and pulling at the energy within it.

Just… a little longer… his wife’s voice said faintly. Almost… done.

Time you don’t have! Discord growled, plunging a claw into Sombra’s heart and slashing at the love within it. Sombra snarled as the beast wrenched something shining and pure from deep within the heart.

Gathering his will, Sombra consciousness encircled his heart, forming a hard, crystal barrier around it. As Discord’s mental claws bounced and slid off the hardened surface, he laughed mirthlessly. The monster’s howls reverberated in his mind.

There… his wife thought, almost too softly to hear.

Everything was fading around Sombra. The world had taken on a foggy, indistinct quality. Looking down, he could see his body was dissolving like clouds in the sun. Only his heart, shining like blue crystal, remained.

I’ll always love you, Chrystal… he thought as his mind began to lose it’s coherence.

I… can’t... came the reply.

And then, blackness took him.

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