• Published 14th Mar 2015
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xjuggerscrapsx - xjuggernaughtx

A collection of ideas and story errata with author's notes. Think of them as jugger-nots.

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Cheerilee's Thousand - The Lost Chapters - Chapter Nine (Comedy, Random, Slice-of-Life)

Princess Celestia fought to keep from sighing as she entered the council hall. They hadn’t even begun yet, and already the scowls were deeply set into the faces of her advisors.

It was going to be one of those meetings.

Trotting to the head of the polished mahogany table, Celestia cleared her throat. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice.” She nodded to a stallion three spaces to her right. “Greymane, would you mind filling us all in as to why you’ve called an emergency session?”

Greymane picked up the large pile of official documents in front of him. The mare opposite him drummed her hoof while he tapped them on the desk to make sure they were properly aligned. Squinting that the stack of paper, he nodded and looked up. “Honored Members, Equestria is beset by a siege. We are in great peril!”

The declaration hung in the air like a storm cloud, pregnant with rain; stifling and oppressive before the deluge. Celestia licked her lips nervously and opened her mouth. “Grey—”

The storm broke.

Summerset reared, slamming her forehooves onto the table. “Oh, for pony’s sake, Greymane! This again?!”

Cobblestone snorted, rolling his eyes. “I should have known better than to travel all the way here.

At the far end of the table, Rye held her hooves out wide. “Members! Are we beasts? Hear him, at least. We will all have plenty of time to respond.”

“Enough,” Celestia spoke the two small syllables soflty, but their power rattled the windows and sent pencils skipping across the table. “Council Greymane, please continue, but remember that this is hardly the first time that you’re seen danger where there was none.”

Greymane tugged at his collar, sweating. “Ah, yes. I-I’m aware of that, Your Majesty. But Baltimare has been attacked by a horrible monster!”

Summerset snorted, her legs crossed tightly across her chest. Leaning back, she balancing the chair on its back legs. “A monster, huh? And what did this monster look like?”

Greymane mouth tried to twitch up into a smile, but settled for a grimace. One after another, beads of sweat dripped down his muzzle and onto the table. “Well, she’s a purple earth pony mare.”

Cobblestone threw his hooves up. “Your Highness, I travelled five hours to get here!”

“I’m telling you, she’s a menace!” Greymane yelled, glaring at the council. Veins stood out on the stallion’s neck in pulsing cords. “In a single afternoon, the city lost its central park, an upscale delicatessen, and two bars!”

Summerset leaned forward, allowing her chair to fall back into place again with a loud bang. “What?!”

Greymane shot Summerset a tight smile. “Oh, good. It seems I finally have your attention.” Greymane leafed through the pages in front of him. “Yes, it’s all right here. Timberwolves rampaged through our newly landscaped park, the deli’s water main broke, flooding the entire street.” Flipping to last page, shook his head. “And the bar caught fire.”

Cobblestone stared at the large stack of paper, the blood draining from his face. “W-what about the other bar?”

Greymane hung his head. “It caught fire, too. It was right across the street.”

Rye rested his cheek in a hoof and arched an eyebrow. “Okay, so you’ve got some sort of serial vandal. Why do we need a council meeting? Have the police deal with it.”

Greymane leapt from his chair, scowling at the group. “You don’t understand! We have eyewitnesses! She was on a date!” Taking a deep breath, Greymane turned, bowing his head to Princess Celestia. “Your Majesty, I implore you. A dating moratorium for this mare is the only way.”

Celestia rubbed her throbbing forehead with her hoof. “Greymane, you know that isn’t going to happen. It’s completely against our laws.”

“That’s why I’ve called this meeting!” he cried, waving the report at the council. “We need a constitutional addendum! Our society depends on it!”

Celestia frowned, her wings unfurling. “Council, please calm down and clarify this for us. Was this a date or a crime spree?”

Greymane pushed away from the table and rose slowly. For a moment, he let his eyes travel around the room, locking and releasing each set of eyes until he arrived at the princess. “Your Majesty, I believe either of those options fit. This was nothing short of a national disaster!”

Summerset shot to her hooves, scowling. “Really now, Greymane!”

Cobblestone threw out his hoof, pointing repeatedly at Greymane while trying to catch Celestia’s eye. “Five! Hours!

Sighing, Rye reached for the ceramic jug and refilled his cup, wishing that it was something stronger than water.

Standing in silence, Celestia set her unwavering gaze on each of her council in turn. Slowly, they sank back into their chairs, but not before several more insults passed between them. “Greymane,” Celestia said, “The damage to you city is obvious, but why are you so sure it’s the work of one mare?”

“Like I said, we have witnesses.” Greymane tapped his reports. “It’s all here for you to review, Your Highness. We questioned the public extensively. She was there, at each site.” He threw his hooves wide. “I’m aware of how it sounds, but there can be no other explanation!”

Cobblestone rolled his eyes. “And so we do what? Ring your city with guards and tell them to be on the lookout for bouquets and chocolates? Pass a law banning holding hooves? Force the public into kiss licenses?”

Greymane narrowed his eyes. “Didn’t Las Pegasus just lose a ferry set out for a sunset cruise?”

The muscles around Cobblestone’s eye twitched and an ugly flush crept up his neck. “Yes, and I don’t see what that has to do with anything! I’ve already informed this council that we are investigating—”

“Well, I’ve done it for you,” Greymane’s oily smirk spread around his muzzle. “Page thirty-four, to be precise. “You’ll notice that we have a picture of a certain purple mare boarding the ship.”

Summerset leaned forward while Cobblestone leafed through the report. “Are you honestly trying to tell us that you think these incidences are related?

Greymane’s smirk grew into a full blown smile. “Your Majesty, do you recall the… ah… incident at the symphony recently?”

“Yes,” Celestia answered carefully.

Greymane stood again and held up a newspaper for them to see. “And who do we see entangled with Sapphire Storm—”


Greymane brow furrowed as he swung his head to Rye. “I’m sorry?”

“Shores. Her name is Sapphire Shores.”

Greymane waved his hoof at the council. “Yes, yes. Whatever. The important part of this is that it’s the purple earth pony who is there!

Summerset cleared her throat. “But surely this is overblown—”

Greymane slammed his hooves down and leaned over the desk. “Doesn’t Manehatten have a new bridge it’s nearly completed? What if this mare happens along it with her new beau?” Swiveling to Cobblestone, Greymane shook page thirty-four at him. “How many more ships in Las Pegasus, Honored Council?” Turning again, he nailed Rye in place with a stern glance. “How long before she decides to visit Salt Lick City?” He stepped away from the table and circled toward the princess. “How long before she returns to Canterlot? Your Majesty, we simply cannot allow this! She must be locked up for the sake of Equestria!”

Celestia allowed the words to hang in the air before tossing her head. Her dazzling mane, everflowing, fell around her in regal waves. Each of the council watched with poorly disguised envy. Her mane silently spoke the word that was written in their souls: Power.

“Greymane, your report is exhaustively detailed. I commend you.”

The stallion raised his chin and smirked.

“However, it’s missing a key detail.”

The smirk fled. “I, uh, i-it does? I mean, it is?”

The princess nodded. “Yes, I’ve scanned through it just now, and I’m not finding the section that details how the mare in question is friends with the Element Bearers.” Celestia allowed herself the smallest of frowns. “Or with the Throne.”

It was several seconds before Greymane realized that he was back in his chair. He’s legs seemed to be in full rebellion. He swallowed hard. “But… but Your Majesty. The evidence. The… the danger!

“If we imprison the innocent at our convenience, we are no better than the tyrants that came before,” Celestia replied. “I’m sorry, but it’s out of the question.” The council members all began to speak at once, but Celestia still them with a hoof. “That is not to say that I wish to ignore this problem, Honored Council. I suggest a that a committee be formed to study this. We will meet again when we have sufficient data.”

The council opened their mouths collectively, looking mutinous.

Celestia sighed. “And I promise to keep an eye on Cheerilee. Interfering will corrupt the study, but I will intervene if things become dangerous. If a disaster happens, we will allow you to draw funds from the palace coffers for repairs.” Celestia scanned the room. “ Are we agreed?”

Her council made her wait for several long seconds before finally nodding. Pushing away from the table, the glared at one another as they filed out.

Finally alone, Celestia flopped back into the plush throne and massaged her temple. Why can’t it ever be easy?

Parchment trotted up, his quill already out. “Your Highness, might I be of service?”

“Yes,” Celestia replied, continuing to rub her aching head. “Please send for Twilight Sparkle. Tell her that I need to know everything about a friend of hers.”

Author's Note:

I actually completed this chapter long ago. It was going to be used for Chapter One Hundred and launch us off into a special side story focusing on Twilight and Caramel questing to figure out what was really going on here.

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