• Published 12th Mar 2015
  • 606 Views, 17 Comments

Shining Force of Equestria - cosmic flash

Max is leader of the Shining Force and the Hero who defeated Dark Dragon. A great evil threatens the land of Equestria. A new hero comes to help but first he is going to need to figure out how to fit in. Oh and how do use a sword with hooves.

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Chapter 1: An Irregular Discovery.

An Irregular Discovery

Twilight Sparkle found herself on an empty plain with fog. It was neither day nor night but somewhere between. As her vision cleared it became evident that she was on the outskirts of Ponyville.

She wondered to herself, How can I be here I remember going to sleep in the library?

She was not allowed to wonder for very long as in the distance she observed a great explosion of mana that was nearly as bright as the sun. A split second later she noticed the great turquoise light that appeared had split into two lesser lights one of the purest white and one was a sickly black that almost seemed to pull in the light around it.

The white light appeared to crash near the border of the everfree forest and Sweet Apple Acres. The dark light began to fly towards her. As it moved it engendered a feeling of dread within her to the core of her being, as if this force represented all that was wrong and evil in the world. She could feel her tension mount as her heart began to beat with great abandon.

The dark light grew ever closer to her and screamed, “AHHHH!” She lost her footing during her duress and fell down backwards with a loud thud.

Twilight was then found screaming on the floor of her bedroom nearly on top of Spike, “AHHH!... pant.. AH.. ow”

“Hey, what in name of the maker is going on!?” Exclaimed Spike who was just rudely awakened by a certain lavender mare.

“It was just a dream… ow.. why does my back feel like something is sticking into?” said the muddled mare.

“That would be, ME! TWILIGHT!” yelled Spike.

Twilight now realized that she had somehow rolled out of bed and onto Spike where his spines were now intruding upon her back. The mare rolled off of her scaly friend with a groan.

“Oh I am so sorry Spike,” said Twilight, “I was having this strange dream that turned into a nightmare.”

“No really I couldn’t tell, whatever could have given you that idea? Oh wait let me think.. maybe it was the crazy mare rolling onto me while I was sleeping,” said Spike sarcastically.

“Now, Spike just because you are cranky that does not give you reason to be rude and sarcastic,” elucidated Twilight.

“.... sigh…. fine, ….So what was that dream about anyway?” queried Spike.

“Well I was on the outskirts of Ponyville I witnessed a magical explosion near the everfree forest,” explained Twilight, “ It was turquoise in color but gave a feeling of .. of Order, Then it split into two one light and one dark. Which is most peculiar because most magical essences come from one source and are rarely the result of combining essences save for the elements of harmony of course. Starswirl’s treatice on eldritch convergence clearly states.. ”

“Enough with the magic lecture! What happened after you saw the light and the dark one?” Spike interrupted.

“Oh right, after that the light one went to the edge of the forest, and the dark one well it seemed like it was coming at me, ” said Twilight.

“Are you telling me you had nightmare about something dark coming to get you? Are you still afraid of Nightmare Moon or something? ha ha what a foal ,” Spike said as he broke into giggles at his Sister’s apparently childish nightmare.

“It wasn’t like that Spike!,” said Twilight, “You don’t understand that darkness wasn’t like the night it felt … just wrong, just evil like it wanted to consume me.”

“Hmm Ok Twilight I believe you,” said Spike, “but at least it was just a dream right?”

“Indeed Spike,” Twilight thought aloud.

Just then however, “belch!” a poof of fire emerged from Spike materializing into a letter.

“Strange this letter bears the seal of Princess Luna, though it is rather later,” said Twilight.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
As my sister’s student you would be the most qualified pony to look into a matter for me. During watch of the equestrian night, I observed a most queer phenomenon that I would have you investigate. There was a strange eldritch explosion near the everfree forest. I observed a bright turquoise light and felt an ancient magic unlike any I have felt in centuries. Strangely it seemed to split into a light one and a dark one. The dark one flew in the direction of Manehatten and the light one seems to be in the everfree forest. I cannot feel the magical essence anymore, so I do not think there is a threat to equestria. I would like you investigate this event for me and my sister. I look forward to hearing your report to my sister.

Princess of the night Luna

“Wait it wasn’t a dream! Does that mean than an evil presence is coming us? What does it want? I bet it wants to make us into zombie slaves. I don’t want to be a zombie Twilight…. pant…. pant…. pant,” moaned Spike.

“Calm down Spike! Take some slow deep breaths ok,” Twilight embraced Spike to help him calm down. “Besides there are no such things as zombies, necromancy has never been proven to work.”

“Are you sure Twilight? What if this thing is some kind of new magic?” said Spike.

“Even if that is true we still do not know what it will do and jumping to conclusions will get us nowhere but into trouble,” Twilight calmly stated.

“I guess you are right,” said Spike now much calmer, “ So what now? ”

“Now,” Twilight released her hug around Spike, “ we go back to bed we need our rest and full strength if we are going to be going out and doing an investigation in the everfree forest.” “I suppose I should ask the other girls to help us with that,” Twilight mused, “I will go them in the morning before we go investigate.”

“Goodnight Twilight,” said Spike as he crawled back into his basket.

“Goodnight to you aswell,” Twilight said as she wrapped the covers back around her with her magic.


As the sun rose on Ponyville melting away the coldness of the night, three you fillies made preparations for a day of questing. Questing to earn their cutie marks.

A yellow earth pony filly with a red mane and bow was busy putting supplies into a set of saddlebags. “Sweetie Belle hurry up in the kitchen Ah need the rest of them supplies for our adventure,” drawled the filly.

“Oh be patient Apple Bloom, my sister says that a lady must not rush things,”said a white unicorn filly with a pink and purple mane, “Haste makes waste.”

“Come on Sweetie, AB is right we gotta go, waiting here while you two pack and argue is like the opposite of awesome, ” said a young orange pegasus with a purple mane.

“Not you too, Scootaloo!” said Sweetie Belle, “ anyway I have the food right here,” as she motioned to a basket on her back with a hoof. Sweetie handed the parcel of food to Apple bloom.

“ It’s ah bout time!” as Apple Bloom took the basket of sandwiches and placed two sandwiches into each of the fillies saddlebags.

“Are we finally ready to get out everfree forest explorers cutie mark?” asked Scootaloo.

“I think we are,” said Sweetie Belle.


“It sure was a good thing your parents let us sleep over last night so we could prepare for this without being interrupted,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Yeah our sisters would never let us go out there if they knew we was a’h going, ” Apple Bloom added.

“It was no big deal, my folks would rather me be with you guys than by myself as they have to commute to Cloudsdale everyday, ” Scootaloo said. “Not like they have much of a choice when their daughter cannot fly,” Scootaloo added in a whisper.

“What was that last part? ” asked Apple Bloom.

“Hmm.. oh nothing,” said Scootaloo.

“Alright girls, let’s get this show on the road, ” Sweetie Belle said as she put on her saddlebag.

The girls then left Scootaloo’s house for the everfree forest.


Twilight Sparkle awoke to the sound of her mechanical alarm clock going off. She was still groggy and would need her morning cup of jasmine tea. She left the bed and went to the bathroom to take care of her morning ritual after first waking Spike.

Spike got up and went downstairs to start breakfast. He started with some eggs, flour, milk, sugar, and blueberries for some scrumptious blueberry pancakes. After making a teetering stack of pancakes nearly two feet high he felt that he had made enough.

Twilight left the bathroom after brushing her mane and tail and felt ready for the day. As she was leaving she noticed the letter from last night and her new task from the Princesses. She immediately went to her desk and started writing up a new checklist for the day. This continued for some time until a pleasant smell of jasmine tea and pancakes met her nose. Having just finished her new checklist she went downstairs for breakfast.

“Just in time Twilight,” Spike said as he gestured to their hearty breakfast.

“Thanks, Spike we will need a lot of energy if we are going to get everything done today, what with this investigation and my other studies,” said Twilight.

The pair ate their breakfast and gathered the needed items for the day and left the library after putting up a closed sign for the day.

“I think we should go so Rarity first, Spike,” Twilight with her assistant on her back made a course for Carousel Boutique.

“Fine by me,” said Spike who had a smug grin on his face like he was thinking about something lovely.

Twilight entered into the boutique followed by the sound of the bell attached to the door.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic, unique and magnifique,” said a white unicorn with a curled purple mane, “Oh Twilight darling what brings you here today?”

“Hello Rarity, I came by because the Princesses have asked me to investigate something near the everfree forest and I thought that it would be best if we got the rest of the girls together just in case,” said Twilight.

“Oh, what would they want you to look into in that dreadful place,” questioned Rarity, “But for a friend I would be glad to help. Just let me put some things away and we will be on our way to see the next one the girl’s houses.”

“Thankyou Rarity, that is very generous of you to just close shop so quickly for me,” said Twilight.

“I know, Rarity is just perfect isn’t she?” said Spike with googly eyes.

Twilight, Rarity, and Spike left Carousel Boutique. Twilight marked off on her checklist “get Rarity.” They then trotted over to Sugar Cube Corner for their next friend.

As the three friends entered into the bakery they were met with a strange sight. A pink coated with pink maned earth pony was hanging from the ceiling in a harness while putting up a banner that said “Welcome to Ponyville Mystery Pony”

“Pinkie, what mystery pony?” said Twilight.

From behind Twilight came an energetic voice that said,


Twilight nearly jumped out of her coat at the sudden outburst, “Wait a minute weren’t you just hanging from the ceiling, oh nevermind. Pinkie calm down I need you help with a mission from the Princesses.”

“Okay, Twilight, I just said that I got a doosey and that there is a new pony coming to town but there is something different about him or her,” said Pinkie pie.

“Okay… well we can throw the party later first I need you help with a mission near the everfree forest,” said Twilight.

“Alright do you promise that we can have the party later,” said Pinkie.

“Yes I promise,” said Twilight.

“Do you Pinkie promise?” said Pinkie.

“Yes, I Pinkie promise, cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye, oww, ” Twilight said she went through the ritual gesture and promptly shoved her hoof into her eye.

“You will get a hold of that one day darling,” added Rarity who was giggling under breath at Twilights actions.

Twilight rubbed her eye with her fetlock, “Mr. and Mrs. Cake is it alright if we borrow Pinkie for a while I need her help on a mission from the Princesses?”

“That’s alright dearie we can manage without her for a while,” said Mrs. Cake.

The four friends then went to look for a certain rainbow colored pegasus. Below a cloud near the edge of town a rainbow colored tail could be seen protruding out. The sound of snoring could be heard by those below the cloud.

“RAINBOW DASH, ” Twilight shouted.

More snoring was the response that the shout had produced.

“RAINBOW DASH!!,” Twilight shouted again.

“Twilight darling this is not working. You know how Rainbow Dash can be so hard to wake up. We will have find some other way to reach her.”

“I know just the way,” said Twilight as she charged magic into her horn. A second later a small lightning bolt shot out from her horn and struck the cloud that Rainbow was sleeping upon. Twilight was not worried about the lightning hurting Rainbow as pegasi were naturally lightning resistant.

“WHAT THE HAY!” shouted an angry Rainbow Dash, whose mane and tail now looked like they would look better on a porcupine, as she looked around from her cloud.

Pinkie and Spike immediately began laughing at the ridiculous sight of their friend and were rolling on the ground. Even Rarity suppressed a giggle behind a hoof as she gazed upon Rainbow.

“Ah, now that you are awake please come down here I need to talk to you,” said Twilight.

The cyan coated and rainbow maned pegasus then flew down from the cloud. On her way down she noticed her own reflection in the window of a nearby house. “Good one Twilight. I didn’t think that you were one to pull pranks but I do look pretty funny like this.”

“What? no this was not a prank. I needed you to wake up I need you help with a mission from the Princesses, ” said Twilight.

“Okay what is this mission then?,” asked Rainbow.

“I would rather tell you once I get all of the girls together so I only have to tell it once,” said Twilight.

“Alright then let get going. I don’t wanna wait all day to get this over with then,” Rainbow began hovering above the group with an impatient look upon her muzzle.

The group then set out for Sweet Apple Acres. As they neared the orchard they caught sight of an orange earth pony with a blonde mane hauling some logs which looked to be cut for the use as fence posts. She was already covered in a light sweat from her labors.

As the group got closer Twilight said, “AppleJack I need your help with a mission from the Princesses.”

The stunned earth pony turned around and noticed the herd of her friends before her, “Landsakes Twilight don’t you know it’s plum rude to walk up and scare a pony like that?”

“Sorry AppleJack, but I still need your help,” said Twilight.

“Yeah hurry up AJ we don’t have all day you know, ” said Rainbow.

“Alright sugarcube, what do you need?” asked AppleJack.

“ I will tell you once we get to Fluttershy’s that way I only have to explain it once,” said Twilight.

“Okay don’t get your tail in a twist let’s go then,” said AJ.

The throng of Friends went towards a small cottage at the edge of the everfree forest. There were numerous animals out frolicking in the yard around the cottage. Twilight came to the door and knocked with a hoof.

“Just a minute,” came a soft voice from inside of the cottage. A few moments later the door opened to reveal a buttercup coated pegasus with a pink mane. “Oh my what brings all of you girls and Spike to my home today?”

“Fluttershy, can we come in? I need your help with a mission from the Princesses, ” Twilight implored.

“Oh of course, would you girls like some tea?,” asked Fluttershy.

The girls all nodded “yes” to Fluttershy’s question. The girls entered into Fluttershy’s abode and made themselves comfortable in the living room while they waited for their host to bring the tea. A few moments later Fluttershy entered into the room with a steaming pot of tea and scones on a tray on her back. She then served the tea to her friends, “Now what is this mission Twilight?”

“Princess Luna noticed something last night and has asked me to investigate it. She says that she observed a magical explosion near the edge of the Everfree forest that was turquoise in color and then split into a light and a dark half. The light one landed near the here and other went towards Manehatten. She said that it is not a threat because she cannot feel the energy anymore but would like me to find out what I can. I thought that it would be safer if I brought you girls along into the forest.” stated Twilight, “What is even weirder is that I had a dream well a nightmare last night that is very similar to what Luna observed.”

“You want us to go into the dark, dangerous, icky, and scarey Everfree forest… eep.. Can I just stay here if that is okay with you?” said Fluttershy.

“Now just relax Fluttershy if we go together during the day we will be fine, besides Zecora lives in the Everfree forest and your cottage backs up to it, besides Princess Luna said that there was a magical explosion what if some of the forest animals got hurt surely we should go help them,” Twilight said slyly.

“Oh those poor dears we simply must go at once,” said Fluttershy.

“Well lets git to it, ” said AJ.

“Verily,” said Rarity.

“It’s about time enough sitting and more movement,” said Rainbow.

“What are you wearing? ” asked Twilight to Pinkie.

“Why my Everfree exploration outfit, its fun to wear ‘khar kis’, ” said the pink mare with a Trottingham accent while wearing a pith helmet and khaki shirt and shorts.

“What? never mind,” said Twilight.

“Pinkie you are just so random, ” said Rainbow while giggling at the pink mares odd outfit.

The herd then set off for the Everfree forest to find the source of the strange eldritch explosion.


Three young fillies had been trudging along in the everfree forest for two hours, and had yet to find anything interesting besides lots of trees, dirt, and bugs.

“This is so boring! How are we ever going to get our cutie marks in exploration if we don’t discover anything interesting?” asked the orange pegasus filly.

“Well we discovered a lot trees, dirt, and bugs,” said Sweetie.

“ But we ‘ave those back on the farm, ” said Apple Bloom, “ we’ll never get our cutie marks this way.”

“Look there is a clearing ahead, if we don’t find anything interesting there, I say we go back, ” said Scootaloo.

“Fine by me,” “ah’lright girls,” said Sweetie and Apple Bloom respectively.

As the trio cleared the last tree at the edge of the clearing they came upon a sight that they had not expected.

“Look over there is that a glowing sword in that tree,” said Scootaloo.

“Oh my, Look below it I think there is a pony over there. I hope he is not hurt,” said Sweetie.

“Well, he ain’t moving, you think he’s dead,” said Apple Bloom.

Sweetie screamed at those words. “AHHH!”

While Sweetie was screaming and Apple Bloom trying to calm her down, Scootaloo went closer to examine the pony. He appeared to be a royal blue unicorn with a blonde mane. He was breathing very shallowly but still breathing. “He’s not dead he is breathing.”

“Oh good,” said Sweetie. “I thought we found a body and would get into so much trouble like in those detective novels.”

“Well, we might still get in trouble, ‘cause we can’t just leave him out here. We need to get help.”

The other two fillies went over to Scootaloo and noticed that near the stallion were many torn and mangled pieces metal. Metal that seemed like it used to form some sort of plates. The stallion had many scars along his body that were just visible underneath his coat upon close examination. Also, of great note to the fillies was that he lacked a cutie mark. The three all thought that is was unusual, but the present situation of being in the middle of the forest with a likely hurt pony kept them from dwelling upon it for now.

“Hey mister, wake UP!” Scootaloo prodded the unconscious stallion with no result.

“Are you okay?” said Sweetie as she also prodded his chest with a hoof. And, nothing.

“Seems like he‘s in some kind of deep sleep or hurt we better git help,” said Apple Bloom.


After venturing into the forest for thirty minutes, the group of six mares and one dragon heard a high pitched scream like that from a young girl in the distance.

“Oh dear what was that?!” said Fluttershy.

“Alright ladies keep calm. Rainbow Dash can you do some quick aerial surveillance for us? ” said Twilight.

“On it,” said Rainbow as she shot up into the air like a bullet.

“Okay when she gets back we will be able to form a plan to respond to whatever it is,” said Twilight.

Rainbow quickly ascended above the trees and flew in the direction of the scream. With her sharp eyes she could see a clearing. Within appeared a pony on the ground with three familiar looking fillies around the pony. Rainbow quickly descended to her friends with a smirk on her muzzle.

“Twilight, there is clearing up ahead with a pony on the ground, oh and it looks like three familiar fillies are with this pony,” said Rainbow with slightly sarcastic tone.

“What is Sweetie doing in this dreadful forest?” Rarity said with a huff.

“That filly is going to get quite the hoofing from Granny Smith once I tell her what Apple Bloom has done,” AJ said through grit teeth.

“Girls we better hurry before anything happens, ” said Twilight.

The girls with dragon galloped along to the clearing as fast as their hooves could take them. Upon entering the clearing they came upon three fillies, whose eyes shrank at the sudden appearance of the six mares and one dragon. But that was not all that was apparent, near the fillies was indeed a pony as Rainbow had said. This pony appeared to be a royal blue unicorn stallion with a blonde mane.

What the fillies earlier had failed to notice was why there was a clearing in the forest. The forest appeared to be scorched in the clearing with fallen trees broken branches and singed grass throughout the clearing. There were also fragments of what Twilight believed to be armor strewn around the area near the stallion.

Above the pony on the ground stuck into a tree 15 feet above the ground was a sword. The sword glowed with a white light. When staring upon the sword; Twilight felt a sense of calm, a sense of peace as though it represented all that was good. Twilight began to ponder the strange magic of this sword and how it reminded her of the elements of harmony, and how this sword could help her to gain a greater understanding of such magic.

“Hello, Equestria to Twilight, ” Rainbow waved a hoof in front of Twilight’s face to get her attention after she spaced out for a bit.

“Huh What?,” Twilight sputtered.

“This pony seems hurt, he won’t wake up and breathing is very shallow,” said Fluttershy.

“We better git him to the hospital then, ” said AppleJack

Twilight went for a closer inspection of the stallion. She could not see any obvious wounds. However, if the surrounding terrain is any indicator, then he may be unconscious due to magical overload. Magical overload is condition usually affecting unicorns that occurs when a pony sensitive to magic is exposed to too much magic at one time. It takes the pony’s body time deal with all of that magic and the mind shuts down as a protective mechanism to give the body the time it needs.

The three fillies walked in silence with their heads down and their ears flat against their heads as they knew they were going to get it once they got home. Six mares, three fillies and one dragon carried the injured stallion back to ponyville along with the great sword that was stuck in the tree and a single tome that was found under the stallion; strangely the tome is written in a language that Twilight did not recognize. The sword was quite troubling to get, as every time rainbow tried to grab it she felt like she was being shocked. Fortunately, Applejack gave the tree a sound buck and knocked the sword lose. Twilight then used her magic to place it in her saddle bag. AJ then helped to carry the unknown stallion.

Once back in town the three fillies were left with Rarity so that she watch them until AJ could come get Applebloom. The other girls, one dragon, and one unconscious stallion went straight to Ponville General Hospital. Rainbow entered the hospital with boom, “Rainbow Dash! This is a hospital patient’s are trying to rest, ” exclaimed nurse Redheart.

“Yeah yeah, look we got a hurt pony here who needs your help,” Rainbow said sarcastically, as she pointed with a hoof to the pony laying upon AJ’s back.

“Ah I assume this is your business Ms. Sparkle. Don’t worry we will take it from here,” said nurse Redheart.

“Yes, we found this pony in the forest while investigating something for the Princesses,” said Twilight.

The Stallion was then taken by the hospital staff to be properly treated. With the apparent crisis averted the 5 friends said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Twilight gave instructions that should he awaken that she should be contacted immediately. Twilight then headed home to study the strange tome, magical sword, and of course write a letter to her mentor.

To be continued…