• Published 12th Mar 2015
  • 609 Views, 17 Comments

Shining Force of Equestria - cosmic flash

Max is leader of the Shining Force and the Hero who defeated Dark Dragon. A great evil threatens the land of Equestria. A new hero comes to help but first he is going to need to figure out how to fit in. Oh and how do use a sword with hooves.

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Chapter 4 Pink Strange: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Party

Twilight led Max out of her home for a tour of Ponyville. Just as he had stepped out of the doorway; however, he was suddenly drenched from head to hoof as a rain cloud above him began pour precipitously upon him. Twilight just missed getting doused herself due to being a couple steps to the side to allow Max out of the doorway.

“Holy Light !” Max exclaimed. “That is cold,” the dripping stallion felt a shiver as a calm breeze began to blow. His mind focused primarily on the sudden change in his condition almost missed the laughter coming from above him.

“Ha HA Ha !!” bellowed Rainbow Dash from above the cloud. “You should have seen the look on your face!” she continued her raucous laughter while rolling off of the cloud and onto the ground. “Ow!”

At this point Max began to laugh at the mischievous mare despite his discomfort. Twilight soon joined in and Rainbow started to laugh again as well. After a few moments of this the ponies regained their composure.

“That wasn’t very nice Rainbow Dash,” admonished Twilight.

“I guess, but it was funny. I got him good, though it was supposed to be for you,” said Rainbow to Twilight as she winked. Rainbow then focused her gaze upon her prank victim “Hey aren’t you that pony we found in the everfree forest?” asked the pegasus.

“Yes, that is right, and you must be Rainbow Dash one of Twilight’s friends I have heard about,” said the sopping wet stallion. “Do you think we could go in and get a towel wet fur is freezing cold, Twilight?” Max said before allowing Rainbow to Answer.

Before Twilight could answer Rainbow interjected, “No need let me give you my patented Rainblow dry.”

“No wait Rainbow! Stop!” shouted Twilight but it was too late. Rainbow began to fly around quickly to form small vortex quickly sucking all of the water out of Max’s coat. Unfortunately, his mane, tail, and fur now also looked like they came out of a tornado and were sticking nearly every direction.

Max blinked to get the dust out of his eyes. “That feel much better,” Max said after he felt much warmer due to the removal of the water.

“Yes, but you look ridiculous,” said Twilight.

Max looked himself over and did not seem to be phased by the change very much. “Doesn’t seem that bad to me. When you are in combat all that matters is that your hair doesn’t get in the way. The Centaur Knights never seemed to complain very much about this sort of thing,” Max shrugged.

“Wow, your world had centaurs are they also part minotaur and part pony?” asked Twilight.

“Well I would say part horse due to their size and part human or elf would be the other half,” stated Max.

“What is an elf?” asked Twilight.

“Remember how I described humans as being bipedal furless monkeys?” (Twilight nodded) “Well think the same thing but a little shorter and with long pointy ears. They tend to be good with magic and archery, and they live longer than humans for a few centuries and seemingly never age until one day they pass,” informed Max.

“Ugh,” moaned Rainbow dash as Twilight was busy writing notes with a conjured quill. “Did you guys have to have an egghead convention? ”

“Oh right, sorry Rainbow,” said Twilight with an embarrassed look on you face, “We do have a schedule to keep if we are going to meet everypony today after all,” She pulled her checklist out of her saddlebags and checked Meet Rainbow Dash.

“Well I gotta go. I need to practice some tricks. I am sure I will see you tonight at the party,” said Rainbow Dash.

“What party? I don’t remember anyone er anypony mentioning a party” asked Max,

“Oh, you will see,” said Rainbow with a grin and shot off into to the sky like a rocket.

Dumbfounded Max turned to Twilight for answers, “She was probably referring to our friend Pinkie Pie. She loves to give parties. And since you are new to town she will probably want to give you a party.”

“But, I do not need a party I am still learning the body and do not want to embarrass myself in front of a bunch of strangers,” said Max.

“Well knowing Pinkie, I doubt you will get much of a choice. Just go with it. It is better for your health, ” said an emphatic Twilight.

“What do you mean?” asked a confused Max.

“You will see,” said Twilight simply.

Max just stared at her for a moment and then said, “ okay… whatever,” and put it from his mind.

Twilight then led the blank-flanked stallion through the market. Max noticed a menagerie of ponies of all colors of coats and manes with nearly every combination he could imagine. He also noticed that some of the adult ponies were giving him strange stares. Some would giggle probably due to his mane style, but some would stare at his flank. He guessed it must have been his lack of a cutie mark that made him stand out.

They walked throughout the market stalls viewing the various wares that ponies were selling. Twilight got in line behind ponies that were buying apples it seemed. As they got their chance to go to the counter, Max noticed that the shopkeeper was a orange earth pony with a blonde mane she had 3 apples for her cutie mark and was wearing a stetson upon her head.

“Well howdy Twilight. What can I do for you today?” asked Applejack.

“I could use a dozen apples please and I would like to introduce you to my new friend here, Max,” Twilight gestured to Max with a hoof.

“That will be 4 bits and I will give you one extra for Max to try,” said Applejack as she went around her stall and shook Max by the forehoof. Max was surprised that the small pony had such strength as he was nearly knocked over by her aggressive hoof-shaking.

“Thanks, Apple Jack,” smiled Twilight as she marked a couple of things off of her checklist and passed Applejack the money.

“That is some grip you have there, ” said an astonished Max.

“Just what years of apple-bucking will do for a farmer,” said a humble Applejack.

“I have been hit by minotaurs for less,” retorted Max.

“Oh you are just sayin’ that, ” said and embarrassed Applejack.

“Anyway, Thankyou Applejack but we need to be going if we are going to keep up with the schedule,” said Twilight.

“Okay ya’ll come back now. I’m sure I will see you at the party then, bye” said Applejack.

“There goes another one of your friends mentioning a party. I would really rather not cause a bunch of fuss,” Max said as he followed Twilight to their next destination.

“It will be just fine, you will see. Our next location is just around the corner Carousel Boutique,” informed Twilight.

“If you say so, boy was your friend Applejack strong though,” stated Max.

“That she is, but she is also an earth pony their inherent magic makes them stronger, tougher, and able to things with plants and animals beyond that of other ponies.” said Twilight.

“So, do all ponies have intrinsic magic then?” asked Max curiously.

“Yes, I just told you about earth ponies, Pegasi control the wind and weather, they can fly and more agile than others, and can walk on clouds, and then unicorns such as ourselves can cast direct magic with our horns. All unicorns can do levitation and light spells and many learn shield, beam, and short teleport spells. Most unicorns can only do other magic that is related to their special talent except with special training. Also as I have already told you all ponies have hoof magic allowing us to hold things with our hooves,” lectured Twilight.

“Hmm, that is interesting sounds like ponies are part fairy,” ponder Max.

“What are fairies?” queried Twilight.

“Oh uh, fairies are magical creatures that priests from my world summon when they cast healing magic. The light given off by the fairy can heal any wound if they are summoned for long enough. They go back to where they live once the spell is over, fairies are made of magic or so I am told,” replied Max.

“Fascinating,” said Twilight as she finished jotting that down in her notes. “Oh look, we have arrived.”

Before Max stood a large 2 story building that looked like a carousel and had numerous window displays showing off various articles of clothing for sale. The trim and decor of the place looked like something one would find in noble’s residence thought Max. He wondered what kind of pony he would find in such a home,

Twilight opened the door as the sign in the window said “open.” A bell chimed, and Max and Twilight entered the establishment. Max was greeted by what he recognized as a tailor’s shop, but not just any such shop more akin to what one would find in the palace district of Guardiana.

A lilting voice with a posh accent said, “Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique.” The voice came from a white unicorn pony with a curly purple mane and tail with three diamonds for a cutie mark. “Oh, Twilight darling, whatever brings you here today?”

“Hello, Rarity we came to visit so that I could introduce you to Max, the stallion from the everfree.” Twilight pointed a hoof at Max whom Rarity just noticed.

“Oh my goodness, my good stallion what has happened to your mane, tail, and coat?” interrogated Rarity.

“What oh, this?” Max pointed to himself and told the story to her of how Rainbow had pulled her little prank upon him.

“Well this will simple not do. Fashion will not allow it. A gentlecolt like yourself cannot go around like that. You must simple let me fix the mess out dear Rainbow Dash has caused,” implored Rarity.

“Well if you insist I guess having my hair fixed would be nice. That is very generous of you to offer, thank you,” said Max.

“It would be my pleasure darling. We cannot have you showing up at your party looking like this now can we.” Rarity started the process of untangling the new ponies mane and tail.

“Now, another one of your friends thinks I am having a party this is getting ridiculous. I do not want a party. I just want to learn my way around here and take it easy for a while,” incredulously said Max.

“Well, darling you simply must understand that as a new pony in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie is going to give you a party soon to get you acquainted with the town. it would be better to just accept it than fight it as our dear Twilight learned herself,” said Rarity while untying a knot in his mane.

“You make it sound like this Pinkie already knows I am up and about and is already planning the party as we speak. How could she know that? That is impossible,” said a doubtful Max.

“Oh, well she probably already does know in her own way. But you will just have to wait till you mean her till you see what I mean, ” Said, Rarity.

“Everypony keeps saying that also, I have to wait and see what is going to happen. I feel like I am about to ambushed by goblins,” said a now more tense Max.

“Trust me, Max, just let it go. Somethings are just Pinkie being Pinkie,” said Twilight with a frustrated look on her muzzle.

“Fine, if you say so,” said Max with a huff. He was still not convinced about this Pinkie Pie pony.

Rarity gave Max a shampoo and combed out his mane and tail, and brushed his coat. Once she was done Max looked at himself in the mirror and felt like he was ready to a dance if the dance involved small ponies who did not wear clothes regularly.

After this Max asked, “So it must be hard to be in the clothes business Rarity when ponies usually seem to go without clothes?”

“Indeed it is Max,” stated Rarity, “but for important occasions ponies want clothing and most of the Canterlot elite wear clothing of some sort at most outings. As most of my commissions are for special occasions and the elite most ponies don't scoff at a grandiose design and as such I make a comfortable living on a moderate number of sales each month. ”

“Hmm, makes sense my friend Luke is a sculptor or was before the war and did just fine on about one job a month. Of course Dwarves always seem to have a gem they just found in a mine. So you can’t be too sure. ” said Max.

“Oh my look at the time we are behind schedule. You will have to tell me about Dwarves later. We have to go or we will not be able to finish. Thank you for everything Rarity, but we must simply go,” informed a nervous Twilight.

Twilight and Max left Carousel Boutique with his mane, coat,and tail virtually sparkling. As Twilight led them to their next stop she couldn’t help but notice this his new look against the sunlight made him look kind of cute. She quickly put that out of her head as she had things to do.

Next Twilight led Max to a building that looked like a gingerbread house. Max couldn’t help but wonder if the building was edible, but he kept it to himself as he thought Twilight would think that strange.

Upon entering the strange looking building Max’s sense of smell of immediately inundated with the aromas of many baked goods. The more he smelled them the more his mouth began to water. “Hey, Twilight can we get a snack while we are here?”

Taking out her schedule and checking the time with the sun she nodded, “We should have time before we have to go to our next destination.”

The two ponies went up to the counter and were greeted by an extremely enthusiastic pony, “Heya Twilight and mysterious pony we rescued in the everfree forest. How can I help you today?”

“Hello, Pinkie Pie, We would like a snack. How about a couple of muffins? Oh and this is Max,” inquired Twilight.

Twilight waited a second and after getting no reply, blinked and noticed that Pinkie was no longer behind the counter. “Hey, my name is Pinkie Pie and I want to be friends. Oh right you are new to Ponyville. I have to give you your welcome to Ponyville Party. Oh it will be so much fun. What is your favorite flavor of cake…. Hmm. I am getting a chocolate vibe. So Death by Chocolate it is...,” shouted and ecstatic Pinkie who was vigorously shaking Max’s forehoof. And, just like that Pinkie seemed to vanish leaving the flummoxed stallion standing there stark still in shock.

“What just happened? I have seen ninjas move slower than her. How is that even possible? How did she know that I like chocolate cake? ” Max said to no one in particular with a distant gaze upon his eyes.

“Oh just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Trust me it is just better to accept it than to question it. It is better for your health. Having an anvil drop on your head is not fun, And nearly having a stroke worrying about it is also pretty awful. So just let it go ok.” informed Twilight.

“(sigh) Ok if you say so,” with his left eye twitching slightly.

The two ponies looked up to see two plates with blueberry muffins on them with a note that said on the house and signed pinkie. They took their snack to a table and enjoyed the muffins. Max felt that his mouth exploded with flavor and munched on the pastry.

He could get used to the good food here in this world. At least the food made it almost worth it being here and in this other body. Max thought to himself. He thought back on the salted trail rations he had to eat for weeks at a time while he and his friends battled against Darksol and his hordes and his stomach nearly turned at how unpleasant the memory was. Also, the fact that his memory was that of mostly dried meat seemed to upset his stomach a little more than he thought it should, but he figured new body ergo new sense of taste.

Upon finishing their snack the two ponies left Sugar Cube Corner and began to walk a short distance out of town. Twilight led Max to a small cottage at the edge of the forest. Max noticed immediately that there were an abundance of animals around the cottage of many different species that one would encounter in a forest. This many animals around a home seem odd to Max, but Twilight didn’t seem to care so he kept his mouth shut.

Twilight knocked with a hoof on the door. A moment later a quiet, “coming” was heard. The door opened revealing a yellow pegasus with a pink mane. “Oh, hello Twilight what can I do for you today?”

“Hello, Fluttershy I came by for visit so that I could introduce you to Max here,” Twilight gestured with a hoof to the royal blue stallion.

“..eep,” was all of the response that Twilight got out of the now wide-eyed pegasus.

“I promise, I do not bite,” said Max reassuringly. “Besides some of these animals look far more dangerous than a unicorn who can barely trot and is incapable of performing magic. Much to my chagrin.”

“Well actually, the animals are very safe you just have to know how to talk to them. Mr. Bear,” she pointed to a brown bear, “is just grumpy in the mornings and if you give him a shoulder massage he can be very affectionate,” said the timid mare who had come out of her shell once something she had passion for was being discussed.

“Can we come in Fluttershy?” said the lavender mare.

“Oh, of course Twilight how rude of me. Come one in and I will get some tea made”

The two unicorns entered the cottage and made their way into a sitting room where there was large sofa upon which they sat down. A short while later Fluttershy came in the room with a tea set balanced with her wings on her back. She carefully moved the tea set off of her back and placed it onto the coffee table and served the tea for her guests.

“So uh Max was it?(he nodded) What an unusual name. Tell me, is Twilight helping you adjust to being in ponyville?”

“Oh, yes she has been very kind helping me to adjust being a pony.”

“What do you mean being a pony?” asked Fluttershy.

So, Max with the help of Twilight told Fluttershy all about the past 2 days and how he used to be a human from another world. She was also informed by Twilight in a very clinical fashion about his numerous failed attempts at walking. The two mares found this amusing and only giggled more when his face turned red.

After a couple hours of chatting it was time for the unicorns to go on their way. “Have a good day Twilight and Max. I will see you at the party.”

Max did a double take.”Did she just say at the party?”

“Pinkie already told you she was gonna throw you a party, remember. ”

Max’s eye twitched as he recalled all of the day’s hints about a party. He was not really in the mood to embarrass himself in front of a group of ponies. He worried that he would probably fall on the punch bowl or something due his clumsiness with his body, and that everyone would laugh at him.

“Just relax Max, the party will be far better than you think. I had a similar experience with frustration about a party when I first came to ponyville. Just go with it. You won’t be forced to speak in front of everypony if you don’t want to.”

“I guess so”

“Besides we don’t know when the party is going to be,” said Twilight with a knowing grin.


The two unicorns walked back to the library at early evening taking a more scenic route to enjoy the sights of Ponyville. Twilight opened the door and went into an apparently dark room. Max just stared into the darkness waiting for something to jump out. When he finally walked in and closed the door.

SURPRISE! shouted a small group of ponies as the lights were flipped on. Max recognized the ponies as Twilight’s friends, along with Spike and three small fillies.

Max stood stark still with a wide-eyed expression. He quickly scanned the scene and determined that there was not a threat present. Now that his combat alert has been disproven he relaxed, but his expression soon turned to one of slight annoyance.

Pinkie would have none of that, “All right buster lets turn that frown upside down!” Pinkie then forced a cupcake in the hapless stallion’s mouth.

(cough , cough) After the initial coughing fit from being nearly choked Max focused on the taste of the cupcake and he was stunned that it was the single best chocolate cupcake he had ever tasted. “Wow, that is really good Pinkie Pie.” A smile started to appear on his muzzle.

“See I knew you would like them, everpony does.” said Pinkie. “Now who want to play pin the tail on the pony?”

Max was then led to play a party game where he was blindfolded and had a tail put in his mout that he had to pin to wall where a pony was drawn. This was to Max absurd yet he couldn’t deny that it was kinda fun as well.

“Well, if you had to throw me a party at least you kept it small Pinkie. Thank you.”

“Your welcome Maxy, you seemed kinda tense about my party so I kept it small for you”

Max then went and said hello to the other ponies present. “Hello Applejack.”

“Well, howdy partner. Glad to see you got over your fear of parties”

“I am not afraid of parties. I just not used to being a pony yet and didn’t want to embarrass myself, but having met most of you already; I guess I was worried over nothing. This party is pretty awesome,” stated Max.

“Well, of course it is awesome, I am here, only the most awesome pony in equestria. ” Interjected Rainbow Dash.

The ponies chuckled at Rainbow’s brash remark, “It’s nice to see you too Rainbow. Maybe you can show me what makes you so awesome other than pulling pranks that is,” replied Max.

“I am awesome at everything I do. Just come out near Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow and I will show why I am the greatest flyer in Equestria,” Boasted Dash.

“But, Max you were going to show me how to read that book of Magic and I was going to give you lessons tomorrow, ” pleaded Twilight. Rainbow promptly rolled her eyes at another egg head idea of Twilight’s.

Noticing the pleading look in Twilight’s eyes Max replied, “How about I come the day after tomorrow, I really should learn the basics of unicorn magic before much of anything else.”

“Ok, deal. That will give you time to prepare for how blown your mind will be with my awesomeness.”

Max then went to speak with Fluttershy and Rarity who were discussing something about a show in Manehatten. “Oh, I would give just about anything to be able to see Hinny of the Hills,” said Rarity.

“Oh that would be just lovely,” said Fluttershy demurely

“Evening, ladies. What is this Hinny of the Hills you are talking about?”

“Oh, darling it is simply one of the greatest productions in the history of theatre. It would be simple divine to experience it. ”

“You remind me of the Ladies of the court in Guadiana, you are very refined in your tastes, Rarity.” said Max.

“Oh, do you think so? You are very kind to compare me to a Lady of a noble house.”

“I think you would make a good noble Rarity,” said Fluttershy.

“Thank you, darling you are too kind.”

Max then noticed that three unknown fillies were sitting off to the side and were pointing at him and whispering. Curious as to what the three could be discussing Max excused himself.

The three fillies were so busy talking that they didn’t notice Max come up behind them.
“So, What is it that you three are planning?”

“Oh nothing. We are just curious how come you do not have a cutie mark? I am Apple Bloom and my sister is Applejack,” said a yellow filly with red mane and a bow.

“I am Sweetie Bell and Rarity is my big sister,” said a white unicorn filly.

“I am Scootaloo, and I do not have a sister, but Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony,” said an orange pegasus filly with a purple mane.

“It is nice to meet you girls I am Max, And, to answer your question. I do not have a cutie mark, I guess, because I have only been a pony for a few days. I used to what is called a human. And, humans do not get cutie marks that I know of.”

“Oh, that is a relief I was worried that you grew up as a pony and that you never discovered your special talent. If that was true it might mean that we would never find out talent either,” said Applebloom.

“Hey, girls are you thinking? What I am thinking?,” asked Sweetie Bell with a knowing look in her eyes.

The other two nodded. Together they said, “Would you like to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

“What is the Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

“It is our club. We help each other find our cutie marks by trying new things,” said Scootaloo.

“We haven’t had any luck yet, but maybe with your help we can finally find our special talents,” said Apple Bloom.

“Hmm eh why not if your parents say it is ok for a grown stallion to be hanging out with their daughters. Who knows maybe some of the stuff I learned on my adventures could help you girls,” said Max.

“YAY!” the three shouted in unison.

“Adventures, could you tell us a story of one of your adventures?” asked Scootaloo.

Max told them tale of the fall of Guardiana. He told them how he was sent to investigate the sealed entrance to the castle of the ancients and how his country was almost destroyed in his absence. He told how his mentor, Varios, was slain by the villain known as Kane. How the king was mortally wounded and how the sword of light fell into the forces of Runefaust. His stirring tale garnered the attention of all of the ponies in the room. Max only noticed this after he finished his tale.

Having had a good time everypony went home for the night after saying their goodbyes. Max had more fun than he tought he would at the party and felt that he had made friends with this circle of ponies. For the first time in a few days Max did not feel quite as lonely as he had before.

Max, Twilight, and Spike all went to bed so as to prepare for the next day. A day when the magics of two realms would come together at last.

To be continued...


Author's Note:

Update at last. Sorry to keep everypony waiting. Also, comments for improvement and typos would be appreciated.