• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 7,404 Views, 340 Comments

inFAMOUS: Second Storm - FrostTheWolf

A young conduit that lives in San Diego does not know what he got himself into after saving a young girl during a hostage crisis.

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Chapter 19- Those who fight further

Author's Note:

Song - Those Who Fight Further (FFVII AC OST)

One chapter remains. Who will stand and who will fall? Find out next time.

Main inspiration behind some parts was based on the trailer for the new Captain America film, Civil War.


Chapter 19- Those who fight further

Seattle, Washington

In the city of Seattle, everything was quiet amongst the town. But for the Conduits that called this town their home, they were making preparations. Preparations for War. They finally had a plan to take down the DUP once and for all, but for it to work, they needed fighters on the front lines to hold the line while the people inside worked on making secret information about the organization go public. Zeke had made a few calls in order to rally up supporters and to make sure that either everyone evacuated out of the city or locked themselves inside their homes. No innocent lives needed to be caught in the crossfire today.

“Is everyone ready?” He asked, looking around at the conduits who were still with him. Delsin and the others who were stepping outside nodded. Although Zeke did not know where Shawn went, he had a feeling that the teen went ahead to Curdan Cay and was waiting for an opening. Breaker himself had left a few moments ago in order to join him, but not before he reinforced the back entrance of the facility. Inside, Augustine, Eugene, and a few others prepared to help protect Eugene inside the complex if it were somehow to be breached. Outside, the plan was simple. Delsin would lead a force on the ground in order to occupy the DUP while Fetch would use lamp posts on the rooftops to provide covering fire. Vinyl would be with the Neon girl just in case someone tried to blindside her while the troops below would be fighting Delsin. It was expected that Roman’s two other conduit lackeys were likely to show up and Augustine was wanting to make sure that everyone was ready for if things were to get out of hand.

“Okay, Vinyl is with Fetch. Doughy is with Delsin along with Lyra and Trixie is in here with us,” Sunset clarified, looking at everyone. “Besides Shawn and Robert, am I missing anyone in particular besides the ones who left already?”

“Not anything that comes off the top of my head.” Eugene replied back, breaking out his Laptop and preparing the connection. “What about you guys?”

Almost everyone shook their heads. They felt that they were ready for this. Eugene nodded his head, grabbing his phone to talk to Delsin. “Okay, Delsin. We’re all good to go in here. How is everything looking out there.”

“It’s all quiet on the western front right now,” The Akomish replied. “Fetch? How is everything looking with our bird’s eye view?”

“For the most part. But we better get ready.” Fetch cut them off, channeling power and getting herself ready while Vinyl did the same thing by draining the sound and noise from an abandoned, but functional radio. “If what Augustine said was right, the DUP’s will be onto us the second that Eugene cracks into that hard drive. That means everyone needs to be ready for when they roll up and start trying to shoot at us.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Vinyl added on. “This is going to be the most amount of fun that I’ve had in weeks!”

“Don’t get your hopes up. Because with the amount of troops that we will be having to face, it’s unknown whether or not how long we can last until one of us needs to refuel on energy.”

“Fetch is right, Vinyl.” Delsin added on. “Just be prepared for anything that these guys might be throwing at us. The more of them we can handle, the easier we make it for Shawn to be able to infiltrate Curdan Cay.”

“Speaking of which… has anyone actually heard from him?”


The sound of feet running through snow and the cold winds blowing against Shawn’s face was the only thing he could feel and hear for miles. The light snowstorm was not a problem for him. But it did affect his vision however and there were a couple of times where the conduit almost drifted into the road. He managed to pull himself out of the road a couple of times, but on the trip up, as he felt himself getting closer to Curdan Cay, the trucks in the road turned out to be DUP Land vehicles. Looking at his watch, he realized that something wasn’t right.

Eugene was suppose to start in five minutes, yet the DUP are rolling out right now like they were preparing for war. Quickly, he took a snapshot of the carriers with his phone and sent it over to Zeke, the tagline being “Incoming. Something tipped these guys off and they’re rolling in full force.” Before he sent it though, he realized something. Robert was suppose to be backing him up on this operation, but the conduit was way too far away for that. If here were spotted now, then he would jeopardize everything.

“Have Breaker fall back!! If he gets caught by them, it’s game over!” He added onto the original message before pressing SEND and making his way to the edge of a nearby Basin that was overlooking his target. Curdan Cay. The Conduit definition of hell on earth. Despite a massive platoon of soldiers on the way to Seattle right now. A few of them still lingered around the base. All Shawn needed to do now… was find an opening.

It took him a few minutes, but once Shawn got closer, he found what he was looking for. There was a tear in the chain link fence that looked to be in need of repairs. However, because of the windy conditions, it seemed like the DUP had to hold it off until the winds died down. However, there was only one problem that he found the second he got closer.

His cell phone lost connection. Which meant that he was cut off from all communications with Delsin, Zeke, and everyone else. Shawn was on his own. Before he went through, the Snow Conduit was thinking about one thing that was on his mind.

If everyone else was going to be alright.

“The DUP’s are coming! The DUP’s are coming!!!” That was the only cue for Delsin and the others to get themselves ready by the time Zeke had received his message. They had already gotten Breaker to retreat back to Seattle, but the problem was that they lost all communication with Shawn. If Twilight was here now, she would use telepathy. But the Magic Conduit had went back home along with the Princesses and a few of her friends because she was worried about being separated from her family for so long.

“We got convoys! West side!!”

“Fetch, let’s light ‘em up!!”

“Seriously? That’s the worst time for a pun right now.” The Neon girl sighed, looking back at Vinyl.

“I wasn’t making a pun.” The DJ commented, putting her headphones on. Fetch could hear the faint sounds of a Fall Out Boy song being played on the other end and chuckled. It seemed like every conduit needed the right tunes to tangle with the DUP. Because these troops were packing a lot of firepower with them.

“Contact!! Five conduits, twelve o’clock!”

“Weapons free!!!” came the order as the troops all looked back at them, aiming their weapons directly at the small group of conduits. Doughy himself was absorbing the ink from a nearby DUP propaganda flier and had his powers at the ready.

“Here they come!!!”

“Oh, this is going to be SO much fun!” Delsin chuckled, lighting his hands ablaze with Smoke. Charging at the first one in an ash filled blur while the soldiers were trying to get a glimpse of where exactly he was. Vinyl herself followed suit, using her shockwaves to throw a few troops backward that tried to get the jump on Delsin while Fetch provided cover. Lyra herself, used her powers to form a fist out of ESP and have it emerge from the ground while Doughy used ink to blind their visors and camera equipment.

However, this was only the first platoon of dozens more that were coming their way. And who knows how long they could last without having to refuel their powers.

The moment Shawn set foot in Curdan Cay, he felt like he was forced to go in stealth mode. There were not that many troops, but the troops that were there were doing regular sweeps across the compound. He couldn’t blame them. With most of the DUP going to battle in Seattle, they had to have a small number of men stand guard at the base. But he was surprised at where exactly he entered when the Snow Conduit first stepped foot into the compound.

He was at the helipad. Where all the Helicopters used in certain operations were set up to prepare for if the threat level was at critical. He was going to step closer, but then overheard about the possibility that the troops on the ground would request for air support. This, in tune, got Shawn thinking.

If he were to sabotage those helicopters, Delsin and company would not get pounded by missiles and heavy firepower. Plus, it would send a much needed message to Roman. He was beginning to like this plan. A lot.

“Oh this is going to be fun.” He told himself, just as he turned into a blowing gust of snow. Using his form, he placed a series of mines that were attached to the engines of the air vehicles. Within that timeframe, the DUP official soon got the call for Air support, only for them to have that support blow up in front of them as he slipped away. The explosion, in turn, caused Roman to get on the intercom and start screaming bloody murder at his men.

“What the bloody hell happened down there!?! Get off your asses and get moving!! Archer Team needs backup!!!” He roared, furious at his troops. During the Chaos, Shawn stole a radio from a guard post and listened in on the conversation at hand. Listening to their communications as some of them ran to their convoys and rolled out. Intimidated by what just happened.

Now, with the limited amount of troops on the outside, It was now time for him to continue moving. He stopped though, just shortly after he realized that the section that he was in was only a hangar bay. Now, he was looking at the real thing from outside and boy… was it big.

“Well, I’ll be damned.” Shawn cursed to himself. “I had heard that this place was big, but hell, it’s a lot bigger than I thought it would be.” Curiosity set in as he noticed the guards standing out front and an air vent to the far left of the two of them. Slowly, he dashed in a blur of snow, thankful to not get caught as he traveled through the vent to end up on the other side of the door. Now, he found himself in another deep and long hallway without any guards present.

But that still didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to cause any trouble. In fact, he was bringing trouble to them. All he needed to do was find the right place to get started. He could hear some other voices from farther down and carefully walked over to where he heard the noise. It was a pair of soldiers talking amongst each other.

“Man, this just sucks… Everyone else is being sent out to fight off against a bunch of conduits and we’re forced to do guard duty. I’ve been waiting for the past six months to go on one of those missions and the first chance I get, the boss tells me to stay here and guard the facility!”

“Calm down, Forrester.” One of the other guards insisted. “Our job is just as important as theirs and you know that. I didn’t get the chance to go out there and you don’t see me complaining.”

“That’s because you’ve been able to go on missions before Roman became the one in charge.” Forrester shot back. “Ever since he became the leader of the DUP, he’s had only a series of troops go out on missions while he leaves those who have had experience before like us stuck doing guard work. There’s nothing to even guard here besides the base.”

This… provided an opportunity for Shawn. Both of them were not aware of his presence at all. If he could knock them out quickly, then he could pass through without any problems. They were right next to a Janitor’s supply closet as well. The perfect place to hide two unconscious bodies.

Quickly, he used his powers to form a small ball of snow and tossed it in between the guards. When that small snowball was noticed, it went off with a powerful shockwave, throwing both of them into the wall next to the closet. Quickly, the snow conduit pushed both of them inside and closed the door. Locking them inside.

“I better keep moving.” He told himself. “I just hope that Delsin and the others are okay.”

“Smokes, you got DUP’s coming in on your right!”

Delsin was quick in order to heed Fetch’s warning as he spun around and smacked a few incoming DUP pawns into a wall with his chain, all while controlling his Neon powers this time around instead of Smoke. They’ve been fighting for close to fifteen minutes and now, the group is them was starting to get a little tired. Delsin though, felt like it was all too easy. That was. until his chain was starting to pull him away.

“What the hell-?” Before the Conduit could properly react, he was pulled away from his allies and thrown into the air. The assailant that was attacking him was the conduit of the DUP named James Murray. Otherwise known as “Jack”. His powers were polarity based and that allowed him to pull metal objects towards him like a magnet. Hence, Delsin’s chain. However, seconds before Fetch, Vinyl or the others could react, something else happened that surprised all of them.

A huge blast of hardened glass slammed into the side of Delsin’s attacker, breaking him free of his magnetic pull. “Okay, who or what was that-?” The person that dropped down though was soon noticed by Lyra and Vinyl as both of them had seen her before.

“Can somepony explain to me what the hell is Queen FREAKING Chrysalis doing here!?!” Vinyl shouted, only to have her look back at the DJ with a serious glare.

“I’m here because Shawn gave me a second chance.” She snarled. “If I help you, then I can be able to go back home like the rest of you.” She then looked at Delsin, who was getting up on his feet.

“Well, uh… Thanks?”

“Don’t mention it… We’re nowhere near done yet since there’s more on the way and they have another conduit with them.”

“Wait, how do you know that?” Delsin asked.

“I can see reflections from off of glass windows, which allows me to see things from far away before they approach me.” Chrysalis spoke, before using her powers to make a glass perch on the wall. “We don’t have time to wait around anymore. They’re here.”

“Aww crap.” Delsin cursed internally. “Eugene, how far are you on cracking that thing!?”

“Delsin, this process takes time. I need another fifteen minutes or so to extract everything we need.” The Video conduit told him over comms. “Breaker got back here earlier and is trying to use his powers to set up roadblocks on the street to buy us some time. But if that Magnetic Conduit gets anywhere near them, he’ll tear them to shreds.”

“So I need to take care of our friend here to buy you two some time?”

“Basically.” His friend replied. “Hey, have you heard anything from Shawn?”

“No, why?”

“I have not been able to reach him at all. His phone’s signal is off the cellular grid.”

“He must be inside Curdan Cay then,” The Akomish answered, just as he dodged another pair of bullets. “Remember how we were cut off of Cell service when we freed the prisoners locked up in there three months ago? It must be the same thing.”

“Damn, I just hope he’s alright.”

“Don’t sweat it, Pixels.” Fetch interjected. “Shawn’s got home field advantage with Curdan Cay being up in the mountains. I think he’ll be just fine on his own.”

Seconds after Shawn had supposedly felt that he was safe, something caught him by surprise. Originally, he was investigating a tunnel in which a door was blocked off and sealed tight. He originally thought that it was some sort of secret passage that led up to Roman’s possible location, but upon entering, he soon realized that this wasn’t quite what he had in mind. Apparently, train tracks were established underground to deliver food, supplies and weapons to the DUP. Now, he was trying to run for his life in order to not get hit by the train. Around the same time that happened, a familiar voice was back in his head again.

“Hey, Shawn. Dear buddy!! How are things?”

Shawn mentally sighed as he continue to try and outrun the speeding locomotive behind him. “Now is NOT a good time, Discord!!”

“Why not? Anytime is a good time for me to talk to you. I even have some ponies that wanted to say hi!”

“That’s good and all. But right now, I’m running for my life because THE POLAR EXPRESS IS TRYING TO KILL ME!!!” The Snow Conduit yelled, seconds after he emerged from the tunnel and out of the way of the train. To his surprise, that chase from the train lead him to a new area that was previously unexplored by the conduit. It looked almost like an open arena, which was a lot different than the one Fetch had described earlier to him. Bits and piles of snow could be seen at different points while no one was inside. Hanging above them looked like a big box with red like lighting.

“Okay, now that I’m not being chased by a death train, what’s up?” He asked mentally, only leading to a collective sigh as I heard multiple voices inside my head.

“Is he always like this, Sugarcube?”

“Not entirely, Applejack.”

“Wait a second… Twilight? You made it back to your world?” Shawn asked, surprised by the voice of the Magic Conduit being heard now. “It’s good to hear that you and the others are back safely.”

“Thanks. Can you just explain to me what exactly is going on?” She asked. For a few minutes, The snow conduit had to give a lengthy explanation as to what is happening. Mostly having to explain why he wasn’t with Delsin on the front lines.

“So, do you think Delsin and Fetch can handle this on their own? I know they have Vinyl, Lyra and Doughy, but are you-.”

“You’re forgetting someone.” Shawn interjected as he began to look at a ice covered wall underneath the “Press Box” that looked over the arena.

“Who would I be forgetting? …… Oh no… You can’t be serious.”

“I am Twilight.” Shawn spoke, sternly.

“You helped CHRYSALIS!?! Are you out of your mind!?!!” Twilight shouted back at him mentally, making the snow conduit feel that his eardrums burst.

“Hey, if you were in the same position that I was in, you wouldn’t let her die in front of her now, would you!?” Shawn shot back mentally. “Besides, I told her that if showed herself as an ally, then she can be able to go home back to her hive if she didn’t attack anyone else besides the DUP. She needed something to redeem herself and I gave her that chance.”

The snow conduit soon redirected his focus as he inspected the wall. It was strong enough not to simply be broken, so it might work with the next part of the plan that the conduit had in mind. Using his powers, he created a pair of small climbing picks like he remembered Lara Croft using in the reboot of Tomb Raider to climb up the frozen wall, pulling himself upward with each movement. He wanted to get high enough where he could get a view of the entire fortress that was Curdan Cay. Shawn doubted that Roman was in his office. Matter of fact, he thought that with being of the commander of the DUP, the wire conduit would want to make his way to the war zone that was currently downtown Seattle.

His suspicions were confirmed the second he say him walking out to a Helipad and was going to call for a helicopter. “Oh hell no. You’re not getting away this time.” From the wall, Shawn blasted himself forward in a head first dive towards the commander. As he inched closer, Roman noticed him, trying to swing a wire at him with an electrical current. That though, allowed the teen to try his new powers as he manifested into broken shards of mirror before reforming behind him and giving the wire conduit a necessary punch to his smug face.

“You have got some nerve to think that you can just walk away after what you did.” Shawn snarled, his hands conjuring snow around him.

“I’d say,” The DUP head spat. “You have some nerve with infiltrating my facility and destroying DUP property-.”

“Cut the bullshit,” The Snow Conduit interjected. “You know exactly what you did wrong and before I kick your ass, I just want to hear one thing.”

“What are you expecting, Kid?” Roman growled, tossing his broken glasses away. “An apology?”

“No… A reason.” The Snow Conduit retorted. “Tell me your reason behind why you killed them. What did my parents do to deserve death by your hands?” By now, Roman was laughing to himself a little. Surprised, but amused by the teen’s demands.

“A reason? Oh god, that’s too subtle. I honestly thought you would be wanting some sort of revenge or vengeance. Maybe a mixture of the two-.”

“ANSWER THE GOD DAMN QUESTION!!!” Shawn barked, having Roman get back to what he was thinking about.

“Kid… My reason for doing it is simple. They were at the wrong place… at the wrong time. Do you honestly think of yourself as a hero. A protector of the weak? The people may see you as such, but in the eyes of the law, you’re nothing more than a punk vigilante with a set of powers. After what happened with Augustine, the government had to scramble in order to retain control of everything because the public was in an uproar. They needed someone to uphold the law… and that’s where I come in.”

“You don’t uphold the law,” The teen snarled. “You abuse it to the point where you think you’re above the law. That ends today.”

“Well, aren’t you so confident… Very well… If you want to try and strip away everything I worked for… Come and take it.” With that, both conduits stared each other down, just as they raced towards each other to make the first move.

No matter what Shawn felt like he was up against, he knew that he was going to put an end to all of this.

Once and for all.

End Chapter 19