• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 3,199 Views, 97 Comments

Tomb Kings of Equestria - FleetlordAvatar

Fleeing the fall of Nehekhara, a group of surviving Tomb Kings make a desperate gamble. But will leaving their world truly put them beyond the reach of The Great Necromancer?

  • ...


While the Tomb Kings prepared for tomorrow's event, their Equestrian counterparts were doing the same, although there was an undercurrent of fear and apprehension as servants, guards and retainers galloped hither and thither to clean and decorate.

Cadence was doing her best to supervise, this wasn't her first time organising a sudden reception after all, only to be interrupted when Shining Armour entered the throne room.

"I got a reply from Twily, she and her friends will be on the first train early tomorrow."

"That's good, I feel better knowing they will be here. You know, rumours are already circulating."

"I'm not surprised," he replied. "They made a very dramatic entrance defeating Sombra like that, but what they did to Flash Sentry."

He trailed off at the recent memory of the decaying pegasus, whose body now lay in the morgue, magically preserved until someone could examine it. Although if he was honest, he was more concerned about Twilights reaction, she and Flash had briefly dated but ultimately realised they were not connecting and amicably separated but remained friends.

"Sir!" came a crisp, disciplined voice as Diamond Edge trotted up to the royal pair and saluted, beside him was Sunburst, the unicorn still looking a little shaken.

"Diamond, what do you have for me?"

"I've organised additional security and will have undercover guards posted throughout the castle."

"I've also boosted the magical wards and defences," continued Sunburst. "But I honestly don't know if it will work. Neighcromancy was forgotten for a reason, even the knowledge to defend against it is sparse at best."

"We can only do our best, with Twilight and her friends coming we should have all our bases covered," replied Cadence. "Sunburst, I'd like you to look after Flurry Heart during the meeting, I don't want her to be near these creatures until we know more about them."

"Of course princess," he replied with a bow.

"I would like to say now that I think this is a terrible idea," stated Diamond Edge. "They've proven they can be dangerous and just inviting them into the Empire so soon after a conflict with Sombra, one we were losing I might add, could show how unprepared we are."

"I'm aware of that," replied Shining Armour. "But their leader begged for sanctuary, after throwing their forces against Sombra to save us. He could have waited until we were both at our weakest and destroyed us both. Horrific as they look, we can't just turn away some creature in need, especially after they helped us."

"...very well your majesty, but I hope you know what you are doing."

The royals shared a look of concern.

"So do we."


The Friendship Express chugged speedily along the tracks toward the Crystal Empire, the engineer, who had been on duty most of the night, yawned as he watched the sun's rays peek over the horizon, blackest night giving way to a pinkish dawn.

Few ponies rode the rails at this hour, though there were exceptions, six of them were rising from their slumber to prepare for possibly the most important meeting of their lives.

Well, five of them were at least.

"Come on now, get out of bed! We will be arriving at the Crystal Empire any minute," scolded a White Unicorn with a refined voice. Her violet mane and tail were impeccably styled, perfectly made up to accentuate her best features. The three diamond cutie marks on her flank identified her as Rarity, Element of Generosity and fashionista extraordinaire.

"Mmgh...five more minutes, it's not like I need a lot of time to get ready," came a muffled reply from the bed, as it's occupant, a sky blue pegasus with a 'rough and tumble', rainbow mane and tail, worked to bury herself in the warm cocoon of blankets. Her cutie mark was a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt, letting everypony know she was Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, fastest flyer in Equestria and generally awesome pony.

"Leave her be Rarity, when Dash gets like this, there's not much y'all can do," responded the observer to these events in a southern twang. She was an orange pony with a freckled face, blonde mane and tail, both tied off in a 'ponytail'. A Stetson hat sat upon her head and the three apples on her flank told everypony she was a member of the proud, and numerous, Apple Family. This was Applejack, Element of Honesty and farmpony through and through.

Rarity huffed at the farmers observation, as each attempt at getting Rainbow Dash to move was like dealing with her reluctant cat. The pegasus seemed to move, twist and bend in such a way that it was impossible to extract her from the blankets.

"Fine, but she better be presentable when we arrive. I want to make a good impression on these strange, new creatures."

"Trust me Rarity, you're not the only one," said Applejack, referring to another member of their friendship group, Pinkie Pie, a pink pony that had been literally bouncing off the wall with excitement the previous night. The mare in question was a seemingly endless fount of energy and pep, her pink mane and tail perpetually puffed up like a balloon, which was apt as her cutie mark was three of them, two blue and one yellow. She was also a source of both amusement and confusion to anypony she met, seemingly able to pull off feats only seen in cartoons or fantasy, rather appropriate for the Element of Laughter.

For instance, as the farm pony and unicorn peeked apprehensively into her room, they saw that what was once a bedroom, was now covered in paper, party supplies, and even a chalkboard with extensive, celebration themed, calculations scraped all over it. No one really knew how Pinkie Pie even got a hold of all the things she did, but it was always useful to her somehow. The mare in question was currently bouncing on the bed, confetti in her mane and a crayon in her mouth as she drew what looked like hieroglyphs onto the wall.

"Uh, Pinkie, we're gonna be there soon, pretty sure the conductors are going to want this cleaned up," advised Applejack.

"Oh, sorry Applejack, but I'm just so nervouscited about meeting these guys, can you imagine! I get to throw a party for beings from another world! It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!"

She threw her hooves in the air, more confetti shooting from them in a rainbow of colour.

"I'm sure it is darling," replied Rarity, blowing some stray confetti off her nose. "But please remember, these creatures may not go for your brand of eh...entertainment."

"Pish posh Rarity," dismissed Pinkie. "Everypony likes a good party, you just need to find out what type of party they're into. That's why I've been up all night planning!"

"All night?" questioned Applejack. "You sure you're gonna be ready for this?"

"Absolutely," replied Pinkie with a dismissive wave of her hoof. "I've got so much energy right now, I could run a-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."

She abruptly fell flat on her face and began to snore.

"Can't say I didn't see this coming," deadpanned Applejack.

"Perhaps we should tell Twilight about this," suggested Rarity.

"Leave it for now Rarity," advised the farm pony. "Pinkie will be back up again when we need her, plus, Twilight is still a mighty shook up over Flash Sentry."

"Yes, she was quite upset," she replied, soberly. "I didn't even realise they had stayed in touch."

"I think Fluttershys with her at the moment, I saw them both heading to the dining car."

"Let's leave them be for the moment then," concluded Rarity. "Fluttershy can work wonders on other ponies once she gets going."


True to their word, Fluttershy was comforting the last member of their group in the empty dining car.

She was an alicorn, a pony with a unicorn horn, and the wings of a pegasus. Her coat was pale violet, while her mane was a dark blue, with a purple and pink streak running through them. The cutie mark on her flank was a giant purple starburst with five smaller stars surrounding it, denoting her as Princess Twilight Sparkle, Element of magic, Princess of Friendship and personal student to Princess Celestia.

Although, right now she didn't look as regal as the titles suggested, in fact, she looked downright miserable, tears tracked down her muzzle as she wept into Fluttershy's shoulder. A letter was open in the table in front of them, one summoning her and he friends to its aid as it detailed recent events in the Crystal Empire, and the fate of Flash Sentry.

Fluttershy herself was a butter yellow pegasus with a soft pink mane and tail, her cutie mark a set of three pink butterflies, noting her talents in animal care. She was the Element of Kindness, and it was well earned, as she not only cared for her animal friends, but her pony ones as well, having spent last night comforting Twilight as she grieved over the loss of her friend, holding the alicorn tight and occasionally singing lullabies in her soft, angelic voice.

Sniffing, Twilight released her, and the pegasus was quick to hand her a tissue, which she used to loudly blow her nose.

"Feeling better?" she asked, quietly.

"Not *sniff* yet," rasped Twilight, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "But...I should be okay to meet these creatures now. Thanks...for being there for me."

Fluttershy smiled.

"Just remember, we are all here if you need anything, or feel overwhelmed," replied the pegasus, offering Twilight a glass of water.

"I will," sniffled the alicorn, accepting the drink and draining the glass before taking a few, shaking breaths. "Okay, I think I can do this now, let's get ready, we should arrive any minute."

The pair got up from their seats and headed back towards the sleeping car, Twilight using her magic to restore her appearance, though her expression was still downcast. Sliding the door to one side, the pair paused to look into Pinkie's room, the pink pony still snoring away face down on the bed.

"Guess she was up all night," observed Twilight, taking in the drawing and plans all over the walls.

"Indeed she was darling," the two looked up to see Rarity and Applejack trotting towards them. "How are you doing today? You were quite upset."

Twilight sighed.

"I'm...still not good," she admitted. "But I want to meet these creatures, talk to them, and understand why they...did what they did to Flash."

A gentle hoof on her shoulder had Twilight turn to Fluttershy.

"Just remember, if it gets too much, then we can make an excuse for you to leave."

"She's right Twi," supported Applejack, "Might be hard talking to the things that basically killed Flash."

"Applejack!" exclaimed Rarity.

"But it's kinda true," retorted the farmer.

"Girls," interrupted Twilight. "I appreciate you all worrying about me....but I have to do this."

She glanced out of the window, the gleaming spires of the Crystal Empire coming into view as the train chuffed its way around a hillside and through the protective shield, blinding snow instantly giving way to green fields and swaying trees, though the ground near the city was pockmarked marked from the recent battle, crisscrossed with sharp angled trenches, craters and the ominous shapes of siege engines.

"Looks like something from one of my books on the Nightmare Wars," commented the alicorn.

"Hopefully it won't end up like the Nightmare Wars," said Applejack, peering towards the shield edge as she tried to see if their guests had arrived yet.

"No way! I'm sure everypony is going to be super happy to see each other!"


Everypony jumped back in fright as Pinkie Pie materialised beside Applejack, her ever present smile just as wide and as ever. A glance into her room revealed that she had not only moved from the bed to between them in the blink of an eye, but she had somehow restored the room to an immaculate state.

"Pinkie, darling, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" said Rarity, hoof to her chest as she swooned dramatically.

"Nope," replied Pinkie, peppy as ever.

"I heard you guys yell, are we there yet?" All turned to see Rainbow Dash emerge from her room, sleepily rubbing an eye.

"Glad you could join us, Rainbow," teased Applejack.

"Hey, I asked for five minutes from miss prissy pants over there," retorted the pegasus pony.

"And you got it," finished Rarity. "Now, shall we get ready, I can see the station ahead. I would like to make a good impression."


As the train sighed slowly into the station, they were met on the platform by Shining Armour, Cadence and a detachment of the Crystal Guard, led by Diamond Edge.

"Twiley!" exclaimed Shining, embracing his sister.

"Hey, BBBFF," she replied, nuzzling into his shoulder. "Are you okay? You weren't hurt during the fight were you?"

"I'm fine, it takes a lot to keep me down," boasted the stallion, before turning sombre. "I'm sorry about Flash, if I hadn't sent him to get help he might still be alive."

"Maybe," replied Twilight, sadly. "But, please, don't blame yourself. Flash always told me the guard was a dangerous job. I miss him, but if he hadn't gone, I would have lost you and Cadence."

"Still..." mused the stallion. "I'm his commander, I hold some responsibility for what happened."

A pink hoof on his shoulder had them both turn to look at Princess Cadence, the pink Alicorn smiling softly at them both.

"I'll be here for you both when you need it," she reassured.

"My friends said the same thing," said Twilight.

"Hey yeah we did!" came the voice of Rainbow Dash, as she and the rest of the Mane six bowed to the royal pair.

"Indeed," concurred Rarity. "And we extend that courtesy to you both as well."

Shining and Cadence shared a smile, Twilight's friends really are good ponies.

"So, when will we be meeting these creatures?" asked Twilight.

"They sent a messenger...we think."

"You, think?" queried Applejack.

"Well," Shining rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "One of them showed up outside the shield this morning. It opened its mouth and the voice of Sepa, that's the one we spoke to yesterday, came out of it."

He and Cadence shuddered, the wailing message had been like something from a horror movie.

"It's been standing there ever since, just letting snow pile up around itself," finished Cadence. "It's probably buried by now."

"Oh my," quietly exclaimed Fluttershy.

"He must be so cold, I'll make him a sweater!" declared Pinkie, pulling a ball of wool and some knitting needles from her mane.

"Either way, it said they would be here at this morning, so we better get moving," observed Shining Armour. "Diamond Edge."

"Sir!" Saluted the Crystal pony.

"Lead the way please."

"Sir, yes sir!"

With practised precision, the Crystal Guard formed up around their group and they all trotted towards the shields edge, passing out the station and through the Crystal Capital, where a definite air of tension had settled, as nervous ponies ducked indoors or peered out through closed curtains

As they worked a path through the battlefield, the Mane 6 gasped a little at the torn up ground and ruined war engines. All around, the Crystal Guard worked diligently to clear the remains of Sombra's army, they didn't want those coming back to life inside the shield, so every boulder, rock and pebble was crushed to fine powder before being scattered into the howling snowstorm.

A contingent of the Crystal Guard stood sentry by the shield's edge, with them was Sunburst, looking a little bit nervous as he watched the immobile skeleton that stood just outside the protective barrier. True to Cadence's prediction, it was practically buried in the snow, though the cold didn't seem to bother it as it's mouldy robe fluttered in the biting wind, ice glittering off tarnished silver finery.

"Good to have you back, Shining," said Sunburst. "I know it's only one of those things, but still."

"Yeah, it creeps me out as well," agreed the unicorn.

"Fascinating," whispered Twilight, going right up to the shield's edge. "Do you actually feel how cold it is out there, or do you have magical protection?" she asked.

The messenger remained deathly silent.

"Uh, Twilight," said Shining. "We haven't been able to get him to talk either."

"Oh," she responded, in disappointment.

"I'm sure the rest will be happy to talk with you," said Cadence, though she wasn't sure how she'd take talking with the one that basically killed Flash Sentry.

She wouldn't have long to wait, as the messenger suddenly jerked to life, making everypony present jump. Shaking snow and ice from its limbs, the skeleton drew a horn from its robe and, somehow, blew a long, deep note from it.

Announcing the arrival of the King of the Black Legion, and the rulers of Nehekhara!

"Do you think it has lungs somewhere?" queried Twilight. "Or is it just a construct?"

"We're about to find out," replied Cadence, as shapes slowly began to emerge from the storm.

The largest was a titanic, blue stone cat, saddled with a golden howdah that held three more of the skeletal creatures. It padded through the snow with feline grace, as Phar glared regally down from his perch, rictus features barely hiding his disdain of the ponies that stood to greet them. His decayed, golden regalia somehow shimmering as the crown of Numas sat proud upon his brow. As the Necrosphinx dropped to all fours, he leapt to the snowy ground, cloak fluttering in the wind.

Alongside the necrosphinx a pair of chariots rolled forwards, lines of heavily armed Tomb Guard marching between them. Sepa and Rehu rode together in one decorated with the black and silver of his legion, while Hassep road alone in his sleek, racing chariot, their finery managing to gleam despite centuries of rot. Sepa was wearing a long, crimson cloak with silver trimmings, while an ornate crown, one of his fathers, rested on his skull, resembling two serpents, one silver, one gold, circling in an ouroboros. Bracers, cuffs and a breastplate completed the ensemble, with a dark robe covering his wrappings underneath.

Hassep was similarly dressed in the green regalia of Lamia, golden serpents decorated with jade and emerald coiling around his arms and legs. His crown was that of a rearing cobra, its hood fanned wide, poised up from the back of his skull as its jewelled fans gleamed wickedly.

As he and Sepa dismounted, Rehu accepted a hand from one of the skeletal servants to step down after his lords. The lich priests' rotting robes had been swapped for some befitting his status as head of the mortuary cult. Silver clasps held a grey, formal set that might have once been white, and several silver rings clattered on his bony fingers. His vulture had also been cleaned, much to the birds chagrin, and its mummified form remained perched on his staff, unscrupulously studying the assembled ponies.

They stood opposite one another for a moment as the blizzard howled around the Tomb Kings. Then Shining Armour stepped forwards to the shield's edge, bowing to the undead leaders.

"Rulers from afar, we welcome you to the Crystal Empire!" declared the pony prince.

Sepa bowed in response.

"We are grateful for your invitation," he replied. "Please accept a gift in good faith."

Rehu whispered a few words and a cart laden with treasure was wheeled forwards by a pair of undead horses. It hurt Sepa to give up some of Nehekhara's treasure, but if it bought them good favour and access to these lands, and the power within the shield, then it would be worth it.

"Your gesture is appreciated," replied Shining. "Per our invitation, you're free to pass through the shield.

Stepping back from the barrier, the prince returned to his kin, while the Tomb King's guards formed up around their masters.

"After you," mocked Phar, quietly. Sepa scowled as best his frozen features could, before stepping forwards, and through the shield.

The young king felt a sudden wave of calm pass over his tortured soul as his bony feet left snow and landed on soft grass, as if the burden of centuries was briefly lifted and the chains of torment that bound all the Tomb Kings to their bones fell slack for the first time in forever.

He stood stock still for a moment before the sensation passed, as if he was waking from a dream, only to realise he was being stared at by their hosts so he hastily applied some weight to his foot and tested the ground, mentally enjoying the welcome change from the frozen wastelands while also berating himself for the unexpected distraction.

The rest of his guards, Rehu and the other kings following him a moment later, all falling still as the same sensation passed over them, even the mummified vulture wobbled on it perch.

With the parties assembled, Diamond Edge gave the order for the Crystal Guard to fall out, and the group began marching towards the Crystal Empire, the Tomb Kings in their wake.

Author's Note:

I'm baaaaack. :pinkiecrazy: