• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 3,200 Views, 97 Comments

Tomb Kings of Equestria - FleetlordAvatar

Fleeing the fall of Nehekhara, a group of surviving Tomb Kings make a desperate gamble. But will leaving their world truly put them beyond the reach of The Great Necromancer?

  • ...

First Meeting

The battlefield was gravely silent as the victorious Tomb Kings scoured the land for stray souls or the bones of their fallen. These were brought to the Liche Priests, who wove their magic to re-knit limbs, and rebind the spirits of their fallen. Unfortunately, this wasn't always possible, as Sombra’s Golems had managed to shatter nearly a third of their forces beyond repair, leaving many restless spirits without a body. Thankfully, they could be bound into one of the repaired constructs or returned to the Caskets of Souls.

Outside the shield that protected the Crystal Empire, and surrounded by Tomb Guard of the Black Legion, Sepa, Hassep, Phar, Rehu and Flash Sentry stood facing a cautious Shining Armour, Princess Cadence, Sunburst, Diamond Edge and the Crystal Guard. The eyes of the white unicorn stallion and his wife were locked onto Flash Sentry's reanimated form.

The Pegasus was looking worse that when he had been discovered, his fur was matted and greasy and the flesh beneath had rapidly necrosed. Glassy eyes were now deeply sunken into their sockets as his skull protruded through rotting skin. Feathers fell to the snowy ground from useless wings as he stepped forwards, puffing out what remained of his chest, and saluted.

"Your highness's,” he said, voice hoarse and rasping. “Reporting with reinforcements as ordered."

Shining Armour gasped at the sight of his former soldier, completely at a loss for words.

His wife however, was not.

"What did you do to him?" questioned the fuming Alicorn.

"We found his body in a frozen forest," stated Rehu, shuffling forwards. “I raised him from the dead and he led us here.”

Examining the ruined body of the undead pegasus, he passed his staff over Flash several times and muttered an incantation.

"The resurrection was rushed and imperfect," rasped the Liche priest. "His body is collapsing, eventually he will crumble to dust and his spirit will be lost, unless he is released.".

"How?" The question came from Sunburst, who nervously made his way to the side of the pink princess. “The magic was forgotten, it’s impossible to raise the dead!"

"For you perhaps, but not for a Liche Priest of Nehekhara, though it must be precise, or the result is what stands before you."

Sunburst was stunned, Neighcromancy was a lost branch of magic, it’s practice banned and all knowledge carefully, and deliberately, erased from Equestria’s history by the princesses. Those that tried to recreate the power, either failed with no result, or created something truly horrific instead.

The revelation did not impress Diamond Edge, who glared angrily at the undead kings.

"You saved us from Sombra, that's the only reason I'm not ordering my men to attack you for defiling the remains of a member of the Crystal Guard!" he roared.

"As if you creatures could fight us," scoffed Phar, folding his boney arms. "You all look like something from a child's fantasy."

Diamond Edge growled and took a step forward, only for Shining Armour to hold him back with an outstretched hoof.

"Can you release Flash Sentry," questioned the white unicorn. "Please, I'd rather not have to fight another enemy today."

"Nor would we," replied Rehu. "However, I cannot release him, only his commanding officer can do that."

Shining Armour swallowed nervously, he was Flash’s commanding officer. The unicorn watched as the pegasus was directed to the shield's edge, though he wouldn't be able to pass through it, a precaution they had taken in case the Tomb KIngs had been hostile.

"Flash?" he stated, as the undead pegasus turned its attention to him.

"Sir," he replied. "Am I dismissed?"

"Y-yes…” Shining managed to stammer out. “Yes you're dismissed."

Nodding to his commander one last time, Flash Sentry stood at ease, eyelids falling as his decayed legs crumpled and he fell sideways into the snow, a fine mist escaping his lips, and he finally passed from the world of the living.

Shining had to resist the urge to vomit, he had seen ponies die before, it was part of being in the army, but he had never seen anything like this, it was...unnatural.

"I had bound his soul through his sense of loyalty and duty,” stated Rehu. “You have released him from his orders and thus, duty is fulfilled."

"If only it were that easy for the rest of us," muttered Hassep, lightly fingering the canopic jar on his belt.

Eager to move swiftly on, Shining Armour turned to face the assembled Tomb Kings.

"Let's start over. I'm Shining Armour, Prince of the Crystal Empire," he gestured to the other ponies in his group. "This is my lovely wife, Princess Cadence, Sunburst, our Crystaller, and Diamond Edge, commander of the Crystal Guard."

"I am Pr-King Sepa of The Black Legion of Nehekhara," replied Sepa, stepping forwards. "These are my fellow kings, Phar and Hassep. The one who you’ve been speaking with is Rehu, head of the Mortuary Cult."

Hassep and Rehu bowed to the assembled ponies, Phar however continued to scoff.

"We've come to your world through an ancient portal," continued Sepa, “Fleeing an enemy we could not defeat."

Sepa then fell to his knees, and prostrated himself before the assembled ponies, Phar inwardly seething, his remaining teeth grinding together as he fought to contain an enraged outburst.

"I formally request sanctuary," continued the Tomb King. "We have fled our world so we may be free of the ancient evil that has destroyed, cursed and enslaved us, so that even death was no escape. So I beg once again, please give us sanctuary."

"Uhh...pardon?" questioned a confused Shining Armour.

Rehu inwardly smiled, the prince remembered his fathers lessons on diplomatic greetings, even if the delivery was overdramatic.

"We will...need time to consider your request," stated Princess Cadence, stepping up to aid her husband. "Return tomorrow and we shall perform a more official discussion. However, I insist that you only bring a small party, you have saved us, but that doesn't mean trust you completely."

"A fair term," replied Sepa. "We will return tomorrow morning, I look forward to meeting with you."

Rising to his bony feet, King Sepa turned and headed out to rejoin his army, the other leaders following shortly, though Phar gave the assembled ponies an icy glare.

"Well..." stated Shining Armour. "I guess we are having guests"


In a fossilised woodland, gleaming with icicles and thick with snow drifts, the Tomb Kings made camp and took stock. They had lost one of the titans, nearly a third of their chariots and infantry as well as a tomb scorpion and several more smaller constructs. Those were not a big problem, provided they could recover enough of them to make repairs, but the titan meant their overall combat strength was severely affected.

Inside what had been his fathers tent, Sepa was attended to by Rehu and a pair of skeletal servants. The former prince was laid out on an embalming slab, hieroglyphs etched into the black marble gently glowed, as Rehu chanted in a low voice, passing his staff over the King's body, reknitting his damaged bones and reinvigorating his spirit.

Sepa laid as still as the corpse he resembled, the glowing fires in his eye sockets the only indication he was conscious. With reverence and delicacy, the attendants removed his ruined robes and tarnished finery, slowly flexing his mummified limbs and reverently massaging the remains of his leathery flesh with sweet smelling oils of embalming.

"This feels wrong," he muttered.

"I can have the servants try a different oil if you wish,” replied Rehu

"Not this," he replied, weary at the priest's attempted humour.

Rehu paused in his spellcasting and dismissed the two servants with a wave of his hand. The prince sat up on the slab, nudity wasn’t really a problem for the dead, anything they could have been embarrassed about typically withered or fell off.

"He would be proud of what you've done so far, of how you led us."

"I'm a general, not a diplomat," he declared, looking his friend in the eye sockets. "Although I'm doubting even that given my recent performance.”

"Don't doubt that in which you have great skill," reassured the Liche priest. "Apply it at tomorrow's meeting."

"They are not enemies on a battlefield-"

"No?" he interrupted. "The battlefield is the meeting, you fight with words and promises, only here you can both walk away and even compromise as part of strategy. You each want something and work to maneuver the other into a position to strike and gain the advantage. I'm no soldier, but these sound like things one does on a battlefield."

The prince sat in silence as he digested his friend's comparative advice.

"You can do this," Rehu reassured once again. "Your father had his doubts as well, but both of you have something in common."

"What's that?" he asked.

"Me," stated the Liche priest, the edges of his rictus lips creaking upwards into a grimacing smile. "Who do you think tutored your father after all?"

Sepa found his own leathery lips doing the same.

"Thank you, for supporting us both" he said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. “I know I’m not the diplomat my father was, I shall heed your advice and face this as I do enemies on a battlefield.”

"Excellent, but please remember these aren't enemies, you already made a good, if a bit over dramatic, first impression, I’d hate you to ruin it."

The pair laughed a little as the servants returned and Sepa laid back on the slab so they could finish preparations.

Not one of them was aware they had been overhead, as Phar stood from where he had been crouched outside the rear of the tent.

SIlently stalking back into the trees, he weaved his way through the camp, past shuffling Liche Priests and arguing necrotects, through ranks of sleepless undead to his personal tent, and found Hassep waiting for him.

"How is he doing?" asked the King.

"The boy doubts himself and his diplomatic ability," stated Phar, hiding surprise at his fellows presence. "It seems his fathers death has affected him deeply."

"I know how he feels," somberly replied the Tomb King.

"Why are you here Hassep?" Phar sharply snapped. “I don’t particularly want company tonight.”

"Two reasons, the first is to ask if you will be attending the meeting tomorrow."

"Of course," he stated. "I won't be left out of his mewling attempts to gain favour with those creatures."

"In case you forgot, our position here is tenuous,” reminded Hassep, “We have no allies or places to rest and resupply."

"If I had been in charge then we'd already have the Crystal Empire!" roared the King of Numas. "Instead, I had to take orders from a child and his pet wizard! We both served Settra, and this boy is not Settra!"

"You are right, he is not Settra," flatly stated his fellow King. "But he has my support."

"Then you are a traitor," growled Phar.

"We both have different definitions of treason" he rebutted, rubbing his temples as something akin to a headache began inside his skull. “You’ve also answered my second question.”

“On what?” sneered the KIng.

“Where you stand.”

Phar huffed angrily.

"Have there been any late arrivals?" he enquired, changing the subject.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb with me Hassep, I know not all of Lhamia’s soliders left the portal chamber with the army.”

The King was silent, surprised that Phar had even noticed the dozen missing skeletons even before the battle.

“...I left a few men to gather the portal shards, and a Liche Priest to destroy them.”

"Good,” stated Phar, which further surprised Hassep. “As much as I'd like to wring Nagash's neck, I've been...considering some things."

"Such as?"

"I'm still adamant we return to take vengeance, but the childs’ father was right, if Nagash can take our souls, usurp our magic, then we will never be able to take vengeance! We need protection, and I’ll bet The Crystal Heart is exactly what we need!”


There was an undercurrent of fear and apprehension as servants, guards and Crystal ponies galloped hither and thither to clean and decorate at a record pace for tomorrow's meeting.

Cadence was doing her best to supervise, directing ponies from a long scroll of tasks held in her magic, when Shining Armour entered the throne room.

"I got a reply from Twily, she and her friends will be on the first train early tomorrow."

"That's good, I feel better knowing they will be here,” she sighed. “You know rumours are already circulating."

"I'm not surprised," he replied. "They made a very dramatic entrance, and that's not even mentioning Flash Sentry..."

He trailed off, recalling the image of the decaying pegasus. His body now lay in the castle morgue, magically preserved until Twilight could examine it. However, her brother worried about how she might have reacted to the news of Flash Sentry’s death. The pegasus had briefly dated the purple alicorn, but ultimately they realised there was no romantic connection and amicably separated, though remained friends, even exchanging letters.

"Sir!" came a crisp, disciplined voice as Diamond Edge trotted up to the royal pair, beside him was Sunburst, the unicorn still looking a little disheveled from the battle..

"Diamond, what do you have for me?"

"I've organised additional security and will have undercover guards posted throughout the castle."

"I've also boosted the magical wards and defenses around the castle and Crystal Heart," continued Sunburst. "But I honestly don't know if it will work against these things, Neighcromancy is forgotten magic for a reason."

"We can only do our best, with Twilight and her friends coming, we should have all our bases covered," replied Cadence. "Sunburst, I'd like you to look after Flurry Heart during the meeting, I don't want her to be near these creatures until we know their motivations."

"Of course princess," he replied with a bow.

"I would like to say now that I think this is a terrible idea," stated Diamond Edge. "They've proven they can be dangerous and just inviting them into the Empire could make things worse, especially as we are still repairing damage left by Sombra."

"I'm aware of that," replied Shining Armour. "But the damage is minimal, thanks to the shield, and will be repaired by morning. Also, we should consider that their leader begged us for sanctuary, when he could have waited until both armies were at their weakest and then struck. Instead, they fought and defeated our enemy, taking far more losses than us in the process. We will take precautions, but we can't just turn away some creature in need, especially after such a gesture."

"...very well your majesty, but I hope you know what you are doing."

The royals shared a look of concern.

"So do we."

Author's Note:

Took a while, but here is the next chapter. Meetings begin next time, as the Tomb Kings and Equestrians meet properly! Including the Mane 6!