• Published 11th May 2012
  • 320 Views, 6 Comments

The Shadow of Equestria - Shadow96

A theif has appeared in castle Stonestein. Detective Violet Proof probably won't find out who it is.

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Chapter 2: Of New Days and Afterthought

The day started beautiful. Over the night the rain was gone and there was still a rainbow in the sky. Everyone felt relaxed after they woke up, happy for another day. Nearly everyone. In the town surrounding the castle, in her house, a purple earth pony mare was nervously walking in circles, in her living room. She just got a message that there was another theft last night. It would be the third in this month and the second happening in the castle. At least they probably had a witness this time. She hoped she could get something useful out of the pony this time. The last witness she had was blabbering something about moving shadows and daemon eyes hypnotizing with a stare. It didn't make sense at all.

It was shortly after 5 o'clock when she came back to consciousness. the first thing she saw was a red blur. She tried to stand up, but felt if something was pressing against chest. Then there was a moment of immense pain and she blacked out again. The last she heard was Cuts voice, whispering "Don't worry, everything is going to be ok."

Violet Proof was on her way to castle Stonestein. It was hard to be a detective in Equestria, where the crime rate was probably negative, but she was doing fine with finding lost things. But these cases where something totally different. She hadn't heard of a case of stealing since she was a little mare, and even so, it was only in criminal books she read. Well, she had to say, it was giving her the spice to her life, that she wanted.

Cut Deep was still thinking about what happened last night. After he finished guarding he went back to the kitchen for a aftermidnight snack. He was sure he left cake, and he had hoped it was still there. Instead of the cake, he found Cookie, lying on the floor, unconscious. After trying to wake her up for some time and various tests to see if she is alive, he took her to the doc. The old Whooves told him she was knocked out. He spoke about it with his supervisor and was send to check around the castle if something was wrong.

This moment he got abruptly ripped away from his thoughts. Somepony came into the waiting room. A purple mare. She asked him quickly if this was the way to the unconscious ponies. "Yes, but none is awake yet." She was probably the detective they have hired. "So you work at the caste, don't you? Can you tell me anything you know about yesterday?" Cut asked if she was the detective. After a nod, believing in the honesty of the pony, he began telling about everything, leaving out the kitchen outbreak on his watch. "So after I got to the post I found the guy who was watching after me, knocked out too. And going further I found two more of guard ponies, lying on the ground. After I reported about this to my boss, he took most of our forces to check over the castle. That's when we found out about the theft." "And you called me." The story was finished. They sat in silence, both thinking about what has happened.