• Published 11th Feb 2015
  • 717 Views, 24 Comments

Them Crazy Northerners - Weavers of Dreams

Ditzy Doo (AKA Derpy Hooves) is going have her first family reunion in Ppnyville. Her friends are excited to meet them, but when she seems worried, her friends feel they need answers.

  • ...

Tea for Two with Muffins for You

Saturday mornings were usually times to sleep in and make big breakfasts at the Doo house. But Derpy had been so frantic about the coming in late for work that she forgot what day it was and was halfway to the post office before she realized what day it was. The streets were practically deserted, so no one noticed her in her blue uniform sporting a sheepish smile as she hurried back home.

Her daughters were still asleep, so she shed her uniform and began the makings of a big breakfast. Chopped vegetables, eggs and sliced potatoes with grated cheese and pepper. The perfect hash for weekend breakfast feast. Add orange juice, honey and toast, and all she and to do was wait for the smell to wake up the girls.

Amethyst woke up before Dinky to the smell of the food, and, with a smile on her face, leaped out of bed and stretched before waking Dinky.

"C'mon, wake up sleepyhead," she said in excited voice. "Mom's made breakfast."

"Two more minutes, it'll still be warm," Dinky moaned in protest.

Amethyst was about to something, but then looked at the clock. It was still quite early. But the smell of the food told her it didn't really matter. "Get up Dinky or I'll tell mom you ate the last muffin."

"WHAT?" Dinky shot out of bed and raced out of the room, leaving a half-dazed Amethyst behind.

Amethyst soon raced out after her, laughing all the way. She soon found Derpy as she usually was, sitting on floor in front of the table facing them with her maternal smile and silly eyes. Dinky leapt into Derpy's awaiting hooves, for a Saturday morning hug. Amethyst took the more dignified approach for a hug, not wanting to hurt her mother.

"There's momma's girls," Ditzy Doo chuckled, releasing Amethyst but holding onto Derpy as she spun around to face the table. and set Dinky upon a short box show she could reach her food. "Eat up, and remember, to save room, we're going to Princess Twilight's castle for lunch."

Amethyst dropped a sizable helping of the hash from her magic and her mouth hung open. She stared in disbelief at her mother. "Since when?"

Derpy paused a moment, tapping her chin and then facehoofed. "I didn't tell you, did I?"

Amethyst and Dinky shook there heads in unison.

"Three days ago, the princess invited us over for lunch today. I'm sorry amethyst, Dinky, but momma's been a little busy... and worried."

Amethyst picked up the hash and dropped it on her plate, then wiped up what was left on the table with a napkin. "About what? Making a good impression?"

"Kind of, but not for the princess," Derpy started then sighed, resting her chin on the table. "I think I've left enough of an impression on Ponyville."

"Is this about townhall again?" Dinky asked, looking worried.

"No," Derpy said. "The family reunion is coming up."

Dinky suddenly let out an enthusiastic shriek, making Derpy and Amethyst cover their ears.

"We're going to go see Great Uncle Stone and Uncle Tam, and Grandma and Grandpa and... and... all the others? Yes."

"Why should you be worried about that?" Amethyst asked, taking a big bite of her portion. "I thought you looked forward ot the reunion every year."

"We're not going this year."

Dinky stopped for a moment and let that sink in. Her face suddenly fell and tears weld up in her eyes. "What? But why? Don't you want to see them?"

Amethyst was almost as distraught. Not for the same reasons, but the thought that maybe something had happened. "Why? Did something happen? You didn't lose your job did you?"

"No-no-no," Derpy said quickly, realizing her choice of words. "We're not going anywhere, because it's my year to host the reunion. There coming here."

Dinky wiped the tears from her eyes her smile almost seemed to cut her head in half. "You mean it?"

Derpy nodded.

"Then why are you still sad, mommy?"

Derpy sighed and served herself a portion of the hash. "Because momma doesn't know how she'll pay for it all. Uncle Stone said they would pay for the housing, because their staying three days..."

"THREE DAYS?" Dinky squealed in rapturous delight.

"Ow," Amethyst said as she uncovered her ears. Dinky didn't realize the weight of this situation, but Amethyst did. "I've got some savings, and I can take up a small job."

Derpy smiled at Amethyst's idea. "I don't know if that would matter much. We can reuse holiday decorations, and that field outside of town, but what we really need is... food. You know that the traditional dishes served at these reunions, right Amethyst?"

"I've gone twice already, mom," Amethyst said matter-of-factly. "I know about all hose weird things your family eats."

"It's your family too, Amethyst," Derpy said, a little put out that Amethyst slightly alienated herself. "Blood is thicker than water..."

"...but a name holds an iron grip," Amethyst finished. She gave Derpy a hug.

"I'm so glad I adopted you," Derpy sniffed, her eyes starting to water.

"I'm glad you did too," Amethyst said, her eye watering a little as well.

"And me, and me," Dinky shouted, joining them, getting a couple of good laughs at her enthusiasm.

"Yes, my little muffin, you too. We both love our Amethyst."

"I'm very fond of you both as well," Amethyst said, getting a good chuckle.
* * *
With a packed basket, cleaned fur and combed tails and manes, Derpy and her daughters set out to the castle. Dinky rode on her sister's back and Amethyst kept nose to nose with her mother, who held the basket in her mouth. Amethyst couldn't help but feel a little embraced about what was in the basket.

"Mom, are you sure you need to bring those? I'm sure she'll have some that even better."

Derpy laughed at her daughter's concern. "Et neffer hurths to bay praypared."

"But, won't it be a little insulting?"

Derpy gave her a curious look.

"I mean, you bringing food. She's the host, and a princess, for crying out loud. But your bringing food just in case she doesn't have anything you like."

"I'll eat whaths put en funt a'me," Derpy said, rolling her eyes comically. "I justh wan' somthin' I know I'll like."

Amethyst sighed in defeat. "Okay, I'm sorry."

Derpy draped a wing over her and Dinky, beaming them a smile. "She's the Prwinthess of Friendsthep, sthe'll unnersthand."

When they got to the castle Amethyst levitated Dinky down from her back and looked her over to make sure her mane and tail weren't scuffed up. Then she ran a quick hoof through her own mane and tail and looked at her mother who waited patiently for them to be done before knocking on the door. Amethyst was nervous, to say the least, even though she had met Twilight before, and even had her crash a picnic with her sister. But still...

Spike opened the door and gestured for them to come in, with Twilight standing a short distance back a friendly smile on her face.

"Welcome, Ditzy Doo, Amethyst, and Dinky," she said happily. "Welcome to the castle. Lunch is waiting in the dining, hall if you'll just follow me. Let me take that."

Derpy released the basket into Twilight's magic then gave a polite little bow. "Thank you, Princess Twilight. I brought muffins."

Twilight laughed as she carried the basket and walked along. "Well that wasn't necessary, but thank you all the same, Derpy."

"You're welcome, Princess."

"oh, please, just Twilight," Twilight said with a comic sigh.

The dining hall was huge, with one of those long tables with ten places set close together. Derpy was actually surprised to see the rest of Twilight's close friends already seated and waiting for them. Twilight took a seat at the head of the table and gestured for Derpy to take a seat next to her. That three places at the other end for her daughters and spike. Atop the table were silver pitchers and covered dishes.

"How's it going Derpy?" Pinkie asked enthusiastically, as she reached for one of the covered dishes, only to have her hoof smacked away by Rarity.

"Don't be rude, dear."


"Actually," Twilight said, "since the guests have arrived, I see no reason to wait any longer."

With a wave of her horn, the covers lifted to reveal an assortment of fruits, flowers, breads and muffins of every variety. Derpy gasped in glee at the sight, her eyes settling on the lemon poppy seed muffins, her tongue subconsciously lulling out the side of her mouth.

"Dig in."

Derpy immediately filled her plate with the muffins, and shoving one into her mouth with gusto. Much to the embarrassment of Amethyst, who was worried about how the princess and the elements of harmony would see her mother as she acted this way. But there were no scowling or rude faces on any of them, in fact the few did take notice were smiling laughing.

"Wow, those must pretty good," Rainbow Dash laughed as she grabbed a couple of the same muffins to go along with her bread and bananas. Taking a bite, her eyes lit up and her wings twitched in voluntarily. "Yep. I want one every day."

"Sorry," Pinkie Pie chirped with a smile. "We only serve them every other Wednesday."

"You made these?" Derpy asked before her fourth muffin made it halfway in her mouth.

"Yepperony," the party pony said as she placed a cube of butter atop a piece of bread then slapped a blackberry muffin atop of that and ate it in one bite. "'Wiligh' wan'ed 'o know wha' your *swallows* favorite flavor was, so the Cakes and I baked a whole bunch for today."

"Thank you both," Derpy said with glee.

"Wait a minute," Rainbow Dash said with a scowl on her face. "I go to Sugarcube Corner almost every day, and I've never seen one of these."

"Eep," Derpy cringed at the sight of Rainbow dash, dropping a half-eaten muffin back on her plate. "Sorry, Rainbow Dash."

"Wait. You mean that you...?" Rainbow Dash started with wide eyes. She slumped over with a groan. "It's just like Pinkie at Cider Season."

"Hey, I share with you," Pinkie Pie said indignantly before she stuffed another culinary aberration in her mouth.

Dinky was attempting to follow Pinkie's example, but Amethyst stopped her. "Pinkie's the only pony who could survive eating that, and there's no way you'd survive a heart attack. Oh, Spike, you haven't said much."

Spike paused a moment in thought. "Well, usually no one listens, unless it's relevant to the current situation. I guess I can be little quiet."

"I wouldn't mind if you talked more, I'd listen," Fluttershy said softly smiling as Dinky waved at her. She returned the wave kindly. "You shouldn't be afraid, to let others know what you think... even though I'm not one to talk about that. I'm sorry."

"About what?" Amethyst asked, confused as Fluttershy's... well shyness.

"About talking about something I really know nothing about." Fluttershy seemed to shrink. "I can hardly even say... n-n-no. See?"

"Aaah, don't be so hard on yerself, Fluttershy," Applejack said, patting her wings gently. "Ya'll jes need a little training in assertiveness."

"NO!" Pinkie and Rarity cried, making everypony else jump.


Rarity gave a nervous smile. "W-what we mean is... is that Fluttershy just needs some encouragement and she'll do just fine. R-right, Pinkie?"

Pinkie quickly nodded. "Yes! That's all she needs. Fluttershy just needs encouragement."

"Y-y-yes, just s-some encouragement every n-now and th-then will do just fine," Fluttershy squeaked out the last few words as all eyes turned on her.

"Well if'n you say so," Applejack said with a shrug as she turned back to her meal.

Derpy suddenly remembered she wanted some advice from Applejack about family reunions, but didn't take the time to figure if now was the best time. "Hey, Applejack, you know a lot about family reunions, right?"

Applejack sputtered a bit at the sudden random question. "An' I thought Pinkie Pie was random. Well, what is it you wanna know, Derpy?"

"Oh, is this a bad time?" Derpy asked, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"No, it's jest a li'l random is all," Applejack said as she tried to meet Derpy's eyes. An impossible task.

"Um, well," Derpy began, rubbing her mane delicately. "You see, my family reunion is coming up in just a little while, and it's my year to host it, but I'm just not sure about all the details. I just need some advice and ideas."

"Oh, yer havin' a family reunion of your own?" Applejack's face lit up with a smile. "I jest had one a little while ago."

"I know," Derpy laughed, relieved that Applejack wasn't annoyed with her. "I was passing over your farm all day delivering mail. At first I thought maybe you were having a yard sale, or an auction. But when I saw you playing games and eating together, then destroying the barn, singing a song while rebuilding it, I knew it had to be family over for a visit."

Applejack's cheeks hard turned a bright shade of red. Rainbow Dash snickered then burst into an loud laughing fit with Pinkie Pie. Applejack tried to salvage the situation. "Okay now, that doesn't happen every year, it jest got a little out of hand. It was my first year setting things up, and I really messed it up... and... WILL YOU TWO STOP LAUGHIN' ALREADY?"

After Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash calmed down, Applejack regained her composure some.

"Well, Derpy, we can discuss the finer points later, but lemme jest say don't knitpick everythin', jest let them have their fun and enjoy each other's company. So, how many ponies in yer family any way? Must be at least a hundred that still respond to the family Apple family letters."

Derpy absentmindedly rubbed a muffin against her chin in thought. "Well last year the family charter said three hundred and twelve. But I'm sure some foals have been born since then, and a few marriages as well. Could be nearing four hundred now. Most likely two thirds will be attending the reunion and... and why are you all looking at me like that?"

Applejack's food fell out of her mouth, Rainbow Dash looked frozen solid, Rarity had a look of terror frozen on her face, Spike wasn't paying attention, Amethyst was cringing at the sight of every pony, Dinky was laughing at their expressions, and Pinkie was extatic. Twilight on the other hand looked like all the circuits in her brain had just been fried, frozen and then got beaten with a hammer. Even Fluttershy had a faraway look in her eyes.

"Doesn't every pony have big families?" Derpy asked, lowering her body so that her eyes were just barely above the table.

Pinkie appeared beside Derpy and gave her a cup of tea, then poured herself some.

"Why?" Derpy asked in confusion.

"So the chapter title would make sense, silly," Pinkie laughed.

Author's Note:

And now everypony knows something about Derpy they might never have imagined otherwise.