• Published 11th Feb 2015
  • 717 Views, 24 Comments

Them Crazy Northerners - Weavers of Dreams

Ditzy Doo (AKA Derpy Hooves) is going have her first family reunion in Ppnyville. Her friends are excited to meet them, but when she seems worried, her friends feel they need answers.

  • ...

All the Little Wonders

Derpy put on a brave face for her family, and their guest, her business at The Sparrow had no place for discussion back at home. That was how it had always been, and she never had to tell her daughters about her "delivers" , simply because they figured she just worked late on those days. This day however, she was worried, even though she didn't show it, about Conquest, what that unicorn had said unsettled her to no end. She would die she let him, her daughters, or any foal be used by thugs if she could help it, but she would first take as many crooks down with her even before that.

Under Hoof, arrogant, vain and deeply conceited, making him a very dangerous stallion. But if it meant giving over a foal, she would proudly step over that line and battle it out. She was well aware that running and hiding were legitimate battle strategies, her husband had taught her that, her friend the Doctor had proven it, and she wasn't a stupid pony. A small pegasus mare acting as guardian over three earthbound foals could hardly stand and fight a bunch of brutes. But, again, she would proudly stand as a barricade, fueled by maternal chemicals and love for those under her tender care. Even to the bitterest end.

But these thoughts didn't belong inside her house. She quickly pushed them out before stepping inside. Dinky flew at her with open hoofs for a hug that was readily given. Amethyst was cooking again, and paper gliders of numerous shapes and sizes littered the house.

Derpy laughed at this. "Looks like some little colt was having fun," she called out, hoping Conquest would hear. If he had, he gave no reply, but that was expected. Derpy turned back and nuzzled her little filly with great affection.

"Mommy, you smell funny," Dinky said, wrinkling her nose.

Derpy managed a forced laugh. Knowing the foul stench of The Sparrow probably permeated her coat quite thoroughly. "Just had to deliver some mail to some dirty ponies, Dinky. Some ponies who just can't get clean. Just need a quick shower to wash the stench off."

Tact was the ability to tell a pony to go to Tartarus and make them look forward to the trip, or tell your daughter the truth about visiting a criminal element and making them think you only fell in a puddle. Derpy wasn't a liar, but sometimes she felt her tact was too descriptive all the same.

She put her uniform away took a brief shower with lavender soap to get rid of the smell, and then made sure to leave her dirk within hoofsreach of her bed before heading back out into the dining room. What amethyst had set on the table looked like cereal, smelled like broccoli, but tasted like spaghetti with extra garlic. Despite the deceptiveness, Amethyst's cooking were generally quite good. Although the "Noodle Incident" was still fresh and burning in her memory.

Conquest managed, if a little wobbly, to move himself into the kitchen and actually leap on his box. Derpy clapped her hoofs in approval, eliciting a slight blush from him.

"You're getting stronger, Conquest," Derpy told him confidently with a smile. "Soon I'll be having you run around outside to work off energy. Have your scars been troubling you?"

Conquest looked down at his food and just shook his head before he began to eat. Derpy somehow didn't believe him, but would worry about it after dinner. She turned and ruffled Dinky's mane a little just before starting on her own food.

"I had Roseluck keep an eye on the house today," Amethyst said suddenly in a nervous tone, getting a surprised look from her mother who was no doubt curious as to why. "We were out of ice cream and Dinky really wanted to come along, so I... kind of figured it would just be a few minutes..."

"You left Conquest alone, didn't you?" Derpy asked in an even tone. It was obvious by Amethyst's tone that Roseluck wasn't in the house to watch it, especially since she worked during the day. Just watching a house from the outside was no good.

Amethyst gulped and nodded. She winced when her mother sighed in disappointment.

"I'm not mad," Derpy said flatly. "I trust your judgment, and Roseluck's capability. But, Foal Protection Services, if they ever heard about a colt with disability, namely Heavenly Conquest, being left home alone, there would be trouble. Conquest could wind up under guardianship of the state at a hospital until a place opened elsewhere, and my parenting would be brought into question."

Amethyst felt as though a slap in the face would more appreciated.

"But," Derpy continued with her tone still even, "as I said, I'm not mad, just disappointed. If you had Roseluck in the house, that might be different, but I know that Roseluck is a busy mare." Her tone then changed to a slight quiver. "Please think about this in the future, Amethyst. I don't want my daughters taken from me."

Derpy embraced Dinky to her chest and beckoned Amethyst over into the hug. They remained like that for a minute, Derpy sniffing loudly. When they finally broke, there were couple tears in Amethyst's eyes.

"I'm so sorry mom," she said with a bowed head.

Derpy pointed to Conquest. "You also owe him an apology. You did leave him alone. I know he's quiet and seems to like being alone, but ponies are social creatures. Did you even ask if he wanted to come as well?"

Amethyst shook her head. "I just thought that, since he's autistic and a little weak in the legs that he might not want to."

Derpy turned to Conquest. "Would you have liked to go to the marketplace with Amethyst and Dinky, conquest?"

Conquest stopped eating and looked to the side, avoiding eyes contact.

"Can you look me in the eye, please," Derpy said patiently.

Conquest complied, but still did not answer. He had always found mares unpredictable, scary even at times, especially those in his family. The last thing he wanted to do was get in between two separate mares who appeared to have differing ideas. He had zoned out during most of their conversation until his name was mentioned. He didn't want somepony angry at him.

"Would you have liked to go to the marketplace with Amethyst and Dinky," Derpy asked again with gentle patience.

Conquest lowered his head like a dog expecting punishment. He didn't want any pony mad at him. Derpy almost seemed to read his thoughts.

"No pony's going to be mad at you," Derpy reassured him.

Conquest felt a little more at ease now. He gave a small nod and hurriedly turned back to his food, hoping the conversation would turn towards something else now.

Thank you," Derpy said with a small smile, turning back to Amethyst. "See? Why don't you take him to the park tomorrow? Have a picnic and enjoy the fresh air. For crying out loud, some fresh air and change of scenery would be good for him."

"aaah," Dinky said with a dissatisfactory sound. "But what'll all the other fillies say when they see me hanging out with a colt?"

Derpy and Amethyst gave few giggles at that. Derpy patted her head with a broad smile. "oh, someday you won't mind much, my little muffin. Plus, you'll be grateful to have had a colt to practice being around much later on." She put emphasis on the word "much".

"But he's not even normal," dinky muttered under her breath.

"Ahem," Derpy said firmly, pointing to her own eyes. "Define normal?"

Dinky gulped as she tired to fix what she had said. But her mother put a light hoof on her mouth and shook her head, bidding her be quiet. Dinky complied and went back to eating.

Conquest, though he did not show it, was affected by Dinky's words. His wings were gone along with his right limbs, and plus his mind didn't work like most other ponies', how he must seem like a freak. Perhaps it was a good thing he didn't to the marketplace, maybe he should have shook his head instead of nodding. What must they think of him?

"Oh, I almost forgot," Derpy said, rolling her eyes in self-annoyance at her own forgetfulness. "Pinkie is bringing her friends here for a party for Conquest."

Conquest choked on his food for a moment but managed to get it down and then look at Derpy in shock.

Derpy continued. "It's a Welcome to Ponyville Party just for you, Conquest. So, I want this place spotless at before I get home, since Pinkie never really specified when she'd be around to set it up. But it'll start tomorrow night at some point, and I think some of them are bringing their sisters who are about your age," she nodded at Conquest, "so I suggest you prepare yourself for some attention. They might know of some colts your age, I think some male companions might make you a little more comfortable. You'll definitely impress them with those scars, anyway."

Conqeust was confused now. First a female had made him self-conscious about his missing limbs and feeling like a freak, now a female was telling him that his scars were impressive and that a bunch of other ponies wanted to meet him. Females contradicted each other too much, now he didn't know what to think.

"Mommy, is he broken?" Dinky asked, looking at Conquest's face twist and twitch involuntarily as he lost him self in thought.

Derpy looked at him curiously, not sure what was going on. He didn't appear to be in pain, nor did he appear to be upset. He just looked cute as he did whatever it was he was doing. Colts were weird, but adorable at the same time. A puzzling fact of life, she thought. Why were colts and fillies so different and so equally wonderful at the same time?

"Is mommy broken too?" Dinky turned to Amethyst and asked when her mother's face started to do the same thing.

Amethyst looked between her mother and the colt, continuing their facial aerobics. Why were they doing that? Her mother was silly at times, but this seemed a little odd. And although she had colts doing weird things before, this was beyond anything she could comprehend. What was going on. Did it have anything to do with tomorrow's party?

"I hope it's not contagious," Dinky said to herself with a shiver as she watched her mother, sister and the colt all making the same faces. Why was this happening, what was going on? Was it a disease. The raggedy man in the box sometimes made such faces, but it had never infected anypony else before. She hoped it wasn't deadly. Maybe it was the food. Oh dear, what if it was permanent? She could never show her face in public again.

And so, all four diners remained in silence, grateful later on that the curtains were closed. The Doo family and the colt decided afterwards to never bring up the Dinner Dilemma ever again. Yes, they had called it the Dinner Dilemma, and since it now had a name, it would never be forgotten.
* * *
Derpy yawned as she sat on the edge of her bed, setting her alarm clock lethargically. It had been a day of mental and physical exhaustion. Under Hoof, a party to prepare for, work, getting lost in thought as if it was a virus, and general worry. A mother's job was tiring.

She remained seated on the bed as she looked again at her husband's photo, speaking softly to him. "Just another day, dear, the girls are doing nicely, though I got a little disappointed with Amethyst today. She left Conquest, you know, the colt I'm caring for until a new place opens for him, she left him alone at home. Now, I understand she asked Roseluck to watch the house, but... Foal Protection Services are not so lenient, and I don't want my parenting brought into question. If I were to lose our two girls... I don't know what I would do."

She sniffed a bit and rubbed some sleep from her eyes with a big yawn. "As for Conquest, I wish you were here to see him. I've told you about him before, but, he's so shy, adorable and resilient. He's only been here a little while, and yet he's gotten so strong on his two legs. Dinky has yet to warm up to him, silly filly, and Amethyst seems like she's acting the part of a big sister to him. I think Dinky and Amethyst could really use a brother... but being a mailmare doesn't allow much in the way of money. I hope that, when a spot does open for him elsewhere, that he'll be quickly adopted by a good family that'll teach him to be strong and courageous. The world needs more pleasant ponies, wise mares, strong stallions, lovers and dreamers. But I'm ranting, I'll talk to you again tomorrow night. I still love you so much, my warrior."

Derpy slid a hoof over the picture frame and then crawled under her covers, quickly drifting off to sleep. Barely two minutes later and a sound filled her bedroom that she knew all too well, waking her in an instant and making her look over the foot of her bed with a happy smile on her face.

She was eternally grateful that the Doctor had, somehow, made her room soundproof, or this would have woken up not only the foals, but her neighbors as well. The blue box slowly faded in and out until it was a solid manifestation. She waited, smiling in her bed, until the Doctor strode out with that goofy smile on his face and excitement bursting from his eyes.

"Hello, Ditzy, been too long, you look like you need an adventure," he said slyly, gesturing towards the inside of the TARDIS with comical wave of a hoof. "Will you honor me, Mrs. Doo?"

Derpy practically flew out of the bed and into the Doctor's chest, knocking him back inside with a chuckle. They got up laughing as the doors shut themselves and then rushed to the controls like two foals at recess.

"Where are we going this time, Doc?" Derpy asked, watching as he masterfully threw random switches and pressed buttons. She figured have of them didn't even work, he just liked pressing them. His tan coat and unkempt mane made her imagine danger and excitement, although he was sure to keep her away from most of that since she was a mother.

He looked up with a broad grin as he threw a final switch and the noisy engine started up again. "Somewhere you've never been before, sure, I know, I've taken you allover the universe, but never where we're going now. I've only seen it a couple of time myself. You'll never believe it."

Derpy brimmed with excitement, hurrying to the doors as the engines died down again. "Ooooh, just tell me already. Why must you torment me?"

The doctor patted his controls fondly for a moment before rushing over beside her and throwing open the doors. "Welcome to planet 2897, silly name don't you think? Why not Larry? On the outer regions of the Empire of Harmony."

Derpy gasped at what she saw. Architectural wonders pierced a golden sky watched over by a triangular green sun surrounded by pink and blue stars. The magnificent structures were covered in glorious depictions of ponies and alien beings she had never before seen. In front of the TARDIS was a metal statue of Celestia, Luna and Discord, entitled at the bottom: Emperor Discord, Empress Mother Celestia, and Empress Sister Luna.

The three figures were garbed in beautiful armors, though Discord's was obviously a little chaotic, standing strong and resolute, seeming to peer into the very soul of whomever looked into their eyes. A fountain surrounded the statue, with smaller statues of foals and alien children playing together with the three immortals seeming to dare anyone to try and touch them. Levitating above the status were a series of rings rotating within larger rings.

Derpy could only stop and stare, in complete and utter awe of the seemingly impossible world. Ponies and aliens walked by calmly, seeing it everyday, not truly grasping how utterly incredible their world was in comparison to the one Derpy had just left behind. Metal machines moved along the streets, some even flying overhead, but it was, in the end, all ordinary and dull to those of the future.

"Stay close, Ditzy," the Doctor cautioned her. "It'll be easy to get lost, and in a city this big, you never know what might..."

"Halt right there," a loud voice suddenly boomed out from the crowd. Everyone within hearing distance immediately froze and turned to see who had spoken. A gasp issued through the crowd and they parted way to let someone through.

A clear path opened right towards the TARDIS and it's travelers. The Doctor and Ditzy watched as a diamond dog in a regal blue and white military uniform approached them, flanked by two squads of mixed race soldiers in red armor that covered their entire bodies. They approached the uneasy pair with calm, confident steps.

"You said this wouldn't be dangerous," Derpy whispered in irritation to the Doctor.

"Stay calm, Ditzy," he replied coolly. "We don't know what they want, for all we know, they want us to..."

"Save the entire Empire of Harmony," the diamond dog said calmly to finish the Doctor's sentence.

"...Yes, thank you, save the entire Empire of Harmony-wait what?"

Now both Ditzy and the Doctor were confused and nervous. This was definitely something someone did not just blurt out and say to complete strangers.

"I-I think you have the wrong ponies," Derpy said with a nervous smile.

"Yeah, I mean, sure we may look the part," the Doctor began with a dramatic sweep of his hoof, "and sure I've saved hundreds of empires and worlds before, but surely you must be mistaking us for..."

"Ditzy Doo, from the capital planet of Equestria," the diamond dog read off from a document that almost seemed to materialize into his paws, "and the Doctor, from the extra-dimensional world of Gallifrey, captain of the TARDIS. I do believe these are you two. Now, if there are no more questions, I will take you to Command to be briefed on your mission."

"Captain?" the Doctor asked himself, liking the sound of that. "Well then, what are we waiting for?"

"And it all goes to his head," Derpy said with a roll of her eyes. Sometimes he could be so full of it.
* * *
Command was as it was so bluntly put, was a massive pyramid of and unknown orange material in the city's center, rising to pierce the sky. Thousands of vigilant honor guards in black-and-silver stood at attention inside and out, while thousands more standard soldiers patrolled the area around it and set up checkpoints that the doctor and Ditzy had to pass through before so much as touching the first steps of the pyramid. Thankfully they had elevators or it might have taken them hours to reach the summit.

Derpy had to be led around by the hoof as she was hardly paying attention to anything more than amazing sights that flooded her vision. Tapestries, paintings, golden statues, relief carvings in the walls themselves, magical lights on the ceiling, and marble floors covered in a carpet of the deepest red. Then there were the honor guards, who were actually bowing to them as they passed. Why couldn't they have come here sooner?

Soon they reached a pair of gigantic wooden doors with images of Celestia and Luna carved respectfully into each one. The guards at the doors hurried to open them and let them into a most magnificent throne room. The floor was a collage of precious stones and metals made into what could best be described as a mathematical map of the universe, rimmed with smiling aliens and ponies. But directly ahead of them were the most magnificent sights.

Sitting upon thrones or purple cushions Luna and Celestia, Celestia sharing one with a serious-looking Discord. Luna appeared to have lost a leg, now replaced with one of etched metal and jewels befitting of her nightly rule. Around the throne were a score of guards, standing between any visitors and their rulers.

"Stand aside, let our guests approach the thrones," Luna said as soon as she spotted Derpy and the Doctor, giving them a welcoming smile. The guards reacted as one to their empress's orders.

Ditzy was the first to move, not wanting to miss a chance to stand before the princesses in person. No, empresses, they were empresses now. She climbed the steps up to the thrones and bowed low, soon followed by the Doctor. A chuckling from the thrones made them look up. The empresses were shaking their heads in good humor.

"It appears we've forgotten," Celestia began her tone heavy with mirth, "this is the first time either of our dear friends have met us in the Empire of Harmony."

Discord guffawed loudly and ran his eagle talon through Celestia's mane. "Well then, my dearest Celestia, why don't we take them to the dining hall so that they can get more comfortable while you explain it to them?"

"An excellent idea," Celestia said giving a playful nuzzle to Discord, eliciting a groan of annoyance from Luna.

Author's Note:

Okay, we took a chance here, don't worry it'll just extend into the next chapter then we'll be back to present time Equestria. We just felt the need for a waltz in time with the Doctor, and why not throw in some Warhammer to boot? :pinkiecrazy:
We apologize if this isn't your thing, but hope you don't get too mad. Just testing the waters to see if possible time traveling and immortal Empresses and possible shipping were acceptable to the crowd.
We beg your indulgence in this. :twilightblush: