• Published 24th Feb 2015
  • 227 Views, 4 Comments

Stranded - EndyTheDragoon

When ponies start vanishing, one mare decides to investigate.

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Chapter 1: It Begins

Rainy, again? It's the second time this week for rain, it's probably a coincidence. I mean the mayor said that the Weather ponies had a week off, not too big a deal right? I thought to myself, But maybe not, the Mayor has been kind of shifty lately. I'm probably just over thinking it again, but I will go talk to the Mayor today. Mental to do list; Talk to Mayor.

I got up and put my scarf back on, it was a nice scarf, simple but warm. Looking in the mirror, I saw my grey earth pony self, white back with darker grey flecks. My own flame like eyes were keeping me enchanted as I stared. THUD the sudden noise of the wind against my windows snapped me away from my own eyes.

"Okay Cotton. Just go ask the Mayor, get some answers and then be on your way." I told myself, as if I was confirming what I was doing.
I stood next to the door thinking over what I was doing, I kept think that I was just over thinking it again. No, I made my mind up, i'm going to ask him. Opening the door was challenge in it's self, the wind was strong, it was cold and rainy. Not normal, most of the time there's at least one or two weather ponies to take care of this stuff anyways. But some wind and rain isn't gonna stop me from getting answers, walking against the wind up this stupid hill was so tiring.

By the time I reached the door I was exhausted, my arms felt like lead when I knocked. The small thunks of my knocks felt unheard and too quiet. It was cold, and windy. I was tired... so tired... I felt like an ice cube. I began drifting in and out of sleep.. Yes, sleep is nice.. warm in my bed.. at home.

I slowly pried my eyes open, I was warm. I had a blanket on me, it was heavy and thick, warm too. I began to look around from my position on a couch. I was in a large house, a very large house in fact. Then the thought hit me in the head like a brick, the Mayor might have found me on his door step and brought me inside away from the cold. I smiled at the thought, he must of also given me this blanket. I felt around my neck and frowned. They took my scarf.

"Hello? Is anypony else here?" I called out, hearing my voice bouncing around.

"Ah yes! One moment please!" a different voice called out from the halls.

At least I wasn't alone here, and I guess that would be the mayor too. When I heard steps coming towards me, I turned towards the sound awake and alert.

"Ah yes, hello! I am Mayor Ridewald. It's nice to meet you Mrs.?" He asked. He was a unicorn, like most ponies here in town, a light purple shade wearing a black bowtie.

"Oh sorry where are my manners. Cotton Pin. Resident of the town for a year or two." I stood up putting out my hoof for him to shake. Thankfully he took it and shook it still smiling as if his life depended on it.

"So how may I help you Miss Pin?" He asked me, smiling away like nothing was wrong.

"Oh, I just came to ask about, the Weather Ponies and where they've been." I said. At this he opened his eyes and stared at me like I was an alien.

" Uhm... Mayor? Are.. you okay?" I asked waving my hoof in front of him. He blinked and excused himself for a minute. He walked over to a phone a little ways away, so I couldn't hear him. The entire time he was on the phone he kept looking back me.

No, not me. My eyes. I've always known that my eyes are strange but most people just avoid my eyes, not stare at them. This was.. weird. When he got off the phone he asked me to stay where I was. While he was backing away he kept eye contact with me, it was very strange.

Why is he keeping eye contact? This is very very weird.. I should probably just leave. But he asked me to stay where I am. And I mean i'm warm and cozy, though I wish I had my scarf. But then why do I have this persistent chill? My thoughts were just going a million miles per hour.

When the Mayor finally came back he had two unicorns with him, they had uniforms on. Not one that I see often in the town, they were more like.. Guard uniforms.

"I'm very sorry about this Miss Pin. But if you haven't noticed a pattern than, i'm very sorry because you never will." The Mayor said with a voice unlike what I heard earlier. It was dead pan and fear installing.

"Mayor.. I don't quite understand.." I said as I slowly got up. I started to analyze the situation I was in. Two bulky unicorn guards, the Mayor who was quite lacking in the muscle department, and a very wide hallway. I could try to take on the guards an run out, or just try to avoid them. I'll keep the second one in mind for backup plans.

"Well, you see Miss Pin. The reason there are no Weather Ponies is because simply. There are no longer any Pegasus in the town." He said this with a grin.

"W-what do you mean?" I was starting to assess the guards more carefully now. The one on the left, his mane was in his eyes. The one on the right, he was my neighbor. He ran a stall in the market place like I did, but he was weaker then me. I pulled my own cart no problem, he had a few problems with his. But he was a strong unicorn with magic, uh oh.

"Simple Miss Pin. They are no longer on the continent we are on." He nodded his head the unicorn on the left.

"Did they move?" I thought as fast as I could about the approaching guard, but I stopped moving. "Did you.. kill them?"

"Oh no no no, much to simple and too much trouble if I were to be found out. No, they are on an island a few hundred miles away." He said calmly.

"Then why are you telling me this?" I'd finally run into the wall. It was fight or flight now.

"Because you won't be around to tell anyone. I'm so very close to my goal of a perfect town. And i'm not going to let some Earth pony ruin it." He said demoting to a growl at the very end.

The guard was basically on me now, and I kicked at his legs knocking him down. Perfect, next guard. Wait, why can't I move?! I started to panic. I strained every muscle in me trying to move my body or head. Nothing, just wasting useful energy.

"I'm very sorry Miss Pin, but you're to," He walked up to me his snout touching my grimacing face, "different." He smiled a sick smile at me.

In all of the places I had been, no one had ever been so rude. The only time I had been made fun of was when I was a filly.


"Looks girls! It's the storm cloud! Look at her, she's so boring!" They all started laughing.

"I'm not boring.." I said.

"Oh yeah Storm cloud? Prove it!" They mocked me in every way possible.

"Okay then, look at my eyes!" I said walking up to them.

"Oh wow, nice eyes freak!" They began laughing again, walking away to leave me in my sadness.

"Are my eyes really that weird?" I said sniffling.


"Some pony else will notice Ridewald! Other will come asking about it!" I shouted as my magic captor kept me suspended in the air, while the other guard came to my face with a bag.

"Oh I don't think they will Miss Pin," He said his voice getting more distant,"Have fun on your vacation."
The rest was a black blur.

Author's Note:

Woo! First chapter & first story! Sorry about any grammatical errors in the story! I'm not the greatest writer :twilightsheepish: