• Published 24th Feb 2015
  • 227 Views, 4 Comments

Stranded - EndyTheDragoon

When ponies start vanishing, one mare decides to investigate.

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Chapter 2: Lighting Bow

"Wake up! Can you hear me? Please wake up!"

Where am I? It's warm. I- I was falling. I hear something? No, i'm still falling! Falling, Falling, FALLING.

"Wake up! someone go get Lightning! Ma'm wake up!"

Falling, falling, falling, only falling. I'm going to hit the ground. No, what happened to me? Mayor.. something about the Mayor. Weather. Cold. It had been cold. It- i'm warm.

"Perry, what's going on? Who's this?"

"We-we don't know Lightning. She fell from the sky"

Voices. I hear ponies. I'm falling, falling. They must be falling. We're all dying, slowly falling-

"Ma'm wake up!" Pain. What happened? I feel pain. I'm in danger, i'm being attacked. Wake up Cotton!

My eyes opened to bright, blinding lights. My lungs, air I needed to breathe. I can't. Coughing, I felt something come up. Water, it burned. Salt water?

"Ma'm are you okay?" I couldn't see the ponies speaking to me. It was a deep voice, they were concerned. I tried to open my eyes, but it burned to open them. A shadow fell on my eyes, and I tried again. I could see.

"Ma'm can you speak?" He asked. He was dark grey, with a dark blue mane, and blue hooves? He also had green eyes. He looked like an earth pony, but he was about the same height as me.

"I said, can you speak?" He asked again. He was looking right at me, we were in a tree line.

"y-y-yes," my voice sounded wrong in my thought.

His eyes softened, "Good, would you like some water?"

I nodded my head to tired to speak again. He walked off slightly to talk to a pony, they nodded and he walked back over to me.
"Can you remember what happened before you got here?" He asked searching my face for a reaction. I thought back to before I woke here.


"LET GO OF ME!" I shouted, I couldn't see anything. I had woken up again. We were moving, I felt vibrations. Along with loud engines, I racked my brain for possible answers.

"Sorry Cotton. Boss's orders." Someone said next to me. I was starting to panic, I can't see and I have no idea where I am.

"Where," Panic stopped my question, I tried again,"Where are we?"

"On a plane Cotton. And i'm very sorry about this, I had hopped he wouldn't notice you." The pony said next to me.

"Wha-" I couldn't finish.

Falling. I was falling. I could see, I looked below me. Ocean, aim for water. No, aim for land. There was a island near by. Land in the bay. I couldn't steer, I was to panicked. I made no sound, a simple splash in a field of splashes and waves. I was under the water, I must get my head above water. SWIM. Swim, I was frozen. I was still falling. I was picked up by the waves, I got air and started to swim. It was cold again, I couldn't fall asleep I would drown. Swim Cotton swim! I saw trees, my vision was starting to blur. SWIM. Sand, I felt it. I climbed away from the waves. Sleep was starting to engulf me, and I let it.


"I-I was on a plan of some sort. They dropped me. I-I was falling... I fell into the ocean. I was cold. Again." I closed my eyes trying to remember anything before that, "I wish I had my scarf.."

"Scarf? We found something tangled in your mane when we found you on the beach. Would you like to see if it's your scarf?" He asked. I nodded. I wanted comfort of home, I wanted to be home.

"Can someone go get her scarf please?" He yelled.

"Thank you.. for the scarf and saving me. I would of died from a heat stroke just sleeping there." I said starting to drift off again. He was looking the other way waiting for someone.

"No problem," He looked back at me and lifted up my head in his hoof,"Ohh no you don't!" He gently tapped my cheek. I woke up again feeling pain in the cheek he was tapping. I pushed myself away from him.

"ow, what- why?" I said gently rubbing my cheek.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I may or may not have slapped you so you would wake up." He shrugged, "Adrenaline does the trick most of the time."

I stared blankly at him. He woke me up sure, but he also slapped me. I was certainly awake now.

"Oh look here comes Perry with your scarf!" He said changing the subject. Perry walked over and handed it to me, it was my scarf. It was stiff with salt.

"Thank you." I smiled at him. He was an orange earth pony, a fairly tall one too. He had a curly mane and grey eyes.

"No problem." He said, I recognized his voice. He was the first voice. I remember it.

"Thank you.." I said again staring at him.

"You're welcome?" He said confused.

"You were the one who found me weren't you?" I asked.

"Uhm yes, actually. How did you know?" He looked at me like I was an alien. It was probably my eyes.

"You were the voice I heard. You were quiet but I heard you." I said. He just stared at me. Again not me, my eyes. It was always my eyes. I looked at my scarf and he shuffled off awkwardly.

"So. That was Perry?" I asked the colt sitting with me.

"Yes, he's second in command here." He said.

"And you are?" I asked the colt.

"Lighting. Lighting Bow." He said, "And you are?"

"Cotton. Cotton Pin." I said smiling.

"Well Cotton Pin, would you like a tour of our little community?" He said holding out his hoof, as if asking for a dance.

"Why yes, Lighting Bow." I said taking his hoof.