• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 2,435 Views, 29 Comments

Elements of Terra - Skillet3479

After having a fallout with Twilight, Spike enters the world of dragon culture, meeting new friends along the way. However a threat looms over that threatens his new home and Equestria alike. Spinoff of "The Rise of Spike the Dragon"

  • ...

Inside the Walls

Disclaimer: I definitely don't own MLP. If I did then…funny disclaimer joke.

It was a cloudy and drizzly day in the walls of the Rebellion. The country lay in three walls with different Dragons laying further inside, away from their enemies. It lay to the southeast of its neighoring country, a small circle about the size of the badlands north of it. And in the outermost wall lay a barely adolescent dragon, sleeping under a willow tree.

Spike awoke to a tiny amount of raindrops falling on his face. But to his surprise, they stung badly like they were scalding him, which he found odd as this had never previously happened to him back in Equestria. After a few seconds of running he took shelter under a tree.

He remained curious as to why this happened out of nowhere but then remembered what had changed him last night "I guess my element has made me allergic to rain! Hope this doesn't qualify for all types of water, or I'll smell like a pile of fertilizer in a couple of days!"

"Umm little boy, why are you outside in this weather?" said a female voice from behind which startled him slightly. He jumped a bit from where he stood sticking his hand into the stinging water, resulting in him quickly drawing it back from the pain. He looked up to see a dragoness who had silver and gold scales, chocolate brown eyes, and was a fully grown adolescent as opposed to Spike who was just barely a teenager. The yellow spines that acted as her hair were back length, and fit her scaled face rather perfectly.

"You really shouldn't be playing out here in this weather little one" she said in a gentle voice. Despite this Spike was slightly irritated at her calling him a "little boy" and said. "I'm actually not a little boy. Starting yesterday I'm thirteen!"

"Oh, sorry about that. You must not have through the Zhēng Zhâng yet like most other dragons our age have. My name's Lux. And yours is?" She politely asked.

"Spike, my name's Spike. I'm not exactly from around here, so do you mind showing me around?"

Lux looked a little worried once he said he wasn't from around here due to where new visitors usually came from, but she banished the thought and answered "Of course, I don't mind. After all interaction with your own species of dragon stimulates the Zhēng Zhâng."

With that the two young dragons began walking through the streets of the town, but not before Spike grabbed a leaf from the palm that was sheltering him, to form a makeshift umbrella from the painful rain.

What Spike noticed most about the buildings were the red shades and roofs that curved inwards to a point. Signs on the buildings had characters Spike had never seen before, but as he passed they rearranged themselves to reveal the alphabet Spike knew. He assumed it was another side affect of connecting with his element.

He snapped back to attention when a previously unheard term had locked itself within his mind. Zhēng Zhâng, a phrase that was foreign to him, but somehow he deciphered it to where he could tell it meant a dragon's final growth into their adult form. Spike decided to focus his mind on something else.

"So Lux, do you have any friends in this place?" Spike asked nervously.

"I'm afraid I only have one, Glamour. My father was killed during the Siege of Hikari and my mother was killed during Sarric raids a few centuries back , so she's the only one who I know who's egg was old enough make a connection with. In fact I was raised by her father from hatching.It's actually a bit funny since we're so different from each other. So did you have any friends back from where you came."

Spike stopped dead in his tracks once she said that and everything slowed to a silence, leaving only the drizzling sounds of rain. He thought for a moment before finally saying "I guess I did, but I don't think I'm ever going to see them again. Can we talk about something else please? It's a bit uncomfortable."

"Oh, ok."

The two dragons then kept walking to wherever Lux led, as Spike's mind drifted as to what was happening in Ponyville right now. A place that at the moment seemed so far away.

Meanwhile in the town Spike had his mind on, the Elements of Harmony were at Sugarcube Corner discussing last nights events, those who weren't there to see it being very confused

"So let me get this straight. Spike and Twilight got into a fight last night, so now she's binging herself on milkshakes looking like she just got discorded?"

"Actually Rainbow, it's a bit moor complercated than that. Spahk was really REALLY angry with all of us last night. Not just Twi. He even stormed out the door and said he wasn't ever coming back!" Applejack tried to explain the situation better to her friend/rival.

As soon as she finished speaking, Pinkie jumped into her face and yelled "Wait! If he said he's never coming back, that must mean he doesn't want to be friends anymore! And if he doesn't want to be friends anymore than that means we'll have one less pony in the group. And if we have one less pony in the group then we'll separate over time!"

At the thought Pinkie curled into a ball under the table shivering massively, to which Rarity comforted "Don't be ridiculous Pinkie Pie! We're not going to break apart, Spike's just a smidgen angry that he's gone under-appreciated recently."

"Yeah right 'a smidgen angry'! Oh how I wish that were true." Twilight said despondently as she dug around her milkshake.

"Wait what do you mean under-appreciated Rarity? We all love Spike! Well in a friendly way anyways, unless he has some sort of freaky second life with one of us." Rainbow Dash questioned the posh mare.

"I know that Rainbow. We just…could have shown it a bit better in recent times. For example, I should have payed him more attention for helping me with the whole Trenderhoof incident as well as let him down gently."

A few moments of silence after Rarity had admitted Rainbow Dash spoke up "I guess me and Pinkie should have cut back on the aerial pranks." To which Pinkie nodded.

"I probly shoulda been a bit moor sensitive to his want tah help me." Applejack said next.

Fluttershy was about to speak up, but another voice made their presence known "It's ok girls. Don't take the blame for my mistakes. It was all my fault and we know it! No wonder he hates me so much."

They all stared at the dejected looking Twilight before Rarity spoke out again "I for one think we should go find Spike, wherever he is, and make it clear to him how sorry we are for everything. Then hopefully everything can go back to normal. All in favor?"

Almost everyone in the group raised their hooves up to agree, except to everyone's shock, Twilight who just shook her head and said "Look girls, I appreciate the thought but let's face the facts. Spike hates me and he has every reason to after what I said last night. If he wants to move on, I think that we should let him."

The forlorn allicorn then attempted to trudge off to her home, but she found that her tail had been grabbed by Rarity's magic "Now Twilight, I know this has been especially hard on you, but you shouldn't give up hope."

"That's easy for you to say. You didn't tell him to get out of your life. He probably hates me now, and I don't blame him."Twilight responded to Rarity halfheartedly. That's when Pinkie joined in on the argument "But you still want to be friends with him, don't you?"

"Of course I do! But that's impossible now that he hates me." She almost immediately responded to her party loving friend.

"Did he say he hated you" Rainbow asked.

"No, but I could tell he did in the way he talked to me."

Rainbow Dash then stood up on one of the tables and began her final argument "How can you be sure. If he is mad we can at least make it up to him, which should be pretty fun. You guys have known each other way longer than any of us have. There's literally no way he couldn't forgive you!"

"But what if he doesn't?"

"Then we'll be with you every step of the way!" Fluttershy said in a comforting way. Twilight looked around to see that all of her friends looked equally determined, she felt encouraged to find her friend and set things right "Your right. I should try to set things right instead of wallowing in my pity. We should move around our own responsibilities to search the Everfree."

"Well I'm not sure I'll be able to do much this week since me and the other Pony Tones will be working on Fluttershy's adoption fundraiser! But I'll work around it the best I can!" Rarity explained.

"I have a problem too. I'll have to do the fundraiser like that Rarity just mentioned but I'll also have to prepare for the Breezie's arrival in 10 days. But I'll do whatever I can in the free time I have!" Fluttershy explained her own issues.

Twilight grabbed a quill and pad with her horn and said "It's exactly 9:30 a.m. now, so It would probably be in our best interests to head out for our first search around 11. Now anything else for your schedule?"

She began writing down the obstacles with her magic as the others took turns explaining any potential bookings that so prevent them from searching, not noticing an intrigued face on the wall nearby. Once Pinkie had finished, Twilight tucked the quill behind her ear and declared "I'm sorry Spike. I swear that somehow, I will make it up to you!"

"Well I guess that ends the tour of our little town. Any other questions on how things are run here?" Lux asked her smaller friend.

Spike quickly responded "Yeah, don't you get your wings in the Zhēng Zhâng or were you just born without them?"

"Oh well, it's a bit more complicated then that. In order to gain your wings you need to become find your inner strength, so you could really get them at any age. That's why you have to have wings to join the military, since weak soldiers can't fight the Sars. I don't really want to join the army, but I feel like I have to in a way. I just hope my wings won't come in until after the eventual draft, since I'm no good at fighting."

"Well you might come in handy in some way. You're pretty good at sneaking up on people; I know that first hand." Spike reassured her.

"Thanks but I'm no fighter. I usually can't stand the sight of blood. If you want to know a fighter than Glamour's the best we've got! She might just be a wingless like you and I, but she can sure pack a punch against any enemy!"

Just then the two dragons heard as scream coming from the nearby alleyway. Lux ran towards in anxiety but calmed down up seeing who the scream came from. Spike looked into see three older dragons holding a Dragoness that had cerulean scales, Navy eyes and shoulder length Byzantium spines. Spike automatically recognized the assaulters as a few of the dragons from the migration, but he noticed something else about them this time. A tattoo of an icy blue heart of their back.

"Come on baby, our boss'll show you a good time. It's not like this garbage can full of prissy, pony-loving freakshows is gonna last much longer after we raze it from Terra!" Said the purple one who's blonde spines covered his eyes.

The dragoness glared at the drakes and said "Please you Sarric Jerks! I would rather eat an uncured fugu fish than ever be Ice-Breath's little slave!"

"Who said anything about it Acnologia? He's our Czar, not our boss. That title belongs to the roughest and toughest dragon around, Garble!" A brown one with short blue horns protruding from the sides of his head explained to his captive.

The white one with rose spines gave the girl he own perverse sneer and suggested "Who says Garble should have all the fun? I think that a dragoness as cute as this one would be a shame to just give away. "

"Umm yeah no." She said before kicking the black scaled green haired drake that was holding her in the groin and pushed him into a nearby salmon cargo, knocking him unconcious. The white one tried to grab her angrily but she dodged, and swept his legs out from under him, before grabbing his leg and throwing him into a wall. She felt a presence behind her but instantly responded by grabbing a wooden board and jabbing the dragon's kneecap, turning around and hitting him upside the head with it.

Now only the fat brown Drake was left, cowering against a wall as she approached "You can't do this to us! Our boss is one of the Eleven Titans!"

"Tell someone who cares fleabag."She said coldly as she grabbed him by the collar of his skin, and knocked his lights out.

Spike's knees dropped to the ground upon seeing the feat of power demonstrated by the dragoness, along with his umbrella only to remember the stinging rain when it hit. To his suprise Lux walked up to the dragoness with a look of annoyance on her face "Glamour, you don't have to do all that to them! We both now you could have taken them all down in one shot."

"Did you seriously expect me to treat them with mercy Lux? Those pests are the most annoying creatures on Terra!" The dragoness Spike now knew as Glamour defended her actions against them.

"I know but you have to remember that Acnologia probably drove that kill and harass rebels mentality into their skulls from birth! And you shouldn't really draw attention to yourself like that. It's no wonder none of the drakes in this town chase after you."

"The reason I don't get any dates is because my father is a veteran with a saber in his closet. One that he'll use if anydragon comes near me! Not that I'd need protection of course as you just saw." Glamour rested her case, before she noticed their smaller visitor.

"Well hello there. Judging from your height I'd say your going through Zhēng Zhâng right about now. My name is Glamour." Spike was about to introduce himself back, but what she mentioned about the Zhēng Zhâng had registered into his head. He had grown to about half their heights and hadn't noticed it.

He brought himself back to reality and answered her "I'm Spike, Spike the Dragon. That was really cool how you beat those guys up."

"Why thank you! I'm glad someone around here knows when to defend themselves." Glamour expressed her gratitude while taking another shot at her friend's argument.

"Don't encourage her Spike…"

Glamour gave her friend another playful glare before asking the rapidly growing drake "If you want I could teach you a few moves. You do look like you could get a bit stronger!"

Spike blushed when she pointed out his lack of muscles even with some of his baby fat burned off by Zhēng Zhâng, and nodded for yes.

Glamour turned around and began walking off, but not before she gestured her friends to follow her. Spike eagerly followed her while Lux looked on before eventually placing her claw on her forehead "Oh hammerjaw, I thought I could be the only one to tolerate someone so oddly behaviored. I think I need to find out a bit more about this dragon."

Lux then continued to their next destination. If she had turned around for even a second however, she would've seen a group of figures coming a far away hill. Figures that held a grim message of the future.

Glamour stood in front of a large traditional draconic building that had very tall doors and door handles in the shape of Kirin. Glamour walked up tho the handle and did a knock that did two beat quick, three beats slow, and two more beats quick. Once she was done the doors creaked open very slowly.

When it had fully opened a drake who appeared to be about 50 in pony years with alabaster scales and a large scar where is spines should be, walked toward then with the usage of a cane. He looked at Spike curiously, even knocking him upside with his cane as if to test something.

"Hmm. So who is this drake. I can tell from the aura that he only very recently went from a Greed to Igneeelese, and that from his size he's about halfway through the process of Zhēng Zhâng. Is he your boyfriend Glamour?" The elder asked while stroking his thin beard.

This crack caused Spike to blush profusely, Lux to giggle a bit at her friend's reactions, and Glamour to fluster and defend "Don't be ridiculous! He's just someone that Lux introduced me to father!"

"Oh I see. So he's Lux's boyfriend then!" The old drake teased resulting in all three looking embarrassed "I'm kidding, though I do have to say, I've seen a lot of boys chase after Lux. My name is Zhao. And your name is?"

"Spike, my name's Spike."

"Spike eh? That's not a very common name. So tell me Spike, when are you gonna make my daughter an honest dragoness? I want some grandbabies!" Zhao teased the smaller drake again. By this point his scales were so red the appeared to be glowing, but Glamour put a stop to it again.

"Father stop it, you're going to make his head explode!"

Taking another look at him he said "It appears I am. So what is he here for Glamour?"

"He saw me fight some stupid Sars who wouldn't take no for an answer, so I asked him if he wanted to learn how to fight like that. And since you taught me, I figured that you could teach him as well!" The Dragoness explained.

"I'm not sure dear. Though you probably don't like to think about it I'm not as young as I used to be. I think I can only build up his immunity. Whilst the rest of his training shall fall in you girl's hands." Zhao told them.

All three dragons looked back and forth at each other before Lux said "Well this should at least give us a chance to get to know our little friend a bit better." She got down to Spike's level of height and said "Are you sure that you want to do this Spike? The first test will be one of the most excruciating experiences you'll ever go through!"

Spike stood their for a moment, scratching his spines in deep thought. He had just been brought into his new life, and wasn't sure that he was ready for something as painful as he was told of. But then he remembered what Luna showed him the previous night, and how conflict between the Sars and Rebels were brewing. As far as he was concerned it was his duty as the Element of Fire to get strong enough to combat his country's enemies. With a slightly determined look on his face he nodded to his taller friend.

Zhao responded almost immediately "Alright. Follow me for the Mercury Test. Glamour, Lux, if you wish you may come to watch!" The group of dragons walked up into a small room with war memorabilia scattered across it walls, most notably a glass cabinet holding traditional Draconic armor. In the center of the room was a small coffee table, with a tea set and several vials of a silvery liquid placed on top.

The old drake sat down and began pouring one of the vials into the pot, and pouring four cups. One in front of him and three in front of Spike "So tell me child. Where are you from?"

"I'm actually from an Equestrian town called Ponyville. "

"Interesting. Now child what I have in these cups is a liquid metal called mercury. It is lethal to ponies and incredibly painful for dragons to swallow, though it cannot kill them. Your task is to consume every drop of mercury in the tea pot, which will make your endurance strong. Things that were painful before such as stubbing your toe will seem minute, but they will still be damaging, so you will not be immune. If you cannot complete this task, I will have you sent back to your old home."

"What? Dad you can't be serious!" Glamour interjected.

"If he can't do this, the there's no real reason to keep him here. No matter how much you girls want to keep him around. Now let's begin, shall we?" Spike was extremely scared, but before he could change his mind, he forced himself to down one of the cups.

After a few seconds Spike felt agonizing pain all over his body. It was as if every scale on his body was being torn off by a cheese grater as slowly and painfully as possible. To his suprise Zhao placed a glass of water in front of him " The challenge would be impossible without this glass. However you may only have this glass so use it wisely."

Spike almost instantly went for the glass, but restrained himself into taking a small sip, which soothed slightly. Zhao then moved his cup over to Spike, who grabbed the chinaware and gulped it down. Though this time was slightly less painful he still had to take a sip of water.

While this was happening Lux and Glamour watched visibly nervous and upset "Please be ok Spike."

The ritual went on as expected with Spike drinking more and more of the metal, after Zhao placed a cup in front of him. But each time he drank he grew tired from the the toll of the pain it was putting him in. By the fifth cup he had bags under his eyes and was breathing heavily.

"If you want to surrender there's no shame." Zhao told him looking concerned himself. But Spike just grabbed the sixth cup of mercury and chugged it. He began shaking violently before his head hit the table. He was only barely able to drink half of the remaining water to replenish his strength.

He reached for two cups and downed both at once, shocking everyone in the room. Just then Spike's body stiffened he felt a bit of blood coming out of his mouth. It was at this point Lux stepped in the moment she saw the red.

"Spike, stop! You tried your best, but I can't stand to see you in such pain!"

The young drake ignored her and swiftly drank the ninth cup. Zhao poured the the pot until only drips came out, and placed the final cup in front of the bleeding and baggy eyed dragon. He slowly reached for the china but his hand was grabbed.

"Please stop! Think of your safety!" Lux pleaded with her smaller friend. This was before Glamour placed a claw on her back and said "Try as you might, he's not going to give up so easily . Especially after making it this far."

Spike gave a determined look to both dragoness before pouring the final cup down his throat and repeating with the rest of the water, which instantly soothed the blow.

"Congratulations on completing the test. The army stopped using it years ago, but I kept the method. Of course, I didn't use it to train my daughter but you seemed ok to the try it out on. From this moment on you will be under my daughter and Lux's watch!"

Spike gave his new friends a small smile before collapsing from the over-exertion. Lux readily checked his pulse before a look of relief washed over her face "He's fine. He just needs bedrest!"

"He can use your bed. And don't worry, I placed the antidote into the water glass before we started so he should be fine in an hour". Glamour immediately responded to her father's idea by picking him up and running off. Lux looking equally worried waved goodbye to Zhao and followed her friend.

The veteran looked on with pride of the test's results, but didn't expect to be smacked upside the head by stool. He turned around to a visibly irritated Luna "What the heck was that? We want to train him to face the Sars, not kill him!"

"Mercury doesn't kill dragons like it does with your kind, since our immune systems are so much stronger. And besides, he'll experience much worse while in combat with the Sars. So now he'll have stronger tolerance to pain!"

"Even so, next time chose a lesson that doesn't hurt watching. And don't even think about sending him back!" Luna chastised him. She turned to leave discretly but Zhao asked "You seem to care a lot of this drake. Does it have something to do with your old flame with Igneel?"

The allicorn took taken back by the statement, and transported away swiftly and silently. Zhao sighed and thought aloud to himself "Let's just hope he can keep the element he holds hidden. Even in these walls Sars might hide underneath our snouts."

Spike awoke feeling incredibly weak from the previous task. He looked around him to see a very simplistic room, that had a sharp looking cutlass hanging from above the mirror. He felt something in what he remembered to be an empty claw, and opened it up to find a slip of paper. The characters were once again in Draconic, but they rearranged themselves to read:
Impressive work Spike. But don't push yourself so hard next time. I have by hopes that when the time comes the three of us will be able to go into battle together.

Spike smiled to himself before getting up and checking the small bag Luna sent with him. The Element of Fire was still there. Just then he heard the sound of the window breaking. He turned around to see the teenage Sars from before had broken in. Except the fat one who was stuck in the windowsill. They began scavenging around the room before one of them noticed the familiar face lying in the bed.

"Hey look it's that pony in a dragon costume from the migration."

"Just shut him up or something! We have to kill Zhao and pick up those chicks for Garble, before they send you-know-who in to kill us for failing the mission." The purple one said. In response the black Sar immediately pinned Spike down and covered his snout so he couldn't call for help.

Though Spike put up a significant struggle his lack of physical strength along with his weakness from consuming a large amount of mercury stopped any chance of him breaking free. He felt the grip loosen up slightly as the dragon noticed something bulging from the covers, the tip of which barely showed itself. The Drake knew enough of the culture's history to tell what it was not an ordinary gemstone.

"The Element of Fire!"

Spike nervously tried to cover it up and bluffed "What are you talking about, that's not the Element of Fire. That's… my lunch!"

Unfortunately, this didn't fool him for a second as he forcibly uncovered the artifact "Hey guys, this shrimp had the Element of Fire! Just imagine how big a promotion we'd get for presenting this to Acnologia!

Before he had any time to comprehend what the consequences of the action would be, Spike jumped from his bed and clung to the older dragon desperately trying to get his Element from the enemy's grasp. The others noticed this and began trying to pull Spike off, even resorting to flat assaulting him.

"Let go you little worm!"

"No! I won't let you gain this power over us!" Spike growled as he felt his sight getting redder and redder. In reality is eyes really were glowing red, as was the gem he barely had a hold on. The black dragon let go as it got hotter resulting in him falling over, he could watch as Spike lifted off the ground with his friends lifting off with him.

Finally Spike instinctively cried out, in ancient Draconic "准备通过擦拭从地球的脸上不光彩的你们这群笨蛋我古代火焰" before releasing a large wave of heat which incinerated all those hanging on. The black dragon tried to crawl away as he saw the other's fates but couldn't escape quick enough, and perished with them.

When Spike came to his senses he looked around to see multiple piles of ash, and the one stuck in the windowsill who's dumb luck had saved them had an expression of pure horror on his face. He pried himself from the slightly bent frame and ran away whimpering in fear, before flying off for his life.

"What have I done?. Oh Sweet Celestia what have I done?"


He turned around to see Glamour standing in the doorway with her mouth gaping wide open "You can control the Element of Fire?"

"Well, more or less."

"Spike, your the one this country has been waiting for. You can control the Elements! With your power the Sars stand no chance! Even Maoza can be defeated once we find all six!" Glamour spoke excitedly.

She halted when she noticed the incredibly uncomfortable look on Spike's face. That was when Glamour placed her claw on his shoulder.

"Is everything alright? You seem a bit troubled."

"Oh, I-it's nothing. We should probably get to training so we can get our wings. That way we can fight more Sars with my gem and such."

He tried to trudge out the doorway, still a bit woozy from his previous painful experience. But before he could make it outside his wrist was grabbed and he was flipped back. Glamour looked at him from directly above his face looking a bit embarresed at what just transpired.

"Sorry about that. Attack movements aren't that different from everyday one's, and since Sars usually go after me, I have a bad reaction to those moves. But back to the issue. You seem a bit uncomfortable with the thought of using your power in combat. Why do you feel this way?"

"I know that this sounds selfish of me, but when you came in you saw me kill those guy's right? I had no idea what I was thinking at the time. But when I came to, they were all just a pile of ashes. I hated that feeling, knowing I took away a life just made me sick to my stomach. And as a soldier I'd do that all the time. No matter how much I hate those dragons, I just can't bring myself to outright kill them."

"It's ok. I completely understand and I won't force you to do anything you couldn't bring yourself to. Just know that even if we just met, I think we have the potential to become great friends. If that's alright with you of course!"

"We already are friends! And as an old one of mine would probably say *cough cough* 'we're gonna kick some flank! Err Butt!" Spike exclaimed mustering the best Rainbow Dash impression he could.

Glamour gave her friend a smile and playfully tustled with his spines, moving out of the way as to gesture him to a new destination. But when he walked out an antsy Lux ran into him and immediately went for her older friend.

"Glamour, they're here!…Oh crap, sorry Spike."

"Why does that always happen to me wherever I go? At least it doesn't hurt anymore thanks to the Mercury training."

Who's here? The Sars? One of the Eleven Titans? Which one? Sha Qiū? Grogar? Jupiter?! Maoza?!" Glamour jumped to conclusions, fearing word about Spike's powers spreading that quickly.

"Relax Glamour! The only Sars that would come to this sleepy little town are ones like those guys from earlier. The army is here!"

Despite this being terrible news for Lux, Glamour burst into a grin and jumped out the slightly bent window frame.

"What was she so excited about?"

"Glamour's always wanted to join the Imperial Army and if they're here then a draft has probably begun. And with her fighting skills the only things she hasn't done to join the war is the mercury test and growing her…HER WINGS!"

"Her wings? What about them?" Spike asked slightly nervous at Lux's panicked reaction

"You can't join the army without your wings. If you show without them, you'll be dishonored and all of your earthly possessions will be taken in retribution!"

"WHAT! Then what are we just standing here for?"

"I'll try to stop her before she makes a foal of herself! You go change into a gi; in our culture it's respectful for drakes to be clothed!"

"Where am I supposed to get one?"

"Find one in Zhao's room. Your about his size now!" Lux yelled down the hallway as she ran after her friend.

It was at this point were Spike noticed he had once again grown several inches in his sleep without noticing it "Ok seriously? I'm all for getting taller but this is ridiculous!"

Out in the square, it had stopped raining but still had a very drizzly atmosphere in the air. Several dragons stood in a crowd around steer-riding dragons, and the emperor's vizer Chi Fu who held multiple scrolls in his claw. In the middle of the crowd stood an incredibly enthusiastic looking Glamour.

"Citizens! I bring a proclamation from the Capital of Notar Draak. Sars led by Sha Qiū have breached the Ming Wall! By the order of Emperor Mako Igneel II, one drake or dragoness from each family must serve in the Rebel Army!"

"Alright Glamour. All you have to do is go up and get a conscription notice. Then you can teach Spike and Lux all the new military techniques you learn."

"Glamour, hold on. You can't leave yet!"

"Oh joy bunnies" the exasperated dragoness said to herself "What's wrong Lux? If it's about the teacups Dad wouldn't let me do those."

"It's not that! It's another small detail you're forgetting!" Lux whispered while pointing to her back. It was then Glamour realized her oversight and broke into a nervous sweat as Chi Fū walked rode over to them.

"Dragoness. You don't have your wings. Step aside and show me the drakes who actually HAVE wings!"

The girls almost instantly realized the choices for drakes in their family was limited to only one. Glamour quickly blurted to keep Zhao out of battle "Oh, I'm afraid both of our parents were killed during the raids a few years back. So we have no one who can fight."

"Hey get back here with that gi! It hasn't been washed in years!"

"I'm still a couple inches to short for your other ones!"

Zhao and Spike ran out the large doors of the former's house much to the irritation of Glamour and Lux, and much to the shock everyone else. Chi-Fu leered at the dragoness before switching his gaze over to Zhao.

"Alright old timer. Having your daughter cover for you is lousy parenting. Now either you or Shortly over there will report inside of the Qin Wall to the Woong Xiu camp. And you better show." Chi-Fu said as he tossed the conscription notice into Zhao's claws.

"And one more thing. Make sure your daughter to be a better ness. They aren't supposed to think! They have as much right to as ponies!"

With that the squad of dragons rode off on their steer to the aforementioned Qin Wall. When sure the bigoted drake was out of earshot Glamour cursed to herself "傲慢自大的粪"

Spike looked as everyone walked away, the guilt of the issue weighing down onto him. However he then realized the exact wording of Chi-Fu, as well as the fact that his back had been covered the entire time. He sat down and began formulating a plan. A wonderful, awful plan.

"I never thought I'd see the day when I was to be a soldier again. The last time that happened was when Travis was still in power."

"You act as if I'm just going to let you go! You're not as strong as you used to be, so Sha Qiū or another of his army will kill you in less than a minute." Glamour tried to deter her dad for the umpteenth time that evening.

"It's not like he really has a choice. If he doesn't show that windbag of a counselor will just show up and drag him there. The only other option we have is Spike and he's a wingless too."

Spike the walked into the room with his small bag and a map in hand "Well that won't stop me from going anyways!"

The room became thickly silent after that as all three of the Rebel citizens looked at the newcomer with mouths gaping open wide. As one could blink an eye Zhao began rapidly shaking Spike by his shoulders.

"Are you completely crazy you little idiot!? Your not even done with Zhēng Zhâng and yet you think you can just fight one of the Eleven Titans who has the power of the Element of Water in his sword. And even if you could you still don't have any wings, and Lux already told you the punishment for that!"

"Yeah, but Stuffy Britches doesn't know I have no wings since my back was covered. So all I have to do is wear this gi at all times and I'll be in the clear. But if I do get caught I'll just come clean and admit that we're not related and you get off scot free."

"That's the punishment for dragoness. If your a drake you'll be put to death! And you'll still have to deal with the army of a thousand dragons that Sha Qiū has at his beck and call."

"As long as there's a chance I can get the Element of Water I'll gladly take that risk!"

"Why would you want the Element of Water?"

Glamour then stepped up to explain the situation to her father "Spike can control the Elements of Terra Dad. I know cause he used it to accidentally incinerate some Sars earlier."

"Really? Well he does look a lot like Igneel I. Just darken his scales and they'd be twins!"

"I can only control the Element of Fire. Nowadays they're like the Elements of Harmony where only one individual can use them to their full potential." Spike said as he pulled out the element.

"If we beat Sha Qiū and find the other Elements I can bring them all together so we'll stand a better chance against the Sars. We'd have two and they'd have zero!"

"Actually we'd have three. The Element of Light is in the hands of Emperor Mako. How do you think he turns us Igneelese?" Lux corrected.

"My point still stands."

"We'll seeing as I'd probably have to tie you to something to change your mind, I don't really see any point in stopping you. But remember, you absolutely cannot take your gi off until you grow your wings. Now say your goodbyes girls. If this plan fails this could easily be the last time you see him alive." Zhao said as he left room, leaving them alone.

Minutes of eery silence passed in the room before Lux stepped up to Spike and placed her claw on his shoulder "I guess we'll see you later. But a quick heads up, Sha Qiū isn't like those teenage dragons you've faced before. He's one of the Eleven Titans and even though some of them are nothing but cowards, that drake is not one of them. He will kill you if he gets the chance, especially with the element he posseses being the opposite of the one your linked to. Don't give him that chance!"

"I don't really have that much to worry about right? After I train up a bit-"

Actually Spike, Lux is right. Sha Qiū may not be on the same level as Maoza, but he's definitely not someone you should underestimate. Not to mention his men are the top graduates of the Sarric Military Academy." Glamour interrupted.

"…He's really that strong? I guess I can't afford to let things go to my head anymore. I'm a drake now, not the baby dragon I was before. Childhood's over for me."

Spike began to walk out the door, but not before asking a question that had been on his mind for a while "By the way, you keep bringing up somepon-errr dragon named Maoza. Who is he exactly?"

Lux completely froze with fear at the thought of the enemy and made a gesture to Glamour as if to ask her to explain. Very reluctantly, she did.

"Maoza actually isn't a dragon, but a draconeques with reality warping powers. He used this power to seal off his emotions and become a killing machine of magical power. This has made him the strongest of the Eleven Titans, even stronger than Acnologia himself. The only one's who could stand a chance against this one-drake army is a veteran allicorn or Discord."

It was then Spike realized that this being was not just a Draconeques, but the same one that he saw kill his parents and countless other dragons in the vision Luna showed him the previous night. He turned around waved goodbye to his friends before leaving the house and heading out towards the next wall.

"So now what do we do?"

"The only thing we can do Lux. We're gonna get our wings before Spike returns… If he does!" Glamour made her decision.

Lux however, was still confused as to how she would do this "Ok, it makes sense for me to need to get better, but what can you do? We already know your good with a cutlass and you're amazing with hand to hand combat."

"Something you can let Dad know we're going to do. The Mercury test! Meet me tommorow so we can see what your strong point is."

The golden scaled dragoness nodded and went out the back door to her own apartment while Glamour walked to the den to do the mercury test.

Meanwhile Spike was once again traveling the outskirts of town, walking with his bag in hand. Once he was to tired to continue on any further he passed out where he stood about halfway to the Qin Wall. Or he tried to at least.

But for the rest of the night all he could think about was the cold soulless eye of the masked being of chaos he saw the in his dream. And every time the thought creeped into his mind, the dream seemed more like a nightmare which haunted him every time he drifted off that night. Little did he know that the subject of his fear was talking about him right now.

Somewhere far to the south of Equestria, much farther than its northern enemy, stood the tundra covered Sarric Empire which reigned over almost all of the southern continent. In the center of its capital of Nesse Dam laid an old and beaten oriental cathedral where eleven figures waited, though a few were just projections.

Those there came in all shapes from dragons, to griffons, to goats, to even a few ponies. And in the center was a dragon whose scales were as black as the night sky and icy blue tattoos covering his entire body wearing a pure white wizards hat with a crooked and curled top. This dragon was the Czar, Acnologia.

"It's a shame we couldn't have everyone here with Sha Qiū and his army taking care of one of Celestia's biggest allies!" A griffon with a goatee and a slight prench accent.

"Even so this meeting was required. Maoza claims to have sensed an incredible magical disturbance. So tell me what is it?" Acnologia asked the heavily covered up reality warper in front of him.

Maoza spoke in a monotone and almost robotic voice "I felt a large surge of fire magic exactly 22 hours 6 minutes and 17 seconds ago. There are no reasons for Celestia or Cadence to have used a spell with that much power at the moment, while Luna and Discord rarely use fire magic. This has brought me to the conclusion that the Element of Fire has been fully activated by its bearer. The first time one of the Terra has been fully activated for the first time in 1012 years 8 months 30 days 20 hours 4 minutes and 37 seconds."

"Can all the math talk Maoza! We don't need to every detail of the time that's passed!" A farmiliar looking crimson dragon insulted the much larger Sar, only to find his arm turned into a gun mere feet away from his head.

"You seem to be forgetting that statistically you are among the weakest of the Eleven Titans. Even Thesari out ranks you in terms of power and she's an equine"

"Enough Maoza. We don't need you killing one of our commanders at this moment in time. Now do you know specifically who is the Element's bearer so we can eliminate them?

"I'm afraid I am not aware of their identity at this time. I will have to do some digging in order to find out just who this is." Maoza quickly explained.

Right after he said that, the only surviving teenage dragon came crashing through the front doors of the cathedral and ran toward Garble looking absolutely mortified "Well that sure took long enough. Did you get those babes I sent you to grab for me?"

"Sorry boss, but something happened back there! I'm the only one who managed to make it out alive!"

"Well then, spit it out dragon. Did Zhao cut you down to one or was it his daughter?"

"It wasn't either of them actually. I've seen him before but this time he had control, control over the Element of Fire. That little pipsqueak is its bearer."

With the question they were all pondering answered the beat up hall turned silent once again before Garble asked his underling "Well what did he look that?"

"It was that loser from the migration we were sent on. You know the one with the purple scales and the green spines?! I don't know how he got into the rebellion, but this can't equal anything good!"

"Did he look like this?" Maoza asked while pulling up a photo of a child Spike from his archives. When the overweight dragon nodded Maoza turned his hand into a gun barrel and fired a green spell onto him, wiping him from existence almost immediately.

"Avada Kedarva. "

"What the heck Maoza? He was the only guy I had left!" Garble told off his superior only to wince back when he felt Maoza's attention revert back to him.

"It was his punishment for being a coward. The dragon we have information on is only a baby greed, and if he can't face that than he doesn't deserve to live. Besides our country is the size of Equestria, so it would be easy to get you some more."

"Actually I just killed him because his sniveling was unbecoming of a warrior. Needless to say logically thinking, if he had merged with the Element instead of being branded with our mark, he'd be Igneeelese and would have gone through Zhēng Zhâng by now. Judging by his scales I'd say he's the egg I lost 1012 years 8 months 15 days 11 hours 30 minutes and 55 seconds ago."

"So he's Travis's brat. Well then what are you waiting for? Go kill him before he becomes as big a threat as his father!" The griffin told the draconeques.

"Now now Gero. It would be like using a cannon to kill a fly to send Maoza after him. From his archives we can tell that Mako has ordered a draft, meaning that he will likely join the Rebel Army to take us down. And since they will be in conflict with Shā Qiū he can finish everything up."

"And in the 10.8461956194% chance that Sha Qiū falls to him and we lose the Element of Water to Mako?"

Acnologia just gave a grin and said "Then we'll just have to wait and see."

In an area a few miles from the Qin Wall, a flock of vultures gathered around an unconscious dragon thinking he had kicked the bucket. However he awoke to find the scavengers pecking at his limbs and shooed them away. Once he was somewhat awake, Spike began making his way to the wall north of him again…before tripping over what appeared to be a root of…

"Licorice? Oh well, I'm not one to complain about being thrown into a place that grows candy instead of vegetables!" Spike said as he ripped the root from the ground and ate it, resuming his trip for a few steps before he realized "Wait a minute! Princess Luna never said anything about dragons growing candy!"

"Why you've figured it out. And here I thought you were the idiot of the group. Well I guess your more clumsy then anything."

"Wait a minute! I know that voice."

The grass in front of Spike began making a lump until Discord, the lord of chaos and disharmony popped out eating a licorice wrapper "Oh so you've figured it out. I have to admit running all the way to the rebellion from Ponyville was quite a work out. But you would know that wouldn't you." Discord said while in a tracksuit.

"What the hay are you doing here Discord?"

"Well I overheard our friends talking about your's and Twilight's arguement a few nights ago and I couldn't help but see how distressed lovely little Fluttershy was at your departure. So I decided to do a little research on where you had went, by going to Canterlot in order to seek the help of Celestia's. But it was there I learned that Luna had sent you to live amongst a country of your own kind. Naturally I assumed she meant the Draconic Empire, only to figure out that in the thousand years I've been turned int stone that it doesn't even exist anymore!"

"Cut to the chase!"

"Oh fine lizard breath. Blah Blah Blah I learned about the Igneelese Rebellion, figured Luna transported you here, so I came to fetch you."

"What?! Oh Tartarus no! Not only do I not want to go back, but I can't now! In case you haven't noticed, in the day and a half I've been gone, I've already grown multiple inches and made a promise to keep someone safe, which is something I fully intend to keep." Spike attempted to walk off again, only for Discord to reappear right in front of him.

"Oh yes, I know all about those girls you offered to help. What were their names again? Lux and Glamour? You're really turning out to be quite the Casanova aren't you!" Discord continued to tease the drake, sticking a rose in his mouth and placing a top hat on his head. He immediately spat the rose out and threw down the hat.

"What's even in it for you? I'm pretty sure this is like the first time we've talked ever."

"That doesn't mean we can't be best friends Spikey!" Discord said while pinching his cheeks.

Spike rubbed his fingers against his temples out of irritation before speaking again "Look you like deals right?

"Well of course I do. You know why? Because I always win!" The draconeques sprayed a deck of cards at Spike from his wrists, who proceeded to pull a card from one of his spines and saw that it was a queen card…that looked like Discord.

After he tore up the card and torched it Spike resumed bargaining "Then let's make one. If I make it in to the army without any issues then I stay here. But if I'm turned away I'll go back to Equestria with no complaints."

"Even chances. Good scenarios. Lots of opportunities to cheat. I like it! You've got yourself a deal boy!" Discord said as he activated his "dealing fire" in his eagle talon.

"Not just yet, there's one more condition. Your not allowed to mess with the results, whether it be in my favor or against it!"

"And what's to stop me from doing so?"

"Cause I know you Discord, and how you play. So if you mess me up purposely and I lose the deal because of it, Fluttershy gets to figure out about your stash of magazines you have hidden in the cottage when we get back!"

Discord's eyes widened when he heard the blackmail, before he made a cup of tea appear so he could take a drink and spit it out "How do you know about those?!"

"Angel Bunny."

"Stupid rabbit." Discord grumbled to himself before extending his talon and shook claws with Spike setting the deal. It was then Spike began walking to the Qin Wall again before he felt a paw turn him around and Discord facing him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To the wall. You know where the training I have to go to is?"

"Not without me your not! Give it some thought, if I go back they'll ask me to help find you and I can't say no to Fluttershy. See my dilemma."

Spike glowered at the being of chaos for a moment or two before gesturing him to come along "Just stay hidden."

"Oh hooray!" Discord exclaimed as he slid up to Spike and began walking along side him "My boy, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship!"

Spike simply sighed as he kept walking north and said to himself "This is going to be a long 3 weeks isn't it?"

Author's Note:

Glamour-Mae Whitman (Katara)
Lux- Monica Rial (Tsubaki)
Zhao- Steve Summer (Goldmine)
Acnologia-Tony Jay (Frollo)
Maoza-Steve Blum (Amon)
Season Five!!!
Sorry this took so long to update:twilightsheepish:. But school has been burying me alive, plus the large amount of events in this one. I hope it was worth the wait (don't worry I made sure their was no spelling mistakes this time but if there are some, please post about them so I can correct) and if you want to bring up an issue to correct, or advice on how to make a certain character more interesting I'd be happy to oblige. And yes I changed Glamour's design a bit, but anyone who's read the original will know why I did that. By the way, can someone help me get rid of the second author's note cause I don't know how to.