• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 3,513 Views, 118 Comments

Moonlit Romance - Lux

Can a Guard win the heart of a Princess?

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

No sooner had you left the balcony did Princess Luna suddenly took off in a fast trot, catching you by surprise. You tried to catch up, hoping not to lose her around a bend or in a room. Part of you wondered if there was some sense of urgency that needed to be attended to, like the Princess had to get from one part of the castle to the other quickly. You knew about those moments when you found yourself on one of the topmost floors only to have to hurry down to the ground floor for your next assignment. Then again there was always the possibility that Luna was simply toying with you and was engaging in a little race through the castle. Anything was possible with Luna the more you spent with her company.

You saw her make her way down one of the many steps in the castle and you thought that perhaps that you would catch up with her. But then Princess Luna suddenly spread her wings and floated down the spiraling stairs with a shout of enjoyment. For a moment you stood mystified at those gorgeous wings, each of them big enough to wrap itself around your body like a soft feathery blanket. You shook your head as if to dislodge the thought from your brain as you wondered what it was that made you thinking of such silly things while trying to do your job.

Half galloping you hurried as fast as you could down the stairs, the other half tripping and almost rolling down the stairs if not for recovering. You watched as Luna descended before she stopped suddenly and turned back to you. You quickly stopped so as not to accidentally collide with her. She merely laughed at your awkward actions as she hovered in the air.

“There you are,” she said in wearing a mock frown with her hands on her hips, “I was wondering if you got lost. Guess you’re not used to following a pony that likes to race to her next destination, huh?”

“I can gallop when I need to but I didn’t expect…”

“That I would be the kind of pony that would like to run down halls and fly down stairs?” she interrupted, “Let me guess, you assumed I was like my sister: refined, proper, and not one to shake things up?”

“Well I don’t know,” you said honestly, “This is the first time I had a chance to speak with you.”

“Here’s your first lesson then: I’m not that kind of Princess,” she replied sticking out her tongue before turning around. She then gave your arm a little smack with her flowing tail before flying down the stairs, leaving you wondering what happened. It was like the more you tried to figure her out, the more surprises you received when you were with her. Once again now you had to run down the stairs to catch up as you pondered everything you learned about the Moon Princess in the few short moments you met her. It was this moment that you realized that she like every other pony you knew had her own personality, and what a chaotic yet fun personality it was!

You watched as she suddenly went through a door, seeing only a glimpse of her tail telling you where she was going before the door closed shut. You ran and opened the door to what you now knew was one of the more public areas of the castle. Looking down the hall one way then the other you noticed that something or somepony specifically was missing: Luna. Not even the sound of her hooves on the stony surface could be heard, making you wonder where she ran off to. You wandered the hall less like a guard and more like a lost tourist. Thankfully no guard could be found in your travels as having this get out that you lost Princess Luna would make you the laughing stock of the military let alone probably put you in hot water with Captain Shining Armor.

“Luna?” you whispered as you opened a door only to find nothing but a broom closet. Taking care to not knock over anything in the cramped room, you close the door carefully and resume your search for the Princess. To you it wasn’t like she could just disappear that easy. After all it wasn’t like there was another Alicorn fitting her description. Somehow though, she managed to escape your pursuit, most likely in one of the many doors in the hallway. You knew the only way was to check each and every door in the hopes of finding the correct one where the Princess was. It felt like this was becoming increasingly like a game with Luna being the host. The prize was keeping your job it appeared, and that wasn’t a very good prize to be so carelessly handled.

“Luna, this isn’t funny,” you mumbled as you opened another door to find it darkened for the night. You were about to give up with the search when you turned around and came face to face with Princess in question. She didn’t seem all that worried that you were searching for her compared to the almost frustrated appearance you had.

“There you are,” she said, “I was wondering if you got lost, but I didn’t think so since you’re a guard.”

“Where were you?” you said in an exasperated tone, “You just disappeared and I looked all over for you.”

“I hope you didn’t check the bathroom that I was in because that would have been really weird,” Luna said, “I know you’re upset, I can see it, but I wasn’t trying to make you like that.”

“It feels like the more I’m with you the more I’m part of some strange game. It’s almost as if you’re going out of your way to make me give up being your bodyguard.”

It was not like you to yell at anypony, especially not a Princess. It wasn’t that what you said was very bad, but you were accusing her of sabotaging your plans. At best you were telling her that she was being deceitful and at worst that she was being malicious. There was no going withdrawing your words once they had been said. All you could do was wait and hope your punishment wasn’t severe.

“You think that I am deceptive in my actions, that I wish you nothing but misery in your new position?” she said staring at you sternly while looking at you with her piercing blue green eyes. You held your breath as if waiting for the world to drop on top of you as the Princess stared at you without saying a word. You dared not look away as this could be a sign of guilt. But then there was a change in her eyes, very subtle but still noticeable to you. As a guard reading faces was essential to your duties as they could often tell more about you than just words or actions. The slight turn of an expression or the way eyes moved could reveal whether a pony was lying, telling the truth or what state of emotion they were in. You watched as her frown softened and her eyes dropped to the floor as if she didn’t want you looking at her. Clearly there was something on her mind, and it was saddening.

“I upset you this much with my fun, haven’t I?” she said softly, “I’m … sorry.”

“What was that last part?” you said leaning in to try to hear her better.

“I’m… sorry?”

“I didn’t catch that again,” you said as a wink of your eye gave away your true intentions.

“I said…” she began with almost deafening tone before she stopped and realized, “Oh you’re good, a very clever stallion indeed. I took you for being one of those stuffy stoic guards like those ones that Celestia employs. I hope it doesn’t upset you when I talk of your fellow guard ponies but sometimes I like to try and break their emotionless expressions.”

“That’s ok,” you said, “Actually I was surprised that you apologized the first time.”

“Why? Do you think Princesses are incapable of expressing emotions especially remorse? Are apologies not part of our routine? There are many things that my sister and I answer for and though we might not say we are sorry we do seek to rectify each situation. While ponies such as you carry a little weight of past slights with friends or families, we much carry the burden of the kingdom on our shoulders more than most.”

Princess Luna paused as if something pained her. She turned away from you as if to hide from you as you heard a whisper escape her lips saying, “If you only knew how the pain of a thousand years feels when you are alone in your struggle.”

“Princess are you ok?”

“Yes,” she said quickly snapping back to her calm demeanor, “Now we are running late. We are first going to Night Court, which I assume that you know is like the Day Court that my Sister holds. It is where ponies come to address their issues and concerns. Mine is not so heavily visited as my sister as many ponies are concerned with sleep and fun rather than carrying on their issues through the night. But this is why I am here in case those ponies do wish to see my council. You do not have to worry about doing much here, just to guard in case things get rowdy. Usually though they do not behave in such a way as ponies are typically civil. But there is something very important that you do.”
“What is that?” you ask as you think about the events in Day Court that you attended, often acting as an extra guard to keep the line of ponies in order.

“You must introduce me to the ponies. It doesn’t have to be anything showy, just a brief introduction. Are you read to proceed?”

“Yes I am,” you replied as Luna nodded and opened a familiar set of doors with her magic, one in which you visited before. The doors led directly into the throne, a place that was the very beating heart of the kingdom. No matter how many times you stood guard at this place you couldn’t help but stare in awe at the high vaulted ceilings, the long plush red carpet that stretched from the throne to the doors where the public entered, and the massive throne that stood upon the marble dais above it all. You walked out to see that there was a fairly sizeable crowd waiting for the Princess, still about a third of what Celestia saw daily. There was no need to delay things any further.

“Announcing the Princess of Night and co-ruler of Equestria, Princess Luna!” you said as loud as possible as you stood by the throne. Princess Luna walked into the throne room, her demeanor shifted back to the regal one that you often saw her as when you were simply a guard, nodding to the crowd before her.

“Thank you,” she said turning to you loudly before her voice dropped to a whisper saying, “Not bad for your first night.”

She then sat on the throne as she lifted the first of many papers from a table next to the throne and set upon her nose a set of reading black framed glasses which made her look a little nerdy and kind of cute in some way. You tried not to pay attention as you remained facing forward, but not without a little smile on your face.

Author's Note:

Finally got this out! You know how it is you have a dozen different things you need or want to do and something always gets put aside. Well this story got the short straw for some time.

Hopefully in the future this will be easier to submit.

You probably noticed how Luna has three personalities she keeps: her regal side for royal duties, her normal playful side, and now hints of a remorseful broken side. I'll get into that third side more as the story progresses.