• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 3,513 Views, 118 Comments

Moonlit Romance - Lux

Can a Guard win the heart of a Princess?

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

You followed closely behind the Princesses as they made their way down the otherwise empty hall, their hoof shoes echoing off the polished marble. They walked with a sense of intent but made no urge to hurry to their destination. You couldn’t help as you walked catching a glimpse of Princess Luna oh so perfect butt which even clothed in her normal black dress made it still stand out. It reminded you of a heart shape turned upside down, the tip of the heart where the Princess’s tail emerged from the dress, flowing like some starry cloud as if it had a mind of its own. You noticed that Princess Celestia’s tail and mane did the same thing, flowing when there was no wind. There was something about Luna though that was different from her sister and you couldn’t deny that no matter how hard you wanted to ignore it. Both were gorgeous beyond belief, putting even the prettiest of mares in the city to shame. Yet Celestia was more motherly towards you and her subjects while Luna acted more like a pony your age, one who had a quick wit and was not serious the entire time.

“Why are you still back there?” Princess Luna asked looking back as she kept walking.

“I thought that you would prefer to have only your sister by your side and me behind you.”

“Do not presume to know me from this simple encounter,” Luna said, “Normally yes I would like some private time with my sister but because you are now here I would prefer if you stood beside me rather than behind me.”

You quickly accelerated your pace and caught up to Luna’s side, walking on an even pace with her and her sister. You couldn’t help but notice that Luna was a half foot taller than you. Of course you saw her before in passing but this time walking with her you couldn’t help but see how tall she stood next to you which said much as you were a tall stallion. To you this felt less like guard duty and more natural like walking through a park with the two Princesses. Normally your military training would make you not even think about of being relaxed but this felt actually nice walking this way. You happened to notice Luna’s slender hand next to you, moving hypnotically like a pendulum as you turned down another hallway. Your hand inched towards her instinctively, wanting to hold it like two friends holding hands.

“By the way,” Luna said drawing away her hand, “were you enjoying the view from back there?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well you were behind my sister and I. Surely you caught a healthy glimpse at our posteriors,” she said with a smile. You face immediately turned red as you tried to cover up any signs of your crime.

“Sister, please stop teasing your new bodyguard,” Celestia said with a slight frown, “I think you tortured him enough with what happened in the dining room.”

“Oh I’m just having a little fun Tia. I mean no harm in it. You are still comfortable by my comments, correct?”

“Oh, yes, of course I am,” you replied trying to keep your composure.

“See, he’s fine,” Luna said looking over at his sister before turning to you and whispering, “I know that you are a guard, but you don’t need to be all stiff and emotionless like the others. You are safe to be yourself.”

“We are here,” Celestia said as she opened the two giant wooden doors with her magic. Instead of leading to a room like you imagined you found yourself looking out onto a large balcony able to support easily a few ponies comfortably. Beyond the golden railing was nothing but an endless expanse of sky.

“Stand between us,” Celestia said as she motioned you to switch from one side of Luna to the other. You walked up to the edge and looked down to see the city of Canterlot spread out before you like a model. You watched as a couple dots of colors made their way down the streets sometimes stopping net to others. These were the ponies that frequented the city, many of whom were busy wrapping up the daily activities. It was then that you realized you weren’t on one of the many balconies that were no less spectacular in their views but the balcony which the sisters would raise and lower the moon. Never in your imagination did you think you would be here on this most coveted of places to watch one of the most magical and mysterious events that although happening daily and nightly was never boring.

As if on cue Celestia spread her wings and took to the sky, her form becoming less noticeable as she approached the sun. Although you couldn’t tell exactly what was going on you watched as she sun made its slow descent over the horizon, the colors of the sky changing from blue to a rainbow of pinks, reds, and oranges like somepony painted it. As the colors faded into darkness Princess Luna then took to the skies, joining her sister on the horizon. You watched as the sun made its final descent and the moon start to rise into the sky. The prismatic colors of the sunset darkened to blues and purples as stars slowly appeared in the sky. Soon the night had a kaleidoscope of pinpoints of light as you stared at the wonder before you. You didn’t even realize that Princess Celestia flew back to the balcony as you watched the moon rise into its final position, the silhouette of Princess Luna outlined in its glow. Then she too returned to where you were standing your mouth hanging open but no words coming out.

“Look at him sister,” Princess Luna said with a giggle, “He’s positively speechless, like a statue. Don’t worry I’ll snap him out of it.”

Without you knowing it the Moon Princess leaned over until her face was an inch away from your ear and whispered in the most sensual tone you have ever heard, “So did you like it?”

You let out the most non-stallionly of screeches as you snapped to attention looking around and wondering if you really heard what you though was whispered in your voice. You then heard Princess Luna laugh hysterically as she fell on the ground.
“Luna, what did you say to him?”

“Oh nothing,” she said with a smile and a wink that anypony could see through. You never imagined Princess Luna having such a sense of humor as all the times you see her pass she had a dignified almost stern demeanor that was reminiscent of the ways that the Princesses would most likely address their subjects many centuries ago. Luna seemed to be a mare lost in time, trapped between her mannerisms of the past and the very different present that she was in. Yet now it looked like Luna was more adjusted to the ways of the world than you thought. She indeed was a mystery, and it was your hope that you could learn more about her if nothing more than to help her the best way you knew how.

“Well, it looks like it is near time for me to prepare for sleep,” Celestia said with a yawn, “I must be awake for the next morning. I don’t think my visitors to my castle would like it if I was yawning all the time or can’t concentrate. Goodnight sister, and may your night be peaceful.”

“And may your sleep and dreams be as well,” Luna replied with a nod as she hugged her sister. You wondered how many nights that Princess Celestia and Luna repeated this same ritual of wishing goodnight to each other this way. Despite how many unfathomable times the two sisters didn’t appear to grow tired of it. It was then that you realized something that so conveniently slipped your mind. There was that thousand year time when Princess Luna was banished to the moon, those many nights where the two Princesses gazed into the sky wishing to simply hold each other and say goodnight but could not. It was an irony that something so routine for granted only to have it lost. Then when it was gone for so long and the routine changed to no goodnight wishes fate changes again and the two are reunited. But something changed as the memory of life without hugs and goodnights is still there, making every moment like this a gift.

“I wish you goodnight as well,” Princess Celestia said to you before leaving, “I hope yours is peaceful as well. Oh, and sister?”

“Yes?” Princess Luna replied.

“Try not to torture your new bodyguard too much. I’d like to see him last through this week at least.”

With a wink Celestia disappeared through the doorway but not before catching her younger sister playfully sticking her pink tongue out at her. It was hard for you not to giggle at the sight especially as Luna’s tongue stuck out so well on her blue muzzle. The Princess of the Sun simply rolled her eyes and smiled as she departed down the hall.

“So, what do you think of the night?” Luna asked you as she stared up at the night as if deep in thought, “Do you look at it often?”

“I guess so. I don’t have that much free time but there are moments when I’m in the castle and I glance up at the night sky. I must say it can be very enchanting.”

“Hmm you are right,” Luna said, “It can be enchanting. You do know that I didn’t create the moon nor the stars just like my sister didn’t create the sun. As you have seen we simply usher in the day and night and then stare in wonder at this land we rule. Many ponies think that because we rule this world we have complete control over it, but every time I step on this balcony with my sister I know that we are just like everypony else. But I digress. Much as I’d like to spend the night looking at the stars there are things to be done.”

“There are many things to do in the night?”

“Of course there are!” Luna said with a laugh, “You didn’t think I sat on my bed eating cake all night, did you?”

“No of course not,” you said as you felt your cheeks getting hot with embarrassment again.

“You have much to learn about me it seems. Fear not for you shall soon see what I do at night, things that ponies who now sleep are often unaware.”

Author's Note:

Now we're moving from the introduction to a little Night in the Life of Luna.

I'm trying to keep the character count to as few as possible as it should be just Luna Celestia and "You" that are the main factors. Anypony else I add will be just cameos like Shining Armor and Silver Streak were.