• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 3,513 Views, 118 Comments

Moonlit Romance - Lux

Can a Guard win the heart of a Princess?

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Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The days, and more importantly nights, passed by without much incident as you seemed to fall into a routine with Princess Luna. Every night you would join her and Princess Celestia for dinner, or in Luna’s case, breakfast, and then watching the exchange of the day and the night. Then it was off to Night Court, dreaming, and some review of important papers. Then the two of you would venture to some nightly activity. Sometimes it was going to the club with Luna in disguise, or walking the streets of Canterlot at night. There were times that she preferred to keep to the castle which you happy to comply. Being in the castle made thing feel like you were closer to her that if you were somewhere else. The once eerily quiet halls and rooms had become a relief as it felt that you could break free of your staunch guard duties and be free to talk to Luna. Although she never said it you, it was clear that having somepony to talk to and have fun with other than her sister.

It wasn’t that the castle was boring either. With the privileges that the Princess had, you were allowed to go anywhere in the castle, even places that you were locked behind closed doors as a guard. One of such places was the Princesses’ own private library which wasn’t just a small room but a grand library filled floor to ceiling with books.

“Do you like to read?” Luna said as she scanning the shelves for a title to peak her interest.

“Sure I do,” you replied trying to take in the sight of the place.

“What are your favorite subjects?"

“I like reading about history and maybe a fantasy novel or two. I really don’t have much time though as a guard, well up until recently that is.”

“I certainly understand what you mean,” Luna said, alternating her gaze between you and the rows of books, “There are times that I wish to simply spend my entire night here and reading, but I know I must uphold my royal duties. I do share an interest in your history as there is much to read about since my thousand year absence. So many fascinating advances in pony culture I read about. Your interest in fantasy intrigues me though. Do you fancy yourself as one of those knights in the stories battling dragons and rescuing damsels in distress?”

“Well in a way I kind of do,” you admitted, “I always felt the need to protect ponies from danger, but unlike some of those stories I know that most mares are perfectly capable of handling themselves in difficult situations.”

“Yes, I have found that most ponies are capable of being their own protectors. Sometimes it takes a pony showing them the hidden strength that they have. Still I have to wonder if you see yourself rescuing a certain mare that is smitten with you the moment you help her.”

You feel your face flush with embarrassment as the thoughts of you being with Luna as more than just friends started to rise to the surface like bubbles. Even though you promised to the Princess that you would not fall in love with her there were times that you felt that promise faltering. You knew how important a promise was to you, and the last thing you wanted to do was break one with a Princess. Yet there seemed to be no reason why she rejected love like that.

“Well…I guess all ponies want to find love in their lives,” you said trying to take the weight of the conversation off you, “I can’t say for sure, but I think we all see ourselves as the greatest protector and ally of the ones we love.”

“Then do you have a marefriend in your life?”

“No,” you said as it pained you to not reveal the truth about your feelings towards the Princess, “not yet. There have been mares that sparked my interest but none of them felt like they were the one I love.”

“Pity,” Luna said as she turned from selecting a few books, “I would expect that of all ponies you would be the one to find the love of your life fairly easily.”

“Why’s that?”

“You have a good heart,” Luna said placing her hand on your chest, “You truly care about what other ponies think and feel and this quality is sadly lacking in some. But may I offer a piece of advice to you?”


“You don’t have to go looking for a pony to complete you. What you should find is a mare that will love you completely. That is the key to love.”

“Thank you for that advice,” you said to the Princess before asking, “Princess what types of books do you like?”

“The same as you I guess with history, although I’m also interested in magic.”

“Really?” you said surprised at her statement, “You the Princess of the Night studies magic?”

“I’m surprised that you find this so amazing,” she said, “Just because I’m an Alicorn does not make me omniscient. There is always something new to learn in this world.”

She paused as if unsure to admit something to you before saying, “There is also a certain genre of fiction that I like: Romance?”

“Really, you like romance novels? Aren’t they a little sappy?”

“They can be I admit, but it’s the idea of seeing ponies in them find their happiness with the ones they love that intrigues me. Maybe I’m just living vicariously through those characters.”

“Well speaking of love, have you ever found a special somepony in your life?” you said before regretting saying such a personal question.

“I don’t think that’s very appropriate to ask,” Luna said with a frown, “Still I did ask you the same thing so if we are friends we must be mutual in our sharing of secrets. Yes, once long before I was banished I had a love in my life. He was very much like you, a guard sworn to protect me who cared about me more than most. We loved each other and for a moment I thought that he would propose to me. Sadly it was not to be.”

“What happened?”

“You are asking me to exhume painful memories, you understand that?” Luna said staring at you with a look as if it was clearly something she did not wish to do. You felt a chill run up your spine as you risked your friendship with her by delving too deep into her personal life.

“Ok Luna, if you don’t wish to tell me this I understand.”

“No,” she responded sharply, “You initiated it and you must know this part of my life or else your mind will forever be thinking about it. As I said he was a guard and my closest friend, forever caring and loyal to me. But as darkness crept into my mind I could see that he was starting to become afraid of my power and how the mare he love was slowly fading away. He tried to reason with me to stop what I was doing, but in the end I was too blind by my sadness and anger. So instead of letting him help, I pushed him away and dismissed him as my guard and my love. I remember one of the last things as I battled my sister seeing for a very brief moment my love standing there outside the castle, looking up at me with a broken heart. There are many things I still regret from that time when I gave into darkness and became Nightmare Moon, but one that strikes at my heart is the fact that I never had the chance to ask for his forgiveness and to try and love him again. Even though a thousand years have passed I still see him in my mind, when he smiled at me and when he looked at me with that overwhelming saddening gaze.”

“Luna, I’m so sorry,” you said as tears began to flow down your eyes, “I didn’t mean to bring up such bad things. I’m also sorry that you had to endure all that misery of remembering.”

“This is our blessing and our curse,” Luna said as her eyes welled up, “to live a long life and keep our memories as fresh as the moment something happened. But I thank you for your concern. Could you do something for me?”

“Anything!” you said without hesitation.

“Could you hold me for a while? My sister usually is the one to comfort me but she is sound asleep.”

“Say nothing more,” you said as you wrapped your arms around her perfectly flawed body as she embraced you in kind. It was a similar feeling being locked in this embrace, just like when the two of you were slow dancing in the night club. This time though it was different, a deeper connection, as if you shared the same heart with her. She rested her muzzle on your shoulder as warm tears rained down your back. You couldn’t hold back any longer as you too cried for her loss and for the memories in a place where books encircled both of you, holding memories and dreams.

You wished you could take those centuries of pain she held within and put it into you, even if it destroyed you. Anything to not see her in pain was all that you could hope to achieve. But for now being a shoulder to cry on was what she needed and that was all that you could ask for.

“Thank you,” she breathed into my ear through the sniffling, “You are truly somepony that treasures my happiness and for that I am eternally grateful. Now let us put aside the bad memories. I think tonight will be best to get lost in a good book. Now that I think of it, will you do me one last favor?”

“Sure,” you reply as you separate from her.

“Will you read to me? I find it comforting when somepony helps take my mind off my troubles.”

“I will under one condition,” you said.

“Oh, and what’s that?” Luna said.

“I’ll read to you if you read to me.”

“That sounds like a deal,” she said as she handed you a romance novel to read. You spent the rest of the night reading to her and her reading to you. The two of you laughed as you struggled through the stories, sometimes trying to do the voices of the characters with little success. The sadness left the two of you as the world returned to the balance you once had between you. It was a moment not lost on you, a certain magic that you had to heal Luna’s broken heart. It was something that you did not take lightly but treasured that you were one of the few ponies to stir her heart and breathe joy into it.

Author's Note:

I wasn't sure how I would justify Luna's reasoning for not wanting to fall in love, other than the fear of loss being a long lived Alicorn. But then this idea came to mind and I knew I had to write it.