• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 3,513 Views, 118 Comments

Moonlit Romance - Lux

Can a Guard win the heart of a Princess?

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Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The rest of the afternoon passed by in a flash as you went about your free time. Granted it was strange having your breakfast for the first time as lunch and starting your day in the afternoon while most ponies were already well into their daily activities. But that wasn’t the thing that troubled you the most as you decided to take a walk throughout the city, hoping that getting away from the castle would clear your mind. The events of the morning echoed in your mind, especially the revelation that Princess Celestia gave you.

“She didn’t want me to just protect her,” you said as you journeyed down the street towards an unknown destination, “She wanted me to be Luna’s friend. But why me, why did she choose me to be the friend of the Princess of the Night? There are hundreds of ponies in Canterlot and thousands in Equestria. Why am I so special?”

But just as you questioned your ability to be a friend your mind considered something. Why couldn’t you be a friend to Luna? True she was a Princess, but even they needed friends in their lives, those that treated them not as some powerful all-knowing being but having the same hopes, dreams, and fears as anypony else. So really you didn’t have to change anymore that Luna did for you. In that one night Luna showed you something very important, that even Princesses could be themselves and feel comfortable doing so. It was as if to say that she was just like the other mares you’ve met.

Your journey ends as you come to a stop in front of the club that you and Luna visited. It was closed now of course with only a few ponies there helping load things into the club for the next night of fun. You chuckled as this was the place that you got to know the true Luna that few ponies could know. As the bell towers in the city chimed the hour you realized that soon you would have to return back to that castle and to Luna. Although that certainly wasn’t something you felt reluctant to do, you knew that returning meant having to face the blue Alicorn.

“Out of the frying pan and into the fire,” you said nervously, “Celestia might be forgiving of me and wanting to continue, but what will Luna do? Will she reject being my friend or accept me back?”

There was no answer you’d get now as you stood in the street, nor was it going to be an easy one for you, but it couldn’t be ignored either. The more that you thought about it, the more it ate at everything else on your mind. It was like nothing else you could enjoy until you’ve resolved this problem.

“A guard never sleeps,” you said as you made your way slowly back to the castle, “But this is more than just guarding Princess Luna. This is about confessing to being her friend. Princess Celestia never expected this to be just a job where I would follow her around in a vain attempt to protect her. She want me to connect with her sister, to try and be her friend, and that’s what I will do!”

With your mind cleared from the walk you returned to the castle and immediately back up to the top where you and the Princesses stayed. To your surprise you saw Princess Celestia waiting for you in the hallway next to the door to the private dining room.

“Princess Celestia,”you said, “Is everything ok?”

“Everything is fine,” she said calmly, “I would hope that my presence to you isn’t a sign that myself or my sister are in danger. I am here because I wanted to let you know that my sister is awake and is ready to speak with you now.”

“Ok, so where should I meet her, in the dining room?”

“No,” Celestia replied as her face changed to a confused expression, “Strangely she is waiting for you in your room. In fact she seems to be insistent to meet you there. I think she’s doing so after you entering her room. I doubt she means any ill will so please just humor her. Also, I think I detected a smell of pizza coming from your room.”

“Thank you Princess,” you said slightly confused, “I guess I’ll go visit her then.”

The Princess of the Sun nodded and entered the dining room for her evening meal. You couldn’t help but hear a little chuckle come from the Princess’s lips although you were uncertain if it was related to her sister’s antics or if it was towards what you were about to expect. Now it was you in the empty hallway with your fate before you. You started walking towards your room which had now been commandeered by the Princess you were sworn to protect. Did she decide to take over your room as well and kick you out? That was the only thing you could think out, although your mind did think about seeing Luna laying on your bed seductively wearing nothing with an open pizza box. You quickly shook the thought from your mind as you approached the door, not wanting to try and reconcile things with that thought in your mind.

Your mind swam with ideas the closer you approached your room and were about to reach for the door handle when it suddenly opened on its own, the colorful aura of magic surrounding the inner handle as it creaked open. There lying on the bed, like it was her own, was Princess Luna. In front of her were a pizza box and some paper plates. She stared idly at it the box as if longingly wanting to have what was inside the box, her one hand supporting her chin while drumming the box with her other. She reminded you of a teenager during a late night with no place to go.

“There you are,” she said looking up from you, “I was wondering when you when come back here. I thought for a moment I frightened you away.”

“No I made it back,” you said, “Listen, Princess Luna, I want to apologize for the morning.”

“Stop,” she said raising her hand, “my sister told me all about it, and I want to thank you for coming to my aid. I could imagine I would do the same thing if I were in the same position. You did what a guard should do, and most of all what somepony who cares would do. So I want to apologize first.”

“You don’t have to apologize,” you said.

“Yes, I do. You wanted to help but I pushed you away. I was upset but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

“Luna, I accept you apology, but I’d like to ask you a few things.”

“I knew you would, and that is why I ordered some pizza. Come have a slice, although it is a little cool right now.”

“Well, why are you in my room right now?”

“I never saw this room actually,” Luna said, “It’s really nice actually. But really I felt it would be better if I met you in a place where you felt comfortable. Plus you know now not to go into my room unless I say so, right?”

“Oh I got that,” you said taking a bit of the pizza, “So I hope that I’m not upsetting you, but those nightmares, you don’t have them every night, right?”

“No, thankfully it happens once a month,” she said as her expression turned dour, “Remember this, there are some memories that are so ingrained in our minds that we cannot just cast it aside. We need to adapt our live around these moments and manage them, and that is what I’ve been doing, managing. I know that many ponies have forgiven me for what I have done but even though I’ve tried to forgive myself there is part of me that cannot yet forgive what I’ve done completely. I hope you understand and that these times when the nightmares return that you are not troubled by them.”

“I’m not trouble by them, but what I’m concerned is to make sure you are ok. I know that you don’t need protection as you are capable to take care of yourself. What you need is a friend, somepony that cares about you and that you can talk to. No pony should be alone after all.”
“So you would like to be that friend,” Luna said folding her arms across her body, “Is this something that my sister put you up to?”
“Well, honestly she did. She thought that if she put somepony as a guard that we would become friends, but I thought it was to be a guard position. I had no idea of her plan. My feeling for caring about just happened.”

She stared at you for a moment as you felt a cold bead of sweat drip down your forehead. You didn’t want to lie about what Celestia revealed to you, but you hoped that the truth was not as dangerous as a lie.

“I believe you, and actually Celestia confessed this to me when you were gone. So let’s do it.”

“Um…do what?” you said but suddenly you felt your body embraced in a hug.

“Let’s try being friends,” Luna said, “You know I never thought I’d be a friend with a stallion, but I think we’ll get along nicely. Now, let’s finish our dinner. We have much work to do tonight, and I think a little more fun is in order.”

Author's Note:

I think we've reached the halfway mark, maybe more. So, we've gone from acquaintance to friend and now we have one last stop.