• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 3,513 Views, 118 Comments

Moonlit Romance - Lux

Can a Guard win the heart of a Princess?

  • ...

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“So where are we going?” you asked as you followed Luna through the immense castle.

“If I told you then it wouldn’t be a secret, now would it?” she said taking a strange pleasure in torturing you, “You asked me if I knew about anything to do for fun. I have to say it is very difficult for a Princess to be out in the city even at night when most ponies are at sleep. But I have found a few ways to do so.”

The two of you walked outside the main doors and towards the gate which separated the castle grounds from the streets of Canterlot. The two guards standing there took notice of you and Luna.

“Don’t worry boys,” Luna said, “I’m just going out for a few hours to the usual place with my bodyguard. I’ll be back soon.”

The guards nodded as they opened the golden gate, letting the two of you pass through before shutting it with a resounding clang.

“Now that were out, time to do a little alteration,” she said as her horn flickered. Her coat lightened to a medium blue. Her ethereal mane and tail changed to a silver blue style with the mane reaching the small of her back and her tail nearly touching the ground. Her wings disappeared although you knew that they were still there just invisible. Luna’s eyes changed from aquamarine to purple, and her crown changed to look like something more of a headpiece that you saw the more affluent ponies wear.

“So what you think?” the altered Luna said.

“You look great,” you said.

“You’d say that about me even if I was caked in mud,” she said with a giggle, “What I meant was do I look like how I normally do?”

“No, you look perfectly like a regular pony,” you said.

“Thank you ,” Luna said, “Normally I wouldn’t see that as a compliment but in this circumstance it means my disguise magic worked well.”

“Have you used it much?”

“More than even Celestia knows, but don’t tell her that. Now then, with my identity a secret it’s time to take you to one of my favorite night spots. Follow me!”

You followed Luna through the relatively empty streets, past shops and restaurants that were closed for the night and houses with their lights out as all ponies have gone to bed. Your eyes then catch a place open with a line of a few ponies waiting to get inside and a very stern looking security guard in front. You could hear the thumping beat of music through the walls, and anytime a group of ponies entered or left the music got louder for a brief minute.

“Shall we go inside?” she said as she trotted towards the line. You followed her as the line quickly moved, some ponies going in with a few being turned away. Finally it was your turn as the guard looked at you two.

“Tonight is couples night only at the club,” he said alternating his gaze between the two of you, “You are a couple, aren’t you?”

“Yes we are,” Luna said, “right honey?”

“Of course we are dear,” you said trying your best to give off a persona of dating the mare next to you, something that seemed more natural in your mind than you imagined it to be. The guard, satisfied with the act waved you into the club. You were greeted by bright lights and pulse pounding dance music as you found a seat by the bar.

“What can I get for you two?” a friendly Pegasus mare said as she wiped off a clean glass with a towel.

“I’ll have a Blue Moon,” said Luna as if this was her drink of choice, something you knew most likely was alcoholic. You knew you were next and you didn’t want to seem like you were not brave enough to drink.

“A rum and a coke,” you said to which the bartender nodded and began to prepare your drinks.”

“Drinking on the job, huh,” Luna said noting the fact that you were still in your armor.

“Well so are you,” you replied.

“That is true. I’m just pulling your tail,” she said with a giggle, “I like coming here from time to time as it has some nice energy. All the ponies are here having a good time and enjoying the night. How about you, do you typically go out at night?”

“Maybe to some kind of event but really after being a guard I’m typically too tired to do things besides in my barracks.”

“Yes, I suppose guard duty can be tough,” she said as you watched Luna’s drink being made, consisting of three types of alcohol and as the name noted appeared blue like the moon on some nights.

“That’s kind of a strong drink there,” you said.

“When you’ve lived long enough like me,” she said quietly, “You develop a tolerance for spirits. Besides I don’t drink to get so drunk that I forget where I am. My sister would never let me heard the end of it!”

With the drinks served Luna sipped the concoction as she stared out at the dance floor before saying, “So do you dance?”
“Not really. I have two left hooves.”

“Nonsense, it’s time for you to learn something new,” she said tossing back her drink in one gulp, “Finish your drink and follow me!”
You follow her into the thick of the crowd on the dance floor until you find an open area.

“Now, listen to beat and start moving your body from side to side. Like this, “Luna said as she demonstrated a little as you stood mesmerized for a moment at how good she was at dancing, “Now you try.”

You follow her lead and move your body to the rhythm, feeling a little robotic doing so. You felt even more awkward having Luna hear you who danced like a pro, putting her whole body into the dance. At last the song ended as everypony cheered for the DJ.

“So how was I?” you asked.

“You were ok. Perhaps a few more times and you’ll get the hang of it. I wonder what the next song is.”

“Ok ponies,” the DJ said, “We’re going to slow things down for all you couples out there, so anypony who wants to do a slow dance with their special somepony please remain on the dance floor.”

You turn to leave the floor when you feel a hand on your shoulder suddenly stop you.

“Hey, where are you going?” Luna said, “You’re not scared of a slow dance, are you?”

“No, I just thought that you wouldn’t be interested in dancing one…”

“With you?” she interjected as the music started, “Nonsense, I think it will be fun. Have you slow danced with a mare before?”
“Not since prom,” you said embarrassed at the revelation.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” Luna said with a smile, “Here, let me teach you. First stand in front of me, but you’ll need to get a little close.”

“Like this?’ you said standing a few feet away from the disguised Princess.

“No, closer,” she said with a giggle as she literally grabbed you and pulled you in, “like a hug see? Don't worry I'm not going to bite. Now I’m going to put my hands on your shoulders and you’ll put your hands around my waist. If I feel you touching my tail or my butt, you’re doomed, got it?”

“Ok,” you said not taking any chances as to if that was a joke.

“Now we simply move in a circle like this,” Luna said as the two began dancing. Although it felt awkward at first holding the Princess of the Night, as the music played and you watched the other couples dancing around you it felt very natural dancing with her. Looking at her face you could tell that she was enjoying it too. You felt like this was the way you wanted things to be forever.

“Um, you can let go now,” Luna said, “The slow dance has stopped.”

“Oh you said,” shaking yourself out of the feelings of joy, “Guess I got lost in the music.”

“Don’t worry I get that way too,” she said, “You did great for your first slow dance, better than a normal dance. You know there’s one thing you can say you did that few ponies have done before.”

“What’s that?”

“Slow danced with a Princess,” she said quietly, ‘Now let’s get another drink. All that dancing is making me thirsty.”

Author's Note:

I was trying to think of things to do at night that would be available in Canterlot. There will be a few other interesting encounters Luna has for our unnamed guard in the coming chapters.