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Chapter 7: The Red Room

Chapter 7: The Red Room

The Red Room is a feature of design inspired by a man who was insane and losing his mind. He's crazy. He's off the walls, chartering the seas and seeing the future all day long...

Vinyl looked at what she did. Quivering in fear and in panic. She stared at the lifeless body of Clarence. He tortured her. Made her feel helpless and below standards of any rights that are given for life. She was in a dark corner when Clarence was here... And now...

There was relief. Weight lifted from her shoulders and her mind. Vinyl felt at ease as the stress left her. Everything was gone that made her feel so alone. Everything was perfect and safe...

But, something poked at Vinyl's mind. Something didn't feel right. She felt as though something more is needed to be done. Vinyl needed to achieve more with this and discover why he did this to her. Why would a human do this to something that was essentially an animal? Everything pointed to the room Clarence forbade her from. She backed up from the kitchen, looking at the white door at the top of the stairway.

Slowly, Vinyl moved up the stairs, the wooden 'case creaked underneath her weight, and made a loud 'eeeeerrrkkk' noise. It bugged Vinyl, but, she had to press further. As Vinyl reached the top, she used her magic to twist the doorknob. The door opened and Vinyl walked into a very dark, and black, room. She looked around for any sort of light source, and found nothing.

Instead, she lit up her horn. The blue light filled the room and eventually was replaced by a horrible... Horrible image.

"Don't you like it, Vinyl?", A dark voice called out, within the room.

"Everything here is perfect. The things that you tried to repress from yourself. It's all back now. Clarence made you feel that pleasure you ached for. I know you loved it when I did that to you... Hehehehe...", The voice seemed very vague, but familiar.

"D... Dad...?", Vinyl shivered in fear, and looked around the room, trying to ignore what she was seeing, and trying to find that voice.

"Oh, you don't have to be so... Surprised... Just because I'm in your mind, doesn't mean I can't leave it, can't I?", Her father appeared in front of her.

The door slammed shut, and a bright red light illuminated the room. Vinyl turned around to the door, and saw it fading away. It matched the rest of the walls, and Vinyl noticed everything that was there now.

In front of her was pictures of her as a little filly. Just playing in her yard with her toys and her mother next to her, enjoying the time as well. But, as Vinyl looked to her right, eyeing more pictures, she found it got worse and worse.

The pictures progressed into her father beating her mother and Vinyl, and then pictures of Vinyl being abused and strapped down into a black-leather device. It gripped around her and pictures of Vinyl crying progressed around the room as well. Eventually, it went into her father raping her. Vinyl couldn't handle it.

"Please... Stop this! Leave me alone!", Vinyl yelled at the entity.

"I am your father, and you expect me to just vanish? Don't you cherish our time together, Vinyl?! Do not disobey your father!", A hoof smacked into Vinyl's face, making her fly back and hit the wall.

"You will obey me, Vinyl! I am your ruler and you are my subject. You will bow to me and please me every needs!", Her father pushed her into the wall, breathing heavily down her neck.

"Leave me alone!", Vinyl yelled back at her dad.

"You cannot stop me, Vinyl. I am much stronger than you. I will enjoy this moment one more time. And so will you...", Vinyl's father pressed against her further. She could feel his lips pressing against her neck and his thighs rubbing against her hind legs.

"Get... Off me!", Vinyl yelled, trying to push him off. He retaliated and pushed her further against the wall, laughing loudly.

"You think you're strong than me, Vinyl? You'll just have to enjoy the ride. Because I know I will..", Her father started to lock her in place, and moving his groin close to Vinyl's. Vinyl tried to think quickly, trying to squirm out of this.

It was hopeless. She was stuck in this position and she would have to take it... She gave up, letting him at her. She sighed and went limp.

Her father only laughed, and looked at her.

"Giving up... There's the filly I remember... You're not mare enough to even be a mare... Keep being a filly...", He laughed softly and eased his grip on her... His mistake, though.

Vinyl kicked her hind-hooves at his groin, and he fell back, his eyes cringing and letting out a massive 'oooouuuggh!'.

Vinyl kicked herself onto her hooves, and stared her father right in the eyes.

"I'm not scared of you, anymore, Dad!", Vinyl yelled, in pure anger.

"You... You'r--"

"SHUT UP! I'M TALKING!", Vinyl forced her father to shut up.

"I am the boss of my own body, not you! You'll never control me! Anymore!", Vinyl was face to face with her father, her mussel pressing against his.

"You... Can't live... Without me...", He said.

"I obviously can! I lived without you for twenty-six years! You're the bane of my existence and I want you out of my head! I want you gone!", Vinyl pushed her father back, and he stumbled into the wall.

"You're not my father! You're just something I tried to forget about! You're a demon! A monster! Something that only I can deal with!", Vinyl punched her father in the face with her hoof.

"You're something I need to vanquish and eliminate. You're the reason why I don't sleep at night and why I get frustrated with everypony!!!", Vinyl was beating her father senseless, punching the black entity left and right.

Although it was hard to see, black ooze was spewing onto the dark red walls. The light was flickering brightly with each punch Vinyl dealt to her father. He only took it, and let out grunts of pain each time.

"Leave! LEAVE! LEAVE MY HEAD! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE! I WANT YOU BACK IN HELL! WHERE YOU BELONG!!!!", with that, the room went black, and Vinyl fell unconscious...

Vinyl stood up, looking around. She squinted as the bright light beamed onto her face, making her lose focus. Everything was a blur and she saw something walking towards her. She looked to her hooves and saw a white, fluffy, surface.

As her vision came into focus, she saw that it was a cloud, and everything around her was blue. The thing that was walking towards her was now standing above her. It's white coat shined brightly as the cutie mark of a vinyl record laid on it's rump. It was tall and had a very smooth mussel. The eyes of it were bright pink, and it's mane was just as frizzy as Vinyl's. The mane was two colours: hot pink, and regular pink, matching its eyes, and a unicorn horn stuck out from its forehead. It smiled brightly as it looked at Vinyl.

"Hello, Vinyl.", The unicorn said. It's smile widened and it's voice was smooth and slow. Much like a mothers' would be.

"M-m-m.. Mo... Mom...?", Vinyl stumbled on the word, not believing her eyes.

"Yes, it's me, Vinyl! I'm so glad to see you.", Vinyl's mother embraced her, kissing her cheek softly and gently. The kiss was warm and filled Vinyl's heart with joy and heat.


"Shhh... Vinyl... Shh.. It's all right.. You're safe... You're with me, now... He's gone... Just ... Shh..", Vinyl's mother whispered softly, hugging Vinyl tightly.

"Vinyl, I know this is hard for you, I know. I've felt it... But, I'm in a better place, I promise you...", Vinyl's mother looked deep into Vinyl's blue eyes. Vinyl smiled gently.

"Mom... I missed you... So much...", Vinyl said warmly, trying to hold back tears.

"I know you did, Vinyl. I know you still do. You're my daughter, and I'll always be with you, Vinyl. Right here,", Vinyl's mother gently poked her chest where her heart was, "I'll always be in that little spot in your heart."

Vinyl smiled at this, and held her mothers hooves, sitting on the fluffy cloud surface. It was silent and peaceful for a couple minutes. Vinyl stared at her mother in awe and joy; seeing her after so many years. It was such a great moment to have, and was such a great pleasure to see her once more.

"Vinyl... I'm sorry I didn't do more for you. I tried to protect you. I never knew he was like that. When he pushed me out of your head... I couldn't do anything... I tried to protect you... I tri--"

"Mom... It's... It's okay... You tried your best... And now you're here... And we're together again..." , Vinyl smiled, looking at her mother sincerely.

Vinyl's mother laughed softly, and warmly kissed Vinyl's cheek.

"That's what made me so happy about you... Seeing you smile... And be so... Optimistic..", Vinyl's mother smiled gently.

"But... You can't stay here forever... No... I was ... I had enough of what I saw... I had to intervene... I couldn't let me daughter, the one I loved so much, go through that... Having to murder a 'human'... And then face her...", Vinyl's mother let out a tear. It dropped onto the fluffy cloud and sparkled away, making stars shoot upward to the continuing blue sky.

"Mom... It's okay.. I understand... Please, don't cry... I...", Vinyl let out her own tears, embracing her mother in a warm hug.

They hugged each other for several minutes, tears constantly shattering on the cloud floor and making stars spiral upwards to the sky. Eventually, they let go. They were both smiling at each other and looking each other deep in the eyes.

"You have to go now, Vinyl.. Back to Ponyville... I can break Celestia's spell. I want you safe, and to never return to that dreadful Earth... Please.. Be safe...", Vinyl's mother warmly hugged Vinyl once more.

"I'll be safe... As long as I have you to think about, now, Mommy...", Vinyl smiled brightly, looking deep into her mothers' eyes.

"I love you, sweetheart. Never forget that...", As Vinyl's mother said this, she faded away.

Her particles whipped off into the blue sky, fading deeply in a large burst of sunlight, nearly blinding Vinyl.

Vinyl saw a rainbow appear above her. It's light was dim, but it encased her in a large cocoon like structure and warping her off somewhere.

She re-appeared in her home. Her bedroom. A place of sanity and sanctity. She eyed everything in the blue room. Pictures of Octavia, pictures of a few fan ponies, and some dog tags. But, her most prized picture was that of her mother, playing with a ball and Vinyl bouncing it off her nose. Vinyl went up to it and smiled.

The reflection in the picture made her see the many bruises and cuts she now had. Everything in that world wasn't what she expected... But maybe it did the better for her... Just... Maybe...

Clarence made her work like a slave, pushing her to do things she never wanted to do. Eventually, he acted like a true slave master and started to beat her to death. But, every slave retaliates after so much abuse. When Clarence started to rape her, she showed him that not is all what it may seem with a slave...

Clarence also made her fight off the one she hated her entire life. Vinyl smashed her father away and back into the depths of hell, letting him meet his true demise.

But, unfortunately... It was the last time she would ever see her mother. Her mentor. The one Vinyl truly loved in her life. Vinyl's mother was a saint and only cared for Vinyl. She wanted the best for her.

Vinyl continued to stare at the picture, and just smiled further. It wasn't the last time she'd ever see her. Vinyl's mother was in her heart...

And would always be there.. Forever and ever...