• Published 31st Dec 2014
  • 926 Views, 14 Comments

A Little Loopy - a Moonlit song - Gamer_KM

When Looper Sweetie Belle Meets one Moonlight, how do you escape a time loop again?

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Chapter 1: Still not Saturday. L???


Moonlight killed her spell and frowned, The temporal line was...off, something had took a lot of power from her and stuffed her here. "Which means i am stuck." Moon said out loud. The gray unicorn, bushing a lock of blue hair out of her blue eyes, sat down outside Ponyville City Hall. 11:59:02 PM Monday, Normally she would be home with her mother by now....Normally she would have a set of wing right now with her horn....Normally Her Right ear would be blackened do a cures her uncle gave her, Now she was stuck in a side time line with half her power. She started to pace, how would she prove who she was....who'd believe her?

At Midnight ,on the dot, there was a twang of a temporal power and a feeling of sliding back in time. At 12:01:01 it stopped, Moon looked around, casting a time check spell, 12:01:35.21 Monday. Moon swore under her breath, this had to be Glitch's work. He was doing what Discord tasked him to do in the chaos war.....the first one, Messing with the time lines, making a mess then leaving it for HER to clean up....She Lit her horn ones more, she needed to find the center of this spell and, with any luck, get out of here.

Sweetie sat up in bed, Philomena Looked out the window, a puzzled look on her face, Sweetie looked out it as well....A Feeling of unease crept over her, only to be broken by Rarity calling her for breakfast. She showed Rarity her loop note and grabbing a pancake headed to Twilight's...Maybe she could have twilight help her with the toothpasteing of ponyville....again,....She was lost in thought she walked into somepony, She jumped back with a screaming high note, She never walked into somepony before, not after the 15th loop.

Moon's spell popped when a filly walked into her, she tried to recast the tracking spell, but her spell broke by a bird being ran over by the sun, now with a migraine, she turned to the filly and noted two things one, the filly's horn was glowing meaning she was using a spell. Two,The Filly had a look of terror on her face. Moon Blinked, before all this she looked scary when mad, but half the things that made her scary where gone, "I am so sorry fo--" Moon started, the Filly Jumped up and grab her with her magic, "WHAT DAY IS IT?" She asked anxiety filled her high-ish voice so it cracked.
"Ummmm, Monday... altho--" The filly let go of Moon and started trotting in a circle. She was talking really fast, if the time line had a pinkie, this filly would give her a run for her bits.
"howcanthishappen?howisshehere?haveIfinelygonecrazy?whydoifeellightheaded?" The filly said before properly passing out. Moon Rushed over and placed a hoof on the filly's horn.This was not good, whatever glitch had done, this filly was feeling it...and where did moon know her from?

Sweetie sat up,groggily, and looked around, she was in the ponyville medic center. Blinking A young unicorn, the one she bumped into on the street, was talking to red heart.
"--ank you for bringing her here, it looks like she just fainted." Red Heart was saying.
The unicorn nodded and asked "Can I get her name?"
"Sweetie Belle" Red heart replied before seeing something out a window and excusing her self, racing out the door, not noting The unicorn's sharp inhale.
Sweetie waved her hoof getting the unicorn's attention. The unicorn looked uneasy as she walked over,"Hi, Ummm...." the unicorn rubbed her leg, unsure waht to say.
Sweetie cut straight to the point. "Who are you, how are you here?"
The unicorn blinked and sighed "alright, I'll tell you, but it will be hard to swallow"
"Try me" Sweetie challenged.

"Try me" said Sweetie belle, Famed singer, actor and in one time line,Builder of Stables that Lasted Balefire blasts, although this one was a bit younger only a year or four younger then Moon. Moon Inhaled deeply "Well, I am a time controlling alicorn, who happens to be one of two daughters of Luna, and a pegasi named thunderbolt, i was cursed as a foal to turn into nightmare moon ever new moon,My talent is time magic, My Cutie mark is a temporal control gear My Full name in Moonlight Bolt, I think I got here by accident when my time spell got snagged on something" she said in one breath....Moon blinked how she put her life, it sounded like it was the most common thought of thing in the world....she would have words when she got home. Sweetie on the other hoof, Passed out again. 'Great' Moon thought 'I am alone' She Looked around, and closed her eyes lighting her horn,the spell taking form, she put her hoof THROUGH the air in front of her, she felt around for a moment and pulled out a music player, Putting the head phones one and siting, she waited for Sweetie to wake back up, and hopefully she would find the center of this mess then they all could go home.

"This is DJ PON3 With Some Sweetie Belle's new album HUSH, I hope your ready to 'Relax' Kiddys"

Hush now, quiet it now, it's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed.
Hush now, quiet now, close your sleepy eyes.
Hush now, quiet now, my how time sure flies.

Drifting, drifting off to sleep the days excitement behind you.
Drifting drifting off to sleep let the joy of dreamland find you.

Hush now, quiet now, lay your sleepy head.

Sweetie was having a nightmare, it would start off her playing in the front yard of a house with a gray pegasus, next an alarm would go off near the edge of town, she was put in the house, she would go to a window, watch 2 more ponies,a unicorn and another pegasus, arrive, they fought, then fell, the unicorn losing his front right leg, both on the ground ,maybe, dead, next she would run to her room in the house, a black alicorn would meet her, her face would burn with pain as the nightmare took hold, the unicorn would show up, do some strange spell then pass out, the loop would reset. she just couldn't get a brake even in her dream.

Next to her Moon was having a dream where she talked her mother,aunt,and twilight, into scrubbing down ponyville, then the rest of the world, with toothbrushs. Maybe the dream walk spell just downloaded sweeties memory from a short time ago into her head.....maybe she had to much cake when she left.

Author's Note:

Made with the Blessings of werewolf, My oh My