• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 732 Views, 21 Comments

The Sound of One Hoof Clopping - Trick Question

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Koan 5: The Meaning of Life

Fluttershy was at home relaxing with her many animal friends during afternoon tea, when she heard a loud knocking at her door. Before she had a chance to rise, a snow-white blur whizzed by her. Fluttershy heard a familiar voice murmur something, followed by the loud WHAM! of the door slamming shut. Her overprotective lapine companion hopped back into the room, head held high with an irritated look on his face.

"Angel Bunny! That is not how we treat guests,” admonished Fluttershy. Angel crossed his forelegs in defiance as Fluttershy trotted briskly to the door, opening it back up. A very confused-looking minotaur stood towering over the entrance to her home.

"Uhh, has Iron Will come at a bad time, Fluttershy?" the minotaur asked in a gravelly but calm voice. He hunched over, tapping his index fingers together nervously. Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief. It was nice to see Will not trying to intimidate everyone within earshot for once.

"No, not at all, Iron Will," said Fluttershy, smiling. "Please, come in..." she began, before realizing her home might be a little cramped for him. "Oh! On second thought, wait just a moment, please." Fluttershy rushed back into her living area and returned seconds later with three pillows. She stepped outside of her home and shut the door, tossing two of the pillows to her guest and placing the third one beneath her.

"This should be more comfortable than the walkway," she said, and took a seat on the cushion. "So, what brings you back to Ponyville? I hope you’re not trying to reclaim your bits again, because I'm afraid the answer is still 'no'."

"Oh, no, I gave up on that long ago," said Will, nervously fussing with the cushions beneath him. "I just came here because I’m interested in... Wait, let me back up a little. You know that everyone in this village likes and respects you a lot, right?"

Fluttershy blushed deeply and made an adorable little squeaking sound. "I have many friends, yes," she admitted. "But there's no secret to it! You just have to think about the needs of others, and balance them carefully with your own needs. It feels good to help others. You should know that: you probably help people with those seminars you do."

Iron Will nodded. "Right, I get it. But I still think there’s more behind it. Little mare, you seem to have it all together. You're the only person who ever had the guts to stand up to me, yet you still seem so calm and collected. Now, I've made plenty of bits by marketing that confidence program, but sometimes I just feel empty after all the work I do," said Will, scratching his head behind one of his massive horns.

Fluttershy listened intently, resisting the urge to give him a big hug. That might make her feel better, but her practiced empathy told her it wasn't what he needed right now. "Please, go on."

"Right. Well, I was wondering if you know anything about, y'know, the 'meaning of life'. Like, what are we supposed to be doing here? I'm pretty sure there’s more to life than making bits and being awesome," he said, matter-of-factly, "I just don't know what it is."

Fluttershy suppressed a giggle, then regained her composure and spoke. "My goodness, that sounds like a very deep question, Mister Will." She paused and looked skyward for a moment, pondering the idea. The minotaur waited patiently for her to finish her thought.

About a minute passed, then Fluttershy looked back up to her guest, directly meeting his gaze. "I don’t know if something like that is going to be the same for everypony. Er, every creature, I mean," she added with a smile, "but there are many things worth living for. Friendship is one of the most important..."

"Okay, sure, that makes sense," he interrupted. "But how do you balance what you want with what your friends want?"

"Well, if you care about them, it comes naturally, I think. At least, it does to me. But if I had to pin things down to a single platitude, I guess I'd say the meaning of life boiled down to, 'Be kind, and avoid engaging in conflict.' And that's pretty much it," she said.

Iron Will snorted, looking doubtful. "Oh, come on, Fluttershy! And here I thought you were all done with being such a pushover."

Fluttershy shook her head in denial. "I didn’t say being a pushover was the meaning of life. I said 'avoid conflict'. Certainly there are times when you can’t avoid conflict, and there are even times when it’s a good idea, like if it can be used to a problem, or if it helps a friend in need. But I’d still have to say, 'Be kind, and avoid engaging in conflict whenever possible,' is about as close to the meaning of life that I can get," she said. "At least, that's the meaning of life for me."

An incredulous look crossed the minotaur's face for a moment, and then he burst into uproarious laughter. "Seriously? Avoid conflict? Are you for real, Fluttershy? Look, I'm sorry, little pony, but there is just no possible way that sidestepping strife is even a tiny part of the meaning of life. Conflict drives all of society! What you’re saying is, well, it's just impossible. I may not know the meaning of life myself, but I know for certain that 'avoid conflict' has nothing to do with it. Period." Iron Will crossed his massive arms and narrowed his eyes, leaning back in a defensive posture.

Fluttershy smiled sweetly, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, and simply responded: "Okay."

The minotaur’s eyes widened with dawning realization, as the serenity of the little pony before him shone like the Sun itself. She had complete control over the situation, not despite the fact that she had placed her needs and opinions beneath his, but because of it.

Iron Will stood up and bowed very solemnly. "Thank you, Fluttershy," he said softly, then turned and walked slowly away.

"Anytime, Will," she replied with a coy smile as she picked up her cushions. Before heading back inside, the little pony took a minute to watch her guest wander slowly away, lost in his thoughts.