• Published 10th Dec 2014
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Imperium et Imperator - Emperor Gerald I

Gerald Wellesley: historian, politician, imperialist, and monarchist, is transported to Equestria, where he is given a taste of absolute power. Gerald must decide between possessing the power he has always desired and his newfound friends.

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XI- Facing the Princess of the Night

As Gerald returned to Ponyville that night, he felt like a fugitive leaving the scene of a crime. He really ought to inform somepony of what had just occurred. Yet was he already too committed to this? He had already given the army orders. They were to attempt to find some way to construct percussion cap carbines and sabres using blueprints he had created for them and the materials available within the complex and the surrounding forest. Gerald had dubbed them the 1st Dragoon Regiment of his Imperial Army, and organized them like a Napoleonic regiment, giving Diresteel the rank of Colonel. Even as he had left he could hear the ring of steel as his soldiers began to create the tools they would need to create their new weapons. Gerald had warned them to stay out of sight, and to only contact him if absolutely necessary. Celestia, from the little Gerald knew about her was very kind and forgiving, yet he knew what he had done could be rightly described as treason. Besides, Gerald liked the feeling of power that having his own military force gave him. What harm could it do if they would only act upon his orders?

Gerald returned to the inn where he had stayed the previous evening. The tired stallion behind the counter gave him a careless nod as he walked by. As Gerald entered his room he pulled the black diamond out of his pocket. This little diamond contained the power that allowed his army to exist. According to Diresteel the only way the dark army could be truly defeated is if this diamond was destroyed, and only Princess Luna had the power to destroy it. Gerald paced rapidly back and forth, like he always did when he was nervous. He felt extremely obligated to inform Princess Celestia of what had happened, after all she was the rightful ruler of this land. Yet on the other hand she may banish him or worse, and would most definitely take the his army away from him. Gerald stopped pacing, for the solution was simple! He could simply keep the army a secret. What harm would come if he played at being Emperor in the forest every once and awhile? Although this explanation, even to Gerald, seemed ramshackle it at least put his mind at ease.

"Are you certain that this is the best course of action?" Celestia asked her sister again.

"Dear sister, it is not your responsibility to interact with others for me."

"It is not Gerald that I am concerned about, it is that stallion that you claim you vaguely recall from your time as Nightmare Moon."

"We are quite capable of looking after ourselves!" Luna stamped her forehoof violently against the ground, startling some nearby guards who came running into the room.

"Is all well your highnesses?"

"All is well, back to your posts." Luna dismissed them sternly.

"Sister, you recall that it was this type of uncontrolled anger that caused the Nightmare Moon conflict."

Luna closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "Forgive me sister, we forgot ourselves for a moment."

Celestia placed her forehoof around her sister's neck. "I shall leave you on your own to deal with this for now, but do not hesitate to ask me for help sister."

"I shall not hesitate."

After Celestia had left Luna entered her realm which, as she had hoped, Gerald was currently inhabiting. She entered Gerald's dream where he was seated atop a large throne, with a swath of petitioners awaiting his audience. "What the bloody hell is that thing?" one of the petitioners exclaimed, having caught sight of Princess Luna. The throne room became a swath of people trying to get away from the strange creature, and Gerald's imperial guards creating a rough square around their Emperor. Gerald rose from his throne to see who or what had invaded his palace. Upon sighting Luna Gerald realized that this was nothing more than a dream. Suddenly him and Luna were alone in the throne room.

"Your highness." Gerald gave Luna a bow.

"Gerald, we have come to ask you something. It pertains to the events of last evening."

Gerald cringed, expecting punishment for his behaviour toward the Princess. "I did not realize that you were truly were present in my dream your highness, I thought you were a figment of my imagination!"

"For that we do not blame you Gerald. We have come to ask: did you too see the stallion in the distance? The dark one."

"Yes your highness."

"Did he speak to you?"

Gerald hesitated, he feared that if he said too much Luna would remember the dark army and take it from him. "We asked you a question!" Luna shouted at him. Gerald recoiled from the violence of her anger. Luna could almost hear Celestia chiding her "If you wish to be liked by our little ponies you must treat them with a gentle kindness."

Luna walked over to Gerald and patted him gently upon the back. "Forgive us Gerald, we did not intend to frighten you. We are... distressed about the things that occurred in your dream last night and we are eager to learn more."

Gerald still hesitated, attempting to create some believable dialogue that would have occurred between him and Diresteel that would not reveal too much. Luna took this as a sign that he was still fearful of her. Luna knew what Celestia would do at a time like this. Luna gently placed her forehooves around Gerald's neck. "There there little human, there is no need to be frightened of us."

Gerald saw a golden opportunity to make Luna sympathize with him, to allow him to keep his army and still enjoy the favour of the monarchy in within Equestria. It was a dangerous gamble but fortune favours the bold! Gerald embraced Luna, pulling her in close to him. This time Luna did not resist. Gerald buried his face in her mane, in order to conceal the smile that was spreading across his face. As Gerald felt Luna redouble the intensity of her embrace he knew he had succeeded. Luna on the other hand was thinking of how wonderful it was to have finally found a friend. She had forgotten all about the mysterious stallion who had appeared in Gerald's dream last evening, living entirely in this blissful moment. Luna gently nuzzled Gerald. She had never been held like this since she was but a little filly, over one thousand years ago.

Gerald felt some regret, manipulating Luna in this way. But was it not justified? Was he not enjoying this embrace as well? Secretly, deep within Gerald's subconscious he wished it was Celestia, not Luna that he was holding in his arms. "Luna?" Gerald spoke softly.

"Yes Gerald?"

"The stallion did speak to me."

Luna's bliss crashed harshly back into reality. She pulled away from Gerald, her face reddening as she realized what had just occurred. "What did he say?"

"He informed me that something I had discovered, a gem of some-sort, had given me control of an army."

Luna remembered now, she remembered creating the Dark Army. Celestia had told her that to use a spell to create life was immoral, yet she had not taken heed of her sister's warning. It had been that spell that had drove her beyond the brink of sanity. It was that spell that had turned her fully into Nightmare Moon. "Gerald, you must tell us where the diamond is, it has to be destroyed!"


"It is the physical creation of power and temptation, jealousy and anger. It must be destroyed!"

"Yet it acts only upon my orders. If I give it no orders that would harm anypony, why should it be destroyed? You do realize your highness that these beings you have created are sentient, don't you? Do you really wish to end their lives?"

"Gerald, you must understand, it is because of that army that the wrath of Nightmare Moon was unleashed!"

Gerald ran his hand through Luna's mane. "It seems that Nightmare Moon has renounced her old ways."

"...Very well Gerald, we will consult with Celestia. But we must ask you, why do you need an army?"

"The same reason your sister has hers, to protect Equestria."

"Do not betray our trust Gerald." Luna turned away. "Also, you are to speak to nopony about what has happened here."

"I can assure you that nopony will be informed about the army."

"Nor our... embrace?" Luna was glad she was looking away from Gerald, lest he see her blushing so strongly.

"Nor our embrace your highness." Gerald chuckled.

Luna dissipated from Gerald's mind, leaving him alone in his dreams.