• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 3,974 Views, 248 Comments

Sweet Pea - CartoonNerd12

The spin-off to The Midnight Dance starring the CMC as they take a journey to an island kingdom to face challeges that lie ahead

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Chapter 15

Flash woke up to find the other side of the bed cold. He opened his eyes to see some pony was missing and thought, Now where could she be… He smirked, knowing perfectly well where his wife was. When they all moved into the castle, Twilight wanted the area where the castle library was closest. He got up and checked on their son, Fire Spark, in the room next to theirs.

"Sound asleep…" he said to himself as he quietly tip-toed away. He looked around the kitchen, making sure everything was ready for when breakfast would be served. His wife loved keeping on a schedule, but if she was too wrapped up in a book, she was likely unable to keep track of time. He walked out to the hallway that led him to the library. He saw Owlowicious on a perch near the table.

"Good morning, Owlowicious. Can you tell me where I can find my wife?"

Owlowicious hooted and tilted his head to a bookcase. Flash got the gist as he pushed back an empty chair and the bookcase revealed a secret passage. There, Twilight was on a couch reading peacefully until she looked up to see the passage was wide open.


He smiled, "Hi, honey." He went over to kiss her cheek.

"Is it morning already?"

"It is. Were you up all night reading again?"

"Not all night…"

"What were you looking up?"

"Well, the girls' trip to Marendelle got me curious as to what the island kingdom is famous for."


"Did you know that it is rumored to have an ancient treasure that no pony knows how to get to?"

"Really? That's amazing…"

"But that's not all. It's huge for traders and sea-farers to stop and rest there before heading out to sea again. And there's an interesting fact about the royal family. The royal couple would only have one heir to the throne, no more."

"Uh, that's strange. You would think a young royal couple would want more children than that."

"Well, part of it could have been due to the fact that most of the marriages were arranged ones…"

"Well, that explains why the prince now has to marry a bride chosen by a series of tests."

She nodded.

On the other side of the castle, a party pony couple was waking up. Instead of making breakfast, Pinkie started to go out.

"Uh, Pinkie? Shouldn't we be making the muffins? You know how Cotton Candy likes her muffins." Cheese pointed out.

"And we will. First, I want to show you something." she bounced as they made their way down a spiral staircase, "I almost forgot that this was around!"

"What is?"

Once they made it to the bottom, she gestured to a room, which had a large pipe organ in it.

Cheese marveled at it, "Ah, cool!"

"Behold, the Organ to the Outside!"

"The Organ to the Outside?"

"My Aunt Luna thought of it when she and Mommy were living here. Care to try it?"

"You bet!" they took a seat and began to play notes on different sides.

Throughout the rest of the castle, the married couples were sleeping peacefully until a loud noise startled them awake. It caused Spike and Discord to fall out of their beds.

Rainbow moaned and put a pillow over her head, "I forgot that was here…"

"What is?" Soarin' questioned.

Applejack leaned over the bed and asked in concern, "You alright?"

Spike shook out of it and gave a thumbs up.

Rarity groaned, "I can't believe that thing still works after all these years…"

"The thing?" Fancy Pants asked.

"Oh, goodness! Are you okay?" Fluttershy worried.

Discord grunted as he got up, "Nothing that a simple stretch can't fix, sweetie." he floated up and stretched his back, legs, arms, and even his horns. He sighed, "That's better… Now where is that racket coming from?"

"The Organ to the Outside."

"The Organ to the- what?"

Twilight and Flash were still in the library when they heard the organ playing.

"Where is that coming from?" Flash asked.

"I'll show you…" Twilight led the way.

When they made it, they saw Pinkie and Cheese playing with the keys.

"Pinkie!" Twilight shouted, "Stop! You're going to wake every pony up!"

"Too late…" said an irritated voice.

They turned to see Rainbow and Soarin' flapping agitatedly. Next to them were Fluttershy and Discord, who had his arms crossed. Then it was Spike and Applejack looking annoyed and Rarity and Fancy giving disapproving glances.

"Oops…" the party couple said, blushing in embarrassment.

"Guess we got a little carried away." said Pinkie.

"A little?!" Rainbow went into her face, "All of Equestria heard you!"

"Well, as long as everybody's up, I got the list of duties for today." Twilight magically handed over sheets to her sisters.

They looked them over till Rainbow complained, "Paperwork again?!"

"You're lucky. I have to hear disputes." said Rarity.

"Trade ya…" Dash offered.

"There will be no trading!" Twilight had her sheet rolled up and bonked Rainbow. "We all agreed when we had set up the Everfree Kingdom that we would take turns doing the royal duties. Today, Applejack will be patrolling the Everfree Forest, Pinkie will inspect the royal guard, Rainbow Dash will do paperwork, Rarity will meet with subjects and hear their disputes, Fluttershy will meet with the staff, and I will be doing the meetings all day long."

"Yeah, yeah, we know…" Rainbow waved off, "Can we at least eat first before starting with the chores?"

"Yes, meet me in the throne room in an hour." She and Flash went off.

Spike asked his wife, "When you're going to go patrolling the forest, you're going to have me come along, right?" He patted her swollen stomach.

"Normally, I can handle it by myself, but you do make a good point. With a little one on the way, I don't want to take any chances."

"And we'll bring Winona, too."

"Good idea." They headed out.

"Do you want help on the paperwork?" Soarin' asked Rainbow, "That way, we can get done faster and can go flying afterwards."

"Just as long as you can keep up." she smirked and they flew on.

When she overheard them, Rarity turned to her husband, "Would it bother you if you helped me with the disputes?"

"Not at all." Fancy touched her chin and they moved on.

In Discord's head, he thought, Good. The both of them will be out of the way, giving me a chance to sneak into Rarity's workshop to find a couple of designs to use for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo's outfits for their talent show.

"Honey…" Fluttershy snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, darling?"

"Do you think you can feed the animals today while I meet with the staff?"

"But of course, my dearest!"

She kissed his cheek, "Thank you…"

"Are you sure you don't need anything else? With the baby on the way, you must be feeling hungry or something."

"Not yet, but I'll let you know if I need anything."

"Alright…" he embraced her until a kick made them part.

When breakfast was done, the girls met in the throne room that was once their mother and aunt's throne room. Instead of two thrones, there were now six white gleaming thrones that each had their cutie marks on it. The thrones were in a straight line and arranged in their birth order.

As they got down to business, Discord waited to make sure every pony was too busy to notice what his mission was. He popped into the elegant couple's apartment when Opal saw him and started hissing at him. Acting calmly, he summoned a toy mouse, which got her attention, and threw it, making her chase after it. Knowing that his nephew, Dignity, and the other kids would be with their nurses, he didn't have to worry about being seen.

He found the room that was Rarity's workshop, full of fashions. She had many unfinished creations and dress patterns that were yet to be created. He started going through the drawers to find dress files. He may've been the Lord of Chaos, but he absolutely knew nothing about fashion. He could have just made a dress appear out of nowhere, but chances were it would have looked awful by pony standards. He needed something to go on to make it work. He kept looking around until a voice screech out.


He jumped in fright and turned around to face Rarity with a cheesy grin, "Rarity! There you are! I was wondering if you could-"

"Oh, please," she rolled her eyes, "You were clearly snooping in my things that you have no right to be in!"

"Is it wrong to say that I am a lover of fashion?"

"You? And fashion? Ha! Don't make me laugh! Come now, I caught you red handed. Now why are you going through my personal items?"

Knowing he had been caught, he sighed heavily, "Alright… you really want to know? I'm trying to help Sweetie Belle look good."

Rarity's face softened at the mention of her little sister, "Sweetie… Belle?"

"Yes, I've been talking to her through this mirror," he showed his magic mirror, "She told me there's going to be a talent show in Marendelle and asked for my help, so I'm trying to help her by giving her a great stage outfit to wear… I suppose you're going to tell Twilight now, about how I broke the promise of not trying to help Sweetie Belle. Go ahead, no one's stopping you."

Rarity was stunned and could hardly speak until she softly said, "So… you were just trying to help Sweetie Belle… find an outfit?"

"And Scootaloo, if it wasn't too much trouble."

"But have you helped her with the tests?"

"I offered, but she refused."

"She did? Oh, Sweetie Belle…"

"So, I guess I'll have to give Sweetie Belle the bad news…" he was about to sulk off.

"Now wait just a minute! There is no way I am going to let my dear little sisters go on stage without something fabulous to wear!"

He turned back in glee, "You mean…?"

"Discord, you should have come straight away to me. I want Sweetie Belle to win the prince."

"Actually, she's trying to win for his freedom so he can marry whoever he wants."

"Ohh…" she put her hoof to her heart, "That sweet… I have to get started right away!"

"But what about your…" he made air quotes, "…'royal duty' for the day?"

"Fancy Pants can handle it. This is an emergency! When do they need the outfits?"

"Tomorrow night."

"What?! But that doesn't give me much time at all!"

"Relax, I've got an idea. You come up with the plans and pattern and I will do the rest. See? Nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Now chop-chop! We need these designs pronto! And this will be our secret, right?"

"Absolutely! As far as my little sisters go, I would do anything!" She put on her work glasses and took out a new fresh piece of paper and pen to start drawing. From Discord's point of view, he could see that this was going to be one spectacular outfit.

Back in Marendelle, Pip was preparing himself with provisions. He didn't know long it was going to take him to find the treasure, so he had to be ready in case he didn't make it back to the castle that night. Rumble was there helping him. Since they met on the sisters' ship, he was the closest friend he had next to Apple Bloom.

"I don't get it. Why do you have to go?" Rumble said.

"With the girls rehearsing for the talent show, it's the perfect chance for me to leave unnoticed. Apple Bloom won't even know I was gone until after the show. And I'm counting on you to keep watch of them until I get back."

"But won't she be worried?"

"If I don't come back tonight, give her this note." he handed Rumble a scroll.

"You still haven't told me where you're going."

"It's best you don't know. That way, Apple Bloom can't come after me."

"You're making a mistake… you should at least tell someone where you're going so in case you go missing, we can find you."

"I appreciate the concern, but I won't be gone long."

"I hope you're right… Or else, she'll put the blame on me for not stopping you."

"If it comes down to that, tell her I did it for her…"

"Did it for her?"

"And that is all I am saying…"

Rumble's eyes widened in realization, "You love her…"

"And if I do?"

"Nothing… it's just…" Rumble chuckled, "Those Canterlot sisters are something, aren't they?"

"They sure are…" Pip beamed.

"Go ahead, I'll cover for you." Rumble winked.

"Thanks, that means a lot…" he touched the cheek that Apple Bloom kissed and took a deep breath before walking out the door. Once he reached outside the gates, he went past the village and into jungle terrain…

Author's Note:

It's Show Time in the next chapter!