• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 1,920 Views, 99 Comments

All I Really Want For Hearths Warming... - Ugly-Duckling123

We get a little look at what a certain orange filly wants for Hearths Warming

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Chap 8

Author's Note:

The song that was picked won by a landslide...
So I hope you like the chapter

Hearths Warming Eve.

For some one of the busiest days of the year - namely shoppers and keepers. For others just one more sleep till Hearths Warming.

Scootaloo was one of the first up. After carefully getting out of her own bed so not to wake up a still sleeping Holly, she went down and asked if she could help with the toy drive.

"Why thank you Scootaloo," Mr. Crinkle said as he handed her a box with all the music, and the events sheets held together with an elastic band. "Can you put on something warm and take those to Frostbite and Natty in the park. That is after you had some breakfast of course."

Saluting him, Scootaloo went to have her breakfast, having a quick one of hay-frys and toast swallowing it down with some orange juice before finding her hat, scarf, helmet, scooter and wagon. Once the box was safely placed and secured into it, she zipped off to the park going at a reasonable speed seeing how much snow there was and how slippery the roads were.


At the park, Natty and Frostbite were setting up the stage and making sure the lights worked.

"Ok lets try the blue one next," Natty said looking up to Frostbite who was playing with the lights and aiming the one in front of him at her and flicking the switch. "No the blue that's not yellow..."

"Well it's hard to tell which one's which when their all turned off Nat," Frostbite said going to the next one, this one turning out to be bright pink.

Just than Scootaloo pulled up with her wagon and took off her helmet.

"You can try a song or something to remember which ones are where Frostbite," she said smiling saying she heard what was wrong. "Or you can just put labels or stickers on them."

Mumbling that a little filly got the best of him, Frostbite went off to the nearest general store and bought a roll of those sticky notes so he can do just that.

Coming down off the stage with a smirk on her face as Frostbite flew off, Nat hoof-bumped Scootaloo and helped her unpack the wagon.

"Couldn't find Holly in her room when I was doing my rounds last night Scoot," Nat began as she set up the boom box "Now why do you think that is? Would you know?"

"No..." she said as she began to place the sheets on the chairs that were already set up hoping that they wont fly away.

"If you say so... Big sis," Nat said smiling, loving how Scootaloo froze and her cheeks began to turn red at that.

For the past hour pony's were coming over to the park bringing along their old-but-still-useable toys with them as donations for the drive, setting them into the box Mr. Crinkle asked Rarity, the towns seamstress, to decorate especially for the event.

At 12o'clock the toy drive opened with the aerial performance, making the audiences eyes widen with wonder at how great it was.

After that the Ponytones did a few songs, going over some of those religious songs to get everyone into the feeling of Hearths Warming, going into some of the newer ones that were more upbeat and lively.

All the while Rainbow Dash was back stage waiting for her cue for her song.

"I can do this, I can do this, I can do this," she said to herself over and over stopping and looking to the stage and starting out for it as the Ponytones last song was just being wrapped up. "I can... Do... I can't do this, I can't do this..." she said stepping back and resumed pacing.

"Um... You alright Rainbow?" someone asked shocking her making her turn to see Chris who was dressed as Santa to come on stage after her for the foals who haven't been able to see the Santa in the toy store.

"I'm... I'm..." Rainbow said struggling "No. No I'm not ok Chris. I don't know what it is but I just feel nervous about singing in front of every pony." she said looking to the stage.

"But don't you sing with your friends all the time?" Chris asked sitting down next to her. "Didn't you sing during Winter Wrap Up?"

"But that was with my friends and every pony else who lives in Ponyville," Rainbow argued "And yeah I sing with my friends too, but when I get ready to sing on my own... I just can't do it. Don't tell her this Chris but I think I'm feeling what Fluttershy always feels. And that's just by thinking about it."

"Then don't think about it Rainbow Dash," Chris said giving her advice. "If you know the words and when to start and all that, just go up there, close your eyes and pretend you're on your own. Pretend... Pretend it's only you and Scootaloo back up on that cliff again, or something. You can do this Rainbow. Trust me."

"But what if I mess up, or freeze as soon as the music starts?" Rainbow asked curling up into a ball wrapping her tail around her, feeling like she did during her first Best Young Flyers competition when she was struggling with that Sonic Rainboom.

"You wont." Chris said "And in case that doesn't help... You wont know if you don't try."

Going over this in her head Rainbow slowly got up and smiled.

"Thanks Chris Crinkle," she said running over to the stage as her name was being called.


Slowly Rainbow came out from behind the curtains and over to the mike that was standing alone in the front center of the stage meaning everyone would be able to see her.

After taking the mike and stand into her hooves, and a few deep breaths, she nodded to Vinyl Scratch who began the music

AN, If you want to, here's the music but I don't think I have the timing right...
PS if you want to try, this is the movie version, Demi Lovato's was a bit fast. Let It Go

Rainbow Closed her eyes and counted the beats to the intro.

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a hoof print to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen

She began quietly at first pretending it was just her on her own.

The Wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in heaven knows I tried

Slowly Rainbow opened her eyes and smiled to the crowd.

Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good mare you always have to be
Conceal don't feel
Don't let them know...
Well now they know

Let it go let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go let it go
Turn away and slam the door

I don't care what their going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

As the first instrumental came in Rainbow unhooked the mike opened her wings and began to fly into the air a bit.

It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all

It's time to see what I can do to test the limits and break through
No right no wrong no rules for me....
I'm free...

Taking a bold move because of the timing in the music Rainbow flew over to crowd to enhance the next couple of lines.

Let it go let it go
I'm one with the wind and sky
Let it go let it go
You'll never see me cry

Here I stand and here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on

The second instrumental began, and Rainbow started to make cloud snowponies and snowflakes then as it came to the end held the mike to her mouth again.

My power flurries through the air into the ground
The swirl is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
My one thought crystallizes like an ice blast

Coming back to the stage.

I'm never going back
The past is in the past...

Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like a break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
The perfect mare is gone

Here I'll stand
In the light of day...

Let the storm rage on....
The cold never bothered me anyway.

Rainbow was panting slightly as the song ended closing her eyes tight not wanting to see what everypony thought.

Five seconds went by.

Then ten seconds.

Finally there was an uproar of cheers and a standing motivation and cries of 'Encore' bringing tears of joy to Rainbows eyes as she took a bow and left the stage, only to be met by a small crowd of ponies wanting her autograph behind the curtain.

"That was so duper-ooper-awesome Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie said as she greeted her friend once all the kids were gone "Who knew you could sing like that? Oh wait you did. Silly me."

"Thanks Pinks," Rainbow said smiling ear to ear.

"Oh honey you were wonderful," Rainbow heard her mother call out as she came back stage to see her daughter.

"Mum? Dad? What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked not remembering seeing them in the audience as she flew over it.

"You think we would let you go through this by yourself Rainbow?" Spectrum asked giving his daughter a noggie that she tried to get out off making everyone laugh.

"But shouldn't you be back home..." Rainbow asked, once she got out trying to think of an excuse "You know, making sure everything's ready for tomorrow."

"Oh we did that this morning dear," Firefly said "And don't you worry everything will be ready for when the time comes."

"Mind filling us in Rainbow?" Applejack asked cocking her head.

Checking Scootaloo wasn't around so it wouldn't ruin the surprise for her Rainbow sighed a bit.

"Ok just don't... Don't freak out or get too over excited." she said looking at Pinkie the most "In fact Pinkie Promise me that. And that you wont tell any of the Crusaders."

Not knowing why, but knowing that they wouldn't get the answer any other way, the girls recited the promise and then set their eyes to Rainbow.

"We have adopted Scootaloo, and will be picking her up tomorrow," Rainbow whispered a smile on her face, seeing shock on Applejack's face, knowledge of what was going on on Fluttershy's face, a trying to resist the urge to express her excitment on Pinkie's face, and a confused look on Rarity's.

"Question," Rarity said "Why would Scootaloo need adopting?"

"Because she..." Rainbow started when a small orange filly ran up to her a big smile on her face.

"That was great Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said hugging the older pony "I didn't even need to use the ear plugs I brought. Your singing was just like my mum's was when she sang to me when I was younger back in Cloudsdale."

"Hey happy that you liked it Squirt," Rainbow said hugging the filly. "Now let's see if we can hunt down the snack table and those Wonderbolts I did this for."

With that Rainbow placed Scootaloo on her back and they set off into the crowd together.

"Scootaloo's from Cloudsdale?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle asked together as they came to their sisters.

"She was..." Fluttershy said looking to Spectrum and Firefly not sure she should, or would have the authority to tell every pony here Whirlwind and Misty Air's story.