• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 1,917 Views, 99 Comments

All I Really Want For Hearths Warming... - Ugly-Duckling123

We get a little look at what a certain orange filly wants for Hearths Warming

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Chap 13

Outside everyone else were just putting the finishing touches to the forts when Scootaloo, Rainbow and Firefly came out, Scootaloo pulling back when she saw the teams were Unicorns, Earth Ponies, and Pegasi.

"On second thought," she said hiding behind Rainbow slightly "I think I'll just stay inside and... And keep the fire going and all that."

"Oh come on Scoots," Rainbow Dash said turning to face her "I'm sure this is just going to be a nice friendly Pinkie-Promised-not-to-be-in-anyway-violent game."

After looking around she saw that everyone was just coming to an end and the Pegasi were waiting for their leaders, who she took would be them since the Unicorns had Rarity and Sweetie Belle, and the Earth Ponies had Applejack and Apple Bloom.

"Ok... But I still don't think this is a good idea."

As soon as they made it over to 'Fort Pegasi' everyone crowded around them all asking Scootaloo if she was alright and Rainbow, after hearing she was one of the best snowballers ever, what their strategy would be.

"One, don't get hit." she said stating the obvious.

"Two, aim carefully and focus on what you aiming for, but don't take too long for One to fail.

Three, as you're doing this half of you going out, because we'll need some to continue making ammo here, stay to defend the Fort, while the others try to get to the other forts.

And finally, remember this I'm guessing is a 'just-for-fun' snowball fight so don't be sore winners or sore losers.
Understand?" Rainbow answered them and asked getting salutes and nods of understanding before taking up their places.

Once everyone was ready, the three older leaders raised their hooves together and as one brought them down, and the snowball fight began.


It was a rather intense snowball fight, for one that was meant to be 'just-for-fun' because it not only had all the foals of Ponyville playing but everyone who wanted to play in it.

Scootaloo tried to forget/block out how the snowball fight was going by helping the ball makers in making more snowballs so they could defend 'Fort Pegasi'.

All in all surprisingly she was able to do this with out thinking, and had the biggest pile out of all of them, which every so often some pony took away from her to give them to the defenders.

It wasn't until someone yelled

"TIME OUT!" that Scootaloo stopped and looked up gasping as she saw a broken winged Rumble being brought into the fort explaining what happened to a turning slightly red Rainbow.

After hearing the story Rainbow opened her wings and flew up into the air so she looking down on the other two 'tribes'.

"Which of you low life cheats has began to place stones into your snowballs?" she half asked half yelled eyeing either tribe.

"Well it certainly wasn't us Rainbow," Applejack's voice called answering her "Word of an Apple here, None of my team has touched a stone though out the whole fight."

"Yes" "Exactly" "Truly"

"Well you can not truly believe it was us can you?" Rarity asked in her slightly ticked off voice. "Us Unicorns wouldn't dare to even think of doing such a thing."

"Yeah" "Just because your losing" "Too right"

"Well something broke Rumble's wing and he claims it was a stone in a snowball." Rainbow said still in the air now folding her arms.

"Exactly," Apple Bloom spoke up. "He 'Claims' it was, but does he have any proof it was? Maybe he's the one lying and you should be shouting at him."

No pony noticed that as the 'conversation' continued it started to get colder and the snow was piling up again.

No pony except Scootaloo who was looking a bit scared but ran out anyway.

"STOP!" she called getting every ones attention.

"Everyone stop fighting," she said "This is exactly what I thought would happen look..." at this she pointed to the snow and how hard it was coming down. "I was told that you should have all taking a Pinkie-Promise that this was going to be a friendly snowball fight so this didn't happen."

With that the upset filly tears trying to stay in her eyes long enough for her to get back inside, and to her room, ran back inside.

Rainbow came down and called Rarity and Applejack to come over both of whom were rubbing their arms.

"So did you take a Pinkie Promise?" she whispered looking between the two who nodded giving her a reason to smile "So should we be more scared about Pinkie when she hears about this... Or them?" she asked looking up to see a few ghostly beings above them.

Back in her re-barricaded room, Scootaloo was trying to remember that Trust Me song Rainbow sang earlier but kept either forgetting or misplacing words which did nothing to help her mood.

"Don't worry, my child... No that's not it," she said coloring in the snowflakes in different blues as she did this.

"Er... Don't worry my baby, Yeah that's it. You have nothing to fear, I promise I'll protect you
So that I will have
Nothing to fear too.
"No! No no no no no!" Scootaloo cried annoyed "That's the last two lines of the last verse." she said not taking any notice on Rainbow coming in though the slightly open window or noticing her as she went to shut it because of how cold it was.

"Ok, last try Scoot," she said to herself starting the next snowflake "If I get it wrong this time, I obviously wasn't meant to fly if it's what it's meant to be for..."

"Don't worry my baby
You have nothing to fear
I promise I'll protect you
And I will always be here -... Be here..." she said trying to rack her brain.

"'Just for you'" Rainbow Dash sang making Scootaloo jump and spin around a look of happiness on her face then remembered what happened outside, pouted, folded her arms, span around and sat back down.

'I love you my child
And hope you can see
That you can always -
- count on me'

With each line Rainbow Dash came a step closer to Scootaloo and tried to look the hopefully new sister in the eye failing each time.

'You can trust in me
And I hope that I you
So that I will have
Nothing to fear too.'


When this didn't work Rainbow tried a different song, one she'd been working on by herself for a while made especially for Scootaloo.

'In a perfect world,
One we've never known
We will never need
To face the world alone

They can have the world
We'll create our own
I may not be brave, or strong or smart'

She stopped to see it the song was having any affect on Scootaloo and if she would deny these facts or not... She didn't, so Rainbow carried on.

'But somewhere deep down in my heart

I know, you can show me the way
Everywhere I go
I'm home
If you are beside me

Like dark turning into day
Make my wish come true
Let me be with you
Love me all the way'

Rainbow paused again to see Scootaloo changed her mind, no.

"Oh come on Scoots," Rainbow said trying to stay calm about this even though she was very annoyed. "What do I have to do to get you to look, speak, smile at and love me again?"

"Nothing," Scootaloo answered not looking the older Pegasus in the eye. "Because I'm never doing any of those things to anypony ever again. Not that there will be anyone left after this Hearths Warming because we'll all be frozen pony-icicles."

"Would it lighten your mood if I tell you what I got you for Hearth Warming?" Rainbow asked pulling out the file from under her wing, not that Scootaloo saw or cared. "You know, seeing as we might not get to do it tomorrow and all that..."

"Fine," Scootaloo said after a while slipping off the chair and facing Rainbow.

Rainbow placed the file on the floor and slid it over to the filly slightly shocked to see it was her one from Mr. Crinkle's cabinet in his office.

Not caring how Rainbow got this Scootaloo nervously picked it up and opened it up to see everything was gone from it and in it's place one single note in Rainbow's hoof writing.

Shocked by what the note said, Scootaloo read, the re-read, then re-read again not believing this was finally happening.

Dear Scoots,
For the past week I'm afraid my parents, your helpers, Mr. Crinkle and myself have been keeping a very big secret/surprise from you.
You see, for the last week I've noticed that you would really like a family for Hearths Warming, and learnt you've been asking for this for a while right?
Well you don't have to wait anymore.
Because Scootaloo My Hearths Warming gift to you, is just what you want.
A family.
My family.
I convinced my parents last week to come down and get them to adopt you.
There's still a few things to sort out.
But one thing that's certain... We now each have a new sister
Love (the bestest sister in all of Equestria) Rainbow Merriam Dashery.

P.S. Don't worry about what was in this file, I've just taken it out for this to work.

Tears coming to her eyes as she threw the file away and ran up to Rainbow shocking the older Pegasus, with how fast she was coming at her.

"Thank you." Scootaloo said.

"You're welcome, little sis." Rainbow said rubbing Scootaloo's head. "Sorry I gave it to you a day early."

"I don't care," Scootaloo said pulling back. "As long as I get a family, I don't care when I get it."

And they wrapped their arms around each other again and hugged the other with so much love there was no need to say anything at all.


Outside the storm calmed down again, and there was no longer a Windigo in sight until you reached the Frozen North were they're meant to be.