• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 1,920 Views, 99 Comments

All I Really Want For Hearths Warming... - Ugly-Duckling123

We get a little look at what a certain orange filly wants for Hearths Warming

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Chap 12

In her room, Scootaloo was drawing what she thought her family would look like when she finally had one.

Standing next to that little orange dot that was her, was Rainbow Dash, being the best big sister ever with her leg over Scootaloo. On her other side, since she thought that since Rainbow would be her sister, that meant she would also gain Rainbow's parents too, so there stood Spectrum Dash looking proud of his two girls his hair just like Rainbows except going in the other direction so they could be told apart. And on the other side of Rainbow stood Firefly smiling up to whoever would look at the picture.

As Scootaloo had just finished signing her name and placed her age, a knock came to her door.

"Scoot's, it Rainbow," Rainbow's voice called out "You think I can come in to see how you're doing and that?"

"I'm fine Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said, quickly shoving her drawing under her pillow with the one of her birth parents "No need to check up on me, I'm fine."

"Squirt," Rainbow said "After the sort of day you had, I think it would take more than just under an hour being alone in your room to be 'fine'. Besides I need a great crafts pony with colorful ideas to help me make a paper chain."

Knowing that she was going to lose whatever way or how many times she tried, Scootaloo went over to her door shoved the stuff away from it and opened it, not looking up to the mare on the other side as she walked back into her room.

As Rainbow came in and shut the door after her, she immediately placed the paper and scissors onto the desk that was in the room and went over to give Scootaloo a nice warm hug tightening her grip slightly everytime she tried to get out of it.

'Don't worry, my baby
You have nothing to fear
I promise I'll protect you
And I will always be here -
- just for you'

Rainbow began to sing quietly rubbing Scootaloo's hair gently trying to break the tough little filly, showing her mothering side she usually kept bottled up.

'I love you my child
And hope you can see
That you can always -
- count on me'

Slowly bit by little bit, Scootaloo began to stop squirming and just listened to the song as she buried her face into Rainbow's chest trying to hide her tears from the older pony.

'You can trust in me
And I hope that I you
So that I will have
Nothing to fear too.'

As Rainbow came to the end of her song Scootaloo was completely still, if you didn't count trembling slightly because she was crying, and the room was as quiet as it could be while the two hugged each other banishing all the hatred and coldness that laid in each others hearts.

"So Squirt," Rainbow said resting her chin on Scootaloo's head smiling "going to help me with those paper chains or what?" she said detaching herself to go collect the things she bought with her into the room.

"Where... Where'd you learn that song Rainbow?" Scootaloo asked trying to rub out the tear streaks on her face.

"All Pegasi colts and filly's are sung that song by their parents when they start flying so they know that they'll be safe when they're jumping off of seventy-feet-high-in-the-air-clouds," Rainbow said smiling as she started cutting up the paper and placing it to one side. "But I think it also works as a lullaby if sung in the right tune and speed."

"Can we make snowflakes as well?" Scootaloo asked as she licked the sticky side of the paper and made it into a ring checking it stayed before getting another strip.

"If you want," Rainbow said folding up the paper until it was a triangle "But I must warn you, I was never very good with detailing things." She said as she began cutting things out of the paper triangle and opening it up to reveal something that even Snowdrop would be shocked to see.

Sighing at how it turned out Rainbow crumpled it up to put it and their eyes out of their misery, just as Scootaloo opened her own one to reveal the most beautiful paper snowflake Rainbow had ever seen.

"How'd you do that?" Rainbow asked shocked that a filly not even half her age did a better job at this than her.

"I don't know," Scootaloo said smiling "I just did what you did."

"Ok... Second round," Rainbow said as she took another piece of paper to try again.

After folding it up as a triangle, Rainbow did different cuts into it this time being careful not to go all the way through it.

Placing the scissors down and holding her breath narrowing her eyes, Rainbow unfolded the paper in her hooves to reveal one that was a bit better than her first, but still not Snowflake Patrol acceptable.

Sighing Rainbow just put the 'snowflake' to one side and continued to make paper stripes for the chains.

"You can't give up now Rainbow," Scootaloo said trying not to smirk too much as she opened another perfect snowflake. "You wont get any better unless you try. Isn't that what you always say to me?"

"Ok one more try, then I leave it to spare the paper. Deal?" Rainbow asked.

"Deal," Scootaloo said folding up the paper and drawing a design on it shading in what to cut giving it to Rainbow, then looking up to her with big eyes holding her head up on her hooves smiling.

Sighing taking up the scissors one more time, Rainbow began to cut out what the filly wanted her to being extra careful not to slip or cut all the way across the paper.

When the extra paper was gone and the scissors were put back down on the ground, Rainbow was about to unfold it when she looked to Scootaloo.

"Help me with this Scoot?" she asked smiling holding out the flake.

Slowly, together the two of them opened up the triangle, Rainbow closing her eyes as they undid the last fold afraid it was another failure.

"It's not that bad Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said in her happy voice "It's a... it's a... it's a Rainbowflake." she said not really making Rainbow feel any better who still held her eyes shut not wanting to see what they made. "Yeah that's it," she said jumping onto Rainbows back shocking Rainbow slightly but still she closed her eyes.

"The Rainbowflake..." she said as if advertising something "Come see the most worst Snowflakes that had ever been made, hoof-made by the one... the only... Rainbow Dash! I bet everypony would come and see these monstrosity's you'll make."

"You're not really helping me feel any bet..." Rainbow began saying finally opening her eyes to see the most beautiful and perfect paper snowflake she had ever seen, and a grinning and trying to hold back giggling Scootaloo.

"Want to try another one on your own again Dashie?" Scootaloo asked as she began folding the paper to be stopped by Rainbow.

"I think I don't want to risk it Squirt," she said as another knock came to the door.

"Yeah?" Scootaloo called to it saying who ever it was they can come in.

As the door opened in came Firefly spotting the snowflakes in front of the girls.

"Finally mastered how to make paper snowflakes Rainbow Dash?" she asked smiling.

"Actually mum," Rainbow said going over to the bin and pulling out her flakes "These are mine. That one there was designed by Scoots I just cut it out."

"I know dear," Firefly said picking them up and gazing at awe at them.

"Then why did you ask?" Rainbow asked throwing her flakes and the cuttings into the bin again.

"To see if you'd use that big head you get from your father and take all the credit."

"Why you here mum?" Rainbow mumbled as she went back to the paper chain.

"One, to see if you were both doing alright," Firefly said carefully placing down the snowflake as if it was a real one. "Two to see if you'd like to join in a snowball fight Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle suggested we'd try to do, now the storms lifted a bit to fend off the Windigos even more with our laughter and fun."

"But would that work Miss Firefly?" Scootaloo asked looking down to her hooves shuffling them. "I... I mean there's actually the word 'Fight' in snowball fight. What if it doesn't work?"

"Dear you have to remember that those beast feed off of fighting and hatred," Firefly said wrapping her wing around the filly "Ruff and tumble fighting not see who's the best for fun fighting."

"But they're also here cause of me, and are... reacting? to my emotions," Scootaloo said not wanting to look into the pink Pegasus' face in shame. "What if the storm gets worse again because I get annoyed because I'm loosing?"

"Then we have to make sure you don't lose then Squirt," Rainbow said cheerfully as she gathered up the paper chain and the scissors and extra paper.

A smile once again on her lips, Scootaloo dove under her bed to get her hat and scarf shifting the pillow on top as she fiddled about, reveling the picture she had just drawn, to Rainbow and Firefly smiling together and zipping their mouths closed to each other saying that they wont tell the filly, or anyone else, they saw that.

Coming back out Scootaloo had her hat and scarf on and grabbed a hoof each of Firefly and Rainbow as they left her room feeling a lot better than she did when she entered it.

Author's Note:

Those who don't know: Snowdrop was a little blind Pegasus filly who made the first / invented snowflake
And I used that song Rainbow sang from one of my other stories - hope you liked it :twilightsmile: