• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 1,920 Views, 99 Comments

All I Really Want For Hearths Warming... - Ugly-Duckling123

We get a little look at what a certain orange filly wants for Hearths Warming

  • ...

Chap 11

Back in Ponyville, as hard as the ponies tried, as the temperature fell, tempers towards each other began to go into the red section, and having almost a quarter of the town stuffed into the orphanage didn't really help.

"NATTY!" Holly Leaf cried out searching for the helper who at the point was giving out hot chocolate to everyone. "DIAMOND TIARA AND SILVER SPOON WONT GET OUT OF MY ROOM, EVEN THOUGH I NEVER INVITED THEM IN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

"No need to shout Holly," Natty replied playing with her ears a bit "Now have you asked them nicely?"

"Yeah," the filly replied.

"Did you say 'This is my room 'please' get out?'"


"Did you show off something, or play with something they might wanted to play with which is why they went in there," Nat suggested "To ask if they can have a go?"

"No." Holly said annoyed that she wasn't doing anything "They just burst in and started playing on my bed and with all my stuff. Make them get out Natty..." the filly said eyes wide.

"Ok..." Natty said slowly handing out the last hot chocolate and returning the tray to the kitchen. "Let's go and ask them why they're in there then, ok?"

Nodding pouting a little, Holly took Natty's hoof and they both went up to her room where, as she said Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon were messing around with Holly's belongings.

"Excuse me girls," Natty said kindly getting their attention. "But may you tell me why you're in Holly bedroom please?"

"Because the living room was too cold to stay in lady," Diamond Tiara, a spoiled little rich filly who's daddy was one of the richest stallions in Ponyville answered.

"We did ask somepony to share their blankets with us," Silver Spoon backed her friend up "But no one, for some reason wanted to share with us. So we came up here."

"We should have more blankets somewhere dears," Natty said thinking then remembering "Come with me please girls, I'll get you a blanket." she said going to the attic's ladder "But before I get it, promise that if somepony asks if they can share it you'll let them."

The two little Earth Pony's too cold for their cold hearts to function at the moment just nodded rubbing their arms waiting for her to come back down.

After a while Natty came back a blanket tucked under her chin as she came back down the ladder. Once she was back on the ground and the ladder was put away, Natty turned and gave the blanket to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who took it and went down to the living room.

"There see Holly Leaf," she said to the filly "Just a misunderstanding that was easily fixed."

"When will Rainbow and Scoots come back Natty?" Holly asked not wanting to comment on what the mare just said.

"I don't know Holly," Nat said looking out of a conveniently well placed window out to the forest not being able to see a lot because of the snow and darkness.

As they made their way down they cold hear Mr. Crinkle trying to get to the front of everypony. When he did he slapped a totally fake smile on his face and asked the most stupid question ever.

"So... Everypony having a good time?"

Silence rang out through out the room. A silence screaming higher than new born foals 'Really Crinkle? Really?'.

"How about some songs?" he tried again "You know get our minds off of how bad things are..."

At first no one did anything then...

"The fire of friendship lives in our hearts
As long as it burns we cannot drift apart"

Everypony turned to see who was singing to see it was Rainbow Dash who just got back with Spectrum and Scootaloo from the forest.

"Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few..."

Some of the adults began joining in.

"Laughter and singing, they'll see us though, see us though..."

Now the foals were singing to. Everypony wearing a smile as the carol got to the end.

"We are a circle of pony friends,
A circle of friends we'll be to the very end."

As everyone ceased their singing the girls along with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Firefly came over to see if they were all alright. Firefly giving her daughter a whack around the head before any hugs were giving, giving the same excuse as Spectrum did, making some of the other ponies giggle slightly.

"It was Scoots' fault for going in there in the first place mum," Rainbow said rubbing her head as she made her way to the kitchen the others following. "In fact why were you going in there Squirt? And why did you look so upset?"

"I... I heard them," pointing to the others with them "Say somethings about my parents. That... That..."

Fluttershy walked up to the filly, to give her a hug to comfort her.

"We're sorry Scootaloo," she said rubbing the filly's back "For them, for not telling you, for keeping the truth from you, and what you heard. We're so so sorry."

"But didn't 'em spirits say it was Scoots that brought those Windigos here too?" Applejack asked going over what was said earlier. "How could one little filly, only by hearing that, be able to summon those beast from ancient times, from even before the Princesses?"

"It might have to do with she already hates Hearths Warming, Applejack," Frostbite came into the kitchen a tray full of empty cups waiting to be refilled in his hooves.

"What?" Pinkie asked shocked "How can anypony hate Hearths Warming?"

"I hate it because that lazy old coot up at the North Pole never gave me what I asked for." Scootaloo answered annoyed the conversation turned to this pulling away from Fluttershy and going to the cookie jar, not caring what everyone was thinking. "For seven dumb years I asked him for the same simple easy-to-give-to-an-orphan thing. And he never gave it to me. And what you said in the park might have tipped me over the edge."

"Scoots," Frostbite said putting down the warm milk and getting to her eye-level "I thought you worked out last night you already had that with us. Remember?"

"YOU ARE NOT MY FAMILY!!!" Scootaloo screamed making the wind howl outside and the snow to fall harder.

"So if you get a family you'll calm down and get happy again?" Rainbow asked at a fork on if she should tell Scootaloo now or wait till morning.

"Yeah, but lets face it, it will never happen," Scootaloo said playing with the cookie in her hooves not wanting it now. "For the past seven years I've been an orphan, and an orphan I shall stay. No matter how many times, or state my wish to him, he never gets me what I want." Then looking to Frostbite said "I think I'll just go up to my room. I know it'll be colder but the way things are going I doubt anypony will care, right?"

With that the little orange filly placed the cookie on the counter and started to walk up the stairs to her room, barricading the door before curling up on her bed with her Rainbow toy she asked Natty to help her make a few years ago.


Back in the kitchen Sweetie Belle just thought of something.

"Err... Rarity?" she asked tapping her sister on the leg to get her attention.

"Yes Sweetie what wrong?" she asked looking round to with all the others to the filly.

Checking that none of the younger foals were within ear shot Sweetie Belle asked what she just thought of.

"Err... How will Santa Hooves be able to find us in that storm, and... And will he know that we're all here? And... And will we have a Hearths Warming at all? If you get that last one..."

"Of course we'll have a Hearths Warming dear," Firefly said before Rarity could catch on to what her sister said. "And I'm sure he'll work out we're all here when he doesn't see you asleep in your beds tonight."

"But will he be able to get here to not see us in bed at all Miss Firefly?" Apple Bloom asked shuffling with her hooves.

"I'm sure if Rudolph's up for it they'll make it if they try," Frostbite said taking the tray and heading back to the living room.

"Who's he?" the two filly's asked confused looks on their faces never hearing of this guy before.

"Rudolph?" Frostbite asked asked checking. "Well he's a very special Reindeer, who helps Santa on foggy, dark, and stormy Hearth Warming Eve's like tonight. If you wont mind my terrible singing, there's even a song devoted to him if you want to hear it."

"Do you know the song sis?" the girls asked their big sisters to try and get them to sing instead since Frostbite just said he was terrible.

"I sure do Bloom," Applejack said patting her on the head "But I doubt I'd do much better then Frostie over there. No offense." she said getting a shrug from Frostbite.

"And I'm afraid I have no idea what they're talking about Sweetie Belle," Rarity said confused.

"We know that song," the orphan children spoke up together smiling.

"Care to sing it for everypony then kids?" Frostbite asked going over to the gramophone and putting the right record on top pulling the needle across, as the filly's and colts came together and cleared their throats.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

'You know Dasher and Dancer, and Prancer and Vixen'

The fillies began to sing in perfect harmony together.

'Comet and Cupid and Donner, and Blitzen
But do you recall...
The most famous Reindeer of all?'

Then the music changed and the others joined in too.

'Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows

All of the other Reindeer
Use to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any Reindeer games

Then one foggy Hearth Warming Eve
Santa came to say'

Here the colts took over

'"Rudolph with your nose so bright
Wont you guide my sleigh tonight"'

The fillies rejoining.

'Then how the Reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee
"Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer
You'll go down in history..."'

"So that's who Rudolph is girls," Frostbite said packing up the gramophone, as the children all took bows to the audience's cheers for their singing, getting out some paper, scissors, glitter and glue from the crafts cupboard so the foals can make snowflakes and paper chains "It help in any way?"

"Not really," Apple Bloom said being patient so she wouldn't get caught in the 'feeding frenzy' that was the foals going for the equipment "But as long as Santa can get here I'm happy."

Once everyone had their share of craft equipment, Rainbow Dash gathered up some pieces for herself.
"I'm going to see Scoots," she said and started climbing the stairs.

Author's Note:

The Rudolph in this Chapter is for rainbowdash1 who asked for it when I was asking for songs a while back.