• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 1,491 Views, 68 Comments

Show MUST Go On! - Magenta Cat

We all know Trixie but, have you ever wondered how she came to be? Trixie herself answer this, to who may be her last audience in what could be her last chance of telling a story.

  • ...

The symphony of a life.

Author's Note:

For those not musically inclined, ":||" means "end and repeat".
Meanwhile "||" means only end.

This is not a happy chapter.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a mare who always brought hope to the ponies around her. She traveled far and wide, from town to town, one show at a time, in an eternal crusade to give ponies something to look up at. A long time since she started, now her name was chanted and cheered wherever she went.

"Hope! Hope! Hope!"

Living up to her name, Hope Lulamoon was a beacon that could easily raise the spirit of anypony near to her. Born in Hoofington, forged in Canterlot and loved everywhere. Once called 'Great and Powerful', some ponies talked about her as the most magical unicorn in Equestria and the braver ones even suggested her as a modern day Starswirl. She was rich in every possible way, except for one; Love.

Despite being loved by everyone, Hope never found 'that especial one' who could win her hearth. Stallions and mares did their best, some of them even managed to win her favor in bed. But at the end of the day, not a single one was enough to be called her lover. That seemed to be the case till one eventful day, when Hope arrived in her native Canterlot to celebrate the Summer Sun Celebration.

After the show, Hope went to sleep. If rumors are true, in the way between the Royal Gardens where she performed and the hotel where she was sleeping, she met a pony. No one ever managed to find out who was the mysterious stallion, but after that night, Hope declared she had known the meaning of true love. Every year, on the same date, she would take a break from her travels and stop by Canterlot for a month before retaking them.

Until one year, when she left the city just one day after arriving. Nopony knew why, but since then, she refused to put a hoof in the equestrian capital. Some months later and she also disappeared from the face of Equestria.



Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was filly. No one knew who were her parents, only that one magical night, right after the Summer Sun Celebration, a basket was left at the doors of Our Mother Faust Orphanage, in Hoofington. Pined to the basket was a paper. Just three single words and a signature.

"My greatest trick. - H.P. Lulamoon." Inside was a filly wrapped in a purple cloth with yellow stars and moons.

The filly, accordingly named Trixie, grew up among the orphans but she never managed to get along with them. Sometimes she would hang out with some of them, a little chat here and some games there, but most of her spare time she was alone. The solitude wasn't because a lack of social skills, on the contrary, she was actually kind and likable, always on friendly terms with the rest of her companions. Somehow, she always felt she didn't belong.

Always being apart from the others, gave Lil Trix a lot of time to think. When she was seven, she had already devoured the orphanage's limited library and was periodically visiting the public one. Her curiosity always driving her, she already was on a first name basis with all the staff there.

By the age of twelve, she was one of the oldest orphans yet to be adopted. For some reason or another, the multiple couples that went to the orphanage always found another pony they wanted. Lil Trix couldn't help to think she would never have a loving family. Trying to cope with that feeling, she decided to stand by herself, outpacing the need of somepony else.

That decision drove her into applying for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She studied for months, a very strict routine that began at six a.m. with the sunrise and ended as long as she could stay awake. Until that point, she never was a perfect student, always relying on improvisation and a good spare of luck. But that ended that year, when she gave everything to enter the most prestigious school in Equestria, to prove herself, to prove the world, that she could be the very best. Behind her was Hoofington, Canterlot waiting for her.



Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a school. It was meant to guide the new generations into becoming something for their own. Some ponies called it 'The greatest beacon of Equestrian enlightenment'. All the fillies and colts there felt privileged and grateful of being there. All except for one. One single pony, who never felt welcomed or privileged in any way inside there. Beatrice Lulamoon, just a regular student.

Although she was fairly talented and hardworking as everyone else, she had something that kept her from being like her companions; she was different. Every pony in the School was the last one in a line of successful and well known families, sons and daughters of Equestria's nobility who were enrolled since their date of birth. All of them except for Beatrice. She simply appeared one day, knocking at the door and asking for the entrance exam.

At first, she was the happiest pony in the world when she got admitted. Then, Beatrice almost fainted when she also discovered that, because of her condition, the School would provide her a room and food during her stay there. And her heart almost stopped right then and there when she looked at herself at the mirror and found a cutie mark in her flank. A magic wand, reassuring her that she took the right decision by coming to the magic school.

She spent her first year working as hard as she could to make that opportunity worth. One year later and she was regretting even having set a hoof in there. Her teachers and her companions, never really accepting her, always reminded how different she was.

Disenchanted with how her new life turned out, only her pride prevented her from leaving. Her spirit suffered under the tests of a place where her equals mocked her and her superiors ignored her. But, even at having her little world against her, the filly never broke. Beatrice never gave up on her dreams and hopes, promising to become a better pony from the experience.

She lasted the six years it took before her graduation. Then, in an eventful day of winter, she packed her limited belongings and parted into the night to see the world by herself.



Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was a pony decided to watch the entire world. She called herself Trixie, and she had traveled far and wide around all corners of the map. Few were the places she didn't know about, a true daughter of the road.

At first she started just like any other traveler, going wherever her hooves drove her, doing odd jobs and sleeping wherever the night caught her. Life wasn't easy, sometimes the unforgiving sun of the dessert or the endless ice of the mountains would do their worst against her. But her fierce will would never surrender. Trixie spent most of her youth wandering without a real place to go, just enjoying the world. No boundaries were holding her to anywhere nor anypony. She was only responsible for herself. Freedom in all its forms.

Trixie would have ended her days just like that if it wasn't for that special day, when her past finally caught up to her.

Somewhere near to Neigh Orleans, Trixie met a circle of ponies who knew her mother. It didn't take too much from them to recognize her. According to the older ponies, she had her mother's mane and eyes, they also claimed her stance could only belong to a Lulamoon. That day, Trixie finally found something she didn't even knew she was looking for, a family.

They took the responsibility of teaching her. Illusions, theatrics, pyromancy, acrobatics, sleight of hoof... a whole new gamma that she embraced as her own. But that wasn't what she treasured the most. It was the feeling of finally belonging somewhere what gave Trixie countless moments of happiness while she stayed in Neigh Orleans. When it wasn't the new things she was learning, it was the stories about her mother they had for her, or simply staying inside a bar among friends during a rainy day.

A year passed and Trixie was a changed mare. Leaving behind her old self, she had a new sense in life; live up to the Lulamoon name. Her mentors, deciding that she was ready to face the world alone, told her to return to the roads. By her twentieth birthday they gave Trixie a place to call home and a uniform to bear her mother's legacy. She faced the world again.



Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there was pony called Trixie Lulamoon. Her call in life was to do one single thing; dazzle everyone around her.

There was nothing else on this world or another that she enjoyed more than putting on a show for others. All the emotions of it fascinated her, the fear before facing an audience and the trill of success. She had a very well prepared spectrum of wonders for them. Stories to raise and shake a pony's hearth, traps that nopony else but her could escape, fireworks so complex that painted true masterpieces in the sky and a far lot of more.

Just like her mother before her, Trixie Lulamoon's name was chanted and cheered wherever she went. The entire existence was her scenario and she was its star. Life was good. In fact, if you asked her, the Great and Powerful Trixie had a perfect life.

So it was less understandable how her attitude became so aggressive towards the world. How willpower became sloth. How self-improvement gave way to arrogance. Maybe it was how she was raised, always an outsider. Maybe it was the lack of an actual family till adulthood.

Maybe she had been so long at the bottom that now she didn't know what to do on top.


Yeah, this is not a story of endless success. If it was, there wouldn't be an actual story to tell, wouldn't it? And stop pretending you don't know what will happen now, we all know! Every f*cking body knows it!

Ponyville, the confrontation, that pair of morons, that friggin' Ursa. All culminating in the loss of a home and the life attached to it.

Let-- let's just get over that part.



Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria. It’s over. Trixie's life is done. Her trip has finally reached its end. Final destination: The bottom.

Trixie Lulamoon, Successful magician extraordinaire. She had money, fame and a purpose in life. A good set of accomplishments for a pony who just reached her twenties. A legacy a mare could be proud of...

Gone. One mistake, one bad placed act and one tale going horribly wrong.

At first it was the money. The years in the road had made her very careful on how to keep her savings. Not risking having it all in one single place, Trixie had an account with a fair share of money in case of emergencies. The papers needed to access it were provably destroyed under the debris of her old home. By when she finally managed to probe that those bits were in fact her bits, taxes, insurances and fees reduced the savings of years into something that would barely last a couple of months. And not even that.

The, the fame. Trixie always enjoyed being in the spotlight, it gave her the comfort of knowing that her life had a meaning. But not anymore. Now, being the center of attention had become a nightmare. The brightest stars are the ones that consume the faster, or so say the belief, and Trixie witnessed how the cheers became boos, how a whole life of actually working hard and doing things right was now completely eclipsed by her mistakes.

Finally her purpose, her call in life, the one thing she wanted to do with her life, her destiny. Shattered.

She tried once, twice, trice, over and over again. First she tried getting back to the theaters in Manehatten, starting with the Mask of Vendetta, where she got her first performance. But no one wanted the bad publicity that her name carried. Then it was the streets turn. She started there and she was now back to her roots. Everywhere, from Trottingham to Fillydelphia, she met the coldness of indifference. Her old acts, the new ones, the classic and the one she herself created, all ignored. Nopony was willing to give her even a second glance, much less a chance.



Trixie discovered what the real meaning of hell was.

An endless dessert without anything else? No. A place of coldness and an eternal storm? Nope. The bottomless abyss of myths? Not even close. Fire and brimstone? She wished it was that simple. Banished away in solitude? Trapped in stone? Reduced to a shadow? Hell is nothing like that!

Hell is surviving without living. Hell is to have every mention towards your name to be a curse or a mockery. Hell is to wake up every morning, knowing it's not going to get any better until going back to sleep again. Hell is waking up every Celestia damn day and not even knowing why you're here.

Hell is the complete and full knowledge that, despite how much you try to deny it, how much you try to reason it, how much it angers and scares you to admit.

It's all my fault.
