• Published 14th Nov 2014
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Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

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To Care is Human

To Care is Human: by Xero Key

A female anthromorphic butterfly runs through a forest in a panic. “Over there!” A deep voice calls out as she hides in a bush. A gloved hand covers her mandibles, a glove with yellow swirls on it. The hand turns the buttersfly’s head back to show the helmet of the Yellow Harmony Ranger.

Power Rangers

The day before

Canterlot High was busy as the second semester of the year ended its second week. The indie rock band Rainbooms, more commonly known as the Power Rangers, were dreading the first full week of classes and homework. The only one not in fear of failure was Fluttershy.

“I don’t know how you do it Flutters. The rest of us lose sleep fighting, homework, work-work, the ridiculous amount of charities we do, concerts, recording sessions, and training. Yet you get grades and…*yawn*…not be exhausted.” Rainbow commented as they left the school.

“Oh, it’s really easy. Meditation comes so naturally in this life.” Fluttershy responded.

“’This life?’”

“I’m Buddhist.”

“You fight and blow things up.”

“I can take some bad karma if others are made safe.”

The two Rangers walked downtown in silence until they came to a clothing store with a monster inside…shopping? “I, Mademoiselle Monarch, do declare that these are fine dresses. Do you take gold?”

“Well if you got fillings, you can pay with those once we knock ‘em out of your mouth!” Monarch turned and saw the Red and Yellow Rangers morphed in the doorway.

“Seriously? Do you see any Terrorvons? I’m just shopping.”

“You’re a bug, why do you need to shop for a dress?”

“I like to look good, like any girl.”

Rainbow scoffed but before she spoke up, Fluttershy was over by Monarch. “Uhh, Flutters? What are you doing?”

Fluttershy’s helmet turned to Dash. “She isn’t doing anything evil. If we just stay with her we can make sure nothing happens.” She demorphed and started looking at dresses with Monarch.

Dash raised her hand to her helmet. “Uh, Red to base. We have a possible 0-20 on 12th and Trot.”

”What did you just say?” Vinyl asked.

“A monster is not attacking people and Fluttershy has roped herself into a shopping trip.”


“Yeah. Put Sunset on.” Dash looked over to Fluttershy and Monarch, who appeared to be air measuring Dash’s figure before directing the store operator to Rainbow, who waved her off. Elevator music was playing over the communicator. “Seriously?” The operator slowly moved around Dash, moving her arms and measuring her.

”Rainbow, you there?” Sunset’s voice came over the communicator.

“Yeah, and I think I just got a dress.”

“Vinyl filled me in and after checking your camera…”

“We have cameras?”

“Yes, now just go along with Fluttershy’s plan. If Nightmare Moon messed up…you know, not full evil…we can get some info on where she is.”

Dash looked over at Fluttershy and Monarch as they paid for dresses, one of which they held up to her. “10-4.” Dash demorphed and grudgingly walked over to them. ’At least it’s red.’

What followed was a long shopping trip in which Rainbow Dash was subjected to spa treatments, fancy restraunts, and upper class socializing. As the night came to an end at a penthouse party, Dash finally spoke up. “Really? This is Rarity’s thing. And, oh yeah, monster?” She gestured to where Monarch was flirting, successfully, with businessmen.

“She didn’t want to hurt anyone. If a little kindness can turn a monster good. Then we are changing things.” Fluttershy said fondly. A sudden scream grabbed their attention. Walking off from the balcony pool was Adagio.

“Well well, Mademoiselle. A party that you didn’t invite your dear Aunt Adagio to?” Monarch started to back up towards the elevator, when she was grabbed by Terrorvons. “Now now. Running away from family isn’t nice? Bring her.” As the Terrorvons dragged Monarch out, Adagio walked up to the Rangers. “You’re lucky we came for her and not you. Unmorphed and in dresses, would have been too easy.” Adagio walked back out to the balcony, only to be blindsided by a flying kick from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took Monarch by the arm and they jumped off the balcony, a flash of yellow light signifying that Fluttershy had morphed during the fall and saved both of them.

The next day a Minotaur is leading a Terrorvon squadron through a forest. “Over here!” it shouts as a blink of orange passes b his vision. In a bush, Fluttershy is holding a hand over Monarch’s mouth. She raises a finger to the plate of her mask, telling her to remain quiet.

After they were sure the patrol had left they snuck out of the forest. They were able to reach a clearing where Fluttershy demorphed. “Why are you helping me?” Monarch panted out. “It can’t be just because of one day.”

“You weren’t doing anything, except being scary because, well…giant butterfly.” Fluttershy said timidly. “I thought a little kindness would be good for you.”

Monarch was at a loss for words. She raised herself up to give Fluttershy a hug but was struck by an energy arrow, and fell into Fluttershy’s arms. Behind them, the patrol had caught up. The Minotaur was just lowering a crossbow. Fluttershy looked down to the being in her arms. “Don’t worry, you’ll be okay.” She readied her morpher. “Power rangers! Harmonize!”

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

Fluttershy led off a kick to the Minotaur’s center, followed by three quick jabs to its legs. Before the monster could retaliate, Fluttershy fired a burst of energy from her blaster into the Minotaur’s jaw. “Rock and Load!” Fluttershy summoned her Tambourine and began used it like a hula hoop. The flowers of the field swirled around her in a tornado. The Minotaur was tossed into the air and cut by thousands of tiny blades. The monster exploded in mid-air.

When Fluttershy landed, as the monster grew, she found Monarch unconscious on the ground. A screech of an engine overhead indicated that Dash and the other Rangers were there. Rarity and Pinkie Pie spun their vehicles so that they were driving backwards into Applejack’s. The fire truck the extended its rear parts and moved its twin blasters forwards, then the motorcycle and tank extended parts of themselves to attach to the truck. The truck then suddenly braked as the two new parts accelerated, lifting the truck into the air in which it turned around and a head popped out of the top of the new torso. The jet and helicopter flipped themselves till they were perpendicular to the ground, and their fronts twisted in on themselves to reveal hands. As the two attached and formed arms, the wings crossed each other over the chest to create a breast plate. The head then glowed as a black helmet and facemask appeared. The Rangers then were teleported into the head with a five person cockpit. As one they shouted “Harmony Megazord!”

“Why do you fight for a being of darkness?” Nightmare Moon, through the Minotaur asked. A double of voices ringing across the forest.

“Because she didn’t do anything to harm anyone. There is nothing but good in her. And I will not let you hurt an innocent!” A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy and came to settle on the unconscious Monarch. Her body took on a more feminine shape and became yellow-metallic. The new Monarch spread her wings and grew to the size of a zord.

“Thank you for protecting me Fluttershy, but now I shall protect you my friend.” Monarch’s translucent wings began to shine with a rainbow light and with a single flap of her wings destroyed the Minotaur.

Later, at the command center, Monarch had shrunken down to the size of an adult human, her wings forming a cape. “I promise to help you all whenever you need it.” She said.

“I know.” Fluttershy said, putting her hand out. Dash followed suit and put hers on Fluttershy’s, followed by the rest of the Rangers, Sunset, and Vinyl.

“Go Go Power Rangers!”