• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,279 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

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Illusion, Ride On!

Illusion, Ride On!: by Xero Key

It was an unusual day at Canterlot High. Unusual in the fact that there was no giant monster currently wrecking the city, and five girls looked like they may be able to make up all of their absences with one assignment. The Power Rangers were working on a group project in what had been practically dedicated as their band room.

“Finally, just one day where we aren’t fighting for our lives.” Rainbow Dash said. “I may like being a Ranger and helping people, but Geez!” She leaned back in her chair, taking the front two legs off the ground and balanced off the bottom of deask.

“I quite agree darling. My reputation has never been more successful for commissioned work, but I would enjoy a little more peace and quiet.” Rarity said while typing at her laptop.

“No kidding. Big Mac had to chase off some reporters a week ago. We’re still pretty sure one of them is camping somewhere on the orchard.” Applejack sighed shaking her wrist to will away the pain of typing for so long.

“It’s not too bad.” Fluttershy said while drinking some tea.

“Oh come on Flutters. That’s just because you do so well in class that no cares when you miss.” Pinkie Pie said as Fluttershy blushed.

Dash fell forward suddenly. “Hey anyone seen Sunset?”

On cue Sunset Shimmer entered the room, by slamming the door open. She stalked to her usual work station and dropped herself into the chair, her head falling into her hands. “I lost the designs for the morphers.” She said before the others could ask what was wrong. “I was taking them the Patent Office and I lost them on the way there.”

“Don’t you have back-ups?” Applejack asked.


“And aren’t we the ones who can use ‘em?”

“True. But I can’t say someone couldn’t figure it out. Someone like…”

“Behold! The Great Illusionist! The Best Hero to Ever Exist!” A smug voice shouted from outside. The girls went to the window and saw their self-proclaimed rival Trixie Lulamoon standing on a soapbox, with a very distinct gauntlet on wrist that looked like a card reader and an oversized belt buckle.

Sunset’s eyes narrowed. “Trixie.”

Power Rang “Not this time. Trixie is the star now!” Kamen Rider: Illusion

Going outside, Trixie taunted the Rangers. “You know, there are suddenly Five too many superheroes in Canterlot City. Let’s narrow it down to One!”

“What do you mean Trix?” Pinkie asked while eating a handful of Trix cereal.

“Trixie hates that joke.” She incredulously. “But no matter. I mean this!” Trixie then took a card from her belt buckle, one that had the appearance of a stage magician outfit imprinted on it, and brought the wrist with her gauntlet forward. “Great Illusion!” She then swiped the card through the device and a robotic voice shouted from it ”Ride On!”.

Trixie on a stage throws the card forward and it grows in size till it is large enough to step through like a portal. The portal pulls back onto Trixie as she holds her arms out to her sides. She passes through the portal, coming out in light blue armor. A helmet like Akibranger Blue2 on her head with a metallic top hat. Her chest becomes an armored version of a stage magician outfit, with a red bowtie turning into a broach for her cape. Her left arm gaining a silver gauntlet while her right arm with the morpher gains a shield around the device. Her belt buckle gains a five pointed purple star and her legs copy her left arm. She then poses with her arms diagonal of each other in a devil horns position..

“I am Kamen Rider: Great Illusionist! And I don’t think this city needs Power Rangers anymore.” The Rangers backed up in shock. Before they could respond, Terrorvons and a bear in samurai armor appeared and attacked. “Well well well, the perfect opportunity to show off my skills.” Trixie immediately leapt into battle, knocking six Terrorvons back with a simple back fist.

“Woah. She’s good.” Dash admitted.

“Now Bear, I’d draw this out, but I like making my point early on.” Trixie took a card from her belt, this time one of Kamen Rider Kuuga and a flaming leg. She swiped it through her card reader ”Kuuga Nuclear Kick!” The card then started to glow and floated out of Trixie’s hand, landing in a slot that opened up on her leg which was then engulfed in flames. Trixie then leapt high into the air before pointing her flaming leg down at the bear and launching a dive kick. With a primal scream, Trixie made impact on the monster, releasing enough energy to cause a mushroom cloud. When the smoke cleared, there was no damage to the city from the blast, but the bear was sparking with electricity. “Oh no, No giants today!” Trixie said taking off her top hat. She the pointed it at the bear, and a vacuum sound sucked it in. With a flourish, Trixie placed the hat back on her helmet and a card with the bear imprinted on it popped out of the top, which Trixie easily caught. “Hmm.” Turning around Trixie saw that the Rangers were standing in awe of what had just happened.

Dash was the first to come out of her stupor. “Hey uh Trixie? You know how Power Rangers teams have six members?” Back by the school Sunset Shimmer grit her teeth. “Do you, maybe, want to be ours?” Dash asked.

Trixie, still morphed, calmly put her new card in her belt buckle before leveling a very obvious deadpan stare through her mask at Rainbow Dash. “Kamen Riders work alone Crash. Besides, my attacks don’t harm the city unlike yours.” She waved her hand towards downtown where six different cranes where visible in the skyline. “The Power Rangers are obsolete compared to me! Get used it.” And with that, Trixie snapped her fingers and a motorcycle drove itself up to her. She got on and sped off into the…suddenly appearing sunset?

“Uh, Isn’t it noon?” Applejack asked. As soon as Trixie had vanished the sky returned to normal. The girls just shrugged then walked over to Sunset. “Didn’t think anyone could make morphers like that.”

Sunset glared out towards Trixie’s last location. “Neither did I.”

Nightmare Moon and the Dazzlings watched the fight from the scrying pool. “Uh, this is the worst. Now we have another hero to worry about.” Aria scoffed.

“That outfit is hideous.” Sonata said.

“I remember her. She’s Trixie, the one who trapped the Rainbooms for us. Great, she’ll probably come after us specifically.” Adagio complained.

“I think we can use this.” Nightmare said getting hup from her throne. “Even as a card, I can still sense my monster’s power.” Walking over to the scrying pool, Nightmare gained a predatory smile. With a wave of her hand the image focused on Trixie’s belt buckle. “Defeated in combat as not even a chore, use their strength! It is Yours!” And her scythe dipped into the pool. Trixie, now demorphed and at home, didn’t notice the glow of negative light that briefly took over her belt buckle before vanishing.

A water monster that looks like Chaos from Sonic Adventure attacks the beach. The Rangers try and stop it but are forced back. Trixie appears and uses the card of the bear monster. ”Bear Strong!” and the card lands in a slot where her bowtie was. With an uncrossing of her arms, the image of bear appears behind her and blows away the water monster. She has her hat transform it into a card, poses for pictures and autographs, then rides away leaving the Rangers to sulk.

A monster that looks like King Kittan from Gurren Lagan attacks the park, and the Rangers aren’t able to stop this one either. ”Water Snare!”. A long black arm with a card attached to a simple silver gauntlet wraps around the star-like monster, before slamming it around. The monster is the dragged into Trixie’s hat and she leaves with a flourish of her cape.

A giant cheetah stomps around the city and knocks the Megazord off balance. ”Star Fall!”. The Megazord looked up into the sky and saw a slowly falling Trixie, cape flowing behind her, launching beams of energy from her morpher hand. Just as the opposing monster blew up, the energy was sucked away into Trixie’s hat.

The next monster was a bomb with legs. The Rangers had just morphed when Trixie came out of nowhere. ”Beast Speed!”. She fired off a blue of kicks with a single leg, destroying the monster and absorbing, before zooming off.

“I have had it!” Rarity said throwing her helmet down onto the floor of the command center. “Every time we show up, she’s always there taking the victory, and making it look easy! We have bled and lost, and then she just waltzes in here like she owns the place? I say nay!”

Applejack nodded solemnly, helmet off but still morphed. “It aint right. She’s just in it for the glory anyway.”

Vinyl noticed a change on the screen. “Hey guys. We got a call.” She pressed a button and Trixie, at an autograph session, appeared on the main view screen.

”Hello Rangers. Listen, you really need to stay out of my way, I can’t civilians be caught in the crossfire of my fights. Hero and all that. So since you won’t just give up your morphers, how about a Versus? You five against me in the old quarry, winner stays the Canterlot City hero, losers don’t fight again. See you in two hours, if you aren’t chicken.” The crowd behind Trixie started to cheer as the image turned off. The Rangers turned to Sunset, her eyes hidden by her bangs.

She raised her head. “Get moving.”

The Rangers jeep pulled into the quarry, seeing Trixie there leaning on her motorcycle unmorphed. “So you showed up, good. I didn’t want this to be boring.” She said taking the Magician card from her buckle. “Now, what was that phrase you use? Oh yes. It’s Morphin’ Time!


. “Great Illusion!” She then swiped the card through the device and a robotic voice shouted from it ”Ride On!”.

Trixie on a stage throws the card forward and it grows in size till it is large enough to step through like a portal. The portal pulls back onto Trixie as she holds her arms out to her sides. She passes through the portal, coming out in light blue armor. A helmet like Akibranger Blue2 on her head with a metallic top hat. Her chest becomes an armored version of a stage magician outfit, with a red bowtie turning into a broach for her cape. Her left arm gaining a silver gauntlet while her right arm with the morpher gains a shield around the device. Her belt buckle gains a five pointed purple star and her legs copy her left arm. She then poses with her arms diagonal of each other in a devil horns position..

“Power Rangers! Harmonize!”

A red light pulsed out of Rainbow’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-red glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a thunderstorm and lighting stuck each of her limbs as she punched and kicked, creating her uniform. A final bolt struck her head at the same time a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Streaks of electricity jolted between he fingers as she posed as she had just finished a guitar solo.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

Trixie smirked beneath her mask. “How about a game? Five Card Draw to be specific.” She drew five cards from her belt buckle and showed them to the Rangers, revealing the monsters she had beaten. She swiped all of them through her morpher rapidly. ”Bear Strong! Water Snare! Beast Speed! Star Fall! Bomb Leg!”. The five cards flew up and landed in slots on both legs, her left arm, morpher shield, and chest.

Trixie sped in close and sent a single kick that caused a massive explosion. She then knocked the Rangers further back with an energy wave that looked like a bear. She grabbed Fluttershy and flung her into the sky with her stretched arms, before shooting her with the star-energy. “Alright, enough of this. Girls, Rock and Load!” Dash ordered.

The Rangers summoned their weapons and unleashed their combined attack. Trixie flipped her hat off and absorbed the blast, creating a card with a five colored sphere on it. “Thanks for the trick Rangers. I think I’ll borrow it for a while!” She swiped the new card through the reader ”Rock and Load!” and the new card flew up and attached itself to the front of her hat. Nightmare Moon smiled as this happened and slammed the butt of her scythe to her throne room floor. The five monster cards began to glow and cause Trixie pain as they and the Ranger’s energy card flew away to form a monster. It looked like a ten foot tall bear made of the night sky, and spotted armor made of metal. “What is that? No matter, I’ll deal with it.” Trixie performed a flying kick to the Ursa but was swatted aside, her morpher knocked off and broken as she demorphed.

The Rangers fired off another blast from their weapons, but the Ursa ate the energy and sent it right back at them, knocking them around. “Okay, we need a new plan.” Dash said.

”How about pure sound?” Vinyl suggested over the comm system. Then flying down from the sky was a miniaturized jet version of Vinyl’s transforming car. ”Say hello to the Wub Cannon. Lock in your guns and hit him with a wall of Wub!”

The Cannon transformed into a tuning fork attached to a bazooka and two speakers. The Rangers put their blasters in and leveled it at the Ursa. “

“Ready!” Pinkie and Fluttershy.

“Aim!” Applejack and Rarity.

“Fire!” Dash commanded and a wall of sound burst from the weapon with a rainbow wake. The blast knocked the beast back until it exploded.

“My Queen, aren’t you going to make it grow?” Adagio asked as Nightmare Moon left the throne room.

“The Energy to do so was wasted on creating that beast. Besides, I know what I need now.”

After the Rangers’ brief panic as to why the monster didn’t grow, they took Trixie and her morpher back to her house, where Sunset was waiting. “What have we learned Trixie?” She asked.

“Don’t get overconfident?” Sunset merely raised an eyebrow, her arms crossed. “Don’t try and do something I can’t just because I’m jealous.” Trixie sighed out.

“Close enough.” Sunset admitted. “I’m okay with you having a morpher, but being a Ranger is being part of a team. If you ever fix that up, ’I hope you don’t’, the team will be glad to take you.”

“Thank you Sunset Shimmer. But I think my Rider days are done, for now at least.” Sunset nodded and went to the Rangers’ jeep. As it drove off Trixie looked at her broken morpher, still in its armored state, and went inside. An hour or so later her doorbell rang.

“So Miss. Lulamoon?” A suave British voice asked. “I understand you know how to make a morpher.”

Author's Note:

Second chapter in a week. So who was the mysterious man at the end? I'd like to see you guys guess. Next chapter is Rarity centered and introduces EG!Twilight to the Rangers.