• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 3,279 Views, 280 Comments

Rainbow Sentai Harmonyranger - Xero Key

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Old Wounds

Old Wounds: by Xero Key

Rainbow Dash was walking down the street of Canterlot’s entertainment district, when she saw a crowd gathered outside a store but not going in, blocked off by what Rainbow guessed would be police tape judging by the police cars waiting in the street with lights flashing. Curiosity getting the better of her, Rainbow came closer and saw that it was a Super Sentai curio shop, one of many that had appeared since her and the other Rangers began crime fighting.

“Third shop this week. Think someone has it out for the Rangers?” One officer asked another.
“At least one specifically.”

“Um, excuse me? Who’s got it out for us?” Rainbow asked the officers. They jumped a little in surprise and when they fully took notice of her, one of the officers went inside. When he came back a detective was with him.

“Ma’am, you’re the Red Ranger right?” Rainbow nodded. “You should probably come inside.”

Rainbow was brought under the police line and taken into the shop. The glass from the broken window was everywhere, numerous statues and toys flung about and broken, claw marks scraping across the walls. “Normally I wouldn’t let a civilian into a crime scene, but considering this is the third time this has happened, I think the Rangers needed to be aware.” The detective spoke up. “Notice anything about the destruction?” Rainbow Dash glanced around, but shook her head. The detective then picked up one of the destroyed toys, a Red Gingaman/Galaxy mask with three tears through its visor like claw marks, and handed it to Rainbow. “Now see?” Rainbow looked at the mask in her hands and then around the destroyed shop, and she did see.

Everything that was broken was a Red Ranger or Red focused. “You said this was the third time. Did the other shops only have destroyed Red stuff?” The detective nodded.

“We think this is something specific, can you guess what?”

Rainbow looked down at the mask in her hands, the three tears stirring something at the edge of her memory. “A message.” She said.

Power Rangers

“Only Red Ranger items?” Sunset asked after Rainbow explained the situation while at the Youth Center.

“Yeah. I think someone has a grudge against me.”

“Well I do, for not talking to me!” A voice called out across the room. Looking up, Dash saw a white haired girl with yellow eyes in a leather jacket. She had three piercings on her left ear and a predatory smile. “So, what’s with radio silence dweeb?”

“Gilda?” Dash ran up and hugged her, Gilda’s smile softening as she returned it. “I thought you moved away?”

“Yeah I did. But then I hear about you fighting giant monsters as a freakin’ Power Ranger! What are you, six?”

“Excuse me.” Sunset interrupted. “But I made the Ranger powers, don’t mock them.”

“Yeah, so what?”

“Easy, both of you. Sunset, this is my old friend Gilda. Gilda, this is Sunset Shimmer, ex-super villain and Ranger coordinator.” Gilda raised an eyebrow at the ‘ex-super villain’ part. “Long story. Anyway, why don’t we hang out and catch up. I know a place we can…” Suddenly Dash’s morpher and Sunset’s phone went off.

Vinyl Scratch’s voice came through. ”Head’s up. We got Terrorvons attacking a soccer game in the park.”

“Sorry Gilda. Duty calls.” Dash ran out the building to her motorcycle outside.

“Tch. Always running off.” Gilda said. Then she turned slightly and saw Sunset glaring at her. “What do you want?”

“I’m watching you. I get the feeling you aren’t here to catch up, and if you hurt Dash in any way, you’ll get a firsthand look at my ‘Long Story’.” Sunset then stalked out of the Youth Center, Gilda’s eyes shining with anger, before looking at a clock and smirking.

At the park, the Rangers were easily pushing back the Terrorvons, holding a conversation as they did so. “So Dashie, can we play with your old pal Gilda?”

“Pinkie, she’s always been anti-social, except with me. Heck the last time I saw, she’s just gotten out of the hospital.”

“Oh my, what happened?”

“We were stupid kids who messed with a wild animal. Her face got scratched and then she moved away. I’m just glad she healed so well honestly. I didn’t see in scars.”

Suddenly a bolt of energy struck the ground in front of the Rangers and knocked them back. Descending from the sky was a humanoid gryphon. It was gold and black in color, with a long black mane coming out of a crow like mask on its face. “Skreeeee!” A loud cry came from its mouth and sent the Rangers flying. Its glowing green eyes focused on Rainbow Dash and attacked her, ignoring the other Rangers.

Dash fought the creature as best as it could, but was barely doing any damage. Every time the others tried to help, they were outnumbered by Terrorvons and couldn’t get to her. Up on a nearby hill, Adagio looked down on the Rangers and smiled. “Well, it seems our little pet does have a grudge after all. Mistress will be pleased.”

The Terrorvons vanished, allowing the Rangers to rush to Dash’s side and the Gryphon took off into the sky, screeching in a sound of agony. Dash followed its flight until it disappeared, a look of puzzled recognition on her face.

Over the next few days, Rainbow Dash never showed up to fight monsters, which was fortunately not needed as it was always Terrorvons pulling pranks or doing petty theft for one of the Dazzlings, none of the Sirens staying to fight. Sunset found out that Dash had been spending her time with Gilda and she was not happy.

“Are just abandoning your team? The powers don’t fully work without all five of you!” Sunset yelled to Rainbow Dash while they were in the command center. “You have the power of Loyalty! Show some!”

“I am!” Dash yelled back.

“Yes to Gilda. A girl with a criminal record for animal abuse. Nice choice.”

“It’s more complicated than that.” Dash sighed. “Look, I’m not just using this time to catch up with Gilda. We’re walking around town and I’m keeping an eye for where that gryphon might attack next.”

“What do you mean?”

“Three Sentai shops with only Red Ranger items destroyed. A soccer match for a team I used to play for attacked. The gryphon is specifically targeting me. Gilda knew all my old hangouts, so with us reminiscing she might point out a possible target.”

“That doesn’t explain why you left the team alone in combat.”

“Terrorvons. Fluttershy can beat ten of them unmorphed these days. If the Dazzlings stay or a real monster shows up, then I’m right by their side. But for now I need to make sure the gryphon doesn’t target civilians I may know to get to me.”

Sunset looked unsure, but relented. “The moment a real threat shows up, be there. Got it?” Dash nodded and went down to the vehicle bay for her motor cycle.

That night at a Sentai shop that had been repaired, the gryphon did return, breaking the main window and headed straight for a mannequin of Dash’s costume, until the mannequin grabbed the gryphon’s wrist. “Not happening buddy.”

In the darkened shop, Dash was able to fight it off, slightly breaking the creature’s mask, showing three scars on its face. Dash staggered backwards, an image of a glaring Gilda with bandages on her face filling her head. “Gilda?” The gryphon pushed Dash back with its wing and took off into the night. “What happened to you?”

The next morning Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity were fighting off Terrorvons unmorphed in a quarry owned by Pinkie’s parents. “Why do your parents own this place if it’s never used darling?” Rarity asked.

“I dunno. But it’s nice and out of the way for fights huh?” The others agreed. The sounds of thunder and a darkening sky signaled that an early morning storm was coming. A loud cry pierced the sky and the Terrorvons vanished, giving room for the gryphon to land.

“All alone Rangers?” It asked in a voice half like a roar and half like a screech. “Too bad, but then Red never was that faithful to friends.”

“We don’ need her to beat you. It’s four on one! Ready girls?” Applejack said and the others nodded. “It’s Morphin Time!” “Power Rangers! Harmonize!”

A green light pulsed from Applejack’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-green glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind was a desert canyon and rocks and pebbles landed on her limbs as she stomped and punched. A boulder landed on her head as a loud neigh was heard. With a final stomp, she posed in a boxing stance.

A blue light pulsed from Rarity’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-blue glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was an expansive ocean and streams of water struck her limbs as she danced over the surface. A wave of water crashed into her head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. A ripple pulsed from beneath her as she posed like a dancer awaiting applause.

A pink light pulsed from Pinkie’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-pink glow, leaving her head and over the top smile exposed. Appearing behind her was the tops of clouds in which she cartwheeled a bounced around, causing tufts to fly off her and create her uniform. She stuck her head in a cloud and pulled it out as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. She then posed with her hands stretched out as if saying ‘don’t talk to me’ to two people.

A yellow light pulsed from Fluttershy’s Morpher as her body was covered in a white-yellow glow, leaving her head exposed. Appearing behind her was a field of flowers and petals landed on each of her limbs as she spun around. A final burst of petals encircled he head as a loud neigh was heard, causing her helmet to appear. Flower petals flew about her as she posed similar to a ballerina.

Before they could fight however, the gryphon launched itself at them so fast it became a blur, rapidly moving between them and knocking them around but still rooting them in one position. When the gryphon stopped, the girls were forcibly demorphed. A cage of green energy surrounded them controlled by Adagio Dazzle. “Well done. If this doesn’t draw the Red Ranger, I don’t know what will.”

The gryphon merely chucked before glowing a negative light and shrinking. When the light faded, Gilda was standing in its place, with three black scars like burned wood standing out on her face. “If she shows up. Get the camera ready.”

At Canterlot High, Sunset and Dash wondered where the other Rangers were. “This doesn’t make any sense. Terrorvons shouldn’t cause them to be late.” Sunset said checking her phone.

“My morpher hasn’t gone off either.” Dash said, then shot up her head. “Gilda! She must have them!”

“Are you sure? You only said the gryphon’s scars matched the damage done to the different items. How do you know it is her?”

“Because..” Dash was cut off as a nearby student’s laptop sprung to life, showing Adagio Dazzle, the captured Rangers, and Gilda in a quarry.

Attention Red Ranger. It’s time we settle our score” Gilda said with a sneer. “Come to the old quarry in one hour and pay for your crimes against me. Or prove you’re just as un-Loyal as I remember and leave them to their fate. Either way, you lose.” The transmission cut off and before Sunset could advise Dash, she was gone and already on her motorcycle.

At the quarry, the Rangers were silent and Adagio was sulking. “You know villains are supposed to monologue, but you won’t even ask why we’re doing this. Stupid Genre Savvy heroes.”

“We’re doing this Siren because I want revenge on Dash. She told how we were ‘attacked’ by a wild animal? Well, we did the attacking. On a neighbor’s dog that was bothering everyone and was practically rabid without having rabies. But the dog was never put down because guess what, its owner ran Animal Control. So we decided to protect everyone and put it down. We did and I got these damn scars because of it, but that’s the price you pay for heroics. Then Dash went to the police and told them what happened, so as soon as I got out of the hospital I was arrested and she got off scott free.”

“Finish the story Gilda!” Dash called out across the quarry. “Why don’t you tell them about how you had constantly antagonized the dog and used chemicals to make it feral. Or about how you did it because the owner was investigating you for the recent animal deaths in the area. You made his dog a monster so he would be humiliated, then used me to get rid of the evidence. I didn’t go to jail because I made a deal with the police. You deserved it.”

“Ain’t you ever heard that ‘Friends bail you out, best friends sit in the cell with you’? You should have been there!”

“We are friends Gilda, but now I see what everyone else saw, what you show to everyone now. You are a monster. And I’m bringing you down.”

A bolt of lightning and a crack of thunder signaled the downpour that had been building, and for Dash and Gilda to launch at each other, as if in slow motion. Their blows as humans barely staggering each other and only tossed up the growing mud. Gilda landed a punch to Dash's jaw the same time Dash did the same to Gilda, knocking them both back. Grappling each other, they threw each other towards the canyon wall. Rainbow got there back first and Gilda began punching relentlessly. Dash was able to kick Gilda's legs out from under her and make her fall, and then Dash started her punches. Gilda launched a quick hook and knocked Dash off.

Gilda transformed into her gryphon state. “I will destroy you and the other Rangers! No matter what Nightmare Moon wants! Skreeeee!” Rainbow Dash didn’t respond, only reveal the button on her morpher and press it. Dash was covered in a red light that quickly faded and showing Dash fully morphed.

“I’m sorry Gilda.” Dash relented. “But right now, I can’t let you hurt anyone else.” She held out her hand and willed her guitar to appear. In a quick riff, red lighting struck Grypha and Adagio, knocking Adagio out while freeing the Rangers, and a whirl of wind sucked Grypha and Rainbow Dash into the sky. Dash held her guitar with two hands by the handle, so that the axe blades where above her head. A bolt of lightning charged it and Dash flew into Grypha, slashing with her electric axe and causing an explosion.

Nightmare watched the battle from her scrying pool and did not acknowledge Adagio’s appearance in the room. In the pool, she could see Grypha crash but still be alive, and the Red Ranger ignoring the other’s congratulations of victory. “Hmmm. Darkness of the heart, let it not be in vain. Raise this creature to fight again.” And with that, Nightmare tapped her scythe to the image of Grypha and caused ripple in the pool.

Grypha stood up to face the Rangers and began to grow to giant size. Hearing footsteps behind her, the Megazord was ready to fight. In its cockpit Dash sat in her seat like a captain. “I couldn’t help you then, and now I have to fight you now. You may hate me…But I will save you from this!” A bright light shone from Dash and shield appeared in the Megazord’s hands. It was a red lightning bolt with two bird wings facing upwards. The wings extended to make the shield into a boomerang. The Megazord through it at Grypha and caused her to spin in a cyclone, being struck by lightning as she rotated. The Megazord’s Rotor Blade extended from its yellow arm and pulled back from a stab. Just before the attack launched, Dash leapt from the cockpit and landed on the blades tip, riding it as it struck Grypha. As the explosion began, Dash grabbed a human Gilda that was chained by black sludge and pulled her free, diving from the exploding monster. Rainbow Dash saw that Gilda was not breathing, so she took her helmet off quickly and attempted to resuscitate her as the rain fell.

“So she’s in a coma.” Sunset stated the next day in the command center.

“Yeah.” Said Dash. “The doctors don’t know if the transformations did it, the shcok from me pulling her out forcibly, or what. I bet if we beat this ‘Nightmare Moon’ she’ll get better. Any idea who that is.”

“Indeed.” Sunset and Dash turned around as a purple girl walked in. “She’s a ghostly entity that was once attached to Princess Luna. She feeds on negative energy and uses your doubts to possess you.”

“Princess Twilight?” They both asked.

“Yes. I’m not here for long. I just felt I needed to bring you details of many of the threats I’ve faced. Nightmare was not the most powerful, but she used one of my friends as a host in one of her attacks. If she’s targeting you, it’s possibly someone close to you.”

In a laboratory not far away, a similar girl looks at a wall of notes and pictures focusing on the one of Canterlot High. “Soon, I’ll know exactly what’s going on there, and how the Power Rangers are part of it.”

Author's Note:

Next chapter is my Boast Busters. I can do things out of order if I wanted to. And EG!Twilight is coming to town too. Princess Twilight won't be in many chapters, simply because season five is coming up and she'll be busy. but when she is there, she will be more than exposition, this was just to show that I can use her if I choose too.